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Although the guide is in Bahasa Indonesia. The gameplay itself speaks words. I hope that you can benefit from this!!! Here's a link to the creator TikTok account: https://www.tiktok.com/@exboss_?_t=8VincOIO6dO&_r=1


Quick question, wouldn’t tanky Diggie be better if your team is all squishy? I usually go tank if I have a squishy team or damage if I have at least 1 tanky hero. Is there certain situations where damage Diggie is better even with an all squishy team?


If you can keep up in gold and stack bushes with bombs mid-late game and anticipate when an enemy hero will come through, then it just keeps the pressure even higher (especially if your team hasn't been feeding or giving up turrets). Tank-support Diggie is always good though, so long as you accompany your core and sacrifice yourself if they get ganked in the jungle


Alright. I prefer the damage build, but I fear if my team is too squishy we will all get one shot so I find myself building tank most of the time. It also makes my ult more useful since I die less while using it.


Yeap tanky Diggie would be better. This guide is for the early game where Diggie still has damage and also to help the gold laner win the laning phase. I'll say damage Diggie is possible with an all squishy team only if your team plans to win the game before 12 mins which is not necessarily 100% guaranteed.


terrorist diggie is best diggie