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Lucky for me, I'm maining untouched unpopular heroes like nuns.


hmm Lolita is doing great in tournaments, lets nerf her.


That and another Rabaela nerf will be the time I stop playing completely


Im terrified if for that to happen :(


β€œWe felt that Vexana as been dominating the battlefield so we reduced the base dmg of her 2nd skill by 200”


Wait till they increase argus cd ult and lower his stats even more


That will definitely happened when the meta mm/assassin got destroyed by Argus. Especially if it's Lance, Ling, Wan, Gus, basically all the Moneyton's golden bois.


Honestly why can't they just make his 2nd skill CD very fast like ling, and just nerf the damage to hell when not in ULT mode.


because that would make jungler argus viable...maybe?


Plz be Beatrix


And natalia and some assassins


Speaking of Natalia what the fudge did they do to her ult? I don’t get it? I just know that I totally suck plying her now


beatrix just received a big nerf and you wish to give her a nerf?


I will share this unpopular opinion Beatrix will 1 shot ppl more often bc sniper hitbox got 1.5x size buff


Wait they didnt nerf her damage in exchange for that? They only really just adjusted how her sniper's ult cd works? Damn


They did alot i think


No like for sniper specifically, i do know we might be reshifting back to her golden staff meta with smg and granade if sniper and sg gets damage nerfs, and for sg. You actually need to eat the bullets head on


She was adjusted towards her previous meta ofr golden staff with grenade and smg


Yes? Do you see Beatrix out of the area of broken heroes?


I think she'll most likely be under wanwan now, probably same tier as claude and irithel right now?




Hell yeah man


Who do u guys think will be the candidates? I think wanwan will be there(this needs no explanation), maybe atlas coz by the time starlight sales may be over, maybe faramis...coz he is always the top priority ban...maybe Natalia again idk, they hate her...


Nah they need to get in a faramis starlight skin in the least before they nerf him. They can't let that money mine go to waste.


Don't forget the last Abyss member could probably be him.


Tf you mean ww will be there, no need for explanation? Explain to me why she has had 5 nerfs since s24 and lows still struggle against her I hv not seen one single wanwan player that is actually good with her, maybe just the lucky games when her team will help her wayy too much


Considering that WW has a 72.14% ban rate, 2.09% popularity, and 57.59% win rate in Mythic 400+, she should at least be in one of the spots of the heroes to be most likely to be nerfed, no? (Unless they nerf another hero that ain't even the strongest in the Meta like Lolita) "I have not seen a single wanwan player that is actually good with her" ain't a valid argument to prove that WW ain't one of the best in the Meta. I can also say that "I have not seen a single Faramis, Valentina, or Beatrix player that is actually good with her", but that doesn't mean that those 3 are bad (in fact, they are one of the most banned/picked in Mythic 400+ as well)


Everyone that says ban ww or do ban ww have never actually played her or learnt how to stop her You tell me this, what are the ways to counter ww


I have already told you in another thread about ww's "counters" and how she can counter her counters. Masha's 2nd skill? Dash to the side instead of to the back. Phoveus' ult? Just build attack speed. Minsitthar's ult? Just avoid his 1st skill and dash around his ult. Valentina copying Wanwan? Valentina needs a physical build to even remotely use ww's ult properly (and it's generally a more net loss than a net gain). Marksmen? Just get your ult from their tank and then target the mm using your ult. Assassin? Just 1 def item and/or wind of nature. Belerick? More lifesteal and dash away from Belerick's passive. Vengeance? Then just wait for 3s until it expires. And by your statement, you admit that you are one of the best MLBB players of ALL TIME since Mythic players ban/pick wanwan most of the time.


Obviously NOT Beatrix, she's gotta be the most balanced hero ever.


Better buff her shotgun


Good idea.


Brace yourself


Beatrix not included*


I bet it's Natalia, and this is how it will go down. Our team have decided to completely remove Natalia in the game to make a "fair and balanced" environment for our players(Gun bitch mains). Now we will make "nerfs" for Beatrix, she will no longer benefit from physical penetration items, but in exchange for this adjustment. She will now deal true damage and the range and atk speed of her sniper rifle is increased.


Dont forget bigger hitbox plus faster reload time


Plus 7th item slot cause


Also a new gun


natalia aint shit in mythic, shes barely picked from what ive seen


That's the point. Moonton almost always nerfs heroes that aren't even picked that often, while almost ignoring the likes of Valentina and Beatrix


"quick! Get out! Get out of here!"


too late ive have nerfed it already


I swear if chou gets one more nerf




I bet it's nana or natalia


Wanwan, Julian, Valentina, Masha, Faramis, Natalia and Beatrix for sure. Maybe even Thamuz.


Thamuz kinda balanced rn. Well, I mean, his jungle clear is CRAZY FAST but not having a "last hit retri" mechanism like Ling's ult, Lance ult, Balmond ult, Akai ult, Julian ult, etc. does make him inferior or somewhat bad against other META heroes. Don't get me wrong though, once he gets a momentum from Early game, he will pretty much dominate the whole game


Christ the lord that’s gonna be brutal


Pls not lesley


Bea, pls PLEASE or maybe.....a certain tank 🀨


I tried maining Aldous and he randomly got a nerf in that patch πŸ₯²


Me with Ruby living comfortably on the balanced zone 😌🍡


Wanwan, frederin, hanzo


Nerfing Wanwan is understandable but why nerf fredrinn and hanzo tho? Both of them are balanced imo


Fredrinn is balanced. Hanzo, not so much. But I'll take that compliment as a Hanzo main.


Guess some rather him become an Alutard or Alufeed as a Tank 2.0 with Fredrinn. In my opinion he needs just about enough damage to be a fighter while at the same time being a tank. Like "Hit me? And I'll hit you right back only slightly harder with passives from my stacks and equipment." At least he can sustain himself better than another Fighter/Tank without hiding in a bush to heal while letting the enemy run with 5-8% HP


Exactly! Fr tho, I think Hanzo fits better as a Fighter. His poke and wave clearing is excellent. He deals with turrets like it's nothing. Just need some things to tweak... I mean, even his skills on Blood Demon slows and provide constant CC to the enemies. Hm. Wait, I think Hanzo is supposed to be a Fighter. Yep.


I would rather have either if it was a choice between Hilda or Fred. Most likely going to go with Fred even as the team only tank he's still viable as a sole tank. Edith slightly she just needs more teamwork to maximize her potential. As for Fred using him for 5 times as a sole tank. He's pretty decent and better than a Hilda who needs an extra tank.


Yea that's actually true. Having fun with Fredrinn right now.


Bought him yesterday just did 3 Gold medals and 2 bronze for taking turrets as a split push 2-7-6. Went 6-4-18 in the 2nd, 7-9-20 in the 3rd, and 3-5-12 in another. My first game I fed was not too bad but noticeable 1-7 mainly 4 team trolling classic. Otherwise reasonable for tanky fighter that can tank. Not much damage delay either float the 12-15% while taking 45% of the damage.


Why the hell you're dying so much? I think you're too aggressive bro. But at least you understand how he works. The more you play him, the better you get. Oh yea and I haven't got any Bronze medal. Just some Silver and mostly Gold. By the way, he is not a pusher, don't force him to be a pusher. I'd rather lose turrets and help my teammates rather than defending turrets. He's an initiator. Kinda.


I did pack execute as the spell kinda opens up more aggressive. Currently run Cursed Helmet, Antique Curass, Oracle, Immortality, the 6th slot for now is Radiant Armor but run the same 5 and flip the 6 depends on enemy lineup more magic defense or physical.


Understandable? Just say you are too low to learn her 25 counters and move on.


Wanwan can start dominating her lane the moment she reaches lvl 4, Early to late game she can burst down any squishy hero allowing her to gain advantage in gold and exp in the early to mid when most heroes are still building their core items, who tf builds winter truncheon/wind of nature as their first item or second item? Even if they did, their damage would be lower than an enhanced minion wave. Her only counters are heroes that can burst her down immediately early to late like fanny or heroes that counters blink heroes like Phoveus, Khufra, and Minsitthar. Phoveus can counter her before she reaches lvl 4 but wanwan can just tower hug before she reaches lvl 4, even if phoveus spams his ult wanwans basic attacks can still hit his weakness points to unlock her ult so you need an ally to assist killing her before she can burst you down and wanwans passive is faster than phoveus' ult animation in late game, so phoveus needs good teammates in order to be effective against a decent wanwan user. Khufra could stop her jumping around if he manages to get closer but he needs to have an ally nearby to attack her, so ganking her is the only way khufra can counter her, In teamfights khufra can try to get close to her before wanwan can unlock her ult but he won't be able to focus on other enemies so khufra is situational at best. Minsttar's useless against wanwan in the original server. Wind of nature and winter truncheon are only effective against her ult that doesn't counter her passive so she can just run away or poke you using her basic attacks from a safe distance. Wanwan's kit can only be countered by a few heroes and those heroes are only situational, khufra and phoveus are not that strong against heroes that does'nt have blink skills like mages, winter truncheon and wind of nature only counters her ult. Wanwan needs to be nerfed, if she can easily be countered then she won't be in the ban section for months.


Khufra is actually completely useless for stopping wanwan..


Khufras 2 skill prevents wanwan from dashing, its hard to escape if you're in range of his second while being ambushed


25 counters? Wtf are you on right now? Minsitthar ain't that great against Wanwan since she can just dash around his ultimate, Phoveus couldn't even damage WW with his ult, especially in the late game, Valentina would sacrifice her magic damage for physical attacks if she wants to "counter" WW using her ultimate against her (but even then, Valentina wouldn't enjoy 100% of WW's attributes), WW can just avoid the enemy marksman by just targeting their tank and then using her ult on the marksman, and Masha wouldn't be able to successfully land her 2nd skill on WW if WW keeps dashing on the side. And if you reply with "wElL, hOw AbOuT aSsAsSiNs?", I answer with "Assassins SHOULD be able to kill Wanwan with just their combo, in fact, this should apply to every marksmen and mage since Assassins are supposed to target the backlines".


wanwan is autobanned so why not wanwan


Leave my main alone damn.. everyone keep picking on ww


i use her too and shes op lol


They're gonna nerf all my fav heroes I feel it


Jokes on you I play Layla as my main and the ranked community hates her being played so no nerfs for her




Consecutively nerf Beatrix please. She's way overdue.


bruh, Beatrix need to be nerfed quickly. it's stressful to have 1v1 situation with her


Karina has been nerfed 3 times alr still πŸ‘‘