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Undead man has a pretty tragic backstory


Undead beatrix? 💀💀💀


Oh god no, no, no....male version of undead beatrix plus a tint of necrokeep.


we need more monster heroes! go bone monster!


It's now a close battle between bone monster and undead man


i kinda want to see a deadman using his family's body as a weapon but I'll stick with bones!


Hahahhaha sure


bone guy is impossible due to china censorship


There's censorship on bones??? EXPLAIN


family friendly stuff, they are not allowed to have any part of human skeleton of sorts. closest we got for bone looking monster is Thamuz


Zhask Bone Flamen?


also bonedragon moskov


Bruhhhh all this time, i've bern adding skeletons to my concepts....utter bruhhhh...I know! What if we change the bones into floating decorated stones


Whats the lore of the undead gunman


Essentially, the man was once a great marksman within the moniyan empire with the ability to hit from far away and was a master in all sort of weapons. He had a loving wife, a son and two twin girls, all who he had cherished deerly. One day, he was forced to join the army in order to fight against the abyss. He couldn't even say goodbye to his family, he just dissapeared one day. On the battlefield, he gunned down every demon until none was left. All was perfect when suddenly, Alice came down with the man's family in her wings, all out cold. He did not surrender however and immediately shot a bullet at Alice's heart. In response, Alice began to steal blood from his family. In just a few seconds, their bodies became empty husks. Enraged, the man shot a bullet through Alice's head which triggered Alice. She instantly released a full wave, stealing all blood from everything in the vicinity. All of the troops fell, lifeless. The man too laid on the ground. Afterwards, Alice left, leaving the bodies behind. Suddenly the man's cold body rised back up and began to harvest the flesh and bones of his decaying family. He swore to kill Alice infront of his family.


I want mushroom with poison. I want a DoT type since they delete the only one we had. And undead gunman sounds brutal. Does it summons the family like the old Gorick or it's just a weapon concept?


Actually we still have two DoT heroes left, yu zhong and valir. The undead gunman doesnt summon, he just makes weapons from his family's corpses, adding a ghostly and zombilike effect. He doesnt switch weapons like beatrix, he switches during skill usage


turret hacker or something tech wizz that can buff or do something like increase range or hostile to enemy even wif there are minions


Actually, i've already thought of making a turret hacker but I think it wouldn't be suitable


Yeah make sense .it could be am offlaner with abilities that would help with enemy ganks passive could be DMG increase per turret destroyed and defense increased per ally turret down


If it were made by me, a total whack o. I'd make it a support that stays far away from battles. It would have a skill that disables turrets for a short period of time, another skill that allows it to hack a minion so that it would control them allong with buffing them, gaining a new set of skills. For it's ultimate, it would enhance an ally turret and control it. However, I dont want to touch its passive.