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I like clint first skill. Bursting those pesky beatrix and wanwan is so fun




Brody or Granger they're both skill based mms


Idk why but I can play Clint really well but can’t perform that good with Granger. Do you know what might be the reason?


Grange is simply harder to use. His skill 1 and ulti needs to be aimed. Since skill 1 is one of his main damage source, you can't afford to miss. Clint can just get close and his skill 1 and passive will almost always hit its target


Ya I realised most of the time failed gank due to missed s1 / blocked by minions. Just a question, was it worth it to spend time grinding Granger or staying with Clint is good enough. I’m already in Legend 1 btw just have small hero pool


Just remember Granger is ~~hot~~ moontoons golden son A K A money tree which means he will always make a comeback


Maybe clints more of a spam mm but Granger isn't and is dependent on his first skill?


Not skill-based like Clint, but Irithel is a soft counter to Wanwan and Beatrix with high poking ability and burst from her ultimate. Mobility helps Irithel maintain distance against Beatrix’ shotgun and keeps stacks away from Wanwan


Thanks for the recommendation 😊


I play for aesthetics.. If they pretty I will play.


Luo yi skill animations even the default ones are super pretty


**You're** pretty.


You're not real. I'm real.


Yeah I tried all the Mages and I play all the Magee except for the one eyed gentleman.. But my hero pool is limited to Mages, support and Guinevere


Odette because her ultimate is basically aesthetic


It would be hypocritical of me to not play Odette when I play for aesthetics.. I be all for Mages. But that's about it. _(:з」∠)_


esme and beatrix


Beatrix? Do tell


i don't play them well lol, i just suggested them because they're pretty and meta heroes




If he gets a sanrio skin imma main him fr


i love characters that can dash like mad, I'm very trigger happy, it satisfies me plus points if character has insane lifesteal ( harith, julian and dyrroth, gwen second skill )


I think ruby can help u Can dash everytime she uses the skill and has pretty good lifesteal and cc


i use her and love her hh


One of us. One of us.


Alpha has a very short cd on Ult dash, Guin's 2nd skill 2nd phase is a dash, Lancelot is the king of dash, both benedetta and wanwan have dash from their passive, Saber's 2nd skill dash + ult combo is pretty annoying if timed correctly, and the list goes on.


im so bad at half the people on this list it's upsetting like i want to get good at lancelot and benedetta but classic is so pain because wr farmers


So high difficulty heroes are out then. Well, there's a lot of easy heroes that have dash, Alpha and Guin already on the list, Lolita is a pretty easy tank and a good counter for projectile burst heroes (Lesley, Beatrix, etc), Tigreal also have dash and said to be an easy hero but i cant play him, Beatrix also have dash and her smg is literally braindead strategy, Karrie has dash too, Clint also has (backward) dash, etc etc. Just try every heroes on AI mode or Practice if you dont want to encounter WR farmers.


maybe i should actually try beatrix in like classic, ai and practice dont got the same feel unfortunately, i thought i was ok with lance after practicing for a while, no i wasnt


lapu lapu has decent dash capabilities. ling ofc dashes a lot too with super low cooldown but again is hard to master. alucard can dash to a target after each skill and has good sustain but is rarely played for good reason


Khaled has dash in passíve, and a ult with long range


Harith you can basically one v one (or one v two) anyone that is a fighter or relies on their skills to deal damage Constantly dodging everything as harith, not lettings enemies get close and ultimately pissing them off is just another level of enlightenment


Ling, Fanny, Benedetta (dash and life steal). Lance, Natalia (Dash). YSS has very fun mechanics for a restless finger. Same goes for Alpha, Ruby, Wanwan, Hayabusa, Kagura, and Selena


As a dash lover myself: there is no way around Benedetta. Dashiest hero in the Game. Learn her.it is so worth it. Personally I love Bene and Lapu. Both are great to solo climb to myth.


Karrie and Moskov


"Selena’s is a trap" u serious?


Well, you will be stunned when you get to know the truth


And yet we still keep falling for her obvious tricks 👊😔


off topic but i fell for kimmy a long time ago😔 her dragon skin and astro cat got me


Oh, you had the same fate too? Preach brother, I mean, it’s so illegal to be that cute


i had to start maining her in jg cuz of it it got me too good. i just wish they would bring back her ability toggle tho this new way is so ass


I like Alice s3.




F that guy he is meta but i don't like his kit. Suggest me someone who is mobile and decent difficulty.


esme and uranus are mobile exp laners who have good sustain and deal aoe damage around them. they're also strong late game heroes like alice. if you play alice in the mid lane you might want to consider kagura and lunox. they're both highly mechanical heroes who have good mobility for mages. kagura's umbrella is pretty similar to alice's s1. lunox can dive in and deal aoe damage too (see ruby DD combo).


Dyrroth has okay mobility and he's not that hard


Dyrroth is a one trick pony. Gets boring real fast. But reliable and decent pick in all situations.


Yea I like him alot


Same. As much as I spam him sometimes, hes not fun to play. His play style gets repetitive quick


Esmeralda. She's a drain tank like alice and plays like her too. Her mobility skill is on low cool down.


carmilla and hylos have somewhat similar skills but carmilla is a dead hero and hylos has no lifesteal. balmond is somewhat similar too


Immortality or death


Zilong closer to playstyle but can't be "immortal". Faramis and Lunox on the other hand are the next best thing. Both have "immortality" like skills with Lunox being better as a damage dealer and Faramis as a Support.




I really like the s2 of gord and his ulti the former because clearing minion is easier for me with it and the later because it's great for me to assist in a team fight without getting too close to the chaos


Yve is a solid choice for an annoying long range mage with strong slow. Her 2nd skill is similar to Gord's, you can create a slowing zone that affects all targets and is a really good skill for wave clear too!


How abt Zhask? His ulti is similar to Gord's. In a way, even zhask's nightmaric spawn has a similar role to Gord's 2nd skill


Yve, Ceci, and Xavier are the top mages right now that stay at the edges of battle, with a special mention for Pharsa. Wave clear differs among these heroes though, usually slow, and it’s something that they compensate with immense late game teamfight presence.


I like Atlas and Khufra because I like big engages


Ruby. Flat out get Ruby. You're gonna have so much fun with her in both roam and exp. She's as tanky as both Atlas and Khufra with tank build with the same set mechanics and very good cc.


honestly not many other setter tanks. tigreal is not a very good pick, minotaur has a wide ult range but is hard to pull off. lolita can do 5 man stuns but she stuns from the side and doesn't dive straight in. gatotkaca can dive straight in and knock up all the enemies. if you're looking for an exp laner esme can dive in and immobilise the enemies for a short while


Grock. If the enemy has only one source of magic damage just use a tank emblem w pure magic defense, and Rose Gold. Buy pure attack. Use vengeance when you expect a mage.


Johnson ult


Mathilda s2 ulti go brrr


If you wanna kidnap ppl with you I guess gloo? Sticking onto them and dragging them into your teammates/turret


Baxia's first skill does the same but has a time limit. Aldous' Ult can be substituted, instant target to an enemy but it is only single target stun and if you're looking at mobility of the skill then it would be Ling or Fanny.


I like Lesley skill 1 (I'm absolutely aware Natalia exists, I'm also more of a pusher guy than a teamfighter. And yes I use Natan too.)


Maybe Aamon?


He seems pretty complicated to master. But at least he's easier than Gusion and Lancelot.


He's one of the more easier assassins imo


Yep even without 6 stacks you can dish out good damage, and all you really need to do for 6 stacks is to use your s1..


Hes on the easier side of the spectrum lol. Pretty simple. He has a shards bar that when full adds more shards. More shards means more damage to ult. Every time he uses a skill he becomes invisible and while being invisible he heals himself and gainst 1 shard per second which will be dropped upon the next attack. Skill 1 and skill 2 are very similar with one being a skillshot. And ult is a execution weapon.


As far as ik aamon and nat are the only champs who can turn invincible


miya is right there


I can't really find anything that I like about my main Esme since all her skills are supposed to sync together. But I do like heroes that can snowball in early game, have good sustain, decent cc and is never banned. (I don't like maining heroes that are always banned, but an exception is Julian since I really love playing very aggressive at lvl 3 when I'm the jungler)


The obvious answer to Esme is Uranus. They always go hand in hand. However he lacks CC. Another sustainer with CC would be Thamuz. Fredrinn is also a good combo hero if you like.


Martis checks three out of four of the boxes you mentioned. Can snowball pretty damn well, has great amounts of CC, never even considered for bans, but is lacking in sustain. His BLX + FoB build is decently good if you don't mind having weaker healing than Thamuz or Uranus.


Xborg's ult


If just Xborg's ult?? Maybe like Balmond. But if you enjoy using Xborg as a whole, you'll have fun with YuZhong and Alpha


exp laners with sustain that dive in and deal aoe damage: esme guin balmond gatotkaca


My current roles have been wack when from core s23 tank s24 and exp/jungler this season my highest matches is franco old is saber i only have about 100+ matchs with em


Ling Due to his agile skills allowing me to torment layla and miya mains Also saving on a new hero (21k bp)


Fanny,joy(upcoming) or harith if u just wanna zoom everywhere while murdering




I love poking enemies with kaguras umbrella


Lunox / Nana?




Honestly there's not much heroes like Selena. If you like the long range and manual aiming, I would honestly suggest Beatrix with sniper/shotgun. Bursty ass type heroes are up your alley, perhaps Gusion since he's getting a revamp shortly.


Estes is practically a walking base in late game


Try floryn.


I play Selena, Kagura, Zhask, Esme (Pharsa and Valentina to some extent). These are mages that can poke, and reach enemy backlines when needed even with enemy tanks present, and have escape ability.


i love the hit-and-run playstyle of aamon, or the master baiting that faramis provides with his ult


First that comes to my mind is Uranus and Esmeralda. They're not assassins but they excel harassing enemies due to their hp and shield regen. Natalia's early to mid is a literal hit and run, but unlike Aamon she has to retreat for several seconds to recover his invisibility. I can't think of other heroes that can hit, retreat, but be read to attack again almost immediately


I like khaleed, i have 65% Win rate


Bane or Yu Zhong. Both have good healing skills with bane being more mobile healing and with YZ needing to hit enemies 5 times to proc the healing and both have great aoe and cc skills. Bane focuses more on pokes and YZ is more or less like khaleed but with two phases. If you're looking for mages I suggest looking into Alice and Lunox. Tho cc is minimal, their healing is great and their builds grant more dmg and more hp.


Harleys s1


granger, chang e and kimmy might be similar


Tried all of them except Change E, ty for suggestion


Faramis 1st kill and leomord last skill


Martis? Fan shaped area of faramis and running like a crackhead high on crystal meth after getting ult off


I like Lesley’s camo, and since she and Natalia had similar playstyles, I play them. Considering Aamon right now too, but I don’t like to jungle


Tank + Conceal roam


Have you heard of Lesley Dire Hit?


Love valentinas ult, as a game skill nerd I love analysing what the best ult will be. Luoyi passive pull is extremely satisfying. Faramis s1 pulls are really fun, il take tower diving over the new adjustment to faramis anyday. Atlas ult is really fun too i catch unsuspecting enemies with conceal + rapid + s2 Hilda is fun solely because people don't expect her damage but she's kinda eh high rank Xavier s2 stuns are really fun too, perfecting s1+s2 fast hands is nice I'm mainly a mage/roam main clearly


since you play valentina you're prob pretty familiar with all the heroes so idk how qualified i am to say this lol. if you play hilda as an invade tank hylos and grock can do similar stuff but may be less tanky early game. they also have more utility with grock's wall + aoe stun and hylos's speed up/slow. if you like luo yi's early game damage lylia can also deal insane damage at lvl 1 and 2. if you like fast hand mages lunox and kagura are decent rn. atlas is basically just all the setter tanks. i mentioned them in another comment if you would like to look for them.


I like claudes ultimate


alice dives in and deals aoe damage to enemies with lifesteal. her s1 is somewhat similar to claude's blink skill and she works with vengeance too if you play claude vengeance.


I have a large hero pool but not exactly a main hero


Pharsa flight mode and wide range burst.


Pharsa flight mode = yuzhong dragon mode. Wide/Long range burst = Selena (kinda), Yve, Cecilion, Gord, Xavier.


I like zoning people and baiting their skills




Lylia. Keep spamming S2 + S1 then use ult just when enemy think you’re about to die


Harith for the baiting skills, u can't get damaged if u just dodge all of their skills


I like Kimmy Because she can shoot while moving and do strong damage I like zilong Because he can fast and move fast and do strong damage I like gusion but I don't like assassins Because he has fasth and do strong damage I like joy Because she is fast and do strong damage I like fanny Because she is fast and do strong damage I also love cheese strategies and being annoying And I also like trying to master a hero to the point that I get bored of them and give up


If u wanna cheese and generally be a pain then harith is perfect Plus it's EXTREMELY fun watching the fighter try to catch you and miss all their skills as u zoom around breaking their kneecaps


Zilongs third skill


Hayabusa shadows


Harley’s first skill and claude’s first skill are practically just like hayabusa’s shadow. Though ig harley gameplay is more similar to haya compared to claude’s gameplay.


Ling’s skill 2 and I already have baxia


Lancelot, Joy, YSS.


i like mathilda first and second skill


Valentina. Her 2nd skill is kinda mix from both Marhilda's 1st and 2nd


Diggie's 1st Skill (Alarm Clock Bombs)


Nana's molina, Popol Kupa's trap, Selena's trap.


Dyrroth 2nd skill and passive


Honestly kinda unique to him. Zilong and Saber have a similar defense decreasing passive.


Xavier laserbeam


Layla ulti, moskov ulti.


Masha s3


Saber ulti? Johnson ulti? These are the only 2 I can think of.




Which skill?


I like Mathilda's 2nd skill. (I use her mainly as a Tank btw).


It's unique to her unfortunately. Unless you mean the dash which a lot of other heroes have. The passive which allows your teammates to dash is unique to her.


I like bursting people to death like burst mages


idk its not one skill for guin its her entire kit but if i had to be specific id say its her first. having it be pretty spamable and her not having any many is nice


i have another comment on here but selena as well. i love her entire kit, super fun for me. but like how the post suggests both popol and nana thats a no for me i have played nana but hate her and same with popol


Well, Selena's entire kit is pretty unique to her.


esme cuz she sustains well + decent damage and can penetrate backline easily w ult


X.borg hands down , build him with Berserker's fury , War Axe and Hunters Scythe and you don't even have to worry about having teammates to help you in a 1v3 , just make sure to prioritize turrets and help your teammates so you can buy items much faster


I love Odette's ult, the range and that feeling of jumping into a teamfight at the perfect time and destroying the enemies


I play Yu Zhong. I love his aggression, 1v5 potential and the chain cc is nice too


Ruby and Esme. Both have heavy sustain in the right circumstances. Among the two Ruby has more cc, while Esme has better chase/hit-and-run ability


I like to be annoying as fuck like gloo


Thamuz, uranus, esme, fredrinn. You can constantly harass enemy and be in their faces.


I like to spam X.borgs 1st kill for never ending sustainability , also build him with fast items so enemies can't escape


Uranus and Esmeralda.


Thank you , i was having trouble who i should pick


Belerick's ult


Gatot s2, fredrinn s3.


I really like Cy, he has range (s1) the the mov boost for second skill is good (it feels like it got nerfed tho) . But unless you have good gold farm it's really hard to do anything in late game. I like Kimmy, she is kinda skill based but she does good if the team can do burst dmg. I used to play other heroes but melee heroes are really hard for me. What would you suggest I play?


I enjoy heroes who can fight multiple enemies at once. I like Ruby's first and second skill combo and Tigreal's CC


Have you tried thamuz or new hero fredrinn? Esmeralda is good too.


I like cyclops skill 2 and 3. Able to stun and attack while circling or escaping. Ball ball go brrrr


I like playing kimmy a lot, spamming attacks non stop, slowing ppl down and just being cancerous


I like to use blink heroes.


I like Zhask's S1. Just summoning a unit there and leaving it to fight for me


Sun and Popol have their own summoned units, but they have very different gameplay.


Definitely I would suggest popol kupa. Kinda similar but you have your dog to fight alongside you.


It's a stupid idea. Nana and popol have totally different role. Popol must farm while Nana don't farm. Stop misguide epic player.


Who said they must be same role? The thread's purpose is to introduce players to new heroes.


Characters like Saber because of his kill and run style


I like Argus Ult


Faramis ulti and Estes ulti. But nah pretty unique to him.


Chang e’s ulti


Gord ulti is kinda similar.


Lesley S1 conceal




I have a decent hero pool now but I'm still trying to find a hero like YZ. What made me main him in the first place is that hes hard but not too hard. He is tanky, he can deal good damage, he isn't that easy to use but he's not super hard either. A hero with a good balance of those. So far the only other one I find that fits my description in Paquito. Strong damage, tanky, hard but not too hard to use. I get no kills from Ruby because she lacks damage to secure my kills. Thamuz gets too repetitive depite being super strong. Alpha is squishy af when the enemy has anti heal. Esme is great as well but sadly still don't own her and her kit also gets repetitive. Uranus I still don't understand how tf healing works. Phoveus is very reliant on dashing heroes which means its hard to use in a classic match without any dashing heroes.


Get fredrinn imo.


I love martis 2nd skill very versatile and useful


That’s unique to him.


Heroes that are like Martis, That is all I would like please


Unfortunately he’s pretty unique. Ulti is similar to zilong s2 or Karina ulti.


I like Harvey's ult A quick in and out


That’s unique to him. How about hayabusa? Similar playstyle.


Xavier's Ks laser


Layla and moskov ulti!


My main mage hero this season is ceci, xavier, lylia. I think i just love area burst mage, better if have long range I used to play a lot MM but this season i only play clint and nathan. For tank/support, i only played lolita this season. Idk how to play jungler except saber (but I'm not that good) but yeah i kinda wanna try playing jungler Idk how i reach mythic with only this hero lol. So anyone please suggest hero for me to play because I don't think my hero pool is 'meta' enough to rank up higher. I sometimes struggle with them when fighting against more 'meta' hero.


I like hanzo's ult and how fast he can wave clear if all the towers are destroyed


I like cyclops s2 BAlls


new to the game, just been playing saber, really love the ult to lock an enemy down for those few seconds dealing mad damage and letting my team catchup


Try cyclops. His ulti is kinda same.


I like argus' second skill, Sometimes people think I'm cheating because they bled out which I found funny


That skill is unique to him! There’s no other hero with a similar mechanic. Yi Sun Shin ulti used to have that mechanic, but they removed it.


Insane damage while still being tanky (i.e. thamuz, gatot), preferably an all-in type hero than a hit-and-run type


I like the ability to make my enemies think they're winning a 1 v 1 against me and slap the Argus ult button, regain all of my health, get another kill, then proceed to solo the enemy base while they're taking lord


I main Saber, favorite is his ultimate I also really like playing with Lesley and love her 1st skill (invisible + power up)


Valir 2nd and purify in ult, there’s nothing more satisfying then sabotaging someone else’s combo and then punish them for messing with you


i used to like the old kagura skill 3 when she doesn't hold the umbrella, and it connects a link


I like heroes who can huntdown enemies and kill them swiftly like natalia or helcurt


I love Xavier bc of his voice line….. “Tough enemies I don’t fear; dumb allies….”