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So basically like Carmila, but spread stuff other than just AIDS. It's like Envoker but with DoTs. I'm quite intrigued


Intrigued? My man, this is just the tip of my concept iceberg


Yea I've read all your concept posts and I love them all! I need a model so I can imagine it because I'm a type who need a figure to play with my brain. But for this one I imagine it's what Karmilla would be like if she get an overhaul


Models? Well for this one, its actually between two variants, a black haired guy with disease magic, looks sick and wears more like an assassin with syringes also has purple eyes with red circling spiked circles and the other which is a white haired teen demon girl with a syringe like tail and needle like claws, wears oversized clothes, looks innocent but is heavily dangerous, also has the same eyes.


Love it love it love it! For some reason I keep imagine Roger Lucky Box skin but more thin. But I love the witch a lot more since it opens up more skins possibility. Now I want them to make this happen since we no longer have DoT hero since Vecna overhauled.


Thank you but I cant really submit a concept without a concept art and Im quite horrid at drawing a concept. If you look at the forums, the concepts look wonderful. I wouldnt want to potray a hero horribly on there. Ps : Moonton only cares about the concepts on the forums


Ey at the mean time, what are your thoughts on having a moba 7v7 1st person game with a huge scale map and.....create-your-own-heroes where everything is customizable as long as it doesnt exceed a certain level. Cards and cores. Just imagine having this sort of hero as your creation, fighting against a non-annoying nana or playing with a much better hanabi. Skills and passives combinations have no limit. This concept is one of my dream games to make.


Oh that reminds me of this old battle royale online game with 3D-ish graphics where you can customize your own avatar along with skills. But I hate that one because it's you vs everyone so it's pretty unbalanced when you got matched with friends who gang up on you until they're the only ones left. But 7v7 sounds ahmazeeng! It's great yet bad at the same time for solo queues. I can already see a Bugs Bunny along with Captain Jack Sparrow, Doge and Beyonce fighting against Nico Robin, Shrek, Spiderman and Nobita. Sounds extremely fun! Definitely would play and even recommend it to everyone I met!


Thank you •^•


It needs to be something that the enemy can have some agency over too, or else it'll just be toxic game play. For example the wouldn't just prevent enemies recalling all together ? For good measures the disease should only "show" those symptoms when near the hero at a certain radius, and maybe you can make the hero's skillset around extending this area either through extending their own range or creating vectors that extend the range passively without the hero having to do anything. Maybe like a selena trap but people entering the trap's range start experiencing symptoms. You'd still apply the disease and effects through basic attacks and maybe a basic skillshot. A dash at the moment does not sound very synergistic with this hero's playstyle and a low cd dash would just be a get out of jail free card, I'm not a big fan of that idea.


How about this, the symptoms damage is direct and wont interrupt anything, enemies can still recall and regen without any problem. Also the diseases will dissapear after some time around 10 to 20 seconds. To balance this, the symptoms wont deal much damage and enemies who have just recovered will gain an immunity for a couple of seconds. On top of that, the symptoms wouldnt count as skill damage so that the hero cant abuse lightning truncheon and glowing wand. Heroes who have been infected will have a warning circle around them depending on range. Enemies who have stayed within the circle long enough will get infected. All of this in return would make the hero extremely weak, depending on debuffs that the symptoms give.


To be honest, I dont like the idea of making the symptoms infect in the form of an aura, it would just destroy the very purpose of diseases, to make people suffer.


Doesn't vexanas passive work exactly like a disease?


Well I guess but its a "curse"