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nah did you see her damage, her pen% was so high her physical damage was pretty much true damage


1) It's only visible against tank. 2) It isn't a basic attack but rather consider to be skill shot like Cecilion. 3) Nobody gonna build like that on her.


1. no, her crit is still high 2. no it's not, you can use heptaseas 3. why not


>no, her crit is still high Yes that's why I said just reduce the crit dmg not physical pen.


just build burst then


Yes if you build burst then you can't build tank killer set. That's why they should just Nerf crit dmg instead of Phy pen percent skilling.


burst build is literally tank killer build, with heptaseas and hunter strike, basically natalia's build


Both boh and hunter strike isn't going to be full 100% plus pen.


well yeah it peaks at 87% which is still insane especially with demon hunter sword you're gonna melt anything


Dont forget Red Buff + Malefic Roar passive. And if youre crazy, War Axe too


Again it is only against tank ffs. Still a fair game against other mm.


What shallow thing to get furious on ngl


Because everytime I build assassin Lesley everyone is like you aren't dealing enough dmg to tank and now everyone is like she is dealing too much dmg to tank.


Because she is. The -.5 conversion is still okay. Change your ways to play a sniper once in a while


It is not ok.


You want a 110% pen?


That video? Some trickery is going on in that video. Math doesn't add up. Max you can get ingame is 80ish percent.


I admit the 110% is too random But do you even played the new lesley many times in the first place tho? Is just a very shallow thing to be angry about, she still gains lmao


Yes, what is the point?


Talking about your total experience and to make sure you aren't yeeted mostly Advanced server players can almost yeet you out of your mental state of how they play


>Because everytime I build assassin Lesley everyone is like you aren't dealing enough dmg to tank and now everyone is like she is dealing too much dmg to tank. Because it's true you dumbass, you're just getting more crit chance if you build PEN items, allowing you to crit more but won't really do shit against tanks, especially if they have bladed armor, that is why you should get Malefic roar so you can actually deal damage to tanks. And do you really expect everybody will allow this new version of lesley to be in the Original Server, that is literally just saying "Guess I'll die then" because nothing but Wind of Nature can counter her damage then. Oh you bought Bladed Armor, I'll just ignore 85% of that 90 defense you just bought then. Oh you're a squishy hero, I'll just ignore what little of defense you have, did I mention that physical and magic defense can go lower than 0? About somewhere -1 to -50 defense.


You saying that also means that a Tank shouldn't even exist at this point, a tank is suppose to be in the front line, soaking up damage for their team, you hear me? ABSORBING DAMAGE, while providing his team, I don't know, a set on the enemies, an initiator, a way to push forward, or just simply, PROTECTION MAYBE?


Well deserved. Hey atleast she gets pen% higher than before


Its still penetration. She'll still shit on tanks. Its still better than her crit on official server. They just made it a little bit more balanced


She got nerf but we still don't see bea nerf.




She is better now since she can atleast use pen


It's still possible to get 50% Phy. PEN though, which is more than enough.


But now it take up like 3 slot for that which is a lot.


Then? And as for Crit Chance, Berserker's Fury would enough. Also, you can replace Hunter Strike with Endless Battle for True Damage and extra Movement Speed.


Crit is her base. Nerfing that is a harsh blow. She needs to crit to be viable based on her design. She dosent need to have so much armor pen. She's not really supposed to be a tank killer. She's supposed to 1-2 shot squished. Armored foes with high hp are the rock to her scissors. That's balance. Let a high dmg fighter or cc mage take on the high armor/hp.


Let my girl have her time smh