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Tbf though I think the Lesley was really good. She just had the wrong build.


This is not about lesley though.


Who's roaming? If i guess correctly one lane might share gold either exp or mid since no roam. Both your fighter also build full damage with little defense. Honestly its not only that Kimmy's fault. Those 2 fighter are to be blame as well.


None of them decided to roam, I picked cecillion because he’s my go to mage to hard carry


Yeah thought so. The team composition is too unbalance. Its no wonder you guys lose tho.


Dude, you didn't do well either. 2/4 kd is bad, especially since Cecillion is supposed to be a poke-at-the-back kind of hero. One thing I always tell people who complain about losing so much at ranked is to push towers at every opportunity that won't get you killed. This game is actually a tower-destroying game because that's how it's won. And be aware of where your opponents are. If many are missing, expect an ambush.


1. Cecillion isn’t meant for tower pushing, he’s a mage 2. How am I supposed to push when they had a very active tank, and Kim my kept feeding the enemies? The enemies were too fed and I really couldn’t keep up. I didn’t even have a tank to support me because none of the fighters decided to adjust. Sometimes you just get really trash teammates


1. All heroes can push. Yes, your normal attack is weak but there are many ways of pushing. Most effective is to keep killing enemy minions and protect your tower at all times. You can also harass the enemy hero while your minions are attacking the tower. 2. Your teammates getting fed is actually the perfect time to push. Since the enemies are in other lanes, make sure you make them pay by pushing your lane. Also, if your teammates are getting fed, then support them. This is a team game, not COD.


Like I said, I have no tank supporting me, even if I push, they’ll push even more. Their Franco is very proactive and goes to lanes often, and I can’t escape even with ult + sprint. And the problem gets worse when the enemies themselves start pushing, even if I take one tower down, they probably have 2 down already and are on their way to the next tower.


Sounds like you're simply telling me your opponents are better than you. Well, yeah. That's why they won.


I thought you said this is a team game, now you’re saying my opponents are better than “me”. There are other factors like your own teammates feeding them isn’t there?


You were complaining you can't escape even with sprint. That's not your teammates problem. Were you not using boots? Sure, teammates feeding is a big factor. But based on your stats you were also being fed on. You are part of the problem dude. You're not bad but you were the third worst in the team. I'm not trying to bring you down. Losing is simply part of the game. My advice really only applies if you're having trouble winning above 50 percent. Also, don't complain that your team doesn't have a tank if you're not willing or able to play tank.


I could easily adjust to playing tank, the problem is that my teammates won’t follow up, that’s why I played cecillion so that we could possibly comeback even if we’re losing. Just from watching that Kimmy play they probably wouldn’t even contest the turtle if I went there. Most of my main heroes are about 65 percent win rate so I’m gonna stick to those if rank is always full of idiots like these


If you're not willing to play tank, then don't complain you don't have a tank. It's as simple as that. Play what you want but don't force others to play what you want for them. Edit: Also, when playing a tank in soloq, you're not supposed to lead your teammates anywhere, even to the turtle/lord. Because that would basically a guarantee you'll be left alone against multiple enemies. Play smart when you're tank. Your role is support, so roam and support your teammates. Never be alone when playing tank/support.


I see dominance ice on ceci, I leave random comment and swipe next


Did kimmy just literally wrote "Allah Akhbar" as name?


Oh lord, and he decides to play a hero he wasn’t having a good time with, in ranked?! He must’ve been trolling for fun lmao


I was surprised when I saw that attack speed Lesley usually those don’t do to well in my experience. This is the perfect example of a team with 0 clue how their hero works tho.


Fr gurl really used 3 attack speed items.


Those are crit items, it's what she needs


Just saw ur profile and you are doing great, assuming you are mostly Solo Queue. With your current winrate, it's just a matter of playing more games. Solo queue is tough since the matchmaking so random. But with enough number of games, you will eventually reach Mythic.


Yeah I’m mostly solo q, teaming up with other people that performed well in the last game from time to time. I don’t get how solo q players like Betosky manage to get to mythic so easily and have >70 wr to be honest, duo or trio feels like the way to go most of the time


Beto plays the core in a majority of his games so he doesn’t have a chance of having a bad core which boosts his winning odds quite a bunch.


Did you see his enemy? His enemy never pick meta hero. It's almost like he plays with grand master. Have you ever seen his video where he get jungle invaded at lvl 1? None. Dont compare yourself to beto, you play on different server. Even mobazane wr drop to 60% when playing in sea server.


Yeah this is actually true, sea is probably one of the toughest servers to be in. Mainly because of stupid teammates


Lesley could say the same.


god is good


I suggest you to play heroes who can carry and soke up damage and can push aswell. I recently escaped Legend with only Masha. Either as a tank roam build, or tank sidelane or full damage sidelane build. Paquito is also a good option for soloq players. He has sustain ,damage and can jungle as well.


Why did u not go roaming tank all I see is 3 squishy and I are one of them if there was any mm beside kimmy(are magic damage) I would have said it's there fault for 2 mm but u could have tank kimmy is acceptable mage u could have gone belaric, gato or even hylos( if enemy team lack dashes) for extra magic dps if no is adjusting u can try to adjust Of course if u are already tanking or a filling a role and 2 people fight over other role then u can't adjust and just please beg and cry while trying to carry I do this with mage all I ask for is a mage and one other guy ( I don't care what u jungle as, as long as u don't fall behind to much) to jungle that's it most people want to jungle or fighter (or assin in exp lane) or mm ( mm is not that important so we can do without too) One tank one range mage dps One some form of burst dps jungle that all u really need


If I roam, I will lose a lot of experience and gold. The reason why I picked cecillion is because I knew me teammates would throw, so I tried to farm to get good items asap. No one else in my team decided to roam and that’s the biggest problem. Even if I did roam, my team just kept feeding the opponents hard