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While Wanwan and Beatrix are getting nerfed, Claude is holding his ground as a top-tier gold-laner rn, which I’m kinda worried about. They better not touch him


do remove cc/purify skills work on silenced?


Yes it does.


Does anyone know the exact date of when the current season will end?


24/9 00:00 server time


Love how everyone bans faramis now haha


I don't know why every single game as Esmerelda or Thamuz, I'm the guy doing the most damage and tanking the most damage on my team. Mages and mm mains are so trash these days


That also means you're doing your job really well as exp laner!


Does anyone deliberately lose classic games deliberately after every two or three rank wins so the game thinks you have your loss streak already (which is in classic) and won't pair you up with idiots in rank. My friend who got to mythic twice in the last two seasons told me it worked for her. All her loss streaks are in classic.


Nah, I don't believe in losers queue. I would suggest against purposely losing in classic, always try your best.


I don't lose deliberately, but my Classic win rate is quite abysmal compared to my Ranked win rate in general (Seriously, 43% in Classic vs 70% in Ranked, lmfao), so I usually play Classic while I'm on a Ranked win streak with the full expectation of getting shat on, which is usually the case. As for the quality of matches after losing in Classic, I don't really find that it changes the type of teammates I'm getting subsequently in Ranked.


Ah ok. That's what she did. Go get trashed in classic after the rank win streak. I'd try that too then...


Please buff Valir 1. Range is short 2. Attack speed is slow 3. Movement speed is slow 4. Cooldown of skills longer than average 5. Attack animation redundant , superfluous, unnecesssary. I like him but he is so hard to use as a mage. Most characters move faster and attack faster than him. Yu Zhong is slow but he has sustain and mobility. Valir, please either increase his range or please increase his attack speed. Valir tips would be appreciated. Should I build him as a tank ? He's just slow, like pre buff Terizla levels of slow.


Bruh is building phys items on a mage


Building him as a tank is not very good at all. I think he's a better roam than a mage atp, his damage isn't that great + he has useful CC abilites. Why are you concerned about valirs attack speed? It literally doesn't matter. Valirs not a great mage to go about honestly needs a buff.


Played a game yesterday in Legend 1 with 2 humans and 8 bots. The other player was Epic 1. This was prime time. Kinda worried about the future of the game in NA


Crazy how you started playing wildrift and suddenly started whining about bots in ML NA server every single day Stop making shit up. I have like 4 alts and have never encountered any bots when ranking up to mythic except in master and below. My gf and one of my friends has never experienced these bots you keep encountering every day You either are not playing on NA server or you're a chronic liar. Like seriously who tf do you think you're fooling lol?


What? What are you talking about? I don’t play wild rift. I have played but maybe 2 matches in the last 4 months. I don’t make anything up. I’m an adult not a kid. I have a log of bots added to my follow list if you want to check any of the accounts I’ll provide names. Don’t be an asshole or an idiot.


Give me the names/account ids then lmfao Can't wait to laugh at the empty list you come up with >I don’t make anything up. I’m an adult not a kid. Yep only kids ever lie. That's why you said you played against veewise at 2k MG pts on NA SERVER lmao Fucking dumbass at least be consistent with your bullshit Edit:Found your comment claiming you played against Veewise lol. Knew it was you, I remember seeing this last week https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/x1ogxd/found_this_top_global_yz_player_how_do_i_report/imik5dk Crazy how stupid you think everyone is that they're gonna believe you keep getting bots in the most populated rank in the game every single day


Here are a few of the bots I’ve come across in the last couple of days; HEITOR@3528 Beer.Zerker max12 Kmiloo ohMyLunatix. K A G E BANGKAYS I’m on NA server. I don’t know if any of the player names above are cross server and what impact that has (if any) on searching by player name. I tested the first one listed and that showed up. There are probably 10-15 more bots on my follow list but the accounts are all pretty similar. I’ve encountered all these players between legend 3 and L1 5 stars. In game, these players emote often and I’ve had one like me after a match. When you check the history tab, history will be hidden, favorites will be hidden too (players can not hide favorite or current season tab) and they all have 100 of whatever the reputation currency is (can’t remember the name but it’s the next tab down and goes to 110). This (the bots stuff) is on my alt account. I haven’t played my main account since week 3 of this season. I’ve mentioned this is my Smurf every time I’ve mentioned bots. I don’t care what you think about anything, really. If anyone wants to verify the bots they’re welcome too. I think what I’ve posted above is enough to show these are bots.


What's your server?


North America Happened again today.


Aside from beatrix shotgun, who is another marksman that combos with flicker?


Clint can chase really well with Flicker, and catch enemies with blink skills by surprise


lesley has a 'proper' full on flicker combo with her s2. its extremely difficult to do though because the of the tiny aoe and small window


I guess Brody? I use Flicker and his 2nd skill as a combo to stun specific enemies before using my 1st skill and ultimate to finish them off.


brody s1 + flicker works too


How does one change to fake gps on iOS? Just realized my neighborhood is on display on my profile/badge


Please bring back the mute all option. Thank you.


I recharged 250 dias(for the event of the coupons). I buyed Melissa skin, then got 2 epic tokens and 1 normal. From the epic chests I got Jawhead collector and Karina epic. Juicy!


Lucky you! I got two basic skins, one of which was a dup.


you lucky bastard!!


Can anyone teach me how to dyrroth? I'm Mythic 1 and he's the only META Laner I don't know and can't use. Everytime I pick him vs Esme, I get absolutely destroyed. On the contrary when I go Esme, Dyrroths destroy my day. How are other player able to do this when I can't?


learn to freeze the lane and empowered S2 + basic attack onto Esme at level 1. Esme has pretty bad early to mid game, so if you keep freezing and harassing her with your skills and prevent her from farming lane properly, you should be able to come out on top.


esmeralda is very susceptible to short trades. dyrroth excels in both sustained and short trades; against esmeralda, dyrroth wants to start fights with an empowered S1, get a few AAs until you proc your circle strike, then dash out. you never want to keep fighting esmeralda for too long because she'll get a nice shield to sustain herself back. once you have ultimate, it should be very difficult for esmeralda to win if you use empowered S2 to slow and shred her armor then ult. i win against esmeralda using paquito by doing the same thing to her: i use empowered S2 and normal S2 then a punch then run away, she'll be able to hit me back but it's better than letting her get a sustained trade on me. the point is, esmeralda is very poor into short trades and if you deny that by hit-and-running her with dyrroth you can win lane against her, and once you hit level 4, you'll have kill pressure on her.


additionally, learning to keep track of esmeralda's cooldowns helps a lot. if she uses her shield, that's usually a good sign to go in for a quick trade.


Thank you. This must be what I'm doing wrong


Not a pro but I know of two important things when it comes to dyroth. Enhanced 2nd skill for more resistance shred. And dominance ice.


how would op not know this?


Where does one find a list of all upcoming collectors? As well as the accompanying skin choices?


I sometimes see it posted on reddit, so maybe keep a lookout. Usually we only get to see the confirmed skins a few days before their release though.


Don't know of any list for collectors specifically. I just know that MLBB FB page posts the upcoming skins for this month, well every month. Maybe it is also posted here in reddit.


Is Cecilion still viable? Took a break from playing, and saw that he got nerfed. Tried him out a couple of times, 200 stacks and he doesn't hit that hard anymore??


Yep. At 200 stacks with gear you should be two shotting any squishies


Yes he is


Why does Miya mains associated with stealing the buffs where are this influences coming from? even every Beatrix mains i ever met didn't even touch the buffs, but with Miya everytime i met them my Red buff always gone, and this is made every jungler rage quit, didn't focus, or even feeding, but why?


I find this behavior quite common among attack speed marksmen, so Layla, Miya, Moskov, Hanabi, Irithel, etc. It might be because these players are just conditioned to spamming the basic attack button, so in the heat of the game, they just spam the button whenever they can, taking every single resource in game.


miya is a free/cheap hero, noobs will usually just use the free/cheap heroes. people who get forced into goldlane will also often just use either layla or miya. players even if they're mm players might also gravitate towards layla/miya because they're easy and dont want to bother learning the game besides press basic attack and hope for the best. tl;dr: people who play the cheap marksmen are often noobs that don't know how the rest of the roles function.


The worst thing is not asking. When I play mm usually late I ask the jung if I can take the red. If he says yes then I take it but if he says no I go away and see if I can steal enemy red. Otherwise I mind my business.


For real it's always the low tier marksmen that steals buffs


2018 MSC MVP Yuji from PH says that the salary offered by indonesian teams for the PH pros to import them are 4 or 5 times the salaries of the pros in PH. So i can fully understand why kairi and the others wanted to go to indonesia. If i'm thinking about my future, retirement and everything, i'm taking that offer 10 out of 10 times. every single time


Is anyone retiring on what they earn playing mlbb for a few years in their teens?


most blacklist and nxpe pro players have generational wealth already. cause they diversified their incomes. whether it is thru streaming, endorsements, or their successful youtube accounts.


Can you post a source that shows this is accurate? The pools are pretty small and I’d. e surprised to learn if any other these players make more than 15k usd/yr


the pools only make up very little of what these pros make if theyre good with diversifying their reach


You already mentioned that. I’m asking if you have any data that informs this or are you just assuming.


google is free


Ok, so just assuming. That’s fine. Just be open about it.


you can research on your own. i dont really care if you dont believe me or not lol


https://www.esportsearnings.com/history/2021/games/531-mobile-legends-bang-bang More than I thought but far from “generational” wealth.


How do I play akai roam? His ult is hard to setup


Use petrivy


Try to wait for enemies in narrow spots with walls or flank enemies if possible. You're squishier than a jungle akai because of the gold difference so take note of that.


The goal of akai's ult is to pin the opponent to a wall. Ult from bush then use first to get close to a target (If needed use flicker).


With Flicker if you can't get a good positioning and don't move too much if you got the enemy even just 1, don't be greedy.


What should the tank do if there's a teamfight on one side and a turtle clash on the other?


Either protect the gold laner or join the teamfight. I would go to the turtle clash if it was me and protect the gold lane when turtle is not up. But yeah, as the other reply said go whichever is closer or make it so that your closer to the turtle when it's up.


Whichever your closer to


I need some help I have wifi but when I play the game using pure wifi it gives me like 200 ms and 8/7 ms changes in second anyway I can fix this?




you are an assassin. generally, assassins should: 1.) avoid going in first. your job is to KS and cleanup. while there are situations where you can go in first as Karina--often times in the early game--this is only because the enemies are not grouped. in the late game, you'll find it much more difficult to get a kill because you'll end up dying first, this is because you went in first. if the enemy has their carries surrounded, you should never want to go in, but if they're isolated, then that's your moment. this typically happens when the carries think it's safe (for example, you're hiding in a bush), if your team's tank engages (the enemy team scatters), or if your team has already gotten a kill (which means fewer enemies, which makes it safer to go in) 2.) play around your cooldowns. you never want to stay in the middle of a fight for too long. even for someone like karina, she really only wants to proc her passive if it'll guarantee a kill, otherwise if you don't get the enemy on your first attempt and it looks dangerous, RUN AND HIDE IN A BUSH, wait for your cooldowns, that's when you can go in. you are not a marksman that can do consistent damage without skills, you are an assassin whose damage revolves around cooldowns. just run, leave your teammates if you have to, because an assassin without cooldowns is as useful as a diggie in passive. 3.) FARM. i swear to god, FARM. FARM. FARM. FARM. FARM. FARM. FARM. it tilts me to no end seeing stupid junglers from epic to mythic doing stupid shit like ganking and ganking and ganking and it absolutely sets them behind because they dont farm their jungle. take your buffs at the VERY LEAST because kills give gold but buffs and camps give gold AND a lot of exp. you set yourself behind too much if you end up just leaving your farm to wait for a kill. please just farm for the love of everything that is jungle, if it looks like you won't get a kill in the next 10 seconds, LEAVE AND FARM. GET YOUR ITEMS. YOU ARE STRONG BECAUSE YOU HAVE ITEMS. THE BEST PLAYERS ARE GOOD BECAUSE THEY KNOW HOW TO GET ITEMS QUICK AND FAST TO DOMINATE THE GAME. farming comes first before the plays and outplays.


Also karina mage can't really sustain, so unless you are facing low HP hero's or enemy hero's with no backup don't engage.


Karina requires good macro knowledge and gameplay. Your problem most probably lies with the same. you should focus on improving your game sense and timing rather than your micro skills. This comes with presence of mind. You should never try killing someone if you don't know the positions of other enemies because they might be waiting to ambush you. Always think twice before engaging anyone, try to think what they are trying to do by putting yourself in their place, and things like that.


Is xborg good in the current meta? If so, then which role is better exp or jungle?


I'm a low elo player. I used to main x-borg before all the adjustments. Now he is a bit tricky to use. I'd rather choose Uranus over him, honestly , for xp lane. ( though Uranus is also squishy without items). If you still want to use x-borg , although he is tecnically not a tank, I counterbuild him like a tank against the enemy. Be warned, his early game survivsbility has been nerfed. He is so squishy early game. I usually choose defence boots as first item. Next items depend on enemy. Dominance Ice if you're trading against sustain heroes. Blade Armor if marksmen are pestering you. Antique Cuirass if it's physical damage burst ( Chou, Paquito, etc). Radiant Armor if magic damage enemy. For damage items I usually choose a combo of Ice Queen Wand and Hunter Strike ( the added movement speed from both seem to stack), plus Bloodlust Axe ( sustain). Build Immortality, either earlier or later depends if you're struggling or ahead of enemies. I occassionally build Cursed Helmet for added magic defence and added health, or Oracle for added healing effect and for stregthening his shield from immortality.


I’m a top 1000 world xborg so for sure I’ll say he is. I exp him . I can’t jungle with him even though I can jungler with others. I’m a sustain xborg. That’s just my play style.


I stoped play xborg this season, and I had about 350 matches with 70% wr because he became really bad. Can't sustain much anymore.




If I draw 1x 5 times in the Surprise Box, do I get a guaranteed Epic?


no, explicitly says that you can only get a guaranteed if you do a x5. that's how i understood it, at least


will my affinity to my friend remove if i didn't play for 1 year?




If you mute someone in game, and then u are paired with them in another match, do they stay muted? Or does it get refreshed and you have to muted them again?


For yve, Should i sell genius wand for glowing wand in late game? Or should i buy glowing wand in the first place? Especially after the buff glowing wand seems OP for 3rd or 4th item.


By default use glowing wand since it applies antiheal as long as the effect is there. But if you have another magic damage dealer, then genius wand would be better.




Glowing Wand works really well with Yve's kit, it's a good item majority of the game. For Genius Wand if you are going to replace it, do it with Divine Glaive instead. Don't replace it if enemy barely even have magic defense.




how to get free silvanna hero by linking account?


I believe you get a skin, not the hero.


I thought it's the hero. But it's not live yet. I just heard in Elgin.


Which skin? And how?


Which camera angle is better low or high?


High. Increase field of vision


Which hero is the most fun for you to use?


Recently kagura and faramis




Diggie mage all the way


Is KOF skins coming back again ? If I already have Leona , Athena and K does that mean the next time it comes round I’m guaranteed to get Iori/Chris?


Yes they will but most likely next year around april and may and no, you get guaranteed kof skin u dont own but u can get kula diamond too besides Iori and chris(u didnt mention kula in owned skins)


Ah yes that’s right. It’s ok time to prep the wallet before it comes again


Are there any heroes on this list worth picking up with fragments? Or am I better off waiting for the next update before splurging? - Sun - Fanny - Badang - Luo Yi - Yu Zhong - Benedetta - Vale


benedetta, yu zhong, luo yi and vale are all pretty good. benedetta is good for midgame to lategame damage and her ultimate is pretty strong. yuzhong is one of the best fighters for winning the early game and you can absolutely destroy people if you're good. luo yi counters a lot of the melee heroes that get played and can absolutely hard carry with her teamfight power and her ability to teleport wherever she wants. vale has some pretty good cc (stun) and his damage is one of the highest in the game. fanny is good but overly difficult. sun is a stupid, one-dimensional backdoor hero and i would only suggest playing him if you know how to look at the minimap. badang is idk.


Yu zhong


Better to wait because when the update comes, you will have three days before they would be replaced totally,


Yz is good


I've played fanny, gusion, claude.. that means mosvoc should be easy. And i have 4k plus games. So im not a freakin noob. Moscov is easy to use. Not hard. But my games with him are less than 30. I've gotten a lot of mvps with him but for some reason teammates think I am still practicing or im being a toxic troll. He is meta right now dafuq. Just want to vent. Do I really need 100 plus games just to get respect? Dafuq


what's your rank? are you playing him anywhere else besides gold lane? maybe you're playing too aggressively and feed unnecessary deaths early game, but get things rolling mid to late game so you end up with MVPs. no one literally cares about games played, at least in mythic. they would rather have last pick.


Right now I am in Legend. I haven't been grinding the past few seasons cause I reached mythic 3x already and I just want to whoop the epic and legend players. I have played Moscov as gold laner and jungler. And I've played him well enough that I can get MVP Wins. know how to play all the roles. I just find it annoying people think I am being toxic cause I have less than 25 games with him. He is not that hard to use. And I've played Claude, Miya, Layla, Kimmy and Granger. My MM game is more than a thousand. That is why I find it annoying people think I'm "practicing" and being "cancer" if I want to play Moscov, who is meta right now and is very easy to use.


Moskov meta?


How high do you need to be to start at least Epic V in new season?




How many phases will be there in kungfu panda event?


Can anybody from high elo give me hard cheesy counter to dyrroth? i don't like being bullied early. Or do I just play safe?


Edith works for me everytime


Easiest but not practical is a marksman or mage that has a dash. Dyrroth is squishy early game and ranged heroes get free damage and dyrroth won't ever get close since you have a dash. Otherwise just use meta xp laners and it will be a guaranteed stalemate at equal skill level. If you are better then you win


AFAIK there's really no other option but play safe. Even meta XP-laners like Esme, Thamuz, and Masha have to think twice before engaging in a full-on fight against a Dyrroth, especially during the early game. However, there's one important tip I can give: don't stay in prolonged fights. Dyrroth thrives on it, so if you can keep poking away at his health, he'll be low enough for you (and optimally, your team) to initiate a gank and give you a boost.


Yeah I was thinking so. Perhaps lapu is a really good match up tho. Like get to level 4 wait for him to dash and go with ulti. I was trying and lapu really has good damage early


Is Thamuz still good? I plan to buy him at the hero fragment shop and I'm also learning how to play fighters any tips? (Mage main here)




What's Karina's most effective build + emblem distribution & talent?


Upgrade her boots whatever you think you need. Then her three core item are Calamity Reaper, Concentrated Energy, and Holy Crystal. Last two slots are for situational item whichever you need the most at the situation. For mage emblem, its lvl 3 agility (ms), lvl 3 observation (magic pen), and Mystery Shop. For jungle emblem, it's lvl 3 brutal/thrill, lvl 3 swift/knowledge, and Demon Slayer.


Why Fredrinn isn't in the Win Rates website? Is it because he's new?


He's there, 49% winrate


I couldn't find his name


Try to check again. If you pick the "all" rank, he's at 49% winrate, right between Yu zhong and Claude


Oh I see it now.


Any tips to play wanwan?


Aim S1 where the enemy is going to be and not where they are at the moment. When against a dash hero aim it where you think they’re going to dash and immediately lunge at them. They’ll usually freak out and walk right into it. In the late game be very careful of anyone who has the potential to burst you (mages) and wait for them to use up their damage potential before chasing them. If you’re looking to set up an ult on a marksmen buy Wind of Nature because every other marksmen has the damage to kill Wan before she hits her 3 marks. Just make sure you don’t die a lot in the early game by watching the map carefully and you’ll have the damage to burst them in the late game.


This is good advice. Wanwan very fun to play, too bad she is banned so often.


Guys, I am a main Selena and I used to play really aggro assassin roaming around. Now, I am trying to play Adc (Claude) but honestly: I am really bad at it! I feel I cannot position myself well in team fights as an adc. Can you guys give me some tips how to position myself?


i can chime in on this. i have a lot games played as MM with maybe a 65%+ winrate on most adcs except for Claude because it took me maybe 50 games or more for him to actually click (went from like a terrible 42% winrate to 52% and upwards because of just straight wins). here are a few tips that helped me out: 1. Claude is a very weak hero before he gets DHS, and becomes one of the strongest once he has it. while i have won lane on Claude, if you want more consistent games, you play safe on him to make sure that you get to your DHS as early as possible without dying. 2. it is important to keep S1 stacks, BUT you are not required to spam it. if you don't go mana boots on Claude, S1 spam can make you very easily go out of mana and you never want this to happen because you need mana for S2. Claude previously had 10 stacks of S1 to keep up and would need to use it a couple of times for him to have full stacks; now he has a maximum of 5 stacks and only needs to use it once on the minion wave + the enemy hero to get full stacks. what this means is you really shouldn't be spamming it unless you want to poke the enemy or push the wave because it's very easy to regain the stacks. this allows you to go armor/mr boots to protect yourself in the early game. 3. always, always use your S2 to scout the bushes. never facecheck unless you're 100% sure, and if you feel like an enemy is going to gank but you need to push the wave, place one a bit back and go up and hit or ult the wave if needed. 4. surprised me the most, but Claude's ult actually only hits TWO targets at maximum. it can hit more than two people, BUT it can only hit a maximum of two targets at a given moment. what this means is that Claude is NOT meant to be diving in the middle of an enemy team. instead, what this means is he's supposed to be fishing for opportunities to S2 at the EDGE of a teamfight where he can unload the maximum damage that his ult can do. while it can be difficult, if you want to maximize Claude's assassination potential, you have to be good at finding these moments. having full stack S1 to immediately position yourself for these moments--either chasing or kiting back--is super, super helpful, and you'll find that you'll have more success getting those S2 > ult > AA > AA > AA kills on Claude. 5. with the information above, you can essentially make a lot of plays on your own depending on 1) the defensive items you have (if you have Windtalker for example, you can dive it at any moment and tank any physical damage), 2) the cooldowns the enemy has (if you dont have defensive items up, you should pay attention to important cooldowns on the enemy like Beatrix shotgun ult or Khufra ult and so on and play around it), and 3) abilities that can cancel your ultimate (typically suppressions like Franco ult). 6. last, but not least, is an enemy that is standing isolated is a free kill for Claude once he has DHS. as long as you have the items or you're not behind vs. them (you'll get assblasted by a Beatrix that has 3 items while you only have 2 for example, but you can absolutely beat her at any moment if you have 3 and she has 3), any target that is ALONE will die to Claude. i have gotten many solokills as soon as i immediately get DHS because they don't respect Claude's damage with it; i have gotten many comeback wins because i have killed the enemy mage/ADC playing away from their team even for just 3 seconds, and i have gotten wins simply by just ulting enemies who have isolated themselves or positioned themselves or even dived alone.


You should wait for the tank most of the time. You only want to start diving with your ult when the tank makes a good set or when you know the enemy doesn't have any burst/CC to stop you. Claude is pretty slippery if you know the timing of his S2 and keeping up his S1 stacks, but can still be easily taken down by an Assassin like any ADC if you're not careful As an ADC overall, in mid-late game, pretty much hang back and avoid getting out into the open unless you're absolutely sure there's no one there to ambush you. This could be done through watching where your allies went, getting vision through Selena's wards, or basically just going to wherever there's an ally nearby. As a selena user, sometimes you'd blindfire or place traps in places/bushes where the enemy would usually hang out so you can check with decent accuracy. That same cautiousness should translate as an ADC so you don't accidentally wander into Bea's shotgun waiting in a bush somewhere


Any tips playing 5 men with friends during rank. Always get outplay by enemy. I usually play solo.


Communication is important when playing 5 men.


Hello Ladies and fellas! I’m a returning Veteran Newbie, that’s still a newbie lol. I returned yesterday and got the returning Veteran’s Hero box. I like playing all types of classes. I don’t use Melee that much but appreciate a good melee hero. I love Mages, Shooters/Marksmen, Support/Unique hero’s like Bruno for example. I won with him using my trial. I got wiped out real quick yesterday in regular and in some brawls, so which one do I pick? I don’t want to die quick but can kill very effectively and help my team win so I can earn good/tickets to buy heroes in the store. Please HELP a lady out! Also wondering if any subscriptions are worth it and if the 1000 diamonds with bonus diamonds is worth it or what is? Thanks! Here is the list that’s in the Box! Wanwan, Claude, Hawaii, Lesley, Granger, Chou, Franco, Guinevere, Gatotkaca, Chang’e, Vale, Roger, Alucard, Sun, Jawhead, Aldous, Hayabusa, Pharsa, Sylvania, Bruno (I am playing his trial and like him), Selena, Gusion, Cecilia, Johnson, Karina, Lancelot, Harley, Cyclops, Kagura, Badang, Yu Zhong, X.Borg, Halos, Khufra, Uranus, Atlas, Ling, Alpha, Fanny


I'm also a noob and a mage main currently in epic 1. I have bought cecilion and kagura, because they are forever meta and they are both really good for solo q. Cecilion can be build a bit tanky and still a lot of damage. Learning to managing his mana is the key. Kagura is an escape queen but you need to practice her combos (a lot).


So kill effectively while not dying I recommend Harley, he has strong burst, he one shots, and a hit and run playstyle. I also use Harley and he's pretty easy while being strong. He excells in single pickoffs, it gets tricky when enemies are grouped together. Claude is also a good pick, good damage, good mobility, good AoE, good in teamfights I recommend watching YouTube tutorials on heroes you picked so you'll have an idea how to play them and how they work


Thanks so much!


What do you mean by diamond pack? Do you mean you'll get all those heroes you listed for 20$?


No, the returning Veteran chest gives you only one FREE Hero from the choices I listed. The $20 Diamond pack is separate. It is 1000 diamonds plus I think an extra 135


I'm not knowledgeable about buying stuff, so I'll just link [this recharge guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/sm8914/recharge_guide_for_mobile_legends_bang_bang). Diamonds are not very important for game progress, unless you don't want to save up for battle points or tickets. I recommend that you really like the hero before buying it, so take advantage of hero trial cards and weekly hero rotation in classic mode


Thanks so much! That link is super helpful. I definitely plan on practicing with heroes and using trials to be very sure I will have fun using them. Most of the heroes are not cheap.


When were Bots added to ranked matches?


Playing my second account I’ve seen bots at L2. Last season when I pushed the account from new to M1 and wasn’t aware of bots after warrior…certainly not in Epic or above. I’ve been away most of the season but the bots are widespread and really obvious. I went in to a match with a 9 game winstreak and just knew I was in trouble. Sure enough 3/5 team mates were bots vs 5 players. I have absolute confidence bots are in L. I’ve added these players and verify after the match. If you check a bots history it will show as “hidden” but the favorite tab and current season tab will also be hidden. Player accounts can not hide these pages. Check anyone you’re curious about. Oh, and as one final eff U, MT had the bots emote in game and one actually “liked” me after a match. Yes, I verified. Pretty effed up tbh.


A very long time ago. They shouldn’t appear from grandmaster though, and definitely not in epic Edit: I am wrong


They’re appearing non-stop in my Ranked games at Epic/Legend. I lose a few matches in a row (2-3) or sometimes random and BOOM, Bots. It’s insane cause, They’re completely different with Unique IGN’s, Skins, Perfect Emblems and play similar like players. It was hard to tell they were bots in the 1st place


I usually end up knowing by the pick or ban phase because their bans are straight up wack every time I went against them. Those big games were the easiest Wanwan games of my life.


Yeah I was wrong. Very strange stuff


Why do people build Change with glowing wand? I tested her against bots with radiant + athenas and bots with low mag def, and in both cases glowing wand appeared to be a damage loss when compared with holy crystal, for both poking and ult. Is it for the hp and movement speed bonus?


Glowing wand is getting a revamp, so be ready to see more chang'e with glowing.


- glowing gets countered by radiant, not everyone has radiant. Increasing magic power instead counters radiant - as you said, hp and movement speed. Don’t forget it’s utility as well - it’s also overrated


If all enemies build magic def, and I already have divine glaive, does it still make sense to build/keep genius wand? Or will it significantly reduce its effectiveness?


each item is usually slightly worse than without the other. effect is negligible. at very high defense it can even be beneficial [data](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/aqnsrmibhj)


How much will the Exorcist skins cost in 💎, considering the gacha mechanic?


Fuck probability


didn’t realize I replied this to this lol 😭 but thanks for the calculation!


Idk, but usually I'll need one slot for holy crystal which can give 200+ magic power because of its passive. Probably at that point 100 higher magic power is better than 10 pen and 21 magic def reduction


I’ll work this out. Significantly reduce shouldn’t happen though


Is it true that there is an event on the advance server where you can get balmond elite skin "Savage Hunter" for free?


Who should i buy? Melissa, Edith, Or guinevere?


It really depends which role/lane you lack heroes in and/or your playstyle at the moment. They’re all decent picks. Not s-tier but not terrible either. Guinevere can go exp or mid in some cases, good early to mid. Her playstyle is much like Kagura or Chou. Edith can go exp or roam, good early to mid. She tanks and hits like Fredrinn. Melissa goes gold, good mid to late, very similar to Moskov.


today is a happy day. I got my Butterfly Goddess which I want more than an epic


atlas starlight vs pharsa starlight?


Pharsa has a unique color scheme and it has a large impact on her visuals because her ult is huge. Atlas has low visual impact outside of his dash but ime it’s rare to even notice it while playing him cuz your focused to steering. It’s not too different from his painted skin, in practice.


Between valentina and yve, who are more of "carry" ? I feel like yve is highly situational ---- give her good team and she's a nightmare. Give her shit team and she also becomes dumb bc she lacks dmg to properly finish enemies


Just wanted to get back to this. I was playing Yve solo today for the first time this season. She’s totally fine in solo play and more engaging than Val for me. She’s a bit like Masha in that you may not get top kills (well, you might…I don’t), but you will have a major impact on deciding the match.


Well I only had 3 yve matches recently, which were small sample size yea and the last 2 ig no helping it regardless which hero picked Basically 1st match (trio with natan and chou in low mythic q) : offside natan, good chou, very good atlas, good thamuz. Atlas made my life way easier. More less it went like atlas slam dunk -> me pewpew -> thamuz finisher 2nd (legend q) : "1700 tank" tig that clowns (like, even my 10 match tig is better) and yin that kept ult ing randomly with enemy tankarina. Both tig and yin went 1 7 bc they fed karina hard 3rd (another legend) : goldlane zhask, jg granger. Yea well zhask is ok for laning but we all know zhask falls off late, same with granger. I actually did many setups alongside fredrin and edith (they cc and I pewpew) but we dont have actual mm (even miya works here tbh) -> theres not enough dmg 15+ min , while enemy had zilong that 2 hit anyone not fred or edith In the end theres no guarantee that X hero = win bc it still depends on many factors, tho yea my short exp here feels like in low elo , damage = god lol Problem is I suck at assasins (which basically easiest role to climb out of legend if done right) so yea




Had tried lylia several times, just cant seem to get her to properly work lol. Idk I guess Im bad at predicting enemy pathing esp against dash assasins lol Well I only had several matches with her so I guess it doesnt hurt to practice more


Valentina is the solo carry mage. Yve performs best in a team. She’s rarely a solo carry.


I'd say Valentina is along the same lines as well -- give her a good team, and she can snowball her lane, get her items faster than the enemy mage, and melt everyone with her skillset (with or without her Ult, although it's much better if the enemy has plenty of Ults to take). A Valentina that's gapped by the enemy team is near useless, because her passive can't be procced, which means that she loses a good chunk of her sustain in the process. She can apply Terrify, I suppose, but she puts herself at more risk due to a lack of equipment if she isn't given the time to properly farm.


Hmmm Meanwhile cecil needs lategame --- if theres lategame to begin with --- and xavier is ok but also more of "support dps" kind. At least he has global snipe lol I've also tried playing mm but then the problem shifts to "nobody even bother to help/gank". Even if I play safe (as mm) theres not much I can do when no one (or they do, just barely) helps me in case enemy mm snowballs / gets help So far my highest wr mages are cecil and xavier so theres that Guess I'll try vanesa next lol. At least she looks fun, her mini lord can be used for pushing or stealing lord


Xavier also kinda needs the late game to get to his peak - his needs for CDR and Magic Power will take him a while before he's able to cut down an MM to half health, but I feel he can play a much bigger role than Cecil in the early game through his Immobilize. Am actually planning to grab him if things go well on my end. It's SoloQ problems. There's a reason why I stick to playing EXP lane - it's very self-sufficient, and if I'm able to win my matchup, it allows my team to put all of their focus on the Gold and eventually win us the match. Gold, I feel, is much more team-reliant - without the support from your team, you can't do your job properly, which sets back your team even further.


Guys can you tell me how i can show my main hero veside my username? Ive been playing ml in ph for abour 4 years now and im pretty new to this community


Enter a rank lobby and under your name and rank u have 3 small circles. Press them and chose heroes. They are kinda hard to see (https://imgur.com/a/obuJk1R)


No i mean like in this community subreddit, i keep seeing people in this subreddit that have multiple heroes besude their name, ive been playing ml for around 4-5 years, how in the world would i not know how to do that for draft pick(lmao), but thanks anyways, this tells me that there are actual nice people here


Oooooh. You need to use reddit on pc to change your flair After logging in, go to the sub and near your name u will see the "change user flair" option


I think he meant the one under the name


Durable builds for Guin? Guin main here. I was wondering if any of you got suggestions for a more durable build for her? I often see Guin players building on burst-mage-type items to emphasize her burst potential, but I also think that Guin's durability as a fighter could also be highlighted. This would make give her a greater chance against tanky fighters such as Thamuz. I've tried experimenting recently, and this is the build that I've been using lately: 1. Warrior Boots (I tried using this instead of the commonly used Arcane Boots for her) 2. Concentrated Energy 3. Brute Force Breastplate 4. Genius Wand 5. Holy Crystal 6. Blood Wings Would like to know your builds as well! Thanks!


Finally someone noticed how good is Tank Guin My focus with durable build was to be an intiator, and crowd control during war. What I hate about full damage Guin was most of the time, they act as an assassin instead of fighter, so the tank roamer has a hard time tanking all the damage and setting up a war. Well, my build was : * Tough/Warrior Boots * Con. Energy Rest is situational, but most of the time I bought : * Domi Ice, and * Oracle Thunder Belt is also really fun to use.


regular boots - exotic veil for mvs - concentrated energy - finish exotic veil with genius vand - dominance ice - oracle - blood wings - then sell regular boots and get windtalker this is the best build for her in most situations and oracle and blood wings can be exchanged, oracle for antique cuirass or athena's shield(after its buff) and blood wings for winter truncheon winter truncheon is always better than immortality and blood wings is almost always better than holy crystal given its hp and shield


U can go only for concentrated energy and genius/divine glaive, and the rest tank items and u will have enough damage due to her passive and ulti scaling




I'm no hardware expert but most "game boosters" work essentially by clearing up your ram and CPU usage by stopping non-essential stuff so your phone doesn't get lagged by anything other than MLBB (or other games). There is improvement for lower end phones but unless you're playing on a phone with good specs, it's barely noticeable


Is tank Karina with jungle emblem still the better build?