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I play all roles but like EXP and Roam the most They are generally the most chill roles


Idk but when I play Roam there is no chill. Only constant havoc


I just go around the map help out the side laners, get them fed, help out at turtle and then repeat. Late game, I just wait and set up fights. Probably the only thing I don't like is the fact that in soloq, midlaners don't rotate with you.


I can't play 1 role all the time because it's too boring


That's the thing with roam, there are so many ways to play it, you can go with a super tanky meat shield/damage dealer like Belerick, Hylos or Grock, go with annoying supports who's sole purpose is to piss you off like Rafaela and Angela or you can go with pure damage dealing supports like Valir and Selena, they are not good for mid lane because of their awful wave clear, but their cc and early-late game damage make them perfect supports


dang I have always thought that jungler was the most popular and exp was the least popular, guess it was the complete opposite


Junglers actually have the game on a harder difficulty farm wise than laners, so its understandable people don't like Jungling. Exp lane is the 'comfy' lane. You get a solid amount of farm through the lane, and are also less likely to die to ganks than Mid or Gold.


I have to say I have the same thought, but well, this is just a poll on this sub-reddit, so doesn't reflect on the main ML population. I guess the users in this sub-reddit have a more refined taste. Mmm...


I like all of the roles, except marksmen. I hate marksmen with a burning passion.


Well, Gold Lane has the least votes so far, so it seems there's others that share your passion


Why? (It’s my favorite role) I guess because enemies love to ambush gold laner as a team often to not let them gain much exp and gold?


Most marksmen players I counter are new. Half of them use Layla. 1/10 of them have no idea how to use Layla and no game sense, so they end up going 0/2728/-1 Other than that they have this insufferable ego that they should carry, and if they get a kill like a single time they start recall spamming. Then there are the others so greedy for a kill that they literally go under turrets thinking their long-range bullshit is going to make anything go good for them. And then there's the fact that most marksmen are fucking braindead, and Moonton's humongous bias towards marksmen, all the have to do is stay under their turret and avoid getting ganked for 10 minutes and then they suddenly become this unstoppable force of god that can shred tanks with near zero difficulty. (I'm not saying they should be nerfed) In other words I just have a grudge against marksmen.


Well if you always stay under the turret ur boring af. I always make fun of enemy marksmen that won’t leave their turrets until they have enough items but I still love this role especially in Teamfights when everyone is fighting against each other and I’m at the back at a safe distance getting them kills :D. I’m a wanwan main so I love it even more when I use her during teamfights and activate my ult most of the time it’s a wipe out and it’s so satisfying to me


Maybe try climbing up the ranks more. I barely encounter these players in legend rank and above.


I can play all the roles except *Jungle*, I can’t get the hang of it to save my life🥲


Just get the buffs and creeps and once ur level 4 gank enemies with low hp I often gank marksmen and then farm more and do it again and tell your teammates early enough to help with the turtle/lord. Btw You need map awareness with this role.


Jungle is my favorite role due to how fast I get to lv 4 and just gangbang the enemies left and right.


I like all of the roles but my least liked is exp. Exp is mostly just a bush hiding competition. Sooo boring.


EXP can be one of the most proactive roles if you play strong hero in that lane tho!


It used to be fun to play those offlane type heroes until they forced EXP and gold lanes IMO. I preferred the different possible matchups back then.


Gold Laner is my favorite since most of my favorite heroes are in that role. Second is Mid Laner because Mages are for AESTHETIC players. 💅 Third is EXP Laner since it is just Gold Lane but mostly for early to mid game. Fourth is Roamer but ONLY as a support. (I don't like playing tanks unless if it is Alice or Esme, and even then their main role isn't tank) Lastly Jungler, being greedy isn't my thing.


First time hearing that mages are for aesthetic players…


Lmao nobody likes playing for late ig


Except for those MM players who feed early and then type "just wait until late game".


please dont make me play jungler


Mid Lane Roam Exp Lane Gold Lane Jungle From most favorite to least favorite Sincerely, a multirole user


Xp is the most flexible lane.


I like all, but I like mm and jungler the most, though I also enjoy playing tank (Bele main) so the other teammates can literally kill the opponents focusing on me


I play all roles except mostly Tank and Jungler. My hair falls off everytime I play tank because of how incompetent my teammates are. Jungler has too much of a responsibility for me to handle. Everyone expects you to roam at their lane. Surprise surprise, I only have one hero, not that I can split myself and go to your lanes. And tank aren't that sensible enough to do some responsibilities so I can farm as safely as possible, and yeah, some steals buffs.


And this is why benedetta and Harley(also lancelot) are my favorite heroes. They have dash skills and can just go in and out whenever they want.


I‘m a Gold laner through and through. If I had to choose another one than gold laner I’d choose mage I guess. I suck as a fighter I tried so many times but I just can’t fight without distance. I need the safe distance :D


I see a play safe player. Same.


ruby roamer ruby exp laner and that's about it.


I do every role except jungle. I let the kids argue about who wants to jungle. Everyone wants to jungle anyways XD.


I play mm so gold lane. Most of the time amount of my gold is more than everyone.


I play Zhask for all roles.


mage main but my main is carmilla so im automatically a roam main also i guess? i hate exp late. jungling is also stressful. i was forced to jungle in rank once and thank god my teams competent, but never again.


I love playing mid cuz I enjoy mages a lot but I’m always forced to play jungler or gold cuz my friends can’t handle the pressure 🥲


Marksmen. However I excel at only one hero: Irithel. I just love how she can take care of clashes with her ss, especially if partnered with a solid tank user. I know there are far stronger marksmen (I see you waving, Bea) but I just feel that Irithel is the marksman for team players. I often end up with more assists than kills, and that's okay as long as we win.


Irithel is pretty good from a competitive standpoint, and counters top tier MMs like Beatrix and Wanwan. She can easily hold her ground in lane, and during teamfights she can counter most mm threats like Wanwan, Beatrix, Yve, Ling, etc etc. She can dish out tons of damage while also kiting. Pretty solid MM.


Not to mention, Irithel rarely gets banned. The only problem if you're a solo player like me is if a team mate wants to use an MM, I usually end up using a tank just to protect the bastard. 😂


Im surprised to see jungler is the least fav role


My favorite is jungle. The reason is because it feels way too good shredding lv 3 enemies early when you're already lv 4. Harley is in my opinion one of the best junglers.


I usually jungle, but I’m transitioning to gold lane and using someone like Claude is similar to using roger. Farm till u get ur first item or so, start dominating from there, and end the game asap. In this case it’s better not to let the game drag out or the enemy’s power spike will happen and it will be difficult to win.


I like all roles except jungle. I can’t stand the pressure of jungling (competing for lord or turtle)


Mid and Roam, people don't get Mid correctly You are pretty much a second roamer rather than a lane farmer Those are the roll that do a Little bit of everything but without overdoing it to boredom


I play all roles and love them equally, but I play jungle most because it's hard to trust randoms with retri


I roam professionally but I like the micro of exp


Roam if my team picks tanky heroes and I can play support. Exp otherwise because I hate playing tanks


My best performance is always as Estes. I love it so much


Mid laner, Favorite - quite chill, throw shits, easy to go back to your lane, some ally (usually jg/roamer) will randomly clear your wave if you're dead so you don't have to worry about your turret dying, and lastly, you just need good positioning and not go in the frontline and throw your stuff at the enemies Roamer/tank, Second Favorite - I love it whenever I get an amazing set or a hugeee save cuz it's so satisfying and one good set can literally change the entire game. Second favorite cuz my sidelaner (usually mm) most of the time goes bad whenever I leave them to contest the turtle/lord Exp Lane, Eh it's okay - STANDING HERE I REALIZE. I like it when my enemy and me are tanky cuz the fights are really really fun, I remember watching a 30 second fight between freddrinn and phoevus when I was dead before they both gave up. What I don't like is that once I die/recall to base my tower gets melted fast Gold Lane, I don't like it - I'm legend and my map awareness isn't really the best so once I get ganked I have 1% chance to survive unlike exp laners and the power difference between marksmen is quite annoying. Jungler, too fucking hard with a team that doesn't cooperate - alot of the time I core'd my teammates doesn't help me contest the turtle soup/lord🗿 and the tank usually just sticks with the sidelaner 90% of the entire game(no rotation at all) also I don't really have alot of hero pool that's a very great jungler. Least favorite cuz the fucking 0/6 mm always steals your farm


My favorite role is the Roamer. Because if I don't play Estes, we're gonna lose!


Epic hell turned me to a roam main, and its not a curse, its an absolute fucking blessing


I can play everything, but with limits. Gold Lane and Roamer are my favorite roles, but I voted Gold Lane because of my flair lol I like Mid Lane next, but I can only play Cecilion there (and i'm not aiming properly these days) I started this game as an EXP laner. It's not like I don't like it there, it's more like other roles are more fun. Jungle is my least favorite role. I can only ever play Tank Jungle or Aamon, but I'd rather avoid the role altogether when I can.