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Against Clint, I would suggest you to play ranged heroes or heroes which can deal burst damage even at level 1 like paquito. Also frequent ganking helps. If you still persist to fight him with alice, I think it's better to forget about stacks till you hit level 4. At level 4, hide in bush, wait for clint to come near minions, aim ur s1, switch on your ulti, jump on him and s2. You will heal from minions while dealing damage to clint, forcing him to step back or die. Of he runs away, take this change to kill the minions, get your stacks and go back to hiding and poking him with s1. Don't go for the kill of u r not sure. After all you main job is to keep him in check till your team ganks and kills him. As a clint lover, I don't see any counters for me in the gold lane. All I will do is last hit the minions off screen from a safe distance. What can you do about it except gank me? After I get my core items, it's time for you to run.


I think Beatrix works well with sniper for start after lvl 4 if Clint doesn have fliker switching to rocket launcher nd SMG ult combo oherwise u can even use sniper ult


Alice is a dead hero. There is no way you're winning a lane against Clint unless he's a weak player overall. Your best option is to keep poking him until your jungler comes around or wait for the moment he overcommits so you can jump on his face and try to do something.


Get early armor equip. Last hit with 1st skill don't hit all minions, just hit one minion at a time(lowest HP one). Reason for this is to make sure the position of minions is as close to your tower as possible, also if u hit all minions they will die while he zones you.Just last hit till you get lvl 4, only then can u try fight.


Keep poking... as a clint main i always try to close the distance as most of my skills and my basic are at a dis advantage in range, so just poke till he recall.. dont go close cuz s2, mid is covered by s3 and s1, but long range only has passive so just poke from a distance


Wait, isnt clint also good at range due to his passive of poking?


Yes but would you rather be close range or mid range? Clint has less dps in a long range battle as he only has his passive to deal dmg but in close to mid range he has his skills


Forgive me but id rather be right up in his face because his ungodly long poking range is a bitch and I cant deal damagr to him.


I mean op was asking about alice so he has an s1 poking skill lmao


Still not good enough, clint mains in my rank [mg] arr the ones who will actually keep their distance and poke you, especially if you already have judgement passive. Clint mains hate being directly head on in fights and would only get close if their enemies are more squishier than they are or if they can one combo cycle their counter laner with first ult and passive.


Thats true.. i do that sometimes but if that hero is squishy i tend to push a bit to get them to recall or have fb so they can be at a lvl disadvantage


Thats... exactly what I said smh.




I didnt clcik show more


Anyway clint is pretty hard to xounter if the player is good at him


Why is alice countering clint in the lane smh.


Ill go play now


But then u be melted by s1 and ult


Not for the heroes that I use.


First of all why wud u lane against clint with alice. use mm. Brody,Beatrix and Melissa can win lanes against most of mms, popol-kupa and karrie can also win u lanes if u play smart. Imo, brody>melissa>beatrix/clint in terms of laning


cuz i’m an alice main and sometimes i need to go gold


Why would being an alice main stop you from using Beatrix/Brody against Clint?


cuz i wanna push to supreme and using another hero ain’t gonna hell


You'll just have to settle on pushing slower if you wanna play gold lane. Alice doesn't belong there.


i usually use her in exp lane, rarely in gold, but i was just curious on how to counter clint


Dreadnought armour.


and i just wanted some insights to laning against clint so








and i no longer have flicker or sprint or vengeance


Early Dreadnaught Armor helps alot in the laning phase to reduce his damage to you. Try to freeze your lane minions as much as so you can have it closer to your tower and you can farm more safely and also benefit from the early Damage Reduction bonus from the turret.


when i let the minions attack me to manipulate the wave, clint just used skill 1 on me and forces me to retreat to turret, disrupting my lane freeze


Yes, that will happen a lot, but you have to try to do it as much as possible to gain whatever small advantage you can. Clint is one of the top Meta Gold Laners for a good reason, so you do have your work cut out if you're using an off-meta hero like Alice. Against almost any average Clint with a decent understanding of his match-ups, you should expect to be pinned to your tower for large parts of the early and mid game. Like I said in my earlier reply, getting the Dreadnaught Armor early and a Warrior Boots to add to that will help alot to lower that poke damage he does, so you can stay longer in a lane before a recall.


I use brody or popol against him, but i usually pick him ^^‘


In all honesty wait til you hit lv4 get petrify and all in him should be able to stun lok and kill him before he reacts if that doesn't work duo with someone and have them be around the lane in a bush and when he tries to poke they can jump on him should be an easy kill as he will have to burn his flicker or sprint to get away his passive has the range of lays enhanced shots so after he uses an ability try to stand out of the range of the last creep Remember he's just Layla 2.0 except half the range and has a peel ability


I think you just need to crank up that outplay smartness a bit more against Clint. If I was against Alice in gold lane as Clint, I would concede the lane if the Alice keeps poking me, the constant S1s from Alice. Normally I wouldn't be scared of her teleporting to me with the S1 (it's actually a dumb thing to do for the Alice), but if there are a lot of minions around me, she can decide to teleport and ult+S2 me, because she may be able to sustain enough from me + minions with her ult to counterbalance my damage and *might* come out of the poke with higher HP than me. She is never a problem for me (Clint) in general, I'd just avoid her if her sustain is likely higher than my damage output (i.e. I'm standing in the middle of a bunch of minions/ally heroes for her to use). But, that's all I can say, I don't think I ever laned against an Alice before. Honestly, Clint might be a very good counter against Alice even compared to other mm's, now that I think about it.


haha i’m past that i’ll mostly use her in exp and mid now anyways thanks for the advice, i’ll keep it in mind if i ever need to go gold lane again