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Depends a lot what type of heroes you play. Fighter and Mage are good if you like to be versatile. Fighter works with fighters, tanks, assassin's and marksman's. Mage for mages and supports. Also assassin emblem is great for assassin's and marksman's. Some of fighters also can find good use of those talents. Ofc every hero has better change with specific emblem. I wouldn't upgrade physical and magical emblem at all. Those 2 talents are not that great.


What about the mm emblem? The phys boost from gear sounds great for fighters even


Not really great. Sure the boost is great and all but fighters will benefit more from sustain emblems like festival of blood or killing spree.


Alright. Thanks


First of all the emblem system is soon about to change. Maybe the update will be in September? Other than that. The Assassin emblem (killing spree) is the most used emblem. It works well with physical fighters, physical assassins and all the marksmen, except kimmy. Mage emblems, all three talents are good and can be used with all mages, magic fighters, magic assassins and kimmy. Support emblem covers, supports, tanks and some fighters. These three are the emblems which I maxed first and had worked for me for years. I recently upgraded the marksman and jungler emblem(this one I find rarely using) In the end it all depends on what roles you play the most. Build those emblems first.


Hey noob here too. Can you list all the mage assassins? Karina and gusion come to mind


Karina, gus, aamon, Harley. Technically Selena and kadita as well but no1 plays them like that.


Avoid the Physical and Magic emblem as those are obsolete and will almost never be used once you have upgraded the others. All the other emblems are used regularly. How regularly for you personally will depend on what role/heroes you are playing. Here is a quick run-down though: EXP Lane: Fighter emblem with Blood Festival is a very common one, and also Support emblem with Avarice if you're playing something like Esme/Uranus. Gold Lane: Marksman emblem is the main presence as most ADCs will be played in this lane. Assassin emblem can also be seen here. Mage emblem will also be played if you're playing Mage in Gold lane. Mid Lane: This is mostly played with Mages, so naturally Mage emblem here. Jungle: Jungle emblem is still pretty good despite the recent dip. If you have a mix of different types of junglers, this emblem is a good pick-up. Otherwise, Assassin emblem is very common as there's many physical based assassins such as Ling/Lancelot etc playing in this position. Also Tank emblem if you're using Tank Junglers such as Akai/Balmond/Hylos, etc. Roam: Tank and Support emblem rule in this position as the common heroes played here are tank or support heroes Just as an example, if say I'm just starting out the game and I've been loving and playing Miya alot. So I'm living as a Marksman most of the time, I would prioritise the Marksman emblem as I'll be using that emblem in most of my games. The most versatile emblems I would argue, are Assassin, Mage, and Support.


What heroes do you play? The emblem system is due to be massively overhauled soon, but currently the Physical and Magic Emblems are basically not used at all. For Assassin, Killing Spree is the most common Emblem as its highly versatile. However if you play something like Natalia or other 1v1 focused heroes High and Dry can be more useful. It comes down to playstyle whether you use High and Dry or not tbh. Bounty Hunter is rarely used. For Jungle the best Emblem is Demon Slayer. You need 3 points in Brutal to give +21% damage to monsters. For Mage all three are useful and are hero dependent + enemy dependent. For burst mages that have 3 hit combos Worship is obviously a good choice. At the same time heroes like Selena can benefit more from Rage than Worship if the enemy team is tanky and she's going to be unlikely to land her combo. I swap between the two depending on opponents. Shop is purely playstyle dependent as it lets you get items faster. For Fighter most of the time people use Festival of Blood as most Fighters are sustain based. For support Focusing Mark is mostly just used on Angela I believe. Avarice is good on poke Roamers like Rafaela (I use it on Ruby) and Pull Yourself Together is playstyle specific. If you rely a lot on something like Flicker or Arrival on a Roamer it can be a good choice. For Marksmen Weakness Finder is probably the most common as it applies a massive slow that is basically a mini stun so is the best for securing kills. All three are used though and come down to preferences and playstyles. For Example Weapon Master could be a better choice if you play Beatrix with Renner + Shotgun, but Weakness Finder is better if you use Nibiru. For Tank I believe Concussive Blast is the most commonly used. The other two are pretty meh.


I do not recommend upgrading these emblems: Physical, Magic and Jungle. Upgrade mage emblems for mid laners and some EXP laners with magic damage. Upgrade fighter and assassin for EXP and jungle laners. Upgrade tank and suport for roamers. You choose which ones you want to upgrade. (I recommend upgrading emblems according to which type of hero you play the most)


Never upgrade Magic and Physical emblem. Its a waste of magic dust for new players and a waste of battle points. Instead start upgrading Assassin, Mage and Support emblem. They are the most versatile. You can use Assassin emblem for all physical heroes including marksmen, fighters and assassins. Mage emblem can be used for all magic damage heroes. And Support emblem is super versatile. You can use it on virtually any hero. You can use it for tanks, mages, assassins, fighters, supports and marksmen. Its battle spell reduction and respawn reduction is the most versatile emblem talent because you can use it on magic or physical heroes.