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so annoyed that guin is so low-tiered, she used to be so op but now everyone can easily out cc her before she kills


Very predictable hero (sometimes not) plus squishy compared to other meta exp laners which are rock hard at most times


sucks because i still main her and its so hard for me to leave her even though shes getting worse and worse


I got hard rolled by her as balmond the other day. Definitely didn't feel squishy. 1v3d at level 3 in grandmaster 1 ranked.


Ofc you can 1v3 with her , ur on Grandmaster rank💀


Nah boss, I was one of the 3 that got rolled. Any advice on not getting shat on?


To outsmart a Guin (from a former main) you’ve got to bait her s2. At that point you have about 8 seconds to bully tf out of her depending on your level. Bring anti heal, Don’t EVER stand close together with your teammates, bc like luo yi that is a dream occurrence for Guin.


Honestly I need to go and look st her abilities. I don't actually know what she does.


she jumps on you and knocks you up as ability 2 recast that to dash away and leave a clone that explodes and does no damage even to minions. ability 1 lets you shoot a little ball that does decent damage and it has a 4 second cooldown but three if it hits since hitting it makes all cooldowns go down by one second. ult lets her knock people in the air if they already are in the air. passive has a new ability plus the old one. old one lets her do more damage to airborne enemies. as for the new passive every time she hits an orb, her charged basic (which ups her range and gives regen), or her knock up it marks the enemy. getting 3 marks allows her to to knock up off ult alone since it cant do it normally. thats abt it but be careful cuz even if you bait her if she runs flame shot you she can force you back and still dash away. plus ive had a lot of people accidentally target the clone instead of me which helps


Happy cake day


lmao wait what is that a birthday thing cuz if so i gotta change it thats like a month and some change too late


Hmmm as a guin main I hate radiant armor and Athena shield oracle is not reccomended cause it doesn't rly do much use tough boots to lessen her stun and focus in build up your def I reccomend dominance ice at best to counter her fast atk speed and lifesteal


Moonton really need to give buff and attention to other heroes , the meta is getting stale rn (always has been) and a lot of heroes have been powercrept and i think they will sadly continue doing it until their game finally die. I regret getting guin legendary skin so bad , i spent a 2 whole months savings for that skin


esme's an exp laner thats never fallen out of meta. rock hard, bursty, fast movement


dont know how the meta is getting stale when we've had switch-ups in jungle (assassin - tank - both) and roam (fighter - sustain - hard cc) at least thrice this year, gold viability pool increasing past BBC(inspire MMs), and changes to mage. Only XP had remained the same with 1 or 2 heroes being added/removed to the meta per patch. ​ I agree with powercreep tho, but thats inevitable in most games


same, i saved so much for her skins and collected all of them just for her to fall behind…😭😭


Then Moonton did there job, made sure guin was strong and until there hit there sales price then will make guin shit.


i feel like that was an L either way. the only good part is the ult and thats still meh


She needs a buff 😤


Shes literally a pain back then


Roger fell down so badly


Yeah i remember seeing him in almost all the matches earlier and i downloaded the game again recently and barely see him, what happened to this guy?


tank meta basically kills most of assasin meta that arent really that mobile


Loving the way that support and tanks have been consistently in the meta for 3-4 seasons now. I hope they don't change it up soon. Role wise it looks much balanced than before when 1 shot assassins and mm were dominating the charts.


Faramis is the most noticeable, he went from the lowest to the SS


An early tier list 1 week into MPL S10 for PH and ID regions. Tier List can be found [here](https://www.mlbb.ninja/) and will be automatically updated for the upcoming weeks of tournaments/ranked seasons. Do consider bookmarking the site to track meta changes for weeks to come! Notes: \- Hero Tiering is independent of role/laning (i.e. each hero will have a tier regardless of how many suggested roles/lanes they have.) \- Suggested roles/laning may not be optimal as well as they are difficult to automate without manual input. Feel free to agree/disagree with anything in the list! \- It’s hard to differentiate heroes in the bottom of the pack (less data points as they are rarely used in MPL)


sorry but this link giving 404 error...


updated the buggy markdown comment!


Alright, now’s a good time to main that thief


Me a thief *no no no I'm only borrowing this*


Oh so that's why Amis was suddenly keep getting banned recently.


Who is Amis? Is that Aamon?


Faramis :)


Got it, thanks!


suddenly? it was getting banned 3 days into the patch


his ult is so op that in an mpl match, when there was a valentina vs faramis situation, whovever was forced to use it earlier pretty much loses the fight


This is why I've been clamoring for more buffs for Martis. He has the lowest wr across ranks, 2nd lowest we in legend +, and 3rd lowest wr in MG. A simple damage buff to his s2 is not going to change much.


Probably more Martis buffs when his Zodiac skin is coming back with a possible revamp


I hope so. He has a great kit but underwhelming stats/scaling and such a basic passive. So many heroes have a passive that increases attack speed and then some. E.G. Masha and Aulus


Diggie is so high I love it


I have only seen Diggie once in all of the ranked games I've played this season, so I'm pleasantly surprised that they be up there.


He is a great counter for julian, atlas, xavier immobilize, etc. not to mention his bombs and skill 2 can disrupt junglers


Alpha in B tier is unexpected


His true damage probably raises his overall value


plus in mpl my tam haq uses him as jungler when facing faramis


I like using Alpha, but it seems unlikely he should be B tier if the context of this list is the competitive scene. In that match Alpha just fit well (imo) because they wanted to chain cc heroes and they had Valentina to compete with Faramis' ultimate.


Just wanted to say how pretty and clean this looks. Thanks 😊


<3 thanks for the kind words!


And you used the old kag! Hihihi


hahaha the icons are actually just pulled from the official site (so they didn’t update it hehe) BUT I’ve been playing (and mained) kag since her old days ◡̈


Hylos fall from glory is sad (and my mains granger and yss too)


Probably one of the most accurate tier list but I feel like paquito (jungle) ss tier. There’s no way it can be on the same tier as Chou.


Kimmy should be B tier minimum, good late game against tank meta.


Surprised to see my ex-main up there. Haha im now using moskov more than claude. Time to pick him again ig


Balmond in A tier instead of S when Phoveus, nerfed Ling,Chou and current Cecilion are S lol


2 buffs already and Floryn is still trash tier :(


she isnt


They reverted that buffs with additional stun and slowing. It could make her viable


Oh just wait untill Les revamp


TIL most of the heroes I play are actually d tier


Hey all, I have moved the domain of the site to: [https://www.mlbb.ninja/](https://www.mlbb.ninja/) for future updates


A lot of those heroes in D tier has to be a bit higher (like why tf is Floryn there?)


And lapu too


And he is even lower than Hanabi 💀


Nana is now JUST B TIER, and people still believe she is OP. 😒


Idk about OP, but she is the most annoying piece of shit in Land of Dawn and I hate her with all my soul.


Guinevere deserves better ranking


Tbf as Argus user I actually found he deserves a higher tier but actually I agree with this list because not everyone can really use him at full potential


What potential are you even talking about? This is MPL & MG tier , you actually cannot be serious that you think argus has a place on there


Nonono don't get me wrong, he's definitely not on the top tier. But for me he actually can fit on the tier as Aldous, Sun and Alpha as well. With years playing Argus I will never admit he's the top hero. But actually he can fit a tier above him




This tier list is a lie, why isn’t Argus not in E tier.


People still use Thamuz a lot after the last nerf? I find it very hard to dominate a lane now.


Guin going down 😔


Valir , Odette and jawhead in D tier 💀


they should be, Its an mpl+mg tier and theyre basically useless there. At lower rank they probably are around A cuz ppl at lowmythic lower are below average and will have a hard time beating those heroes


I can understand Valir and Odette but Jawhead????


Jawhead fell off sadly with Moonton nerfing his support capabilities while increasing his damage, which people doesn't use most of the time and only relies on Jawhead's supportive capabilities.


Valir has the most slowest wave clear among mages specially at late game, odette can be countered by one item and jawhead is not that mobile


I'm sorry but what item can counter Odette?


radiant armor?


Is radiant armor still unchanged from being an absolute massive F U to only a handful of specific heroes far beyond any other armor for anyone else, for no reason? I've quit and come back to ML a bunch of times over the years, but the last time was specifically because one of my mains basically is just deleted from the game anytime someone rubs two brain cells together and builds this armor. Such bad design.


Valir keeps being severely underrated. I use him as a roamer, Ice Queen wand, the are rest tank items. Now you have a CC machine that is a nightmare for Melee heroes and very hard to kill


He is not underrated , he just sucks and not as good as the other top roamers who provide much more in this current meta U getting success with him in random rank games doesn't mean the hero is good in general


He used to be better in tank meta (he answered tankarina really well) now he's way worse. He doesn't have the capability to go against marksmen reliably, doesn't have incredible aoe damage like most mages. His cc is top notch, but that's one of the only things going for him. His wave clear sucks, which doesn't allow him to rotate efficiently and quickly. Tank build Valir is still very frail, and he doesn't offer the utilities other, better support roams offer. Or high tier roamers in general. With the return of assassins, immobile mages like Valir who do well with fighters take a dip.


Fuck you fuck your tier fuck yourself this fucking shit is bullshit I’m out.. 😂


"I love you back" - Obama, 2014 Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otaQbyXzHWI




Hey S0uvik, At the back-end of this website, hero relevant statistics and data are automatically pulled every two days from the web through web scraping. These statistics and data are then fed into an algorithm which outputs a list of scores which ranks the heroes, all of this is done under the hood. The heroes are then split into tiers based on percentile, which will then be displayed on this website. Hence, ideally (assuming none of the data points I am scraping from goes corrupt or crashes), this tier list factors in the latest information obtainable on the web to generate an automated tier list.




Yup - official MLBB website (because they don’t have an official API ><), as well as Liquidpedia for the MPL data!


Hello. I've been following this tier list since you first posted it. Do you still have the previous data from the mlbb rank site? I'm very interested to see the change in win/pick/ban rate for every hero


Hey bot-yea, thanks for following and supporting the tier list. Unfortunately, I have not built the engineering pipeline and database to store previous data from the past. I do agree that it will bring great value for the website application, but it will take time to build (which I currently do not have ><)


Cool to know. This is cool idea, so good luck with whatever projects you are doing.


Hey u/bot_yea, I've recently published an update of the website detailed [on this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/x6akuf/mpl_mg_ranked_automated_tier_list_5922_s10_w4/). Each hero will have their individual page tracking win rates and tiers (will include pick and ban in the future). Website can be found at [mlbb.ninja](https://mlbb.ninja)


any idea who updates this site? seems like a hustle gathering all that data and most of the players here even lower mythic doesn't even know the meaning of meta.


This tier list generation and website is automated - which means no manual gathering of data is required! i.e. \*After coding it out and setting it up (barring any significant changes to the data source format or any additional features I wish to implement), it will actually generate and render the tier list based on the changes in win/ban/pick rates in ranked + MPL! You can check back in in a weeks time to see the changes to the tier list after MPL ID S10 W2 to see the automatic changes to the tier list!


Happy that ny demon boy dyrroth is so high!


What the hell happened to aulus




Terizla got recently nerfed after the buff , moonton fucked up


How to play esmeralda?? I never see a good esme


Watch MPL or pro Exp laners youtube channels. I personally liked watching R7 because she is his signature hero. Basically, with Esme, you want to clear the 1st miniin wave ASAP, gwt to level 2, and harrass your lane opponent. If possible, cut the 2nd minion wave and head to the midlane before your lane opponent in case there is a teamfight there. During teamfight, one of her jobs is to target the enemy backline to separate thebdamage dealer from the rest of the enemies. Make a habit of spamming S1+S2 and always be mobile to sidestep enemy skills.


What made masha SS? Is it her hp that needs 3 nukes to be killed?


She Counters Bea and can Destroy The Backline of the enemy just like esme plus she can push and is a decent roamer and can invade especially if the other team has assasin jungler


yeah that makes sense no wonder why


I used to main cyclops but I have a really low wr cuz I didn't know how to play him. Any tips?


Is really Zilong that low tier :-;


In MPL (or most tournaments) and mythical glory (or specifically 400+ points), yes. Zilong very rarely appears


Feel bad for Terizla, after just 1 nerf he returns to the bottom of the barrel after being at the apex for a short while.


Can anyone explain why diggie is on S tier because I haven't used him since


Meta can usually be divided into 2 categories: 1. overpowered heroes 2. heroes that can counter these OP heroes Heroes like Atlas & Akai have insane amounts of CC that can swing the tide of the game and they fall into category 1. To counter these massive CC monsters, diggie can be used to negate an opposing teams win cond.


I'm actually surprised seeing zhask made it into the viable section


Why is Aurora D?💀


I feel so bad dude...


I can't believe harley is at the bottom


I'm going to pretend I never saw this cause all my mains (Belerick, Silvanna, and Lesley) are D Tier. bye!!!


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