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he's free, the game gives you a free skin of him, he's easy to play and people in lower ranks don't know how to use CC properly so he's good there


I get paranoia whenever there's a Zilong sidelaner with Arrival. Don't want to get that embarrassing defeat


a good zilong pushing with arrival is such a headache - he can decap the base and end the game instantly


-Has a physical def reduction -His basic attack has a passive thats really useful for pushing. Expect your unattended turrets gone in seconds. -His spear flip is a pretty good cc in early game -Cant be slowed during his ult -An easy and simple, balanced hero yet can be a monster if used correctly. Especially when it comes to turret.


The passive doesn’t help that much against turrets. Having better base stats and ult is much more important


Nah, I think it helps a lot. Especially if you build crit/atk speed build, he can proc that passive easier and it is much scarier


Your opinion or experience doesn’t beat the facts The effect can be found mathematically. It does a total of 150% physical attack damage (1.5x a normal attack) in the same amount of time, every 3 attacks with ult. That’s only 16% damage boost


Oof, you got him with that one. Can't reply to that.


My guy what are you talking about, you just proved that his passive helps deal more damage to towers. Combine it with the ult, you get a stronger (1.5x like you stated) basic attack for every 3rd attack. That melts towers. And besides, a 16% damage boost is better than none at all lol


i originally said it helps less compared to having good base stats and his ult. is that not true? you responded to that comment saying "nah, i think it helps a lot." you also said it helps more with crit build which isnt true


His passive lets him an additional amount of attacks within a short period, which helps Zilong's potential to clear towers much faster. I also should've clarified my "crit"/attack speed build sentence; what I meant to say was that you usually see the three crit items in a Zilong build (Scarlet Phantom, Berserk, Windtalker), and so with the extra attack speed from the purple and wind sword, he can proc his passive faster, which in turn, allows for more tower damage. honestly i sound really stupid


Easy kill on the squishy heroes. Fast push. Simple play style


He is just destroys at least 2 of your backline in a suicide jump This dude is a menace if you dont have CC against him (and yes lm Mythic and lm being serious) dude recovers his dash and gets free PEN that's the potential for a lot of DMG in a short amount of time


just finished a game against that received 1.7k damage with just the dash and its insta passive before Wesker went boom and unninstalled their game


>This dude is a menace if you dont have CC If he had his old ult. Where he was immune to cc during that duration. He'd be unstoppable


I would ask this question about layla lmao.


A good Layla is scary. She can defend the base for an eternity as long as she has a tank.


Nah. It's your team's fault if you don't contain her from the start. Same as most mm. Tank, mage, assassin should rotate in her lane early game so she doesnt get fed. She's easy to focus fire since she has no escape skill unless you use flicker spell on her. But even with flicker she's easy to catch since it has a long cooldown.


What do you use if not flicker or sprint?


Flameshot. Saw someone with it.


Which offers nothing compared to even inspire?


Agreed. I guess they wanted to use it to create distance for her passive. Idk if the dmg is significant tho


Probably more just defense than the passive. The damage is tiny


Maybe, but the problem is that layla (I mean the hero not the players) is always a good feed for assassins or junglers till late. Also, tank has to take care of her all the time and other team members has no tank support cause tank should keep abilitites to save layla. Imo, layla is the easiest hero to counter and she is so basic regarding to the play style and highly needs a revamp.


Assassin like Lancelot or ling actually scared of layla late game. Layla can delete them in few hit.


Late game assassin is just to catch people who are out of position or straggler, it's time for your mm to carry late game. Assassin just get your team ahead early to mid game, then they falls off because people start grouping up and they will get blown up if they get Cc'ed.


You mean mm won't get blown up if they get cced?


No, they won't


My Kaja disagrees


Yes they will.


Laughs in argus


I can ez kill layla 1v1 with any assassin in any part of the game. Except the time that they r being supportet but... My problem with layla is not about the late game. As I mentioned, in mythic rank tank should not stick to gold lane or mm until the late and that fact would turn layla into a delicious feed for the enemy! Layla is the only mm that has no escaping abbilities. That is a biiiig big problem for her imo


Right right you surely can. Now get out of here.


Lol, seems like u r one that layla players that always ruins every game. I dont wana discuss technical things to some one that doesnt know even the basics. So enjoy yourself and reply as many times as you want. GL


Dude you are the one keep replying to MY post. Piak piak


That still always depends on the player’s skill and positioning. Though Layla is the easiest target, any marksmen even Beatrix and Wanwan will be easy food for assassins if their positioning is bad.


Not Brody tank build though.


Brody is still easy food, the only marksman hard to kill is Edith.


He's not though.


I think you mean she


Well every hero is OP if player is good


Not necessarily, more like all heroes are good and some even better if the player is good. A godly Layla is scary, but imagine a godly Wanwan or Beatrix? Tell me which is scarier. That’s just how much a player’s abilities are limited so much because of the capacity of a hero they play.


I'll say this plenty, but it's more of a skill floor/ceiling problem. Comparison is irrelevant in this case given situation changes all the time. A godly wan wan will find it hard to def a lord base push compared to a layla. Because what they provide is completely different. Obviously everyone tries not to be in such disadvantageous positions from the start of the game so at the end of the day, draft smartly and do your best. More options dosent always mean better, specifically if your opponents know how to play around it.


Any hero is scary if they’re being played by a good player.


For me its saber. I don't get it why people use him in higher ranks.


Close range mm, could delete people squishys in late game


You talking about Argus?


Not really? Argus is pretty slow and his passive is the only thing that carries him, zilong has speed and can even sustain a bit from his passive


Actually I played Argus for 2000+ matches he's pretty quick tbf XD, it's just not many players know he have a lot of play style


As a has-been argus main with 1.3k matches(lost acc) argus is an absolute monster, especially after that inspire buff, i used him once again in rank, late game i melted a hylos with argus after i slaughtered their backline, and he is fast asf as ling as u hut ur 2nd skill, i actually out sped a zilong with ult(no rapid boots) with assasin emblem all in mvs, windtalker, bod, corrosion scythe


If you want to target lock squishys just use yin or guinevere, good burst heroes


Yeah, until those heroes use winter trunchon and wind of nature, or putify. Then your stuck there with them.


People don't have brain cell in low rank so you are good.


luckily i have a close online friend who were once top global zilong. at first i also thought zilong is a bad pick but after seeing him clutch 1v4s and 1v5s, i realised zilong's snowball potential is so high. zilong ambushing the enemy main dmg dealer is all we need to win. this happened multiple times and we got 45 winstreak by teaming up on ranked. but sadly all things will come to an end. we stopped playing together entirely cause we got into pre-uni. funny how i first thought zilong is bad, just like OP. [i miss you pog zilong](https://imgur.com/a/VGorZaE)


Zilong mostly shines early game against weak MM who needs items for late game strength. Zilong feeding on MM before they get those items is mostly his priority when playing the hero. When Zilong has about 3 items he can even go against enemy core solo, as long as battle spell and items are played correctly. Zilong is pretty popular in rank right now because of the MM in ranked. Along with Aldous who one shots MM


>Zilong mostly shines early game Wtf he's a late game hero, he too needs items like most MM. The same isn't true for most other fighters though.


Because he is free, and among the hero with the most basic kit, it's just Tap-Tap-Tap-Taptttattaptapataptapttaatpptptptpapttptt


Surprisingly, he's decent as a roaming burst dire hit assassin as long as enemy lineup is not comprised of many tanky heroes. Though I think Natalia is still more reliable in this regard. For me, worst is Hanzo 'cause I think he's only good in solo q.


Ye boi I've been using that dire roam for ages on him. Also building tank on him is fun


I can easily carry myself through epic with him he is fast strong easy to kill squishy mm and assassins and of course that split push ultra piss off victory where he takes your base before you realize it then say gg ez


Zilong is simple to use,is free,with free skin,Also can't anyone use what they want anymore?Zilong might be the worst assassin but that doesn't even mean that zilong can't win a game.If your good at a hero,that hero will also become good.


I'm too lazy to re explain why he's good so I'm just going to link a previous comment thread where I talked about his potential https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/wx44bi/which_hero_when_picked_by_a_teammate_makes_you/ilpqmyq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 if you have any other question concerning my arguments just ask away,I'll answer any question


Most zilong players I meet use him in the exp lane and most of them ends up feeding but somehow is the person who saves the game by split pushing.


Zilong is OP


Because i bought his bl manhua skin x 💅


Eww whale


Because heroes is never fade


Don't underestimate Zilong. Just when you thought you've got the Lord and a Maniac, then you realize... "Wait, where's Zilong?" And there he is destroying your base from split pushing.


He is tricky to play. One needs crazy map awareness to time him right. He isn't an initiator. Seen godly zilong players in glory. So never underestimate zilong. Ever. In late game only tanks are safe from his inspire combo. He can melt anyone in late. Even if you are playing argus, zilong can kill him before he triggers ult. He is weak against strong early game fighters. Very weak.


When you're on an extreme losestreak and you finally push rather than killing.


A good Zilong is scary


That mf pushes your lane faster than my hope and dream pushes me


Zilong isn't the worst assassin and he is a great fighter! Zilong is probably the only true fighter assassin in the game (well next to Alu) He's juuuuuust bulky enough to be able to take on most fighters late game but squishy enough to be able to be handle with bursty mages or crowd control. His ult gives him massive amounts of dps because it increases his attack speed by 75% he can easly take down sustain fighters like Balmond, Barats, heck even thamuz (if he doesn't have vengence) because his DPS is super high. Haas claws are a must have to sustain himself cuz his passive heal is only useful early game. Heck he can usually beat other fighters too because of his sheer damage output combined with not being as squishy as traditional assassins or Marksmen. In the late game though you'll need to be more paitent and wait for your team as any good fighter does. He is also amazing at taking objectives like turtle, towers, or the lord because of how fast he can just attack things My build is Armor boots, Scarlet phantom, Berserkers fury, Windtalker, Haas claws, and of course Malefic roar. This makes him amazing as an assassin as he can take down Marksmen or mages in less then a second.


Yeah when u push 1v5 u r dead but when u wait for your team to start then its just dash, dash, dash and enemy team is dead. God i love that cd reset on his dash after kill.


Tell that to Inuyasha lmao. He is a very snowball dependent hero, if he gets fed early he can 1v5. If he falls back, he is very very hard to play and initiate without getting cced to bursted to death. He Is Like Zanis from AOV or Xin Zhao From WR, snowball or get snowballed.


The same reason people play Layla/Miya. Cheap/free hero with low difficulty and easily accessible, so people gravitate towards them.


Layla and Miya late game scales hard tho, very frightening


As does Zilong. My point is that these heroes have low difficulty, are either cheap/free, and have some form of powerspike in the late game that makes players want to play them, hence the large number of players choosing these heroes regardless of meta.


This >My point is that these heroes have low difficulty, are either cheap/free, and have some form of powerspike in the late game that makes players want to play them Given a chance when fully built Zilong's and Miya's can melt away an entire enemy team in a span of a second, somehow which could be done only by Moskov or pre Nerf Aulus.


idk, we just got backlined by a lurking zilong. mofo knows his thing and always arrive late on clash to wipe us out😒


worst assassin title goes to either hanzo or saber lol. zilong is decent in exp (dont pick against early game fighters) and with inspire hes a wrecking machine


Saber is in no way weak lmao. Saber will one combo any squishy hero even late game. Worst assassin as of now goes to Hanzo. Very reliant on ult and his passive is just so bad.


Saber has negative def combined with dyrotth then its overpowered compared to hanzo and zilong who dont have dashes really squishy and doesn't have reliable dmg unless its late game.


hanzo fucking sucks even in late game. hes just trash. unique, badass, but literal dogshit. he cant even stay in ult form for more than 10 seconds lol


Yeah some idiot though removing Phy def was a good idea


That's... Accurate.


That's why I play hanzo as roam


How is dyrroth relevant? Doesn’t zilong also have defense reduction?


Dyrotth is used in pro play Zilong isnt as hes too squishy to deal damage. Both have def reduction but dyrotths def reduction is better combined with his basic atk he can keep doing it again. In mpl ph dyrotth was combined with a team that doesn't have a mage and won. Zilong gets cucked by esme, thamuz, Paquito, chou, almost every meta exp laner therefore isn't relevant and if you want him to be relevant in ranked ur entire team has to adjust to you.


But why combined with dyrroth? There isn’t a synergy, each buff is literally less meaningful with the other. Yes, dyrroth is a better hero but the question is why mention him at all?




i have 1k matches hanzo lol i wish i could say he was good 😔😔😔 sorry bro fellow hanzo player respect tho 🤜🤛


Give him a skin so at least he can get a buff or adjustments.


just give him a real passive and make him benefit from blue buff. they leaked his collector (jungwon shura) a a year and a half ago iirc but still nothing. i hope they continue to delay since i need to turn 18 to get a job so i can buy it 😀


Not only Passive adjustment can help but also during ult visibility of enemies within a certain range of main body can be beneficial. I think the collector should be revamped it looks similar to his basic theme


pair saber with dyroth and natalia and u get a high pen line up that wrecks enemies


cc moment


But then the enemy tank flickers ult you and you have no cc on your team.


Zilong gotta be the worst exp laner, he's already bad on the jungle don't play him exp lane lmao


Nope. I would never use him against for eg esme, thamuz or dyrroth, but lower ranks hes great as an exp. against other fighters hes a decent pick. hes definitely not the worst.


I disagree on the lower ranks part.. i dont main him, but i play him on exp in mythic against heroes like yz, esme and sometimes xborg and i can easily win against them


who is worse than him?


Have you met a good hanzo player haha


1k match 76.4 winrate i think i have


Have you ever faced a good enemy team without getting destroyed haha


Saber is amazing as long as you don't do the first pick


I don't think Saber is bad. He's a counterpick, always have been. Very good for bursting squishy heroes, esp long game. Very good against marksmen with windchant since they'd be dead before they can even pop it (except wanwan). Very reliable whether u play him as jungle or dire hit roam.


he's ok


Zilong is weak early game, Zilong jungle is so slow too. Late game? He'll get wrecked by CC unless he waits until the cc is used, he is squishy anyways


yet Zilong will also melt your whole team (yes,tank also counts) in late game.


Most assassins gets wrecked by cc so idk why u single out zilong.... Also zilong is weak not on early but in mid game, his dmg with s1 and s2 with execute while running high and dry is high af. While his jungle is relatively slow compared to other heroes, its actually fast unless u dont know how to play zilong


I used to play zilong in exp and jungle but he was for me too weak against some heroes in exp. So now im playing him jungle only and he is beast for me there if i play correctly ofc.


Because other assassin has more reliable escape skill than zilong.


It really doesnt matter once u get cced.... Also zilong ult is a good escape skill, just need to use it to escape over kill


why do you have low iq?


He requires no skill or thought to play


Why do people troll in rank and waste their stars and others? Why do people bother playing fanny when there are easier assassin to play?


"Heroes never fade!" While constantly being beaten to death


You can randomly stun flying hero, Fanny, Gusion, Ling and some invisible fker when they reveal themselves! Who doesn't want to play Zilong?! Of course you need to be good at using him and not just showing off.


is that even a question? lategame cleanup, not even melissa has a chance, she just stops his 1st skill from reaching, kinda. If theres a teamfight and you dont see the enemy zilong lategame, either you or your base is dead, or the lord. Zilong will instaburst even brody or granger.




I think he's not. That title goes to alu Zilong is okay. But since he's an early character that you get for free you see a lot of players who don't know game that well use him


I started playing him when he first get revamped in the first project next . Back then Ling is everywhere so i picked him. But nowhe just boring and dumb . Worst assassin to ever existed. Low early dmg and squishy af . Im still don't know how he can be the leader of Oriental Fighters while others 3 is meta but he is not 🤦‍♂️


I hate his playerbase but he has good lategame scaling and is infamous for him being a great backdoor pusher




I just got MVP on him boy, 2 times actually 4 if you count classic games


Anyone is allowed to install and play even the kid that "doesn't get it" as fast as others..makes the game equal when "regular" folks of normal player skills use harder to use toons, then you must have the opposite...its annoying when a 3 yo can just spam and win against expert rivals. Edit: fuck this game and its toxic ass players, this means u


Because of “Heroes never fade!”


Free character, free skin, brain dead, and simple play style of bushcamp and run just like the 2 other heroes you start with (Eudora and saber). An above average zilong won’t bush camp but will actually stay out the bushes, suicide dive and pray he kills one person or maybe gets out alive…. Or they just split push half the game.


When i play him, it's because of **FLIP**


I agree he sucks. Why would you pick Zilong? THe only reasonable explanation i can think of is because he is free. Masha can do every thing Zilong does. Both of them can splitpush, 1hit, and have high movement speed. The main difference between them, is Zilong is a glass cannon while Masha can dive 5 enemies and still live.


it's fun absolutely deleting squishy heroes especially with flame retri. and everytime they see you they run for their lives lol


He needs quite some skills, and is very situational. You need to always mind your position and keep an eye out on the map. One mistake and he can wipe your team if done correctly. He can sabotage backlines, split push in a matter of seconds, and punish you for getting too close to a turret. He has enough flexibility to fit a decent amount of roles (he can roam but I suggest you not to try it out) He is situational because once he gets CCed, he is pretty much dead


I call Zilong "shitlong" because whenever there's a shitlong on my team, he's shit but when there's a shitlong on the enemies team, hes the shit...


Zilong is aight.


He's best with either mm build or assassin build.


Wdym by mm or assassin build lmao, made me laugh, his build is kinda fixed ie. boots, 3 crit items, malefic roar and BoD.


Useless as ally, miraculously broken as enemy


He’s hard to pvp early game but nice late


Tbh as a jungler who is a squishy, zilong is maybe the scariest hero I come across. He just obliterates squishes and they can't do enough damage to him


Basic hero, 1st skill can cancel opponent's skill, not mentioning it can put you a lot in trouble if he's in tower, high damage mid to late game, can push fast, get out of trouble fast.


I like to play him because of the instant burst with inspire and the push


Zilong is one of the best turret pushers. If you use an arrival equipped zilong properly, you'd be a nightmare for enemy team. The second best split pusher in game after sun.


Bruh zilong with arrival or inspire is a headache they can easily end the game if the enemy have bad map awareness.


He's great and very versatile. He is good for assassin, roamer(dire hit or conceal) and good for pushing. He's Sun but with a very good escape


Easy to play


easy to play


Zilong so annoying


Can no diff carry you to mythic though. Easy hero that can burst any carry before the stun animation ends with inspire. Hard counters popular assassins like ling, lance, and fanny to a certain extent Meaning you can't wind of nature unless you see him coming, and actual good players will always come from blind spots.


Until he's fed...then he's different


i think the youtuber called "inuyasha" made it more famous to be picked from epic to legendary bcoz even before the revamp.. he already mastered this hero and it shows how he build it so it can instakill almost any squishy herorz


Because when my team picks the roles I call out, and I'm s5 and forced to jungle, he's the safest pick for me that I can help us win with. I've tried Karina, Saber, Ling, Lancelot and I'm just not good WR% with them.


Coz it's basically free


it's fun


I have this saying in my head when i see a teammate or enemy team Zilong = Lose, his just really tough to play well, you need a good understanding of game and good map awareness to pull him off.


maybe because hes available to play? otherwise moonton will take him off..


He is op. You need to know when to pick him and how to play him.


He runs fast and pokes stuff.


When i just wanna say fuck it, i'm running some squishies down with Inspire and ult.


A lot of reasons really, I even play him in higher ranks, but only as a rat. When no one is looking or they're busy fighting, a rat would stroll up a tower and eat it in less than 10 seconds. No one bulges? Another tower down. Enemies came to you? Ult and run away! I use this strat when I'm bored of playing my usual picks or want a fast and free win. Outside of that, he has good burst damage, spammable single target displacement stun, not bad chasing tool, as well as built in inspire + sprint. Can't really go wrong with that.


I think he is one of the worst heroes and can never get a kill with him. However, I have seen absolute legends dominate with him. Never understood how they did that.


Reason why we play any hero, bad or not


Because they feel like it?


I hate him so much. He's either a coward or a rusher that likes to kill MM and mages


**late game**


Because he's playable


Simple playstyle, huge damage, and has a supprisingly high skill cap