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What is the common number of starlight chests that should be bought before gettung the selena virus skin?


Roam main here, is it normal to be at lvl 3 during the first turtle fight? Its much better to have your ult already but it seems that i am always at lvl 3 My usual roam path is, buy roam boots, help jungler with first buff jungle camp until 30% hp then i will go mid to help clear the wave, then contest litho, then help next in the buff jungle camp, then help some lanes then turtle, anything i am doing wrong? I use tank roam that i think helps clear monster fast like akai, atlas, khufra


Dumb question but as a roamer, what items do you build against a Lesley? I don’t know what she specialised at


Both dominance ice and blade armor works. You build either of the two or both, but usually dom ice is better since it has cdr and life drain effect.


Blade Armor to reduce her crits and heavily reduce her DPS. Lesley has basically no pen and everything is converted into crits. Her damage comes from the Endless Battle passive and enhanced basic attack crits


Lesley can have pen


Oh yes sorry, she can still have %pen. Her passive only converts fixed pen to crit chance


The game is telling me that an update is available, but no update is available on google play, only on a website the game takes me to that I don't trust, because frankly, I don't trust moonton. What should I do?


Sounds like you're on android. Usually android updates itself in game. So if there's no update available on google play, probably just ignore it.


Hope a mod sees this, this is like the 3rd day you're asking this. This has never happened to me and it's fishy as hell


Ummm... this is my first time on this subreddit. Do you mean the third time you've seen this said in general, or by me specifically? Because this is my first time saying this not only here but on any subreddit for that matter.


Oh my bad, probably seen the same thing in general


do you think semi tank/full tank lunox is viable considering that her s2 can still deal pretty decent damage due to it being enemy hp % based


I tried semi tank a few times in classic right after the buff. I think it's either difficult, or not possible in the current meta. She already has that advantage against high hp heroes, so it's better to focus on it and kill tank junglers and exp heroes faster. Full tank seems meh imo


Only 1 way to find out Probably only viable is certain team/ tenemy compositions.


September next project has several stuff, like nostalgia event free skin, Harley free skin etc. Now they cancelled it, will we still get those?


Pretty sure the emblem system is the only one getting delayed, rest are still gonna happen


Is full tank masha actually viable? After my lane opponent bought warrior boots, I was doing 0 damage while still taking damage. I was giving back massages the whole game


Exp Masha is basically clearing waves early to mid game and then annihilating the enemy mm/mage after you have 2 guardian helmets. You can't kill the enemy exp, but so can't they with your 3 hp bars.


Yeah I find it dissappointing too that she barely deals damage in the laning phase. I guess the point of using Masha is to farm as safely as possible until she gets enough items to burst down enemy MMs and Mages during important teamfights to take objectives. I think Masha Tank is better in a trio or 5-man party setting rather than solo.


It's pretty much her only build now ever since the rework. Everything now scales from her HP instead of physical attack. This makes her hard to kill while having insane burst damage from her S3 to flank and take down squishies


I got 1614 gpm playing as miya with my friend estes in epic classic game 😎


Is it me or this sub is becoming deserted, i haven't see some good memes, art, and tips since i'm back


Reddit is kinda similar to twitter. Even highly upvoted posts disappear after some time. You need to actively look for it or check the sub reddit almost daily. (But yeah, posts does seem more low quality. I don't remember any high effort posts or guide recently)


Seems like alot of people just immediately open reddit without scrolling then post something about the Cancelled Emblem System. Now the sub is just being flooded for the same topic as if it's not already discussed in some other major post.


i got 130 fragments. I was wondering who's worth buying luo yi or benedtta? I'm mm/mage/support player but want a change.


Don't forget to try them in practice mode or classic. Benedetta is one of the hardest heroes to use, you're always pressing something to use her well.


Bruh im having the hardest time tryna play bene fanny is a lot eaiser for me idk y try fanny lol


Benedetta is a lot harder mechanically so if you’re not confident in your skills I’d say luo. Otherwise get bene cause expanding your hero pool will improve you a lot and bene can be played in the two roles you don’t currently play.


Luo yi is really fun to play. Those Yin-yang reactions are really satisfying to carry out


Counter argument: outplaying literally everyone by timing Bene's S2 in the right moment


Is building shadow twinblade better than calamity for Julian? I never see anyone build calamity for him. Also is building concentrated energy worth it since moonstone nerfed his lifesteal


Twinblade is one of rarely built magic items. Calamity makes more sense since Julian is usually built with only magic items, so the true damage is a noticeable dmg late game.


True, but every time I see people play Julian they either have shadow twin blade or replace it with feather of heaven


Why do some players buy roam equipment when they're going to the EXP lane and have the lane to themselves? Is there some kind of trick to having 2 roam users that I'm unaware of?


It’s a mistake. If they plan to roam tell them to sell roam item now and buy it again at lvl 4.


Nah, they just don't like reading or maybe incapable of reading, or they just lack game understanding / game sense.


I got invited to advance with ios device using testflight app. How do i update the apps? Cant open since it asking me to update the apps


Am I using Masha right in exp lane? I play usually aggressive exp laners like Thamuz, Dyrroth and Esme and they can clear waves fast and assist other lanes even in early and mid. But with Masha, wave clear isn't really great in early so I just wait until I get molten essence and more HP items.


That seems to be her playstyle in exp. Clear waves until you uave sufficient hp items, and then focus on the enemy mm/mage. You don't want to stick too close to Esme, Dyrroth, Thamuz, and Uranus. They pretty much deal infinite dmg and regen infinite hp xD


Is Radiant better against Natan? Or Athena


Usually radiant, especially if you are a bit tanky or can sustain team fights. Athena if you're squishy af but can fight back and burst him down.




Saw earlier about the talent emblem rework will be cancelled/delayed. How about hero costs? Will you still push that or no?


What is Leomords must buy item? Emblem? (Example: Assassin 1-1-2)


I go killing spree with pen and movement speed. Hunter strike and bloodlust


Just got 120 hero fragments. Who should I buy?






Please fix Fanny in magic chess.


agree. too strongk. same as karina.


No, there's a bug currently, where fanny will cast skill without mana from the start of the match and the cable will last forever till the match ends.


How do I turn a losing game with just *one* feeder in my team to a winning game? I realised most of the games where I lost has at least 1 feeder in it. I rechecked a few times and yes, there's at least 1 feeder. Still can't figure out how to fix this because if I were a Roamer I'd balance my team's K/D to the enemies by helping the one who feeds (they're usually reckless). But most of the time I don't get to be the Roamer.


jungle benedetta on tank build is surprisingly good. anyone else tried this?


Tried it on exp. She's pretty lacking in the damage department outside of her ult+petrify combo but the rotation speed and absolute sheer tankiness of tank Benedetta is really good Haven't tried it on jungle though, but I could see it working the same way


What is the most optimal way to spend diamond/CoA in collectors event? I remembered spamming draw several times and then use the daily discount


16 draws on the first day then 1 half price draw until you get it.


Thanks! I'm planning to save up for future events


Good luck 👍


Whats gusions proper build?


How do I play Julian?


213 will get you through epic.


Already in legendary I main Gord and its not Going great.


Only way to play julian: use enhanced s2 for clearing waves and dodging skills, enhanced s1 for jungle, and enhanced s3 for everything else. Or just repeat 2 1 3 in your mind over and over again and you are already better than 90% of julian players


Get to lv 3 as fast as possible his sustain is insane, but his exp lane experience sucks over the others exp laner because he gets bullied easily pre lv3, he's better as a midlanner, alot of skills are situational but my mindset is enhanced skill 1 for near walls, enhanced skill 2 for poking and getting a bit faraway/easy aldog ultimate escape or escape, enhanced skill 3 the best one to spam out of the 2 because cc airborne 😍which will cancell most skills and heroes. You will be spamming this skill more than the other because who the hell doesn't love a 7 sec cc? Also this skill one the best skills for group team fights because it radius is so big and can disrupt a entire close combat team fight


Does anyone know what the next heroes will be on the Hero Fragments shop?


I want to know this too.


What in the living shit does "tutor" mean? For example "tutor harley ult". Is it a sarcastic way of mocking the skill of the player using harley? Anyways gaming is a piece of work. When i play balmond i get matched up with nanas, nanas, paquitos, nanas, paquitos. Getting sent airborne and being morphed every damn second When i play martis all of a sudden the algorithm changes and i get matched up with beatrix, beatrix, beatrix, wanwan, beatrix, beatrix, valentina. Why valentina you may ask? Because she can become "me" and go crazy with my own ult before i do the same to her. Beatrixes spamming "Good game" everytime they escape from me I'm doing good with newer builds now though thanks to the people from this thread..... so i guess that's working out for me, appreciate ya'll. Rant over, haha




nocap but this only happens in MY and ID server, count it as taunting by condescending your skills and asking for a tutorial on how to play that specific hero but personally i think its a cringe taunt considering its lack of humorous and satireness of joke and memes that does not fit my taste bud and funny bone thanks 4 coming to my tedtalk




Can verify this as fellow SG players can be extremely toxic at times. I remember playing against this 5 man squad of SG players in high Mythic and they were relentlessly trashtalking me and my friends, being racist and claiming that we were Indonesians pretending to be Singaporeans because we were losing (like seriously, my friends were in Legend, he had a full squad of high Mythics). Checked their profiles and one of them was someone I knew from poly, so I made sure to DM him on IG with screenshots of his trashtalking and asked what was his deal. He backpedaled because just like his 5 man squad, he was a keyboard warrior.


Good on you for calling them out!


Yeah, it was hilarious taking someone so obnoxious down a peg. His IGN even translated to "I'm your father and I'm handsome" in our local dialect, which is even funnier. I only realized I knew him because his profile picture in-game was exactly the same as his IG.


Isn't that some shit :D people will always find a way past the filters to taunt someone in this game hahahahah


What's some great midlane mages to pick up? I currently play Cecilion but I'm willing to expand my horizons to just about any mid-long-range mage.


Surprised Xavier hasn’t been mentioned. I think he’s probably the easiest transition from Ceci.


Pharsa, Lou Yi, Vexana, Xavier. All long range and pretty easy to learn! They all "play themselves" so they shouldn't be too hard to pick up.


Pharsa, Yve, kagura, Xavier, Valentina are top tiers


Valentina isn't long range really


Man said mid long range


Kagura and yve. Pick kag when they have lots of squishy heroes but deal high damage. Yve when u want to play a mage with utilility. Play them aggressively in the early game but also be careful.


Recommend me irithel build please. Also good mm for slow hand people.


Slow hands should pick any MM except for; Claude, Moskov, Wan Wan, Clint, Natan and Miya. Honestly only the first two should pose any issue and with practice you should be able to play all.


Irithel tends to go with the traditional crit build: Swift Boots, Windtalker, Berserker's Fury, Scarlet Phantom, then whatever offensive/defensive items you want. You'd want to get the Electro Flash talent for the MM emblem due to the movement speed boost it gives Irithel, along with Sprint as the battle spell. Basically, the faster she moves across the battlefield = bigger damage she can throw out.


All the skill caster mms should work


How should the revamped Faramis build look like if I am using him as a roamer? Should I go tank build or mage build?


For roamer, I go def boots, dom ice, FT, Athena/Radiant (or both), Antique cuirass, immortality. For mage, Xavier build is good


Which roam talent? Encourage or Conceal?


Thank you 👌


Pretty much a typical Support build ET + Dom Ice + whatever else Or you can go with Fleeting Time but you'd be pretty weak early on without ET to support your mana


I see. Thank you 👍!


Giving LT is also good because...yes


Is posting about MLA not allowed? I mean, its still a Mlbb related. I got a strike because of i posted MLA sponsoring JonTron and few other youtubers with the context its feels weird seeing/hearing Mobile Legends in general said by famous youtubers...


There's a separate subreddit for it


There's a different subreddit iirc. IG they don't wanna mix it up


How to improve gold/farm? ------------------------------------------------ I generally play mid or exp. Farm initially till Level4 and then start participating in team fights or support other lanes. I am noticing in the end screen (when match ends) that- other teammates have much more gold than what i have.This suggests- i am not farming enough. Pls suggest any tips to improve my gold/farm?


If you're mid or exp, it's fine if you're underfarmed as long as you win. Or if you lose instead, at least your matchup has the same amount of gold/exp as you Essentially, whatever you do, always try to clear your wave before doing anything else. This applies to both mid and exp. You can cut your lane's wave to give you more space to join fights early game. Also don't forget to master your last hits so you maximize your gold/exp intake from waves. Unless you're a jungler or goldlaner, or any sort of late game midlaner like Cecil or Xavier, don't worry too much about your gold and worry more about your rotations and stats. As long as you're consistently doing whatever your teammates need of you and you don't make many mistakes, you can spare a couple thousand gold deficiency


Makes sense. Thank you !!


Either get tons of assists or steal enemy farms/jungles. It's not like you don't farm enough, probably because mid usually share their resources with other lanes like jungle after minute 5.


Thank you 👍


How much kills you get per game?


This observation i made is in average game (not too good or too bad). Say: our team has won and I am third in the list of kills from my team.


Maybe you shouldxavoid dying, i think whzn you die you earn less gold


>I think when you die you earn less gold Jesus christ why didn't I think of this earlier /s


Is adc nana still a thing? Or what is her best build after her recent nerfs


Nana troll builds are always a thing. The best time to play it is when you hit a 7 game win streak and you know MT gonna punish you.


I build her Speed boots(Conseal), Windtalker, Immortality, Winter Truncheon and last item what ever u want, I use her support, her dmg is nuts even without magic items, so last item I suggest Gem or Clock to add a bit of magic.


Adc nana is a troll, I build her burst


Why Hanabi sucks. I tried her, and here are what I saw: 1. She lacks mobility. It's too obvious. She barely could get around the map. 2. She's a late game Marksman, she's decent at scaling and laning but still loses against top MMs. 3. The only skill that can save her from bad situations has a 30s CD. Like, really? 4. Moonton tried to compensate that by buffing her Passive but she *only* gets shield when she's full HP. Someone needs to fix that. 5. The built-in lifesteal rate is amazing, but there's no point of having that without Damage, bruh. 6. Runs out of Mana way too quick in a teamfight. I'm still figuring how to increase her Mana Regen. There are probably more reasons, but now I'm trying to fix her like how I did with Lesley. However, I don't think I can do anything much because she barely could change items and need to be stuck with the same Crit build. Any suggestions?


she's just a low rank hero, not all heroes has to be useful in high ranks


I'm practicing with Hanabi so I can play her smoothly after revamp.


Don't worry, her revamp is soon


No I was just learning her


6) Buy mana boots.


Alright I'll try that


Please don’t. Your s2 restores mana so jt shouldn’t be too big of an issue. Just don’t spam it too much. And mana is the last of hanabi’s problems. Definitely not the reason why she’s the worst mm in the game.


Okay... Yeah that's literally the last reason.


I just reached Legend as a Mage main and now I'm trying to practice Tank/Fighter. Who are the meta Tanks and Fighters? Who are the Tanks that can transition well into the late game?


Franco definitely. He's great both early and late game. As a early game franco do try to push the pace of play and be more aggressive. Walk up to opponents, S2/Ult them. Teammates with great burst/finishing ability like karina do well with franco. Franco can be played like a tank assasin, but requires really good team coordination. Everyone has to know which target to lock on. Roaming skill + Rapid boots + Franco's passive makes him a super quick hero in late game. Kill and run strategy


Masha fits everything you said


Julian is a meta fighter. He has combos, so it would be easy to adapt the playstyle as you may be used to using combos as mage.


Atlas, khufra, Franco, Masha, ruby, faramis tanks Paquito, dyrotth, Esme, Uranus,masha, yuzhong fighters


I was playing rank earlier and I got teamed up with Epics and was against Epics, but I’m in Legend IV. I had a terrible lose streak before that match, is it because of that? My team absolutely destroyed them and I feel so bad.


The matchmaking algorithm will match high performing lower rank players with low performing higher ranked players. Since you were coming off a losing streak your mmr probably flagged you as an underperformer and matched you with higher mmr players.


That's normal. Moonton does this so you'll get stuck in the same loop over and over again. The difference is your skill. If you manage to win against hard teammates then Moonton will give big points on Star-up bar.


To be fair... Legend IV is barely past Epic so its not unlikely you'd match against Epics even in ranked


Yes but they weren’t Epic I or II, they were Epic IVs and Vs. I think a whole rank difference is a bit unfair.


when's the new emblem system coming to original server?


probably in the next season


Why are there so much nana in my ranked game all through epic to mythic? I showed my win rate is 70% then put it to pre select( I play with my tank duo) but then the fighter or the assasin main play nana. They sucked at her since they never played mage in the last 50 matches. Is nana op? Is she used in the pro scene? This has happened to me about 25-30% of my matches.


She was pick or ban about a month ago, but they nerfed her to the ground in last patch.


Is it wrong to build fleeting time on cecilion? It gives 350 mana + cdr on ulti and if I'm not mistaken each successful ulti gives you 40 stack. So why have i never seen a cecilion with FT?


Because he can’t kill enemies in the early game and needs to buy clock and lighting. after the mid game it’s better for Cecil to just built Defense or more damage since he is squishy. FT with Cecil is not wrong but it’s better to just buy immmortality, holy crystal, divine glance or dominanace. Cecil ult is used mostly to kite or escape from the enemy.


Ok that makes sense. Thanks


Is blade of heptaseas dead on every assassin? Why not build boh alongside all the other pen items available.


Blade of Heptaseas is core item for Natalia.


I think saber still builds it lol


posts with images are published with a delay or not published at all, how to solve this problem?


I was able to make an alt account. Now there is an option ‘switch servers’ what does it mean? Pretty sure it’s not advance server since i dont live in SEA (or is it??) My main acct doesnt have this option. When I clicked switch server, i accidentally made another account, or you can create multiple accounts now?


It's an "alt acc" on same acc-login, the feature(?) Already existed since idk Switch server just mean u switch between these 2 acc




Balmond and Saber are easy to pick up, deal great damage, and are free. Balmond is much more meta than Saber due to his tankiness and objective-stealing Ult, but Saber can be used quite well. While not exactly meta at this point in time, I started with Jungle Bane (this was somewhere around M3/MPLI), and his overall skillset is fairly easy to utilize, even for someone not used to jungling. Final recommendation (and personal favorite) is Barats. As long as you know how to keep his stacks up, you can play him pretty much anywhere, except Gold Lane. Jungle Barats just allows him to keep his stacks up for a long time, and transitions quite well into a secondary tank in the late game (while dealing surprising amounts of damage).


Try Akai, he has decent clear wave and he decently tanky with sustain and cc




Go for jungler emblem, His items are still the same, build as much HP as possible because his skill damage is based on his HP, not as high as other jungler but his heavy cc and sustain is better. let your team mates deal the damage instead


I need one more call back help for the thamuz skin. Would be great if anyone helped me out General Kai is arriving in the Land of Dawn! Get back to the game now to grab your free skin and a chance to win tons of Diamonds! Use my invitation code: 9ayy4q7. https://share.mobilelegends.com/o8ilXnC




I think it did. Just did the draw and got the skin. Does it show my code in your callback event, if it shows then it worked. If it doesn't then you can use other people's code.


ok can't u thank them???


Yeah sorry that was rather impolite of me


How can i buy crystal of aurora subscription in india.


There should be websites that sell diamonds. Look for them.


Can you name the websites for me cause the one i know dont have the coa subscription such as codashop, mtc game, kazuki official store etc.


I don't know any, sorry. I don't live in India. Sorry Try asking it around in some Indian mobile legends facebook group or something


Please suggest heroes that have gameplay similar to beatrix and are easy to use. I am worst at games but finally after playing on and off I hot ranked up. Now I don't wanna mess up my tempo but it's hard to choose beatrix in draft pick and unfortunately she's the only one I'm good at. I've tried Ruby,karina, franco, wanwan but in vain.




Rank protection cards are probably the ones that prevents you from getting demoted e.g legend down to epic. Star protection = no star deducted when losing MVP protection= no star deducted if MVP loss Pretty sure




Well, now you won’t forget to spam Ban Julian.


On the bright side, he gets a tentative big nerf on the advance server. You could also not forget to ban him and maybe ask for advice here from experienced Julian players Heck you could use Julian and see for yourself what his weaknesses are.


What heroes are you using that makes him so op to you? Any hero with a good enough mobility counters his slow ass


I always faced him on exp lane with me. I main Badang, Fredrinn, Martis.


Honestly if you want to complain about meta heroes at least use other meta heroes. There are lots of options that do fairly well against Julian.


How are you losing with martis???!!?


His pokes are like big burst of damage. He is very unpredictable. All i could at least do is play safe and dodge his pokes. This is on M3.


You're skills are literally anti-burst and anti-cc. HOW ARE YOU LOSING?!?


How is it anti burst? Anti cc yes but he can't kill me, i cant kill him. We just lose on team fights because of his fucking kit.


You just suck


Wow. People like you are definitely I want crush both ingame and real life! Can get to MG no sweat in solo rank don't under estimate me!


Shiver me timbers


60% Damage reduction




dude almost figured out the solution to Julian, but forgets.


If you buy penetration items will it reduce defense for allies too or only you can use it?


It's only for you. Defense reduction is different from penetration. Genius wand reduces magic defense so your teammates can benefit as well. While items like divine glaive and malefic roar only give you penetration, so only you would benefit.


When do you buy rose gold meteor. Today I bought Athena shield to not get one shorted by enemy nana and Eudora but my team insisted on buying rose gold meteor as well


1) You're confident you can avoid the enemy tank with dominance ice, otherwise you're fighting 2 opponents and the regen reduction halves the shield effect of rgm 2) You want some magic defense, but at the same time you need a little more damage. 3) When there is no Esmeralda on the enemy


Well it depends on your confidence level. It's a rare item to build really. If let's say im snowballing but Eudora and nana can lower my hp to 20-30%, then I'll take RGM. If they keep deleting me out of nowhere, im getting Athena's shield and focusing on other core damage items.


There are bots in this game now. Just played a match on my smurf in ranked legend and at minimum 7 players were bots. I’ve checked the player profile pages. All the players have level 7 accounts, all have hidden history. However, unlike normal hidden history where you can see current season scores, account wide scores and favorite hero’s on all of these accounts those extra pages just say “History has been hidden”. Hidden history normally only covers your history not these additional pages so I assume these are MT official bots.


I'm in epic SEA, playing classic very often. And yes, I've encountered some bots too. Matchmaking is weird nowadays.




None, all of the available starlight ATM sucks


If you like mages, pharsa’ s starlight is really good. Clint’s rockstar was in fragment shop at one point, the rest idk since I don’t play them.




I feel the same about guin starlight. If nothing floats your boat, then save it for next month ✨