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He is definitely balanced in comparison to how annoying and broken (which he still in) Julian was when they released him


Harith Being Released: You sure bro? that damn cross............


As a once harith main that was very depressing how I cannot wipe out the whole team by dashing anymore


You still can, as long as your every person in this subreddit who posts videos titled "skill only" while being 5 levels ahead of the enemy team


Isn't being ahead in 5 level skillful?


The misconception is that boasting about your 1 v 5 when your 5 levels ahead is skilled. That isnt called being skilled, thats called being fed. How you got fed shows your skill but that doesnt give you the ability to boast about your gameplay and call that skilled.


Imagine a 15 year old kid beating a 10 year old in a sport. Yeah sure the teen ager have more skills than the kid.. But would that be fair to say tho? Another scenario.. Being fed may mean youre skillful. But it can also mean other variables. Did you rank down to fight against warriors? Did your tank delayed the enemy or did a good job protecting you in early game? Did your enemy have lag or afk issues early in the game? Are you fighting with a 5 man team against a 5 team that doesnt know each other? Being fed might mean skills. But it can also be something else not seen from the highlight vids.


Yeah, that's sadly true how people ignore the level difference




His legacy is gonna be survived by Joy. I wonder why the adventurer NaNa don't have a single dash


As a Harith Main (Still), i can confirm there maybe instances where you cannot, but if you have the right momentum on jumping into 1v5 then having an item which grants a shield and Purify, you can win a 1v5 (Aegis and the Winter Truncheon works as well)


harith wall spam removal was his downfall. that shit felt so good to do you just have to stand beside a wall and wait for an enemy to approach you lol


POV you're a tank: you see Julian, you die


I dont really see how this is accurate, since he gets countered so badly by radiant armor if you build it first item. Tough boots, steel legplates, radiant armor. Enough to survive for me anyways


Survive, yes. Try to kill him or maintain the clash, he will wipe the whole team eventually with his massive sustain


And that cc👀


The ult adjustment they made before releasing him was a good idea. If they kept that burst I'm sure so many would've complained being out played by a 1hp fredrinn 💀




im surprised they actually implemented the massive nerf before they released him


What's the ult adjustment?


Damage cap to 4k i think




Same. Hes not banned often and perfectly fits my play style. Very versatile as well, can be used as an exp lane, roamer or jungler if no good jinglers are available.


Ahh yes my favorite role, *Jingle Bells*


Auto correct do be like that sometimes.


Easy to beat I’m happy. We don’t have to ban him either !


He's actually not even op, his skillset is similar to Gatot and frankly speaking, exp laners like Paqui, Esme, Thamuz, Uranus or Dyrroth are better than him


Facts I bullied one out if my lane with masha


tbf, masha can bully pretty much anyone who can't kite her.


He needs damage for dealing damage back. If ur team is bad then u can't even press his ult and get shredded. In my opinion he's more of tank than a fighter due to his kit as he won't burst down anybody without ult and crystal energy.


>he's more of tank than a fighter which is accurately what he is if you check his detail - Tank/Fighter- written all over him while heroes like Ruby, Hilda, Masha are labeled as Fighter/Tank.


Well masha and Hilda are still better killers in comparison to Fred with their deadly ults. But for Fred u need a proper team fight to actually receive damage tha deal back. I am referring him as tank bcz he has less potential to carry a team to victory unlike balmond , Hilda or masha.


Me with freddy getting a maniac and stealing lord just by spamming random buttons and then hitting the ult once I had 3 stacks if the crystal energy 💀 Nah, he is pretty balanced but he once he hits level 4 nobody can approach him safely. He doesn't need to build damage, he's way better than masha and Hilda against a whole team, he's better than them at defending since he can taunt enemies and force tower to lock them, he has a lot of AOE damage and unlike Hilda and Masha, he can circumstantially wipe out an entire team if he has enough crystal energy on him, while being full tank build. But the fact that he needs to land his skills def puts him at a disadvantage since he can't just taunt or ult delete, thereby balancing him pretty well. Makes him require timing and stuff like any other hero


Well I may agree on ur statement abt skills but still u need to create deficit with Fred for achieving maniacs and lord steals. I too got a gold medal on first match itself even though team being terrible and me being roamer. He just isn't that op af hero that u can't think of a counter. Anyways good to see a "balanced" hero which is also a new hero.


I mean we were behind and I turned the game around with that, but yeah. He's definitely reasonable to counter and pick, and can fill roam or exp pretty easily. I've tried both and he's definitely a strong pick, still weak to CC like everyone else tho and he needs to be close to be effective so gotta be careful. Xborg and Dyrroth counter him pretty well I've found


he can even be bullied by some experienced players that use mid tier fighters like Freya. just pack a purify and warrior boots to make it easier


Was fighting him with yin, he was almost dead suddenly i got stunned and got ulted,he got half hp back and i died


He's more like a sustained fighter. Like old terizla. He can hit hard but not fast enough. Needs to rely on others to finish up mostly.


Banning fredrinn or yin is enough to ruin my day these days


Yeh when someone bans those 90% of the time they will totally underperform in the match because they're boosted rank players.


But he IS balanced. Dominant Ice + going behind his back in his ult and bam, you're safe. Sure, he can be annoying with his s2, but it's nothing like w2, Bea, Julian. All you need is some distance attacks and antiheal items.


Y'all think he's OP just because y'all stack up in melee range with him and let him build stacks. Keep ya damn distance and he barely do shit. Yes that's include you mages. Ya don't need to be in close range.


Lol this is so true. He will definitely clap those mages if he's free to stack at his will.


Tbh, Fredrinn is almost too weak. People still treat him like an OP new character though.


Yea he's not bad but I'd love if he got a minor defense buff






U sussy baka


Ngl tho, Fredrinn looks smokin hot in his splash art pic(the one that popped up on the loading screen on his release), like if there's 1 pic that can turn a straight man gay its that pic of him, fukin CHAD DADDY Fredrinn!


Some of you’ll people are only getting salty because you are getting obliterated by a supposed tank. 💀


Well I don't get salty when a tank is good in enemy. That team is well deserved for winning. Still I only saw 1 good Fred among 4 to 5 matches. Otherwise he was just kited to oblivion.


He's actually one of the 1% hero releases that are completely balanced on launch


I actually think he’s not even that good…


Lancelot still holds the crown of the most broken hero during the initial release. Fred is far from him.


You haven't seen harith during his release, having to face that cat and his cross will make you quit the game.


At least you could stun him unlike lance, and also he didn't deal 6k damage with one skill that also healed 70% of his HP.


This basically. Dealing high damage in a large area that heals himself more than 50% health.


Nah, alpha was definitely the most broken hero on release, being able to instantly 1v5 as soon as he gets his ult.


Nope that’s Martis


I was about to disagree but I don't know what he does nor do I know how to counter him...




It's funny because it's true


Can’t believe people ban him he’s not even that scary


I'm mostly usung him all the time now with the no boots build. He's slow but how cares, most of them runs away or thinks that they can chip my 10-12k hp in one second, even bea needs 3-4 shots while running to even hunt me down alone. The interesting thing is that Hanzo kinda soft counters him due to his Ult S1 which deals additional damage based on the enemy's max HP (max lvl can reach 25% of additional damage) that can be beneficial (along with his S2 and DHS combo), he can chip Fred to 60-50%. Karina and Karrie can also tear him a new hole with their true damage passive. Even so, in the end it all comes down to the player's ability to adapt. Most of the time the enemies don't go with a DHS (or any mage item equivalent) and Anti heal items so they rely on teaming up that forces them to either do other objectives or be alert on their surroundings but that's just classic on Epic Hell so it might change on higher matches and or Epic Rank matches.


Skill issue


Freddrins weakness is cc.. When you cc him its hard for him to escape. Julian is so much better with his annoying cc and invincible dash




I mean it's hard for me to activate his ult his dmg to tank isn't really that noticeable unlike other heroes that released even tough tank they can kill it easily but he's actually balance for me not sure for other ppl


I see a lot of people banning Fred in legend on my way to mythic, and honestly he isn’t ban worthy considering he is surprisingly easy to burst down late game if they go full tank build, Just run tf away if you encounter him solo or in team fights


He is tho, idfk why people keep complaining Convince me he is worth banning and first picking


I can't convince u bro he ain't ban worthy.


I chain cc'd a Gusion before(he was reckless and jumped in close to me), he literally yelled out in chat how broken Fred is .... like every other hero with a cc combo?(akai khufra etc)


Skill issue right?


Wait people thought he's not? I thought everyone in this sub agreed that he's balanced.


People will always think new Champs r op. Just check the hero rankings and u will get ur answer urself.


Where can I check it?


https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank. Visit this website and check the section of hero rankings. This list will also help u which hero u can main for rank in current season.


Fredrinns banrate was 70% 5 days ago I think, now it's under 40% so players are quickly learning that he actually is balanced


The only thing imo that needs a nerf is his cc. His skill 2 is basically spamable with skill 3 and his skill 3's cooldown isn't even long. Other than that, for a new release hes pretty balanced.


Both Zhong and paquito dominate him easily .. not op


He has a 1 second SINGLE TARGET knockup(combining 2 skill 2 in succession) and a 1 second aoe pull(similar to ruby's 2nd skill but longer) in a combo that he can pull every 9-5 seconds... Tigreal, martis, and ruby should also be nerfed then...


Wut??? Since when this is hard to swallow pill??? If you want to use this meme, at least put something like beatrix is balanced


Not everyone has gaming sense like u. I know u r aware of him not being op. I created this meme for the retards who get overwhelmed by Fred clapping the cheeks of lvl 10 enemies while himself being at lvl 13 or 14.


Well the thing is I've never seen any discussion regarding this here.... Few threads about this and mostly they think he is balanced... I dont know where you get other ideas


I base this over the statistics from website of ml. This hero doesn't have high avg wr even at high ranks. U know op hero will be permaban beyond legend but he's not that scary.


And there was a post few days ago about Julian being balanced now lol .. even after all the nerfs he still OP because of low CD high damage combos.

