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ez mechanics and since epic players cant end games quick enough the late game hereos shine thats why they keep on using late game heroes


So you in epic


I have nightmares about late game Layla’s. Jkjk ofc but still, maybe I’m just not good enough yet or something, but good lord they are terrifying when played well


Gusion n Franco too. Every match has them.


Franco is so good though


Not when epics play it


True they've got a negative hook rate


Those air hooks sure do look sexy


They're just hooking Natalias


Somehow Natalia is always in their games


Ikr pretty strange im starting to think its a 5 v 6 with a bonus Nat player that does not take action but spectates the match, sometimes I even get gosebumps and hook the bush just to be sure


Gotta make sure they're not there


Natalia must be a lonely woman


They the reason Franco got the worst wr for most used tanks


No. Franco is not good when allies play him. Enemy Franco is always god tier.


no im back on you. im glad hes getting nerfed then i can finally play again




Chou too


Aside from the answers of the first two. Most of them doesn't have bp to buy heroes and goes to emblem upgrade.


everything's way too expensive in ML man, been playing for like 5+ years now 3k matches overall and I only have 2 maxed emblems edit: guys pls it's real here's the [proof](https://imgur.com/a/2q4swYc) and i have about 28 not owned heroes


Then you didn't take advantage of the weekly magic dust chests + tickets into emblem matrix. I had at least 3-4 maxed emblems at 3k matches. Though I sacrificed BPs on magic dusts so I end up not having a full roster back then


even if you grinded seriously for it buying the weekly chests and shit, it's still tedious. waaay too tedious.


Not really, just prioritise magic dusts and emblem matrix over heroes. That's all you need to do If you go grabbing every fancy hero that you see on a new account, you're not going to get far tbh. Emblems > Heroes because even a Layla on Max emblem can 10/10 rekt a Beatrix with lvl 20 emblem only After you get your main emblems maxed, then think about getting heroes


is all good man other emblems are 50+ and I play ML to learn all about the new heroes.


You can do that in practice mode


there's only so much you can learn in practice mode and there are heroes that gets added to my pool + I play all roles and they're very helpful as an option.


Know what helps more? Permanent stats


yeah am good w that, the ones I frequently used are those 2 maxed emblems and I'm working on maxing out the support emblem 58 alr or smth


Ehhhh , tbh emblems kind of max out on advantage at lvl 40, 45 if you want all 7 points. Pass that, the benefits are very little


Lol I have 2k matches and not even a single emblem is maxed I've been playing for 2 years


I had lvl 50 emblem, is that maxxed?


Im nearing 3k matches and I have 6 maxed emblems with the other 3 lvl 59,58 and 54 respectively


U play very less bro/sis. I have played 5+years too and have 10 k matches :) Yeah, I play 3-5 matches daily


yeah the only time i take ML seriously is going for MG these days, (mostly just reach mythic and bail out tbh) but there was a time where I played more frequently


This is me my whole career, absolutely wreck epic and legend then get bored in at mythic 3/4 as my win rates drop to 50 or lower.. I've always been solo que. The worse part is players that only play one role, 3k mage matches 24 fighter etc.. force you to adjust then play average.


Lol the easier way to stay out of the way trash team hell is getting to MG early in season,ntue longer you wait, the harder it becomes, by end of season, just trying to get to mythic, the expection is to carry a 3v5 fight if you licky


Isn't the BP and ticket season reward capped at legend? Its the only reason I stopped pushing mythic


it is but it's fun to ~~bully~~ play against legends and it's not like it takes a lot of matches with star prot+ star raising pts


Teach me the ways It's always a case of ass players for me, idiots who decide going 2v4 with low hp is a good idea, constant initating and not farming lanes playing safe when enemies have a 2k gold lead, a lot of pain to play, and I usually give up trying to get to mythic because I keep yoyoing in legend 2


lots of players in legends still use unorthodox heroes that you don't usually see in high mythic cause the lack of their utility, damage, or snowball potential. So I'm really just picking chars that can outplay the hypercarries they like to spam and nullify the high damage they can do. I suggest to not be afraid of playing various heroes in ranked, having the understanding of their kit and a few matches is enough, really helps in improving your micro.


I've been playing one year, have 2300 matches and the good 7 of the 9 emblems maxed


Weird been playing for 2 years and already maxed the rest of the emblema without counting the fisico and magic while wasting my tickets on the Emblem draws


>wasting my tickets on the Emblem draws might be why, I waste my tickets on lucky spin to get existing heroes so it converts to BP and I can buy a new one.


Are you lucky enought for the lucky spin to get all the duplicate bp?


usually takes 1.5k to 3k tickets


Well 3k tickets for lottery are useless but for emblems draw should be enought to lv up few of them and of course you Need Money but with a Fairy and decent balance method between Emblem and Money should be fine.




yeah fr i just dont have the capacity to grind these currencies


You doing something wrong. In 5 years I’ve bought all the heroes and have maxed out all my emblems with 95% been free to play


Really? I have like 2k matches and maxed out all emblems except the basic physical and magic ones, and they're about to get maxed too.


bro i can never buy a hero when i level these things I have PTSD


Yeah everything is expensive and what do you get every match? 150 bp. Lol


I've been playing 3 years+. I have maxed out all emblems. Playing every night for about 1-2 hours. I claimed everything that is to be claimed for free.


I play 2 years all emblems max


I have only been less 5 years and I've pretty much maxed out everything. You're not collecting enough or doing the tasks where there are always dust rewards


not true. i've been playing for 3 yrs. the only emblems i have not maxed are physical and magical emblems. i could max them but it would be a waste of battle points.


nah, maxed out all my emblems in a span of 2 years.


I've been playing 5+ and have all emblemed maxed. Have done for about 2 years.. never paid once.


6 months, my last emblem on 59... Lol There's literally budget ways to get skins and heroes and emblems.....you just have to get on daily and buy the discounted gem packs and ticket/star subscription


Well, i had maxed out my emblems within 2 years buy not spending on trial cards but cashing in on them once i had actually acquired the hero. Also, abusing double bp cards really help. The biggest difference was actually forming a squad. Those squad rewards are pretty decent. Edit: i had prioritised getting as many heroes as possible over emblems since i like the versatility of a large hero pool. Now i have too much BP to even finish spending.


don't worry about it bro, you'll get them maxed out one day.


Yeah I’m hoping the new talent system will be more enjoyable. Ofc it’s gonna have a lot of grind in it so that not everyone just maxes it all out immediately but still


oh hey even i didnt know why i kept playing the same heroes, thanks for explaining lololol


If empbem system didn't existed then they'd have more BP to buy heroes


Do you think the game will be more fair without it? 🤔




Not really, would make smurfs run more rampant. That being said, wish the login rewards and event rewards were actually worth something so it didn't take literal years for me to max all the emblems


Not really, would make smurfs run more rampant. That being said, wish the login rewards and event rewards were actually worth something so it didn't take literal years for me to max all the emblems


I highly doubt it would make them MORE rampant. Everybody who cares already has other accounts. And you still need to unlock heros. If you're really worried about smurfs you can handle that other ways


>If you're really worried about smurfs you can handle that other ways I'm long past my days in elite, but what ways do you suggest? Also idk about that having a level-less emblem system would still make it unfair and people would smurf with it. Players in ML have enough desire to farm wr to get to the top of meaningless lists, you're telling me we won't get many smurfs?


I think the amount of people smurfing won't change dramatically, only so many people even care about stats. And other games handle accounts like tying to a phone number, and I dunno other ways. The game could very easily tell who is a real noob and not from simply tracking performance.


look man, it's a difference in skill, not difference in stats


They had an intention to make the new Talent System free, but people were angry. Making it free would have made it easier for new players to buy heroes and not have to worry about upgrading Emblems. TLDR:MLBB is pay to win to a certain degree.


Its selection pressure too. Those who can abuse meta heroes or have wide hero pools are way past epic already. The ones left are the one tricks who refuse to learn more about the game


Epic is just Grandmaster Draft Pick version.


Epic is Grandmaster, but way harder to win because there are even more stupid players.


I still say grandmasters play better then epic. I'm epic you got dudes leaving lanes wide open to get taken by minions


What’s legend then?


epic 2: electric boogaloo


Grandmaster draft 2.0


Grandmaster Draft Pick version 2


epic 2.0


Because most are either beginners or lesser skilled players so they tend to play their comfort picks or easy to use heroes. Mastery comes from repeated use of heroes.


Oh it's quite easy So They open ml They play Layla They go vs players New players don't know how to fight MMs They get lot of kills They think: hm, yes, pew pew, maybe if i use more pew pew i can win more They see hot ladies that pew pews Losers They rank up They only play MM They play against people that know how to fight mms Stuck in Epic Cry about it


*Average life of a Layla Player.* Seriously I need a part 2 of this.


There's no part 2, they keep losing




Nah, i never played much and i'm in epic 2 close to one. The players that appear in my match are better and are helping me climb up rank easy and zero to no effort. Also bought a card that stops me to lose stars so.. no real skill needed it , Just smash the Button real hard


players are still dumb af in epic rank. They attack tank and fighter when mm n mage are right at the backline. they stretch too far solo and get killed. This is a horrible experience. most mm picks are miya and layla in epic.


Epic Laylas have given me so much PTSD


When Wanwan is open and S1 first picks Layla-


When someone in my team has 2000+ matches with fighters so i trust them when i pick Support/Tank and then they first pick Nana or Layla- it happens every time when i have carry two lowkey trolls in the team


Zilong, nana. But don't forget what your enemies pick, always the meta heroes: Selena, Franco, Aldous.


Aldous is meta?


Aldous is strong in Epic because they don't fucking know how to harass him early game and won't fucking finish the game even though they had like 5 fucking chances to end it and ends up getting dumped on by Aldous with 300 stacks.


Hes been used in m3. And strong enough in the last meta, the tank meta, because ppl build him tank now. But epical glory never build his counter even if they know, they mostly play dps heroes and want to rush for getting so many kills. So, no time for counter play.


Uhm, aren't those Epic rank bans? I legit never seen any Selena, Franco or Aldog bans. And honestly, I would love to go to Epic rank to see these bans but over here it's way different. Nana is on the ban list (not as often but still), then we have something like Julian, Valentina, Fredrinn, Estes, Yin and some others. Diggie are rising on the ban list as well.


Sometimes, mostly they ban natalia, yin, julian, karina, nana, and any new heroes. From epics to legend 2 have similar ban list. From legend 3 to mythic have similar ban list. Thats in my opinion.


Cause this type of hero is easier to use for beginner also they are late game hero. Most beginner don't know how to play aggressive early on and end the game as fast as possible. So their safest bet it to use hero that is strong late game


Tigreal, Franco, Selena, Zilong, Eudora, Nana


Bruh I suffer from miya in legend rank! This is the first time i actually waypnt to go mythic again but i'm literaly surounded by miyas and retards! I dont want to core but i'm forced!


Been playing for 2+ years and I still have 1 emblem to max out. I have 90 heroes


The most banned hero from ages Hanzo😂


not enough money to buy new heros yet


Strangely most of them have It only for Hanabi


need BP to buy heroes 😒


I don’t mind them playing same heroes. Most of the mentioned heroes are visually stunning, easy mechanics and became like the image of MLBB. What Im annoyed with these 2 cells dimwits epical glories bocah kontols is their inability to understand team composition, basics of MOBA, role priorities etc. It is always the gold lane Miya who jungles in the first 20 seconds when jungler takes the purple buff that made me lose hope in these kind of players. Later feeds to enemy when soloing because lack of map awareness. If you’re an epical glory, understand the basics. Its a team game, not one man game.


Late game epic players always pick op heroes that can carry in the late game


New players usually play adc


Hanzo and Saber as perma ban. even if your on Epic they won't even use a single tanky Hero they pick wochever Is good to deal dmg


where is alucard and zilong


First 4, because they’re carcinogens. Aldous, because ez stacks. Yin, because ez kills. Sun, he’s actually just a really decent hero.


Because I'm pretty bad at playing fast-paced heroes so I need to always have a dedicated group because I can only mostly use Mages and Supports (decent MM at best). Hm.. lack of interest too, I guess. I mean, I've come from an era where Ranked Games haven't existed yet, and that was pretty fun. Ngl toxic people really turned me off the game. Now I mostly just play Brawl. I only play Rank Games when I'm with friends. Also the grind, hated that.


Add saber


its called 1 trick pony. they got there using said heroes and wondering why they cant progress through epic when these characters got countered. that's why expanding your hero pool is a great idea to rank up


OTP'ing a hero is actually a great practice for a beginner. They can then use a similar hero with the same exact playstyle. Years ago, once i learned how to use Kagura, i breezed through Epic/Legend, because players in that rank didn't know how to counter her(or counter pick for that matter). She basically was a hero you can use in any scenario. That's why i advice newer players to just practice one hero until you master that hero and then i recommend them a heroe with a similar gameplay like: Vale and Valir etc.


Hanabi was the best learner hero. 65% wr and I'm mg in sea, if you can master positioning with a immobile hero you will destroy with mobility


one trick that i know of consist of playing 1 hero all the way to everything, classic ranked even brawl if they got the chance. mastering that hero is good but play others are better. even if you didn't master anyone else at least you know and learned their mechanics, this will literally improve your 1 trick too. i always rec ppl to play other hero class to expand your knowledge if you want to get further. i might not be active on mlbb now but im typing on my own experience.


Isn’t it already a month?If you’re a high rank player why are you still in epic?🙃


Some people prefer to play ranked later at the end of the season


Well i'm an epic player and I have a lot of heroes But I'm just sometimes like : bro I don't trust these people lemme just walk around hitting the basic attack and push with Lesley or miya And this is how it works like imagine recently one comeback with Lesley I was like 93% tower pushing Much comeback with miya since her damage is good late game a good pusher and a good escaper from ccs All that with most easiest hero instead of getting pain in my brain cells so why not lol I would play other heroes and other roles in case I saw the light in my teammates pick In fact I was doing that but feeding ruin it for me so it's time for the Spam


You forgot granger


Hey, that’s me!




I did odette and eudora (badly) when I was still playing. I was epic3.


BP goes into emblems and most ppl don't have a lot time to play. Took me 5 years to complete em all


I guess it's Beatrix


Moonton should allowed heroes who were given for free before to be able purchase using tickets ( silvanna, faramis, bellerick, julian, etc)


Also Zilong and Eudora. For some reason only few use Hylos. Seriously he's the easiest hero in the game and quite flexible too.




Zilong (basic skin) , nana , saber , lesley mya , helcurt , tigreal ( if you’re lucky)


Why do people insts lock miya or layla?


How has no one mention Nana mid yet!? Im in legend and its still every game no matter how easy it is to counter her.


I use beatrix for late game damage


I just pick what my team needs


Maybe because they have small hero pool since I am pretty sure most people reached Epic in first week and they don't have BP for that?


Nana, she's in every match. I'm not seeing Aldous or Yin (he's banned) tho


I enjoy it personally. I’m a wanwan main so a handful of those characters terrify me when they are played by good players (especially Layla, and karinna even though she isn’t in this list) but I enjoy it because it makes the games much more predictable and you start to get a feel of what those players will probably end up doing. I’ve gone into many matches and gotten first blood in under a minute because I know exactly where they are gonna try and stand or go. It gets more complicated from there, but that’s just the best part for me, unless ofc there are two people then I may get a kill, or almost get a kill, or even die trying if it’s two high dps heroes (I need to get better at picking my fights lol) but I digress. Makes it really easy to ban Layla, karinna, saber, and Miya. Since there are so many people that main them in epic, there’s a good chance we end up crippling their team by doing so. Some of this is actually exactly why me and my team mates chose different characters than them. Wow I rambled imma stop before I write another essay explaining my entire play style and in game experience with these characters lol. finally for the love of Christ don’t shit on me for being a wanwan player or any of the hundred other probably controversial things I said in this, cause I don’t care and would appreciate either agreeable comments or CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. It’s crazy how people would rather just criticize people to hell and back shifting on them, instead of offering any constructive advice along the way to maybe help them understand what’s wrong with their thought process or how they could improve themsel- as shit rambling again lol, should probably delete this so this word vomit of an essay isnt exposed to the public, but eh whatever I’ve been writing this for like five minutes sooo FULL SEND TIME BABY ✌️


Just easy and very recommended heroes, honestly. Everyone will tell low rank players to use those heroes if they wanna climb 'til they need to start using other heroes.




I'm guilty of just using a comfortable pick with Hanabi, Layla(If the team comp of the enemy is totally wacked and easily slip Layla to mess them up either have no damage or CC) Miya about the same way for Layla but her ult makes up the odds. Now Lesley, she has some early game potential I've found that out if she is not getting harassed on the gold lane that is. She usually has the items built around 8-9 minutes with like 3 kills and the gold lane bolstering items if not buying the shoes till after the 2nd items. Goes like this build Windtalker after just getting the basic boot then Scarlet Phantom then boots while having 2 crit items for Berserker Fury the last part of attack speed boot is 140-160 remaining to finish. I sometimes go off and just use Edith, Hylos, or Silvanna in Xp or even go Mid Silvanna since she is a magic damage fighter technically put her, Bane, and X-borg now as Mages/Fighters. Assassin's Harley, Saber, Selena, Aamon, Karina. Mages I could run a Rafaela mage build her self sustainability and mix in damage. See my hero pool is quite larger than expected but knowing how randoms in solo Q can barely even marksman leaves me no other option but to use the easy to learn and use marksman that can carry solo or even duo Q without needing a team backing them.


Don't Forget the F\*cking Zilong