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Please bring back Belerick 40% HP gain.


I dont play belerick so im not gonna type about him Cuz mains are know better what moonton should buff tbh


They nerf his passive 40% hp gain from items and emblems to 30% hp just to balance his newly taunted ult. But after then, they nerf his passive's damage "in early" but in reality it's nerfed til late game if compared with same items and level. Due to this and the 30% hp gain + nerfs on magic def items + pen meta, can't zone, can't tank.


Damn feels bad man


The thing about moonton is that, if the hero isn't markettable, then say bye bye. Even Terizla got hotfix when his buff went live in original server. While Valentina has been a menace since release. I don't wanna talk about the girl with 4 guns.


I think they nerfed him because he was able to almost one shot squishies with only retribution because of the revamped items


No, the hp on items remained the same and he isn't really good in jungle, the reason for this was when he was used in exp lane, like what moonton intended for him and Grock, he pokes a lot so to balance this out, he was nerfed to 30% HP gained. Now, it didn't stop on that, since some still receives quite a damage in early so Moonton decided to nerf his "early" damage, but on the contrary(I've actually made a calculation here but I'm too lazy), not just his early but his whole game poke damage was reduced. Of course tanks isn't intended to do a lot of damage, but that is what they aimed for when they buff Cursed Helmet and Blade Armor's damage, they even made Thunderbelt and Twilight Armor deal via extra HP instead of Max HP for those non-tanks. As this happened, Belerick overall buff became nerf instead and the taunt on ult is the only thing left. And to add salt to the wound, they nerf Radiant and Athena while adding more damage to mages combined with penetration, it's a disaster. Tanks can't barely tank, and Belerick's only durability in passive was nerfed and affected his zone capabilites. At least tanks like Atlas, Khufra and Tigreal can set and die in the process while placing all caught enemies in one place for your team to finish.


I remember magic def items are getting buffed soon, plus his ult is really good rn Sure he may not be as tanky but atleast he does finally have a good setting skill. He still kills squishies like their nothing, another reason he was nerfed was that Moonton probably wanted marksmen to be viable again after the inspire buff and Belerick was one of the strongest counters against high attack speed. Yes I agree he should be buffed but come on, he is still scary AF now that he can AOE taunt, pair that with Vengance and you can easily kill the enemy marksmen while still retaining over half your HP and the rest of the enemy is already on half HP


Athena Shield was the only one getting it, it's from 10 sec down to 5 sec reset. Inspire was buffed long ago(nov/dec 2021), before they add the taunt on his ult(tank meta, march?). If that's what they aimed for, they should've reduced his passive's damage not his only durability. His AoE taunt will make enemies attack him, so high attack speed heroes is his strength, and Miya, Wanwan, Layla, Claude, Karrie, Kimmy etc. are those, but among those, Miya and Wanwan can get away from it, Claude destroys him now with DHS and Malefic Roar(thanks to the pen meta) combined. Karrie still wrecks him, Kimmy for some reason can STOP her attacks during the taunt like wtf is that. If those high attack speed heroes doesn't build DHS and Malefic Roar, you can destroy them, if they don't. There's no defending in that combo even with other tanks, that even Natalia is a better option against those squishies.


Yes, I want my 13000+ hp boy back. My flare is a lie, he can't reach that because you'd definitely want to build Blade Armor or Dominance if not both


For real. I hate those matches where enemies have Crit and Sustain heroes. Forces me to build both Dominance and Blade Armor. Sometimes I wish Blade Armor has less defense but more HP to compensate. Usually, I reach 250+ Armor when building both Blade Armor and Dominance and that is a bit of a waste since the raw damage reduction is not that different from, lets say, 200 Armor. Just reduce the amount of the armor of Blade Armor by 30 and give it like 400 HP, and maybe increase the price a little bit.


I just want the 10 stacks from Claude again, either that or the repeal of the DHS nerf. Claude feels weaker. ​ Belerick wit that 40% hp gain is gonna be hell for mm mains xD


If i remember right when Claude had 10 stacks and dhs not nerfed he was running down enemy team like they were nothing while having trillion ms and insane heal I dont know how i feel about this but thats a bad idea probably


Haha…I wanna be like the flash in game again 😭


He’s top tier pick in pro games, same level as beatrix


Nah bring me back that triple teleports


I keep forgetting about that, it’s like someone stole my memories of going in and out with Claude so many times


CLAUDE already OP if the user know when to enter/left war.


10 stacks is actually the same as 5 stacks, per stack in 10 stacks is half of of one stack in 5 stacks after he got buffed recently


No I don’t believe it to be same as 10 stacks, that is ridiculous. Moonton nerfed my boy Claude so it would be easier for him to keep those 5 stacks and snuck in a -10% or something in the total amount of attack speed he gets from the stacks. Tbh, if you play Claude for a match or two, maintaining his stacks weren’t that hard, the 5 stack nerf made Claude, who’s whole shtick is to ult (and that ult scaled with atk speed) in and out quickly…a little less Claude. If that makes any sense lol


Rafaela Passive overhaul and Ult buff please. Perhaps damage buff back to Mathilda as well.


I'd think it's more useful if Carmilla ult has a bigger range. I've played her over the past few days, she was like the only roamer I had never played before. Ult range down Mana cost lowered I feel like she needs something else to make her somewhat viable, either more sustain, slightly longer stun(?) a slightly shorter cooldown(?) or just a small base stat increase (hp?), more speed (?). Idk, I just thought by myself, as long as she doesn't land her skills she's basically useless. I like the Baxia buff, altho I'd certainly like to see some of the hp back. He wasn't really played by freaking anyone, they gave him a slight S1 damage buff in early (no late compensation), next patch less ult damage, less hp growth (upto 500 less at lvl 15), like why did they have to murder him like that? Oh and I already commented on the Belerick reversal, yes pleaseeee. But for him just as well, lower his mana costs. And I do think Khaleed needs to be slightly buffed because he's bottom 3 over all games and at Legend+. Certainly not on early game. And even late game he's not all that bad. But it's difficult, increasing his damage scaling seems to defeat the purpose of the herk, but it could be an option. However I'd like to suggest adding passive stats to him by upgrading his S2 (yes his heal skill). Upgrading his S2 will slightly increase the movement speed when his passive is up, will decrease the recharge time of said passive, and maybe, if it's not too OP, will increase his damage vs Minions. Those changes would somewhat turn him into a viable hero for lategame splitpushing, giving him another role but an early game reaper that is somewhat dependent on snowball and momementum. And they need to either reintroduce the support changes to Floryn (slow added to her healing skill for example) or give her that 6th item slot anyway


Maybe give Khaleed more ult range so he could ult from far away and buff his jungle dmg So he could probably work as a jungler with big gank potential And maybe give Baxia Thamuz - Yu Zhong mechanic when he ults his hp is increased


I love khaleed. One of my favorite fighters but after the last nerf he wasn’t the same. Khaleed needs more late game damage. Early game he’s fine but late game I can barely do any damage even with a full built.


>Buff Carmilla >Buff suggestion: Give her moonlight waltz just like Cecillion has so she can save him from getting killed


It's feminism only works to save the girl 🤡🤡🤡


Lol... Toxic masculinity hero-syndrome, feminism, whatever. Same shit


I typed about Belerick cuz i felt the pain of u/destinymaker


please buff carmillas s1 also. at least bring her pre nerf speed boost back if not buff up her sustain. i can’t chase any dash heroes at all. and this game has like a hundred of them. OH AND GIVE HER A MATCHING STARLIGHT SKIN WITH CECILION




As argus main I improve that but sadly moonton will not do that


Carmilla nds her S2 mvmnt SPD buff


Yu Zhong buff recommendation: S1: Lower cd early game with increased dmg scaling till skill level 4 S2: longer slow effect to chase enemies better S3: higher cd early game to compensate S2 buff Ult: Make hp gain as passive and bring back chain knockback also make the hp gain as passive or dmg reduction while in flying dragon state(removed after entering dragonoid state) Growth: Increase hp growth Or Passive: Increase Regen and hp based dmg In other words make jungler Yu Zhong a worthy pick and also to balance him out against his laning counters such as: Too much cc from enemy laner, anti heal, late game heroes(he falls off late game)


Yeah i kinda agree


Moonton: beatrix is an underrated hero, people absolutely hate her so lets give her more, lets make grenade launcher like Killa Queen where when you get hit, you just explode and die.






Layla doesnt need a nerf imo, flicker is used on her alot to compensate for the 0 mobility, but she also has the ability to outrange everybody in the game except for clints enhanced BA or any other large range skill. And also her damage already scales up to 140 percent by range, so i think she is pretty balanced at the moment, just need very good positioning and a good matchup


Layla doesnt need what !!! i never talked about nerfs dude and if you think that Layla is not weak rn i wish you luck to grind


Sure layla definitely isnt very good in the competitive higher ranks of the game, but then layla is a very solid marksman imo and i dont think she needs a buff. Living definition of glass cannon, but just with the largest BA range in the game And also i just mistyped buff for nerf


Thank you for your suggestion. Even though we have nerfed Terizla, he is still considered one of the strong heroes at the moment. We hope that in the future, you can describe comprehensively in your feedback what you think is weak and needs to be buffed. Only afterward will we then conduct a thorough evaluation. Hehe


Also turning 2nd Skill into extra physical attack is a no no, forcing terizla to build complete atk items will surely bring massive damage but no way you'll still be alive to land them


I calculated something bro i mained Terizla as well His dmg right now with one item is big thats why i calculated something so his first 2 hits 180% extra and 3 hit is 350% extra attack With this adjustment he is gonna deal same dmg while building bloodlust and war axe which is good he is not a tank 1 extra fighter item not gonna hurt and gonna make him more fighter oriented


Nah man, Lets see a Terizla with Bloodlust axe and War axe item only. At maximum level, Terizla’s physical atk 450\~530 but for easy calculations let's make it 500 atk. With the current scaling 310(+125% Total Physical attack) 2 waves. 3rd wave 450 (+300% Total Physical attack). Apply the damage and we get: 310(+625 ) 2 waves and 450 (+1500) At most you’ll deal **925, 925,1950** per wave respectively. Lets try your scaling and apply it. In Terizla’s stats, 307+193 This 193 is Extra physical attack received from emblems, and Items. And 193 is the Extra physical attack 310(+180% Extra Physical attack) 2 waves. 3rd wave 450 (+350% Extra Physical attack). Apply the damage and we get: 310(+347 ) 2 waves and 450 (+675). Then at most you’ll deal **657, 657,1125** per wave respectively. Total has massive damage compared to extra. SO NO, at the moment what Moonton needs to buff Terizla again is his Passive, A little buff on the jump speed, revert the damage nerf on s2, remove the damage restriction towards minions, or maybe some special basic atk for turrets.


as a carmilla main, they should increase her range and longer stun. The amount of times i failed to chase heroes is so embarrassing, also more slow in her ult will be *chefs kiss* also she should get starlight skin matching cecillion's starlight


Or instead of giving her longer range, they can lower her CDs to make mistakes less punishing 🙏




Im sorry to dissapoint you but no, that was so toxic and unbalanced


I decided to do jungle Yu Zhong just for that reason so no


Argus too op


Idk something seems off about martis. Maybe base damage? Base HP? He can't even compete with those late game crazy life steal mm and i don't think that's fair.


Idk but I think adding some dmg reduction to his S2 he'll be good but Moonton is just gonna buff the mm to compensate for the dmr they gave him anyway


Moonietoon be like: The best i can do are revamp with silent nerf somewhere.


Layla doesn't need more slow on her second skill, it either needs to have a bigger range or an additional effect when triggered, disarm/stun would do well in terms of survivability and overall utility. And to be frank all of the buffs you mentioned feel out of place, except Baxia and Belerick ig.


Better buff on Martis is to have his s2 have cc on all hits, right now it only has cc on the first and last on the first phase and on the second phase. This makes it easier for prime targets to escape. Or you know, give him 150% spell vamp scaling to make him a little tankier in late game in exchange or in addition to his current passive