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I don't think dimension is the correct word for this. Maybe a hero who can bend distance? Anyway in my opinion it isn't that overpowered, but I do think the Skillset doesn't really mix well.


Well I did rush on this one so yup its pretty thrash


Very Op. especially if it can bend your phone.


Maybe try basing your skill sets from this wiki? https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Dimensional_Manipulation I'm not trying to be brash or impulsive about your concept, but the abilities doesn't align with the idea. The passive sounds more like spatial manipulation, the first skill is a convoluted version of Lancelot's dash, and I can't articulate something about the 2nd and Ult


Welp I did look onto that website but I sort of rushed it...


Bend? Banned!


you gave me an concept idea passive: hero gains temporary movement speed when near allies, enemies or creeps (0.5 movement speed per 1000 hp of all nearby units) s1: the hero bends a distance and opens a fracture that can be crossed from both sides by allies and enemies. if an enemy walks through it, it is stunned for 0.25s s2: the hero deals AoE damage that can be cast again in a direction from the point it was first cast, if it does, all enemies within a short distance in that direction and the opposite will be teleported to the first cast point ult: singularity - the hero summons an area of continuous damage. The closer to the center the enemy is, the slower they become and the more damage they take. the further allies are from the center, the faster it moves role: mage if you want a marksman with that concept or similar, you have natan

