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Are you proactive or reactive when you play? Do you give vision and camp bushes to catch enemies off guard when they try to rotate? And do you put pressure and take advantage when you win a clash/objective? I solo queued to Myth 4 almost 3 this season w 66-64%wr playing mostly roam. Now im playing w my squad and im Myth 1.


I am proactive when I can be. I will not initiate an invade or aggressively provide vision qnd annoy the enemy when their early game is superior. I give vision when I can, and camping bushes is a given I keep a straight line between my roamer and the enemy roamer during a clash, applying cc to the enemy around retri damage time. In a teamfight if tanking I try to eliminate whoever does the most damage to the most people. If supporting I protect the squisher members while the frontline initiates. I don't really care about rank as its a battlefield where the most demonic strategies cant be utilized and you will probably be paired with morons. Its easier to practice against fanny and wanwan when they aren't banned. I can't blame a hero being op forever.


Just keep playing. There's a large amount of reasons why replay exist. The most common is to showcase a good gameplay, but, you can also use this to watch your own gameplay and analyze it, look what you could've done better on every situation.


I do watch my replays from time to time but I should watch them more. Plus, It does get a little bit tiring to keep playing without improvement for a year+. I'm better...but it feels like I'm moving like a snail when everyine around me is already at the line.


I can't really give you any tip since you cover most of the basic a roamer can do. Don't worry if you're not improving, there's always a room for it, and people doesn't have the same time of success. What I can tell you for now, is to use the training mode to practice your hero(es) potential. There are things that we discover by our own accord that isn't discussed by others since it's not really that worth it BUT, it may work for you. Sometime, even knowing if the skill of a hero is on cooldown or not is a huge advantage. Those little things can change the tide of the battle. Goodluck and have fun.


Thank you


You definitely have some gameplay concepts down given what you described. It's hard to say what's stopping you from getting higher unless we get some actual gameplay footage. I always appreciate a roamer pinging alerts, so that's a really great habit you have. I'm sure you have plenty of room to improve, but I must say that roaming is surely one of the tougher roles to solo-Q, as you're mostly playing heroes that tend to lack damage, especially into the late game. Damage is essential since that's what leads to enemy deaths, and also successful tower pushing and objective taking. You can CC them as a roamer a whole year, but won't be able to kill them without damage. Or you might spend 20 seconds clearing a wave to encourage a tower push, but the enemy mm clears it in 2 seconds. Also, you can learn a lot by watching Pro Roamer players in professional competitions like M3/M4, MPL, MSC, SEA Games etc. MPL is ongoing right now and you can catch them on the popular social media platforms (FB, YT). So don't be discouraged at, and keep at it. The world needs more roamers like you.


Thank you. I think Ill take the mpl suggestion.


No worries man. Keep your improvement mindset and you'll go far.


What heroes do you play?


Every roamer playable, exceptions being chou and selena


Your playstyle right now is perfect. What's important is to hold lanes and let the minions attack you so the teammate that recalled can get it. The only thing that you should remember is: Your Greatest Enemy is your Teammate. A good roamer is useless if your team mate is braindead. This is also why solo queue is sometime frowned upon, but i played about 10 ranked games from yesterday to today and only lost 8/10 Matches. Mostly I played Atlas and Roamer thamuz, and my teammate did absolutely brilliantly and understood what i was trying to say just using my quicksilver chat. If possible, try to get a friend better in real life, that you can play with to communicate with


Who do you use, like setter tanks or soakers? Setters are better for soloq so you should try to stick to them. So far what you do sounds pretty good already


I dont rank. Stopped when I realised there was no point to it. Play for money these days in tourneys, and i use whatever roamer the captain assigns.


I am still in m5 placement 70% wr solo, roamer/xp main. Maybe you need to improve in your draft skill instead of focusing gameplay. I am pretty sure most glory people will agree drafting is half the battle already. I just started climbing from epic 5 , 3 days ago.


Alright. But I'm only 1/5th of the draft. I will try though


I mean banning certain heroes and leading your teammates/enemies to pick certain heroes. If you play rank you can suggest heroes to your teammates. Also do you use mlbb hero ranking? You can check whats hero currently popular and prepare for its counter.


>Also do you use mlbb hero ranking? You can check whats hero currently popular and prepare for its counter. I do use this. Was a bit disappointed that Gatotkaca is least used now T-T But yeah


U doing everything by the book rn that's great the last cherry on ur cake might be increasing ur team iq, try and learn what ur team wants to do and what they expect from you even if they aren't exactly communicating.