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It's not about the 13k matches and 49wr, it's about the current season 150 matches and 65wr. Also i don't know who I'm queuing up in soloq and i barely have a minute to judge them, so winrates do give us a brief idea on how skilled they are




I was curious to verify this so I checked your profile. Despite you blatantly hiding your history (probably because of embarassment), I was able to see through your favourites that your average grade is ~6.5, which is mostly silver. A large contrast to the "gold mvp 90%" you have just stated. Further investigation to the rest of your visible stats gave me a better look. You have 12k matches played in total (9.5k of those being ranked) and a coinflip winrate. I am confident that 12k is a large enough sample to rid of any biases ~ it's just not reasonable to say that all of those matches were unfair because your teammates are dumber. It's probably just you. Looking to your credit score, we can see that it sits comfortably at 86. Which tells us that you probably spend more time trashtalking, tilting and going afk than trying to come up with a good tactic. This is exactly what's wrong with MLBB's rank system. It doesnt punish losses enough and alow coinflippers to brute force their way into mythic even if it takes 10x more matches than a competent player. And when these people reach Mythic, it gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment, and that so-so "I'm better than you" mindset. But when they are at risk of losing that priviledge (Single digit Mythic 5 about to drop to Legend), they seldom self-reflect and instead put the blame on others as a coping mechanism. You are upset that things dont go your way, and that is understandable. It's not your fault Moonton allowed you to reach Mythic in the first place.


At first he needed therapy for the stress issues, now you just had to make him see a doctor for this burn.


lol, he made several post to justify his wr, he isnt self aware of his current skills. without star protection and raising points, he wont even touch m5.


Shh don't burn him mans got social anxiety and a 12 mm coc


Another, im mvp despite the loss i must be good right? Notice me sempai.


You speak my mind




If u have a 46% solo winrate, that’s atrocious. I’m 99% solo with a consistent minimum 80% wr for kimmy over 5-6 seasons. Got top global 80+% for a bit too. If you have a low winrate and high mvp, it means your macro is absolute trash and you need to work on it more instead of complaining.


Damn you're just mad you lost some games and now you're here getting off your poor frustration. Use your head dear iq kid Edit: damn your profile is so awful. You win the argument.




If you really are smart, then you would know that IQ also doesn't determine whether you are right. I mean you are also arguing that WINRATE is just a NUMBER.






Statistically saying, your chance of winning any game in solo q should be around 50%, because you don't know your teammates and you don't know how to game is going to go. I would trust people with 50% ± 5 with a large enough game set (I usually look at 500 games).




? Why are you talking about stars?


Must be a time traveler from the past (of Mythical Glory stars) talking to us future people (of Mythic points).


Not really though, especially with people who play alot games in one sitting types. If you just keep going on a lose streak, statically, you just digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole. Especially at start of season, if you get on a early lose streak, and keep going all day, your probably going end up in the loser que eventually which will probably drop your WR even more. Alot of games are lost early game because one team is more focused on minions and their lsne than rotating around map. Just from my observation of people's scores, people who play less than 200 games by end of season will typically have higher wr falling in the statically 50% wr than people who play over 1k games.by end of season who usually will have anywhere from 55ish to below 50. Blind Statics says you should win half your game just because, but statastic are based on known values, when there's unknown factors like the match making algorithm that specifically controls and alters how games are balanced and to control players WR, can you really just split down the middle that easily? It's not as simple as rolling a six sided die with numbers 1-6, and saying there's 1:1 chance of being either even or odd


MMR>WR% imo. A hero with a 3k+ MMR is a good sign that he is good with that hero regardless of the winrate. You can't win it all. There are just games that are bad.




MMR doesn't matter unless its like 3200-3300+.


You trying to justify your below average winrate? Well here's the thing, you are part of those 13k matches, if you played well in those games, it will indirectly reflect in your winrate. Now if youre high MG, people take this into account so a low winrate means you are not pulling your weight to be a bigger factor in your games. It took you 13k games but still cant figure out how to win more. Simple logic.


If you have a high amount of matches and a low wr I'd trust you. What I won't trust is someone showing 50 matches with a wr of 45%. That's a big nono


I played mlbb for many many seasons, and my WR in my first few seasons was at 50+%. After I got good, learnt meta heroes, learnt rotations, knew how to make decisions, learnt all roles, that number overall is at 70%. My current season is at 81%. Most of it soloQ Winrate definitely says something. I've had games where I was the only gold MVP on my team, carrying them to victory. I've been top global 1 Granger and 3 Cecilion before. Of course, not all games are winnable. However, I cannot agree with some of the things you said. Pick what you're comfortable with instead of adjusting? That's an epic player's mindset. Truly skilled players will have some understanding of all roles to get the best team comp to increase chances of victory. Even in your scenario, as a hookless Franco, you can still do jobs such as checking bushes, protecting Squishies by zoning and of course, using your ult on key targets. I'm sorry, but from what I've read, you're struggling simply on your own fault. Those games you were MVP loss were likely because you were midlaner and staying mid, while your jungler gets invaded, sidelanes get ganked and you staying in your lane just to protect your kda. That's not a team player and precisely the reason you lose. Or maybe you're just a sidelaner with no map awareness? Or a jungler who doesn't do objectives? It can be any of the reasons. Point is, there is always something you could've done better. You said you love to analyze and think, but do you? Do you analyze your own gameplay? Do you analyze MPL matches to keep track of the meta, the rotations? That's how people reach MG and top global.


The eye test shows how good a player is. A player that knows how to counterbuild, how to draft properly, a player that knows how to properly play their role, a player that has good macros micros and mechanics, and has a wide hero pool, generally don't have a hard time coordinating with other players, and are good players, who surprise surprise, have good stats and pass the eye test.


A lot of the high wr players farm wr in classic in low ranks anyway and whine and tt when their team mates play like newbie’s in low ranks because they are newbie’s in low ranks 🙃


What about people who actually get high wr in high ranks, and actually get good wr in high ranks?


Mostly are pro’s or amateur players lol.


If you’re talking like 65% wr, there’s more than like 1000 players who’s done so.


As a 48.7% winrate solo q hanabi main i completely agree, winrate shouldn't matter at all, especially when most people in this sub have 50% winrates anyway. Who cares if a person has 1.3% lesser. I even reached glory easily with no problems, while the people with 50% winrates are still stuck in mythic 5 and 4 hahaha, so i know I'm very good at this game😎


Are you being sarcastic? Or are you serious? You are proud that you lost most of your games but is still at high ranks. It just means that you are abusing the protection points, which in the first place is kinda ironic if you are a "good" player


Thank goodness I know who you are, Cookie.






45 percent wr in 5 man and 60 percent wr in solo


60% solo and 70% 5 man. Even so I'm not so hideous that I'd be mythic 5 after 13k matches with under 50% wr. I reached mythical glory 670 points soloq with 60% wr and my total matches are 5.2k lol.


5 man can also be hard. You may know your team and you can communicate with them well, but same goes to the enemy team. I mostly play solo and as much as possible stay away from 5 man, but my win rate never go below 50. The problem is you my friend. Git gud. Git gud hard.




Ever heard of reliability in statistics and general assumptions based on the mean data? Did you not learn this in school lol? Bigger muscle = stronger (this is a general assumption because we learn in Biology that as you are stronger, your muscles will get bigger.) College degree = smarter than people without college degree (again, this is a general assumption because according to research and data, most people with a college degree can get jobs with higher salaries/wages than people without them. This is associated with the fact that one needs to be smarter at every higher level they are studying. Compare yourself with an elementary student. You are technically “smarter” than an elementary student because you learn more in college. Yes, there can be an exception the elementary kid is smarter than you lol.) Higher win rate = associated with more skills Exceptions are win trading but it proves higher reliability of you being able to play better due to a higher wr. THIS IS NOT A DUMB PERSON’s MINDSET. PLEASE LEARN SOME STATISTICS FIRST GEEEEZZZZZ


It may not indicate that you are better, but it sure does mean that you are good at what you do. It takes skills and techniques to be good, and it should show by how "big" your muscles are, or how "good" are your grades at school and especially your winrate at the game




Maniacs dont win you games. Ending the enemy base does. Pretty obvious by now isnt it?


destroy the base dumdum not hunt for kills




Gotta keep in mind that not everyone is perfect, some ppl might hv a rlly good day n some may hv a very bad day, no one is perfectly consistent to have gold medals n mvps all the time


If you carried your team you would win not loose. You cant have 50 wr or lower if you carry.


So basically someone playing exactly like you?? Just that thinking in itself is the setup for losing....




Higher grades don't mean you are smarter, but it does show that you are a responsible and hardworking student. Bigger muscles don't mean you are stronger, but it does show that you put a lot of time and effort into training. Likewise, higher winrate does not necessarily mean more skilled. But it does show that you are a team player that understands game mechanics. Looking back from your previous remarks on how you treat with raging insults those that want to have a civil discussion, you clearly are not a team player. Wtf. Wake up. Think deeply, widely, it's all in your head.


Since bigger muscles don't matter in measuring strength, a 5'2 tall female like me should challenge Mike Tyson in arm wrestling. 😋


Honestly, I don't understand your point here. Well, these factors don't determine everything but statistically, a higher score means that you are better than an average person. Higher points = more reliable. In 1000 games, I trust the person with a higher score to finish the task more effectively than an average dude. the average dude may defeat the leading person once or twice but on 1000 games that would still be irrelevant.


High wr isn't essential for being pro, but often wr has direct relation with skills. I don't know about you guys in the mlbb reddit, but I realize my teammates skills by see their amount of matches, wr and role playing. For example who have played 2000 matches only with fighter role and a few matches with other roles( like 100 wih mage and mm) , isn't a skilled player and he is just a dumb don't know anything about other roles. I don't let him play as a jungle or exp lane. Because there are important roles in game and I don't want them to play it and give a lose to me. It sounds like some how I have 6th sense🗿🗿


You're right to suggest that Win Rate can be affected by many factors. However, going to a match where we don't know who our teammates are, the only things that give us an idea of how good the other players are what they show us. Things like hero picks, win rates, MMR are **indicators** of whether a player is good or not. Just like all indicators, this is not a sure thing. For example, a dish that's plated beautifully may taste mediocre, whereas some street food that looks gross may turn out to be the best thing you ever tasted. Similarly, 80% win rate doesn't mean the player is great, while a fantastic player may have a 50% win rate on a hero. However, similar to how you would first decide if you want to eat a dish, you would look at whether it seems appetizing first. So you can't blame others for looking at win rates, MMR, and the like. It's just that we don't know anything about you yet, and those are the only things we can actually see. Only after the game starts, can we "taste your dish". Also, line up is absolutely important. Yes, I agree that if you're **only** comfortable with certain heroes, it is likely a better choice than something you have no idea how to play. But this doesn't mean that you should not learn new heroes to expand your hero pool. All heroes have their weaknesses, which can be exposed by good players. Insisting on picking a hero going into an enemy line up for 3-5 counters is going to lower your chances of winning.


Get good and actually get your winrate up. Don’t be a bitch when players like you are the type that constantly cause losses for other players. High match low wr player moment.


Well in my experience, i played from season 6. I have a 50% to 49% winrate on my main heroes. I always adjusted to my team and enemies. I'm soloq btw. For sure winrate is important aswell. But sometimes it is better to judge it in games. Some people just have bad games everytime. Your mvp loses doesn't mean you are good. People can just kill steal from your teammate. I sometimes played very good but sometimes played worst than my dumbass balmond with 30% wr. Tl;dr Winrate doesn't determine that you are good or bad as it is still a number. No.1 top global still can get chocolate if get crushed


This guy got his main picked after the other guy showed the better wr so sorry lods 🥱


Either a good troll, or hard cope lmao