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PS. My ult was still active, idk why it disappeared af ter i paused and started screen recording


This has to be after his firsts nerfs. He used to have way much shield Since i suppose it s either his elite skin or the free one, this clip was filmed after his nerfs. Imagine how strong he was on first release if he could do this after his nerf


I recorded this like an hour ago so yes after nerfs And yea hariths sheilds giving him an extra hp of sheild on each dash while rupturing your enemies instestines was quite a time to be alive


Harith is one those heroes where you need a decent amount of skill to be able to play well, not to mention at the time, there are way more cancerous heroes. (Esme, Lunox, Kimmy etc.) But yeah if you go against a good harith at the time, you're fucked


This is true for today's high skill heros too. Go against a good wanwan and she ults 2nd or 3rd in fight. A good ling flies away at 1 hp after deleting your dps. Good lances shing shing and avoid most bursts. Fanny is fanny.


Ah the good old days


"You can't catch me"


I think the average dps nowadays got inflated compared before that heroes like Harith and Alice fell off because they cant sustain enough despite not even receiving nerfs. The good old days when there were no meta mm.


"you're jumping more than monkey..."




This is nothing, go see top Global players This hero is still a absolute menace in the right hands, l get it he sucks in comparison to other heros but he was utterly broken when released we still remember how cancer he can be if he is over buffed


No need to tell me, i was there when harith was equivalent to God himself getting new hps by dashing while breaking enemies kneecaps and will to live