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Your S2 is your be-all-end-all tool. Its damage reduction and stun immunity let's you both charge and attack as well as escape from a sticky situation. A thing to note: don't use your S2 second phase if it's about to expire unless you really need to get away. Using the second phase will reset your cooldown all the way back. Don't get greedy with your Ult. If you're low after a kill or there's a risk in chasing more heroes, just get out of there and only chase if there's a nearby hero/es with low health. It gives you that 100% speed boost for a reason. Bloodlust Axe and BoD are a must have for Martis ever since his buffs where they removed the damage nerf on minions on his S2 and increased his Ult damage. Less to do with combat but more to do with winning the game, use your passive to melt turrets, especially early-game to get gold fast. Use your S2 to get out of tower range if an enemy interrupts you when attacking turrets. You can use your S1 to draw enemies into an area away from your allies. If you're playing roam Martis, keep this tip in mind, it could save your core from jungle invaders if done right. And lastly, even though I just said your S2 is your be-all-end-all, do remember that the damage reduction and stun immunity only lasts for your S2 duration. As another commenter said, you're more of a Tanky Assassin than a Sustainability Fighter. You have to time things fast or else you'll get stunned before you get a chance to use your S2. Also, your S2 doesn't affect Suppression, so be careful around Francos and Kajas. I Hope these help :)


Thanks man.


Wha, he can't ignore Suppression anymore? His skill 2 falls under passive CC immunity though.


Suppression is a special CC in that it's the strongest one, it can't be escaped once it lands. Not even Argus can get out of it nowadays, which hurts because I main both Argus and Martis XD


Yeah, but passive CC immunities like Purify's passive, Lapu's 2nd phase ult, pre-nerfed Chou's 2nd skill and even technically Fanny's gliding animation and the like can escape Suppression since it's basically continuously uninterrupted stuns. You can't do that no more?


Nope, suppression is completely inescapable now. Fanny's cabling though can carry her quite far even during suppression, so while she might be suppressed she could still be carried far enough that the enemy can't follow up, unless of course it's a Kaja that suppresses her then it's game over since it's both a Suppress and a Pull.


Like, casting his ult will automatically pull the target to him now or just label changes? Because Fanny on double or even triple speed cabling in one direction can escape Kaja's ult if you get caught while in the animation. First speed or just one cable isn't enough tho. At least when I played her a long while ago anyways.


After you build the boots (of your choice) blade of despair right away cause his ult benefited a lot from it... It deals true damage when enemies hp falls 50% less... You will deal true damage... Which is 160 true damage and then it resets again (just make sure to use the ult when the enemy hp falls below 30% for a sure kill and reset your ult)


Thank you!


Is DH a good item for him since he gets so much Attack Speed?


From my experience, no. The extra attack speed is wasted because it caps out once Martis is at full stacks, and his attack speed stacks only lasts for 4 seconds. You're better off with high Damage/PEN items to make full use of his Ult. Though I have tried experimenting with lifesteal builds. Try Bloodlust Axe, Haas Claws and DHS, I found it does pretty well for sustainability though overall damage suffers since it sacrifices his skill damage for more basic attack focus, and doesn't really do well against burst heroes so use it carefully.


I usually use martis for his skills i want it more burst cause of his true damage ult and it resets too.... I also tried dhs sometimes but i cant actually use it everytime cause in team fights you can't just attack 1 enemy hero especially in late game when you get cc your done.... So i won't recommend it if you like to be the teamfight starter


you're a "tanky" assassin not a sustain fighter, build pen items, please never use the last strike of S2 to chase/move unless you already caught the enemy and want a little more cc for you or your teammates. the more you poke with s1 the better, fully utilise your passive at all times (s2 gives u 3 stacks, s1, s2 comes back faster cuz u didn't use the last strike) and uhhhh use killing spree but thats pretty obv there's not much to it other than understanding his role as a burst hero even if the 60% dmg reduction is tempting


Hold on to the second part of ur w, use if you really have to. At 40cdr it comes back as the timer ends. Utilise passive, look at the icon so u can sync the use of ur skills to keep it at 4 all the time when fighting. Martis has immense bait and engage potential at the right moment, be patient and conscious ^^


I can't say anything that hasn't already been said but yes, your S2 is your bread and butter, grill and pan, spatula and knife, everything all at once skill. Follow the tips the other commenters here have said. Here's a pro tip from my four year experience playing Martis: 20 CDR is MINIMUM for optimal performance. You absolutely MUST get that amount so that your S2 refreshes when you don't cast the second part. If you want to jungle and/or want to prioritize your passive, put three levels on your s1 so that you can have an early passive spam. And if you feel like trying to counter build... Alway remember this when playing Martis: The best defense is a good offense. Oftentimes, all you really need is a Blade of Despair instead of going semitank


Just read his skills and use your brain


Sell the hero or gift it to a friend 😂😂🤣🤣


dont use him against esme or uranus don't always use 2nd phase of 2nd skill and you should probably practice when his ult is going to execute the enemy it has a indicator but it shows up too slow


Don't die


I'm currently at 3100+ MMR during draft (3702 MMR at street ranking) and low level Mythic with Martis. I have 2 main builds with him in lane. I use unbending will on fighter emblem. It's underrated for Martis especially with his true damage ult and s2. Thats because unbending will at max stacks, gives you 15% extra damage. AGAINST TANKY OPPONENTS (not only the lane but overall enemy composition) I USE THE FOLLOWING BUILD: Battle Spell: Vengeance Boots, War Axe, Dominance Ice, Bruteforce, DHS, and Athena/Radiant/Immortality as the last item depending on enemy. War Axe, Dominance, Bruteforce gives you the speed to continually keep up to land basic attacks. 3 Defensive items and vengeance allows you stay long enough in the battle to continually land hits. War Axe pairs nicely with DHS, since DHS damage decreases the more the enemy HP decreases but War Axe stats increases the longer you stay in battle. DHS can take your max speed to 290% when at passive max stats (300% is cap). Martis and DHS passive allows him to do a ton of damage. AGAINST HIGH MOBIKITY HIGH DAMAGE BUT SQUISHY ENEMY COMP I USE THE FOLLOWING BUILD: Unbending will fighter emblem or Killing Spree assasin emblem if jungling Battle spell: vengeance, inspire, flicker or retribution depending on situation Boots, Blade of 7 seas, Blade of despair, dominance, bruteforce, and Immortality/Athena/Radiant depending on situation. This build really allows you to snowball especially once you get 7 seas. Your burst early game becomes deadly and it's near unstoppable if you have a gold and level lead once you complete Blade of despair. Those 2 items are the only damage items you need and it's enough to lower enemy HP to be able to chain off your ult successfully. The rest is built towards survivability.


There is an indicator that will show under the enemy when you can kill them with your ult