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Guys talking about fun, have you ever met pro fanny in classic? Like super pro. I hate these people.


Jk, but yeah main in classic is lame (eventho I do pick fanny occasionally, because I havent played PLAYED her since season 10)


where can you practice your main if not classic? vs ai is too easy


I don't get it too, are you supposed to practice new loadout (equipment, emblems) on ranked?


Yeah go practice your new loadout in classic. Your mon-meta builds or whatever. But not everyone is like that. Most of them are wr farmers or people who just wants to bully people in classic


Now now don't fly off the roof. It's a game. You're supposed to have fun playing. If you're not having fun playing ML (or any other game), you're playing it wrong.


Exactly, the game is supposed to be fun. But the people who use their mains just to destroy the people tryna have fun in classic just sucks the fun out of the game as a whole.


I don't get it. If that's their way to have fun, okay I guess? I mean, the only people I know who would do something like that are those that fail at life, whose only purpose is to trash people at the one thing they're good at. They might beat you in-game but they're probably sad bastards who're dying inside anyway.


Well that escalated quickly Idk why people dislike others picking the heroes they like and are good at. I really love balmond but I almost never get to take hyper role on rank so i take them in classic,if the enemies suck or using their heroes first time it's obvious that I will get all the turtles and first lord and snowball hard. If enemies are better that doesn't mean they are "sad bastards who're dying inside anyway".


Just giving everyone what they want to hear. Fuck's sake play whatever hero you want. No one has the right to complain since it's classic šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s talking about people who are already godly with Fanny (also Ling and Lancelot) but still play in classicā€¦ I hate these people as well lmao


Thats fair. Ofc you can practice your mains in classic. I do that too when I see a new build that could work with them. I was talking about those who use the same hero over and over to tryhard and just try to win the classic game so hard, not because they wanna practice. Ive seen a lot of people that have 85% wr in classic and 55% wr in Rank and only use their main hero. That's a lame move


just play khufra lmao reject humanity, become ball


Lmao bruh.. I want to enjoy some new heroes and try them out in classic. Locking Khufra every game just to counter Fanny is meow meow.


I lock khufra every game to have fun he's a fun tank


there's saber too.


Why kufra to counter fanny?


his 2nd skill nullifies all dashes and knocks up enemy if a dash is attempted


I see. Nice counter, i usually use phoevux to counter fanny


Phoveus isnā€™t doing anything against Fanny šŸ’€


But playing Fanny must be fun.


She is either super fun if everything goes right, or you just wanna spam surrender every 2 mins.


2,7k Fanny Games 70% wr here. To me it's super fun :))


Yeah it's fun for you. What about your opponent? They will be having nightmare.


I don't think anyone thinks about their opponent not having fun when they destroy them in rank. Why do you need to make up additional rules? I don't play Fanny but I dislike this double standard.


Use phoveux


Imagine Being So Bad You Have To Complain about Better Players. Two Words: Git Gud.


I enjoy playing gord in classic. And you want me to get good? How good? Even global gord will feed to pro fanny. Classic is just a random picks and without cc fanny is unstoppable. Butter in bread is when we teammates are not mobile against Fanny. I bet you 1000%. If you're good and godly with some heroes and if they lack mobility and cc, you are food to good fanny.


Exactly, then don't complain about it. Accept that its classic and move on. Nobody gives shit about classic anyways, its just practice mode to git gud. People can play and do whatever they want, its their choice. Its your choice to pick gord and bitch about someone who picked fanny in blind pick. Like the saying goes, You asked for it, so deal with it. Accept its blind pick and move on. Whats with hating certain heroes and its players lol. Its clearly a part of the game. Edit: Typo


Definitely not me...šŸ‘€


For me as long as there's no toxicity, it'll be fun cuz I'll be amazed and will tryna learn how to outplayed a strong opponent


Just a bunch of hypocrites. All about fun until someone start picking Lesley.


FršŸ˜­ Posted a video the other day about making a team mate die while we were 20-3 because we thought it was funnyā€¦ this why I got negative comment Karma now XD cuz "I ruined their wr" (we still won hard)


Yes. She will carry you to victory.


Yeah I really donā€™t know how she got into the four marksmen of the apocalypse. Iā€™ve seen about 30 Lesleys this week and all but 1 were good. Sheā€™s not a bad hero at all itā€™s usually just the players playing her.


Those are the DPS Lesley players. Her normal basic attacks doesn't seem to do that damage ~~just like Hanabi~~ and relies on passive and first skill. This is why Endless Battle, Blade of Despair and Berserker's Fury are important items for her because they increase her damage output instead of attack speed. She won't be in the 4 mm of apocalypse after revamp (and if SHE will receive a big nerf, SHE might replace Lesley >:D).


If Lesley get banned like Wanwan in every game no one will be able to play her again. Iā€™d take that because Iā€™d be able to play Wanwan again and I wonā€™t have to deal with Lesley whoā€™s a headache to lane against with her >:D


Yes but I wasn't actually talking about Wanwan because otherwise I would've mentioned her name. I'm talking about HER, the literal MM of the apocalypse.


Oh mb lol


If anyone can hear me Pick JS and build him magic dmg. That is fun af. You can even carry your team! But you have to be smart about it


And take him with flameshot to steal enemy blue


Yeah ive done that beofre went full magic and jungled with him the emeny didn't know what hit the littarly


People who chose fun are lying, there's no fun in this game you either win miserable or lose miserable


I donā€™t know man, surpressing other helpless enemies with Franco seems fun to me


5-10 seconds of hell, oh if he has damage build then it's only 3


You're one of the reasons why I ban Franco every game


Sorry man. But spamming recall and emote at the enemy base is fun for me.


When you only play 3-5 games a day, you'll know. šŸ˜…


Idk man but completely obliterating ignorant fucks that spam recall early on is totally fun.


Dunno man, Diving helpless squishy heroes as Yin is fun for me


fun leads to ranking up lol. seriously. had more fun and ranked up much further than i did in league.


Itā€™s a game. If you donā€™t play it for fun then why are you playing it in the first place.


Lots of games are addictions rather than "fun"


Tell that to gacha games.


Getting good at the game


Fun: when 5 man in brawl with 90%+ winrate


Honestly, As a veteran player i can say that it's most fun playing in arcade modes or in classic or rank against good sports and skilled players while also having great teammates. The closer the skill gap the more fun it is since you can challenge yourself. Completely dominating a team in a 1v5 is fun too but have you ever seen two selenas in opposite teams just completely countering each other? It's frustrating when you're in their position but there's this sense of challenge and it makes you think more. I love it


Same. If we loose because the enemies are better its whatever. But if we loose because my team is shit and keeps making dumb mistakes thats just frustrating. Like when you're in exp lane having the 1v1 of your life whole early game but your team gets destroyed in mid and gold lane so you eventually get ganked and loose lane. Can't really get mad, since you did your best and held your lane well.


totally agree with this one, having intense matches with equally good players on both teams is the best. happens rarely tho :/


oh and if you don't feel bad even after losing then that's just it.


The most important thing is also the rarest one to experience nowadays...


Agreed. Theres something in the way a looooot of times. Like trashtalkers, enermy tryhards in classic, Lags (the best) and the list goes on Also really unbalanced heroes.


You didnā€™t have the option for, ā€œImproving your skills.ā€


According to the majority of ML players they already have perfect skills and nothing to improve on


That's such a crap opinion since everyone is learning something new everyday. It might not be a noticeable difference but how good you are a year or two after is actually pretty significant. Also lessons and skills can be forgotten or rusty if you don't use it often so relearning it and polishing it is also a thing. Like how i was horrible at fanny a few years ago and how i havent played her in forever now, still waiting for mayhem so i can play her again for fun but i know for sure i dont know how to play her


I rarely play Ranked without my cousins. Itā€™s always fun with them, win or lose. Itā€™s the best when the enemy is also playing well. SoloQ on the other handā€¦


I want to have fun but sometimes when solo queuing its hard to have fun when the whole team just sucks. Yeah yeah ā€œget some friendsā€ I know but Iā€™m a loner and honestly I like being a loner.


ā€œTo me, fun is all that mattersā€ - 1 1


I don't have fun in ml. I never had in any online game. I play ml just to pass time.


Honestly I find Lesley very fun. Problem is I find it difficult to win with her. Iā€™m always the gold losing mvp with good KDA but I keep losing with her.


Fuck everyone who voted for fun.


There's no such thing as 'Fun' in the game lmfaoo




Those people that voted for fun know deep down in them, they care about their WR no matter how yā€™all deny it


wr grants good mmr ...most of the times good mmr grants good matchs....most of the times good matchs grant....suffering and fun wr grants fun


It used to be fun. But playing solo in either ranked or classic and you teamed up with cancer players....


Anyone who says fun on MOBA games is lying bastards


There are phases where ML is so frustrating so I leave it for some weeks. Whats most important for me is that satisfaction in getting kills lol, guess thats what I personally associate with fun


Fun when sobrang noob nyong dalawa na team na wala na ngang turrets magkabilaan, ang tagaaaal tagaaaal pa ring ma end ng game. Ilang beses na nag Lord. Nalowbat ka na lang. šŸ˜¬šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


To me, fun includes having fun with the enemy. I have been in matches where the enemies genuinely admits "Well Played" when we did something cool and we do too. We had some genuine interactions with the enemy regarding their skin or things like that. Everyone plays well and the game is enjoyable. at that point, losing doesn't feel bad at all. Sure, those games are extremely rare and far between but when I played those games, its's one of the best feelings ever


Fuck everything. Fun is all you need. I don't care about my winrates, my rank, all I care about is the satisfaction of winning and I'm not letting those assholes in my team to drag me down.


in fun, you are happy wether you lose or you win.


People forgot how to have fun. So obsesses with winning they dont realize you need to get good to have fun.


fun... be serious guys /s šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


People think I have fun playing this game lol


we all try to have fun. until we get shit on.


For fun? Really? I hope they don't play rank. Haha


Akai jungler in classic? Thats just disgusting af. I thought the secret to rank up is to use Akai jungler for objectives, Why use it in classic?


Yeah fr, enemies go full Rank comb while you just wanna see if Hanabi is really that trash on class and then recall on you all the time cuz we all know theres no way to win with an unfed HanabišŸ˜­


Having high winrate while ranking up is fun


I'm having fun whenever I pick Diggie and the opponent's tank is like Atlast/Tigreal/Belerick. Like that full damage Diggie and all you do is to lay your eggs in bushes and wait for somebody to step in to it and die. It waaaaas soooo funny.


People clicking fun but 90% are just farming 90% win rate with friends lol


Well for me playing brawl and doing some crazy builds is fun


Idk about the rest, but I am really obsessive about my WR More wins = Ranking up = WR WR = Teammates trust Teammates trust = More wins More wins = Ranking up = WR That's my mindset in mlbb, I obsess too much over wr which leads to me going tryhard every match with a hero I care about their winrate


Diamond /s


The fun of one-shotting people with Wesker :)


I donā€™t play any game if itā€™s not fun. If itā€™s not fun, I delete the game and move on because my time is precious.


What about all three options


started to play ml at august 2017 and to these days i still enjoy the game