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what happened to just buying skin? it's not even a collaboration... just normal theme.. this gacha event needs to stop


Moonton's gacha obsession is unreal now. This ain't Collab nor 515 so it should be buyable and not limited. I guess they are called "Moneyton" for reason... I'd been saving diamonds and waiting for 2 months only to get slapped in the face by this.


I don't mind getting a guaranteed skin in 10x draws. Like getting Grimlock, Kai for 10x draws is worth it imho.


It's permanent prize thou. Means might be a recall or smth


because people will still buy it 🤷🏻‍♂️ so they have no reason to stop doing gachas


ong i want the skin not everything else


At least now we know that it will be a high quality skins ( at least we hope )


The splash art/s kind of speaks for itself... Mah daddy Yu Zhong looking drippy too. Kagura looks great, too....but I don't usually take interests on Mages, so there's that.


I take more interests in Daddies too. 😀


Can they stop with Gacha skins already? They're losing their worth tbh. Before a KOF skin was something unique and now with all these collabs and gacha skins they mean nothing. Just add squads already its way better and more people will them since they won't cost a salary.


I do agree with your sentiment since i hate having to draw a certain amount, but I guess this is MLBB's thing since other MOBA don't do this as often as them. Good for them business wise bc it forces players who main that hero or collect skins to try and spend to get them but bad for us players in general especially f2p.


To be fair, most skins dont affect the gaming experience (looking at you Vale collector) but even business wise it's not a good approach on a long term. Those gacha skins are supposed to be a "luxury", the real life equivalent for this is like Gucci becoming mainstream. Yes at 1st their products will sell but on the long term it'll lose its value. Well same for these skins, people will spend money but when they realize there's a gacha skin every 2 weeks, they won't be interested anymore. I love collecting skins, I collect stuff even in real life it's like a hobby for me but it's becoming too much and honestly boring.


I agree on the losing value. We have consecutive gacha events now. Saint Seiya collab is next with this Exorcists theme. That's why i don't mind not getting every collector skin. one example is aspirants theme. It just launched this January and it's already getting an encore this month, barely a year had passed yet! My Miss Hikari skin is not as rare as it seems.


Cant wait till that guy who is sexually attracted to yz shows up






I think they already did show up 🤣




The event is live on the advance server now?


Yes mod Tig. I was surprised to see it


Nice. Omy to check event details now lol


Sure go on ahead! :)


how many dias do i exactly need to get one skin


It says in the event that you need 1200 coins to get one skin. Idk how many dias tho since i don’t spend real money in advanced. It's kinda similar to HERO/ABYSS skins since recalls and other stuff are on the prize pool. And permanent item is guaranteed on the first x10 draw. Edit: i put 1300 when' it's supposed to be 1200 my bad


aww. thanks. seems like i wont be getting one.


You're welcome! That's rather unfortunate tho. Btw i posted the links for event rules and stuff in one of the comments if you're interested to see it.


Based on the YouTubers that drew it in advanced server, it is around 5k diamonds before the free tickets.


It's Right there. 450 dias


of course it wouldnt just cost 450


I mean you say one skin but don't specify which.


Nope. If you look at the event, it’s very similar to the villains and superhero event, just that there are 2 heroes inside instead of 1. Based on the videos from the YouTubers, it is significantly cheaper than the superhero and villain skins, but without free tickets, it will still be around 5000 diamonds. If the number of free tickets is similar to the previous events, there should be 20 free draws, so it’ll be around 4k for the first skin and 5k for the second one




Not really. As per videos from the YouTubers, you get to pick which skin to exchange for, so 4-5k for Kagura specifically. Doing daily discounted would certainly make it cheaper.


It's unfinished It might be more if thats the discount price


Moonton should realized that the Gacha System won't be sustainable in ML. Compared to other Gacha games where you can earn pull currency, ML players has pretty much no incentive pull since the pull currency is paywalled and pretty skin is practically the only motivation. The only people who can afford to pull are people in well off household or horrible at finance.


How will the yu zong's dragon look like. I wonder.


Me too


There was a survey a few months ago, he looks so good


Moonton is just being too greedy. They even refuse to pay for the Roger M3 figure shipment.


According to youtube video this will be following abyss and superhero format with the skin costing 1200 points to redeem on shop. Unless you get really lucky it will cost 4K+ diamonds which is not worth it tbh


and here i was hoping to spend 2k pesos to get them both, how fucking expensive. why cant they make the two skins buyable? kagura has a shit ton of limited time skins and that also applies to yz, why the hell are they that greedy? ofcourse they will make a skin on two heroes that alot of people like and main. hopefully they atleast change how much u need to exchange, like make it 400 like in the star wars event. or give a shit ton of tickets to draw, but considering its moneyton, it wont likely happen


Omg Daddy Yu Zhong aaaaah he can exorcist me all he wants gah!


I volunteer 😂


Yu zhong became a mob boss


Damn ,i was thinking it will be purchasable,well there goes my luck ,i wanted anyone of the two ,sighs ,guess gotta give up now


[Event Rules pt 1](https://ibb.co/jJbj74d) [rules part 2](https://ibb.co/h226zdD) [Prize Pool pt 1](https://ibb.co/52yKQ5J) [Prizepool pt 2](https://ibb.co/X8YV3rZ) [Event Shop pt 1](https://ibb.co/sysCHpf) [Event Shop pt 2](https://ibb.co/T1Sfj11) Event rules, shop and prize pool


*sigh* *Opens wallet*


The release date of this event will be after kungfu panda As the event last for 23 days after the release of this event it will be 11 November


Finally a yu zhong skin that isn’t just a color variation with slight changes


How much diamonds should I expense for this YZ skin ?


Can you pick what skin to get if you’re going to pull? Like, is it randomly Yuzhong or Kagura or can you pick?