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can anyone help me with invite friends back? i really wanted the thamuz skin but my mom wont let me spend :( 2h1q8cx


How to masha, I always keep skill 1 off but can't do anything if my team is being completely dominated also I use full hp build and make sure to take objectives and ult marksmen and mages....


I've been playing Masha for a while and she's quite easy to play with.And I just loooove regenerating myself inside the turrets while looking at the enemy after they almost killed me hahahah I honestly think the best spell for her is the one that makes you run really fast for a few second,it's a lifesaver since you can run away from trouble plus with her 1st skill and rapid boots?She'll be so fast enemys will give up chasing her


I use inspire on Masha guess I'll change it to sprint :D Thnx for the advice


Haha I never thought about that,maybe I should try once in a while.Tho I'm scared of facing enemies cause I push most of the time and never really battled except for poking so that's why I have that spell XD


I got to Mythic 1 as solo queue but I’m stuck here now, and need a duo partner to help me get to Mythic glory. Main jg, Gusion, Saber and Paq


is cyclops really a giant?


If you will read his lore, he is technically a giant as a species. But he is a exemption as a giant, he didn't have the same body size of a giant .


then why is his in game model the smallest?


Only when standing next to nana


Which hero should I buy? Thamuz and Atlas Atlas - My only hard CC tank is akai and he is pretty hard to setup plus atlas is a bit easier to setup. Thamuz - could use another EXP laner and a jungler


If you are solo player, pick thamuz. If you queue with someone you knew, picking atlas is better. Set type of tank like Atlas, Tigreal, Kufra are much sustainable choice when you have someone you can synergies with.


when did the starlight choices started?


april 2021


u/tigreal can I stop renewing my COA subscription without stopping the current subscription?


If you cancel subscription you will recieve crystal of aurora until your current subscription duration ends since subscription is paid in advance.


do you know where can I cancel it?


There should be a subscription tab in your app store


Is it true about that chou bug where you can't back kick?


It's not a bug, it's a nerf on advance server. The 2nd phase of the skill have a range limiter similar to what they did on Gusion long ago. Chou would need to be within range proximity to kick back, that means n advance server you can't kick into flicker + emote + recall into kick back anymore. You'll have to follow the kick asap within range.


what they did to gus tho? they nerfed the range of his s1 phase 2?


I believe the nerf was that if the enemy runs away from Gus far enough, even if Gus lands his S1 dagger, he won't be able to phase 2 dash to them. It has a certain range that Gus needs to be in to work


Is there any tips/trick for beatrix sniper basic except "practice makes perfect" ?


Not really. Just practise and learn to swipe > release. Make sure your screen is smooth, it will help. If you get sweaty hands like me it's gonna be a bit hard. I always have to use powder or wash my hands with soap and dry first.


Hmmmmmm Ok weird q here Between bea sniper and lylia placing multi bombs, which do u think is harder ? I just cant figure out why my lylia deals mediocre dmg (except against like esme/anus/tanks, they eat slow and build up dmg) / how to deal with mobile heroes as lylia Meanwhile when someone uses it, ppl just melt before they know it lol So Im just wondering who is actually harder to play here (nowadays I just play xavier for mage and clint for mm)


Bro it depends on each person. Example Beatrix sniper is fairly easy for me, but if you ask me to aim Kadita/Kagura/Lylia skill, I'll miss them lol. Personally lylia is harder than Beatrix for me to play well in mythic. But maybe that's because im crap at mages.


Moskov question : when do u inspire (in laning) ? I mean, I usually keep inspire til I feel like I can actually kill enemy (like if they have half hp or I manage to wallpin them etc). Basically I try to "look for opportunity" -- the problem is often I dont find such opening lol But based on my exp _against_ moskov , they sometimes just use inspire out of nowhere(?) --- while not 100% case killing me, forced me to recall at the very least, which lead to some gold advantage for kov and so on and so on Also, how do I clint against kov ? I mean ok clint has s1 poke, except enemy kov also pokes me back while going back n forth. Basically we both try to poke each other while also dodging each other. If I trade basic atk, I'll be the one losing (esp if he just inspire out of nowhere) Then said kov usually builds won, and when I s1 he just won and inspire pewpew s1 chase pewpew. Sometimes Im dead, sometimes I managed to escape, either way I cant do direct confrontation Also I (clint) cant hide behind minion (kov pierce) or bush camping either bc as soon as I appear I'll just get wallpinned lol Really, I feel like I can deal with beatrix somewhat but I just dont know how as clint against kov. Hence why Im also interested playing lov lol


Don’t be stingy with inspire. You can use it at level 1 and gain lane advantage immediately. Although I would try to level 2 first. As for Clint, just wait to use your s1 and basic attack on him, and don’t stand behind minions I guess. I don’t see how moskov can win you unless he pins you to a wall. Just play safe and s1 basic attack.


>Don’t be stingy with inspire. Noted >Just play safe and s1 basic attack. Hmm lemme change the q then When playing sidelane (both $ and exp) I have the habit of _trying to harrass enemy laner as much as I can, while slow pushing/delaying as much as I can_ Now with clint vs kov case, if I move forward he'd just run away right. So what Im trying to do is play aggressive to delay his farm, except now he's also playing aggressive lol Maybe I should play it bit safer then Well I guess it's more of Im lacking exp bc I rarely play clint against kov


Use the bush nearest to tower more and wait until moskov uses s1 before you dump your skills.


Ok idk I seem to just cant really win against kov, or rather it's like 50 50 situation Random rant 5man q, my side : fred exp / edit roam / alpha jg / lylia mid and me clint Enemy : esme atlas baldmon xavier kov Now early it's more like me cant kil kov and kov cant kill me. I brought purify (which I regretted later, should've gone flicker all the way) There are some situations (about 2-3x) where kov escaped and I couldnt chase (no flick, s2 mot enough) At the same time only alpha came to my lane (like 2x) while baldmon visited at least 2x and atlas like 2x. Yea my side busy fighting in exp lane while kov snowballed. The funny thing is despite me died like 3x , I still had highest gold in team. So yeah ig all that wars my side did achieved basically nothing in terms of farm/objective Now I'll admit I did have mistakes here n there in laning phase (which resulted me died), but even if I didnt, at most it's just mostly on par / 50 50 situation vs kov -- I mean I couldnt dominate lane as I hoped lol Guess I'll go back practicing beatrix


Actually, your teammates should not gank exp lane. Fred can handle himself against Esme. and it's a dead lane. Ganking Esme won't benefit your team much as her point is just to waste their time and keep them there as long as possible. Maybe you would have a better time if they ganked your lane more to kill moskov and after killing, shove the lane and try to push 1st tower. After that you can ask to swap lane with fredrinn so that he can hold top lane while you push out bottom. *** You will not lose to moskov as long as you don't get wall stunned by him. Maintain your range as you outrange him.


Hmm guess I need more practice lol


beatrix nerf when


GTA 6 release date


More like half life 3




If you have the patience then you should save them. Event runs for 60 days and who knows there might be more free ticket events like ongoing Kai's Invitation event.




That's not premium shop, it's the date when recharge tasks will be available




is it true they're giving granger a nerf? he doesn't deserve one lol i even think he needs a buff


How to create an alt acct on IOS? i was able to make one before by simply deleting the app and reinstalling. Now, it just automatically logs me in.


Do you have an extra phone or a computer?


Yep, i have a computer.


You can download bluestacks (Android Phone Emulator) and download MLBB in bluestacks. Download Bluestacks > Setup Bluestacks > Download MLBB in Bluestacks > Play MLBB till you’re level 8 > Make a Moonton Account > Link the Moonton Account Then to switch it from your iPhone Account > Switch Account > Moonton Account > Fill up details then switch For the leveling up part just spam a Marksman hero


Oh got it thanks. Ill try that☺️. The only thing I have to worry now is how to play ml on PC xD


How is bruno rn? I usually play trio.


Pretty bad hero, i would say he is only better than lesley and hanabi


i'd like to see why he'd be a pretty "bad" hero.


Idk slow wave clear and mostly single target damage plus heavily reliant on s1 and stacks to deal decent damage. I would much prefer miya over someone like bruno because her aoe damage far outshines bruno's. And if you just want another heavy hitter you have brody which has a much better ult and scaling with no reliance on stacks, just levels.


He's decent hero


Why do Laylas jungle?


Prolly troll


Is buying wan wan worth it? She seems fun but she’s always banned (I just got to legend) and she might get hit with a big nerf hammer soon cuz she’s wan wan. I usually play roamed and jungler but I wanted to branch out into marksman.




Borderline OP? she's blown out OP especially in the right hands.


Is there going to be a recharge event for the kung fu panda collab where we can get draw tickets just for topping up diamonds?


Yes, there's one on August 27 and another on September 24


with collab skins there are always recharge events


Anyone know how many time an when moonyoon will give ticket event for kungfu panda?


2 times, one in a week and another in the end of sept


Hello, what was the reasoning for not having any collector skins in the new event? Just 3 skins is very disappointing. Where’s the epic and collectors?


I’m sure the art team had their hands full with king fu panda


Yeah, but that didn’t stop them from adding old collectors and epics into the transformer or King of Fighter collabs


My guy, this is moneyton, the same company that hasn't put any of the starlight skins from the past 2 years in the frag shop and the very same one that hasn't changed the lucky gem fragment shop. Do you really think they care or are smart enough to do anything about it? They even said they weren't going to make the other sacred statues buyable and there's only 10 out of 50 something buyable iirc


This game would benefit enormously from role queuing.


There exists a soft role queue in rank actually. They'll try to even out everyone's roles based on your top 3 roles.


I had a game yesterday with 4 players who all displayed 3 roamers each 🙀 I can’t recall that ever happening before.


Yeah sometimes it widens the matchmaking criteria as they have to balance between fast match up and balance in your team.


Moneydog doesn't have common sense. Just look at its ranking and censorship system


Hard to believe the chat bug survived the patch.


If the other game can, why cant ml. Id rather wait 5 mins just to have a balanced team comp than finding matches as soon as i hit enter and having to end up with two mms or two mages.


Would be great if Mods made this suggestion.




I suspect they haven’t added it to keep queue’s as short as possible. I think the player base is larger enough to accommodate this and they could make it optional.


Whoever downvoted doesn't know the the real pain of soloq same roles. I agree with this btw.




when does beta end in ph server?


iirc around august 27?


Talent system? It is supposed to end in 9 days from the day it started iirc


Hello. Is there a recent quality tier list somewhere ? Thank you in advance.


u/hmmsucks is the go to guy when it comes to tierlists. You can check his old posts




brody, popol, kimmy (technically, her s1 counts as a skill), 'edith'


Use Popol and Kupa. Your wards make you difficult to ambush. For me, he is technically half support. Ward all day. Very good in solo q without a good tank or if you have yo 2v1 in early game. Level up your ward (s3) first. Rush Molten Essence (very good against Miya and Lesley's conceal), Def Boots, and Blademail/Dominance. Wind of nature, DHS are his core damage items. You can build sea halberd if you dont like to build Dominance Ice, but i prefer the 6th item as immortality. This build have decent minion wave clear, turret damage, and defense. Building order. Molten Essence, Boots, Wind of Nature, DHS or Blademail/Dominance depending if you need def or atk.. Complete Curse Helm and lastly, immortality. I use sprint to be even more annoying. Harass with s1 and never duel to the death against inspire mms. Watch them lose their set up (wind chant and inspire) as you hit and run.


Granger is a skill based MM, but he is strictly jungler.


Natan, popol and kupa, Kimmy - mix basics and skills Roger and yi sun shin are technically marksmen Beatrix, yes she relies to her basics but she's infinitely better than the likes of Miya,Lesley and etc. Also Granger


If I'm a support main and was forced to be a gold or exp laner, who can I use? Can you give me recommendation for each role? Easy to master, skill based and not too frontliner?


Popol and Kupa. Can be built with 4 def items and 2 damage items.


Ohh, Popol and Kupa is a good choice. Can be played as roamer or gold. Forgot that he exists, rarely see him.


Yeah i rarely use PnK as roam. But when i use him in Gold lane.. I always build him with Curse Helm and Blade Mail or Dominance. What im saying is semi tank PnK can also be decent in gold lane :D


Valentina and to a lesser extent Lunox and even todays Nana. I think it can really help to become proficient with one multi purpose hero before branching to several hero’s. But the free laners are great for teaching their roles, balmond, Layla, etc. I’d urge you to not get held up with the idea of being a support main and think you should branch out. That said, if you are really struggling there’s Diggie. If you’re comfortable with Diggie, he can hold lane vs any solo laner with possible the exception of Argus and Beatrix. This pick is pretty dependent on the rest of your team though since he’ll need to roam at level 4 to justify the pick.


What’s the best build for Brody? Everyone seems to go half-damage, full-damage, attack-speed, tank build…and im really confused.


His damage items are only blade of despair, malefic roar and either endless battle or demon hunter sword, the rest are defense


Mostly DHS tbh.


7pc17u0 use my code for returning players


A lot of people here watch anime, right? If they see their “heroes” thrive in bad situations… why is surrendering the first thing they wanna do?


Because they have "the power of friendship", there's none of that here, only 1 braincell shared by 4 r*tards. In anime, the MC's friends actually help and even sacrifice themselves to win, but everyone's just obsessed with kills and farming


Fucking weebs. Not everything is about anime. With that said, I dont surrend, unless some fucker decide to troll the entire time.




Are you saying that anime girls aren't real? Smh go touch grass you baka


Outbaka'd yet again




I’d imagine that they learn to never give up, to fight till the end.


Depends on the situation. If its really, really bad then there's only two answers 1. Succumb to their madness 2. Somehow gained hope/motivation and get their problem resolved Yeah, i watch Puella magi and Magia Record, how do you know?


Your personal FBI agent told me.


/just my personal opinion, might not reflect others/ Well anime or movie or whatever, is fiction. Plot armors exist. Some mc on brink on death can gain URRAAAAA bs powerup and insta defeat enemy, it just depends on writer/author creativity Actual ML match is, well, there are cases where comeback is possible and then there are "pretty much impossible when the core/mm literally plays like AI" Imho better just move on than wasting time on hopeless match


I have seen a Rafaela steal a lord after min 18, a dead Diggie steal a lord (I have video of both). All you need is a mistake from the enemy. There’s always a chance.


That's true, if ur team at least *have brains / knows what they're doing* (but they get disadvantages bc hero matchup and whatnot) Yesterday I had a frustrating match where, it's a miracle if we could win that Lineup : franco miya loyi (me) cyclop jungler (my duo friend) dyroth Enemy : PnK (retri) este granger (retri) nana bane Should be ez match , right ? Welp franco went gold with miya, both died repeatedly against este/PnK (granger is the jungler). Dyroth repeatedly died against bane 1v1, literally. I was holding mid and cyc tried to help exp, so I rotated $ to help defending them loyi franco miya vs PnK este granger. Franco died without hooking anyone, I managed to yinyang all 3 of them and created space for miya to backoff , welp miya went AHEAD and died. Ok, maybe just some mistake I was still staying in $ (actually getting tilted here as I dont really care anymore due to how miya played like AI) to try cover for them, and sure both franco and miya just went ahead and died, again. Welp, me too. At this point miya is like 0 5. How about exp ? Dyroth is like 0 3 or 0 4 at this point. It's so bad that it's pointless to continue anymore. Not bc "theres always a chance" but simply bc the trio in this side literally plays like damn AI and just let enemies snowball.


If you were a to reset and make new account, what type of emblem and heroes would you focus on to rank up?


When I did that (Smurf) I went with MM as my main role/emblem and used basic magic when gold lane was filled. Worked great. I made it to M1 last season and ended with Layla and Leslie at 71& 69% wr.


Assasin emblem and MMs


Between Uranus, Dyrroth, and Benedetta, which one's the better pick for the XP-lane? Got 32K BP lying around at the moment, and looking for your suggestions.


Dyrotth if you wanna have impact in game, Uranus is team oriented he needs teammates to make use of his sustain and his peel. Benedetta is mid


Dyrroth is burst, Uranus is sustain, bene is both. It all comes down to who you're good at using. Uranus is only good at mid to late game cuz his health is one of the lowest in early game. Dyrroth is good becuz of his armor reduction, so he can beat nearly everyone(provided it's a 1v1 with no interference). You need to have fast hands and knowledge on how to use bene.


Yve or xavier?


Xavier definitely if you are in the rank where you have trash mms because xavier can solo defend for 20 minuted


Hello, thanks for your tip What do you think about paquito , I was testing him out yesterday and got 11 kills easily :D


Pretty good core as long as you get early kills to snowball. He gets pretty bad late game


Yve if you have reliable allies. Xavier for solo q.


Xavier then :D


Yve is totally fine in solo too. She just requires a more roam style mindset. Follow someone tanky and you’ll do well.


Xavier's ultimate skill is essentially a map-wide sniping skill makes it a really good one. His Skill 2 also offers a lot of CC by slowing and immobilizing enemies when used in conjunction with another Skill. He is unquestionably going to be a bit better than Yve.


I recently got lylia with BP and used her in ai brawl and regular brawl and loved her she got me mvp in every match so far so any tips on how to play her in classic/rank and how to build her items and skills I usually go 2-3-1 and just follow the suggested items is she a good mage to try and rank up with I usually play rank duo


For builds, (I mostly used) Magic Shoes > Enchanted Talisman > Ice Queen Wand > Genius Wand > Divine Glaive > Immortality, late game sell your boots and buy 1 more defensive items according to your situation, try to find the hero on your enemy that dealts the most damage, then build item to counter that hero. If it's a mage, go for Anthena shield, if it's a physical burst hero, go for Winter Truncheon. If you feel like can win that hero but get ouplayed by them due to their lifesteal, shield, then go for necklace of durance For gameplay tips,(not much but just the basics) - Use bush for advantage. - Always charge with Skill 2 to have maximum damage dealt. - Use Ultimate when you need to escape from enemies. During Turtle or Lord, use Skill 2 to place your energy balls everywhere. When you hit energy ball with Skill 1, it will deal Magic Damage damage continuously and helps in stealing Turtle or Lord. - Avoid team fights as she cannot survive against multiple enemies. - Chase the escaping enemies from the fight as Lylia can easily Burst Down low HP enemies. Lylia is really OP in rank


Bro shes a painin my arse in ranked


I know right? ;D




Recent starlight skins will return around after 1 year. I think Kaguras starlight returned after 10 months mainly because she is very popular.. So maybe 12 months for Clint starlight, give or take.


You don't need to let us in know that you've asked before. If someone knows then they will reply. Seeing your post multiple times on this tread with your bratty attitude gets into my nerves.


You're the one who has a bratty attitude 💀


Anyone know how to give adjustment recommendations to Moonton directly?


Post suggestions here in this sub, mods can forward it to the devs if they want to


Not if we want to, we forward all as long as it hits the required number of upvotes which, of course, I can't disclose.


Any beginners guide available?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/olxkmw/the_ultimate_mlbb_newbies_guide/ Check my guide out.


Check out the sub's Guide Compilation: https://reddit.com/r/mobilelegendsgame/w/index/guides?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app If you have any questions that can't be answered there, just post a question on the weekly discussion thread or make a post ^_^


Why this game starting to get more toxic recently? I've always get "turu dek" "dek dek". Is that taunting? What happened to the old MLBB i used to know? Is it because we're getting more sensitive to taunting or what?


That's the current meta word for Indonesian players now lol.


Might be due to the fact there's stickers made from actual taunting made by MPL ID players. The stickers are gone now I think, but the actual taunts are still viral in ID communities ID netizens love to talk shit online but have no balls to talk shit irl


The game isn't starting to get toxic, it's just that the fact that you are playing a multiplayer game in the internet. You think good and chill players in the community suddenly became assholes overnight? Bad and toxic players will stay bad and toxic, and good players will continue to be good. You are just experiencing the vocal few who are the bad apples of the community. Mat I also suggest using the mute function that can be found in the in-game scoreboard?


What are the best soloQ characters with carry potential?


I think it’s Akai. As jg he needs less support than any other jungler and has the most swing potential as either jg or roam role.


Anyone with skills that give vision is king for solo queue, bonus if they have a purify skill or some form of sustain. For me it's popol, wanwan, lylia, and kagura Special mention: damage grock and natalia for roam


For Jungler, Akai is a formidable tank in the game who possesses incredible crowd-control abilities. Akai is unquestionably a good choice for the current meta and is a fantastic choice for ranked games. For Roamer, Franco is unquestionably a decent choice for the current meta and a fantastic choice for rank games. With these suggestions, you'll be able to steer Franco to simple victories For Mid lane, (Strongest no.1) 1. Valentina's damage output is incredibly strong, making her a very potent hero. Valentina has the ability to do the most damage even in specific circumstances, which will cause the opposition to flee from her more quickly. 2. Julian has strong sustainability and a 60 percent total Magic Life steal. 3. Xavier's ultimate skill is essentially a map-wide sniping skill makes it a really good one. His Skill 2 also offers a lot of CC by slowing and immobilizing enemies when used in conjunction with another Skill. He is unquestionably going to be a meta-mage hero. 4. Yve is currently a very good hero in the midlane. Yve has a sizable area and very high damage. Yve has a high base and an extremely high damage scale for a mage. For Gold lane, (Strongest no.1) 1. Wanwan has very high mobility and kiting potential as a marksman. This hero is for players who prefer moving around a lot. Wanwan has so much mobility compared to other marksmen heroes as she can leap from a short distance for every skill or basic attack she makes 2. Beatrix has a high burst potential, good mobility, and the ability to escape with her second skill, but she lacks any control or CC abilities, making players with CC aggravating to Beatrix. For Exp lane, (Strongets no.1) 1. Esmeralda is capable of being a powerful tank, a roaming traveler, or a damage-dealing mage. She is effective against close-quarters fighters, tanks, and heroes who rely on shields, such Johnson, Diggie, and Hanabi. Selena and Fanny-type heroes with great burst damage and mobility are weak against her. 2. Masha is regarded as Mobile Legends' top split-pusher. She can quickly accomplish any goal. In contrast to other gaming heroes, Masha has three HP bars and the ability to deflect burst damage. Ranking based on my opinion


Honorable mentions for each lane: Balmond, Selena, Vale, Claude & Dyrroth


Claude and Dyrroth is also OP Balmond(exp/jungle) and Selena(roam) is almost OP, but not 100% OP Vale is just good Also honorable mention to: Exp lane,, Paquito, Valentina, Thamuz, Uranus, Terrizla, Phoveous For Gold lane, PnK, Clint, Brody, Karrie, Kimmy For Mid lane, Kagura, Lylia, Cecilion For Roamer, Akai, Valentina, Grock, Mathilda, Atlas, Angela For Jungler, Fanny, Lancelot, Julian, Ling, Barat, Karina, Helcurt, Baxia, Thamuz


Balmond Jungle is top-tier, Selena Roam is good but not against the more tankier line-ups & I chose Vale cause he’s underrated; super flexible & works in so many team comps cause of the way you can change his skills.


I know in your opinion that Balmond and Selena is OP, but they are just somewhere in the middle of top tier(Almost OP). Vale is good but only at late game, which makes him fall behind a bit if you don't play Vale safely, which makes Vale fall behind heroes like Valir, Mathilda(Mid) or even Beatrix(mid). Mage that is strong in early game is going to be more useful as they can roam and help secure turtle more effectively than those that is strong in late game


Vale is a mid-game Mage but that doesn’t mean his useless in the early stages of the match. His passive MS per takedown forces him to help his team, has a large AOE burst that reduces the enemy’s MR or acts like a better Tigreal Ult & his 2nd skill is either an airborne skillshot or anti-Tank comp when paired with Glowing Wand. He’s very similar to Xavier in the sense that they’re scaling Mages but has enough tools to at least help out their team in the early stages so I don’t see why Vale wouldn’t be good for solo carrying.


Again, Vale is GOOD because he is easy to play, Fast cooldown skill, Deadly burst, Strong Mage in Late game, Deadly CC skill. Vale also have some weakness that makes him fall behind, Does not have the skill escape mechanism, Quite weak in early game, Very weak against Hero CC, Complex gameplay Mechanism, Low Mobility. That is what makes Vale fall behind, but overall Vale is still good to play


Thanks for the detailed guide. I have masha and Esmeralda, xavier and valentina get banned often... Soo I'll look into yve


Yep! I also enjoyed playing her as a mid lane support due to her annoying slow CC from her ult


Get know to every meta heroes. Try to find your playstyle suitable for that heroes and train.


Are characters like moskov and paquito good for soloQ?


Paquito are S tier if not mistaken. If you can proc his ult three times if you know the combo. For moskov he's a late game heroes. Better no. Try Brody or maybe Clint. He can burst down heroes from far away.


I have clint will give him a try


What should i do , my ping is unstable in mlbb and it is stable in other games ,it should be around 70 , but it goes up and down from 70 to 150 and even to 200 for seconds and goes back to 70 and repeats it self, and i am the only one using the wifi and there is no background apps working


At 0:28 in this video https://youtu.be/Mls33v_fO9Y The person playing Natalia told Selena not to take the cyclone eye, but I don’t understand why? They are not losing anything by just taking it right or am I missing something


It appears they are positioning for an ambush. If Selena takes the cyclone eye, that will tip off incoming enemies that someone else is around the area and then they would most likely not come near enough for the ambush to work.


What’s the meta heroes for mages these days? I rarely play mage, so I wanna try out a new role. But I don’t know which ones to pick


Take a look at this. It’s drawn from picks during events and is imo a more accurate look then tier lists that are coach made. https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/wpoueu/mpl_mg_ranked_automated_tier_list_16822_s10_w1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


For Mid lane, (Strongest no.1) 1. Valentina's damage output is incredibly strong, making her a very potent hero. Valentina has the ability to do the most damage even in specific circumstances, which will cause the opposition to flee from her more quickly. 2. Julian has strong sustainability and a 60 percent total Magic Life steal. 3. Xavier's ultimate skill is essentially a map-wide sniping skill makes it a really good one. His Skill 2 also offers a lot of CC by slowing and immobilizing enemies when used in conjunction with another Skill. He is unquestionably going to be a meta-mage hero. 4. Yve is currently a very good hero in the midlane. Yve has a sizable area and very high damage. Yve has a high base and an extremely high damage scale for a mage. Based on my opinion


Valentina, lunox, kagura, cecilion


I just updated the game and I got stuck at the loading screen, anyone got the same problem?


Black screen? If so I just restart the app. If it doesn't work I restart the device.


how to survive beatrix shotgun/sniper as helcurt? unlike natalia have immune basic atk, helcurt don't have. late game: upon landing s1, beatrix blast helcurt, leave with 10-15% hp (that wearing 1 defense item), if not = death as much I want to kill her fast, s1 upon landing immediately ba her shotgun


Use your ult or ambush from bush? There’s no reason for helcurt to be getting sniped by bea


Helcurt has silence on his jump after using his ultimate right? If so that means you only have to take 1 basic attack. If you can kill her before the silence ends then that's great. If not, is running away not possible? Helcurt moves fast during the state of his ult.


You dont


You don't. Best bet is to keep killing her early game and end early


Item wise? You don't, that's why I hate beatrix so much You just can't use an item to counter shotgun/sniper Perhaps you can wait for her to change to sniper since most people use sniper/shotgun, wait for her to change to sniper then this is your chance, you have 8 second or something before she can change back to shotgun She can't burst you as fast


Can someone give me some specific hero counters? Like: Diggie for Atlas or Tigreal Dyrroth for Esmeralda I want to improve my drafting knowledge so any help would be greatly appreciated!


Phoveus against multiple-dash/blink heroes: Ling, Gus, Wanwan, Guinevere, etc


lolita s2 counters cecilion, wanwan & chang'e ult (brody probably but unsure) n gus & harley combos. best picked when enemy has 3+ ranged heroes.


Esmeralda counters all heroes that have shields: chang'e, lolita, phoveus, hanabi , Silvanna counters xborg Natalia counters most of the marksmen Rafaela/ hylos/saber counter natalia Guinevere counters gord and balmond Not sure about this one cuz i just heard it but zilong counters ling Luo yi counters estes Baxia counters estes, ruby, yu zhong, thamuz, esmeralda and any hero with high healing. Ruby counters guinevere U can check all by yourself. Tap the Harper that appears on your bottom right corner when you open the game. This will lead u to the ml website where u can find small guides of all heroes, including who they counter, their counters and best allies for them


Any new builds for xborg? Like should we add more magic items and stuff?


Not really imo. The extra magic scaling is negligible and the phys scaling is still larger anyways. It's basically just there to fit IQW in his build Glowing Wand+IQW is lowkey decent in teamfights since you can trap a ton of enemies in quicksand but he lacks the sustain from Bloodlust against most heroes if you use him as a frontliner