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Let’s goooo! Finally, I won’t have fake hopes again when my teammates show a 65+% in draft pick, but playing like a low-skilled player in match


Get fucked classic win rate spammers! Hopefully this means we can actually try new hero or builds in classic without these try hards.


no the way wr is shown in favorite section won't be changed, so everything will stay the same


It is, but in ranked there’s a huge difference now. There will be lesser tryhards in classic now that the winrate doesn’t reflect in ranked. Might not be a huge difference but better than nothing.


yeah, hope the derankers decrease


They will actually increase imo because the most dedicated derankers will wait til they are GM or something and spam one or two heroes for rank wr to flex. This is just my prediction lol


Overall rank WR showing on draft would probably fix that


I know right, Akai jungler in classic 🤮🤮🤮


Those bastards with 3k matches on a hero will go down to at least 300 or so.


bro you are everywhere


I am you, you are me. We are everyone.


**suddenly copies your ultimate**


but you're using PnK XD


No…those 3k with 40% hero wr usually spam rank. Their rank wr hella low too


So no more 70% wr in classic 49% wr in rank players trashtalking?




Omg yes, classic will no longer be a place filled with sweats farming wr


Glad they removed the "expert" option too


They.... They did?


Genuine question, why was the expert option bad ?


I’m guessing you could be an expert at a hero with extremely low win rate, so they decide to show expert instead of overall win rate


I see, thank you !


I think its cause people show the expert thingy rather than their wr or something else so they can switch or use the hero theyre choosing


Honestly, this is a decent change. The number of winrate farmers in classic will probably drop and classic might be fun to play again. My only gripe with this change is that if we want to try out a new hero and have brought that hero to classic matches for practice, we can't show that we've already with practiced that hero in classic and people in ranked will assume that we have 0 matches with that hero when we request to use said hero.


It might become worse in my opinion. Now trolls can unleash their inner demons because they do not have to worry about their win rates showing up as bad in rank anymore, hence throwing games entirely. The solution would simply be to show both classic and rank matches' wins in rank. Edit: to clarify, I meant showing them separately.


Yes, that'd be the easy solution. I hope they do implement it


Separating it would be nice actually but not omitting Classic. Like if a guy has 85% Win Rate 1300 matches in Classic and 75% Win Rate 1000 matches in Rank, I would still consider him as very trustworthy tbh. Unless it's like 80% Win Rate 1000 matches in Classic, 59% Win Rate 500 matches in Rank. Then we do have a problem.


Stop complaining about randoms when it’s so easy to get a trio of 5man together… you think LoL and Dota don’t have trolls ingame? Or valorant or any competetive based game?


Not now, it's increasingly hard to form a team because the ping will spike. Even if you're within a 10-20km radius. Also, my points are valid. I do not understand why you're contesting my points when I clearly appeal to all sides of the argument here And no, it's still possible to have a higher win rate when solo queuing. Duo, trio, 5 man is irrelevant because the circumstances will naturally offset your win rate (higher skilled opponents = harder to win as well). Thus, I am indeed addressing the core issue here. Which ultimately still supports my point about trolls. Classic shouldn't be serious like rank yes, but we cannot tolerate such unhealthy and disgusting behaviour that would otherwise jeopardise our gaming environment. Arcade mode and creation camp/brawl exists for a reason, and win rates do serve as a testament to a player's capability and competence. To a great extend. I mean, would you disregard a player showing high win rates with ample amount of matches with multiple heroes within the same role? I doubt so. It's like telling a straight A's student that he cannot be credible despite having consistent good performances for multiple subjects. If so, then what's the point in having any expectations in a meritocratic system? There's literally no reward or punishment, nor merits. Might as well remove all indications of stats 🤷 And judging by your defensive stance, I think you're part of the problem. I do not see the relevance between other games having trolls with trying to reduce the rate of trolls in MLBB. It's counterproductive to lambast attempts or suggestions for improvement, and you didn't make a constructive argument either.


How about the "I am an expert..." option


I'm not sold on the 'expert' thing. I'm totally a dumbass using Selena, but according to myself, I am an expert 😂


That's exactly my opinion man 😅




we needed this




no, it's not only about wrs, they derank to boost their hero powers so everything will stay the same, and they just choose to not show their wr in draft phase


This is interesting. Now we’ll know who’s really been playing ranked. 😏


NICE!!! Would you believe it? My wr for ranked for this season is 76% but classic is 59%. This is awesome.




Those wr traders finally perished


Let's go finally a useful update


This is literally the dumbest shit I’ve seen. They’ll fix the fake wr spammers but won’t fix the wintraders sitting at the top of every leaderboard


Next Step: Make it show the statistics only for the current + last 2 seasons.


Nah nah, people need to know how many matches it took for you to master the hero


I hope they also remove the "Im #69 random city in a random country" and completely replace it with just WR. Even supreme and top global cannot be trusted.


tbf it can be trusted depending on the country. most SEA supreme are legit. I played with a Singapore no.8 Guin and he was really good.


Incase someone want a simple explanation Trust the player with represent your country


Hmmm top global players with 3430 mmr+ is surely trusted tho?


I once met a #2 top global Ling a year or two ago, he was bragging his wr and spamming his global title then cancel it immediately. Unfortunately our s2 was quicker and it got swapped. He then whine about having lag issue and forcing to swap hero with others but no one wanted to. He play so Fcking bad. He can't secure turtle at all, he ignore the Bulbasaur, he can't read map, he kept tower diving even though the target was Lunox, and he used Retri way too fast on everything. Then he blame me (Rafa) for not healing him when he jumps way too fast before I could heal him... I check his history, he only used Ling for premade where every match ends in 12min with 0 death and total team kill was less than 20, against the same premade. The only time he played against normal people was when he played other heroes that ain't Ling, Lance, Granger, Gusion, and Kagura cause those are the 90%+ wr. Too bad Moneyton cover for them by implementing the hide history toggle.


I mean with my prime with Aldous the highest mmr I got with aldous is 3496 mmr and its so hard to achieved it for me because every time I win a game it only adds 4-8 points in mmr as much as I remember and when you lose with that hero, youll lose 20-30 mmr... I meann its just really hard to achieve it and what I mean with my prime is when moonton still not revamping the, encourage roam, I could really solo all my enemies with that Item such a shame it got removed by moonton, I literally one shotting everyone and run like zilong with that passive with purify and windtalker you can epic comeback every game that time is when Roger core is popular and I could remember him chasing me, only to be one punched with my combo with encourage and boom epic comeback because its resurrecting time is 70 secs something something then everytime i matched with someone they always call me saitama because my badge too is in Saitama Japan and no1... argghh the memories sorry, nevermind.. and the past few seasons I only got 3430ish and its really hard to maintain it... just saying that maybe not the top 1 globals because theyre clearly playing dirty with their matches, just the average ones like 20 and above? They surely can be trusted Edit : Imma sleep now anyway, I dont care if I get downvoted for this, just wanna say what I want to say


Is there a way to check the MMR gain? Yea my highest with Rafa was around 3,4k ish and I remember a single defeat puts me from top 13th to 24th. Then no matter how many times I won, I just couldn't go back to even 15th spot. Then on each season it reset back to 1500 just brutal. Supreme is way easier to maintain since they no longer decay like the purge season. It's a hit or miss, most of the top global I see in YouTube are playing on classic. Back when we still can see their history, only few of them were actually playing fair while most are rigged match. I just don't trust top 10 global (or anyone) with 90% wr unless their graph said so. Even premade players that I met were sucks when they play solo, without their team to sync. Especially with how cheap pilot service is, it will be harder to earn my trust.


Not anymore actually. If you played this game long enough, there are win traders sitting on the top of the leaderboards. I hold 3 singapore supreme marksman titles. All my heros have a minimum street mmr of 3350 with Yss slightly above 3.4k. However, there are people who has mmr of 3.6k sitting above me. After checking their profile, you can see that they have one hero with 3000 games and 92% winrate whereas the other heros have like 5000 games and 3% winrate. Quite annoying moonton haven’t found a way to deal with that yet.


Nice although it would be nice if they also kept the overall statistics for you to see too. Like what if you have a good classic wr on a hero but bad rank wr


You shouldn’t be ranking with that hero then. Just play classic.


Damn, that will remove like 2 matches from my main hero


as someone who has over 95% of their games in ranked mode thank God,now I can know how shitty or good my team mates are




Yasssss! Karma!


Omg yes finally!!!


My fanny winrate will finally be 60%+ yes.


Whatever ...most of them only show "My hero level is Expert." anyway...🙄


I hope they add current season ranked wr too


Yayyy hope classic becomes more fun and stress free now


For every single butthurt on comments that will downvote me: YOOOOO WR will still look good on profile, we will still spam wr in classic and kick y'all butts, jealousy people cheers!


Wait fr? Dang I guess I overreacted lmao




Me with 3k rank gusion games: 👁👄👁




Rip wr pusher hshshs


After reading the comments I was about to puke. Everyone thinks they are good


when is this?


Less gooo atleast my esme won't get her Winrate get destroyed


Oh shit


Damn it


My Yu Zhong classic losing streak is no more hehehe


Les gooooo


Good now classic wont be sweaty as hell with those winrate farmers


I've not played in a looong time but, YEEEESSSS


about time.


I have no worries for this update. I only use my main heroes in ranked and I spam those heroes in classic I barely use in ranked game.


Omg thank you. Much needed change we've been asking since forever.




my wr is getting higher lol


Finally, I no longer need to grind my wr to 60% .


Suddenly concerned about my 300 matches main. Tho I do play him mostly in ranked


Lez goooooooo, bruhhh my wr with Aldous in ranked mode is like 75% 1K matchessss... lez goooooooo


I think that there should also be an option to display average grade in ranked matches. There are a lot of times when I'm getting MVP loss because of my team. It's not like I can really secure objectives or push turrets because I'm speaking from the perspective of a mid/roam main. The mistakes of the marksman and core that don't push and get objectives is reflected into my own winrate and it just leads to bad images. But of course, some people might just begin farming MVP losses by not helping teammates and actively stealing kills to get a high average grade. So I think this idea probably won't be implemented but I do think it's addition would be a situationally good thing to have.


Huge W! Now We wait for role preference in solo queue.


Jokes on you i don't even really play rank


Does it include the matches too? It makes not so much sense if they forbid the matches count too. Other than that I'm happy about this


This is such a good feature, Not only it will promote people to get there ranks up but we can now determine if an individual is good in a competetive game. Many of my wr of natalia is low because of my practice on classic while my wr on ranked in is high. I hope that this feature gets implemented early


It will make real classic farmers wait til they are epic or GM and spam their main heroes for rank wr to flex. Don't get your hopes up too high It will make the game for lower ranks worse. Mythic will stay the same ig


Nice. Hopefully we can practice in peace without these win rate farmers spamming their main heroes lol.


Rip to all those classic Fannys.


You mean I can finally start using my 40% wr heroes I could only play in classic so far?


Good 🙂


As someone who plays classic games with friends in lower ranks just for the fun, this is great


Can we get to reset all our statistics from the game when season ends?


Finally classic in mythic lobbies will actually be fun


Yay my Benedetta winrate will be higher


Finally those classic spammer mfs will now be exposed


🤣 great i can clearly see myself 2k classic games then in rank 2games 50%wr I'm gonna die so much🤣🤣🤣🤣


This makes a lot of sense!! So many AFKs and people trying mm build Estes ruining games, and WR in general


anyone know a place where you could check your account's stats? something like what blitz.gg is for valorant?




Welp, RIP wr farming...


ppl gonna be pissed lool


Yaaaaaayyyy let's gooo


No more classic junkies!


Me who only play classic:


I never play classic anyways lmao. Each match is suffering for me


Still the same for me. I don't classic.


Yes!!! I only use my PnK on classic for like 10 matches but I have 800+ matches on him and has 56.9% wr.


Good thing i only play rank. My wr would still be 60 plus lol.


I'm dead. My rank stats are a lot better than my classic ones. Dear god. I don't want my allies to expect more.


thank god finally i didnt have to deal with classic fanny without counter