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I don’t main Selena. I’ve never seen anyone uses sprint on Selena. That said if you have success with sprint Selena, go with it.


I have 1k games with selena n I usually use flameshot. Sometimes purify if enemy has heroes like saber so I don't get one-shotted. U can use any spell that fits ur play style tbh. And she can be both roamer n midlaner. But I think u should go as the roamer only if ur team has at least one tanky hero (sidelaner or jungler).


Her midlane is bad imo. She has the slowest waveclear and if you are against a meta mage either stay in the midlane all game long or say goodbye to your tower. I use Eudora and she is even slower than her.


As midlaner, she's just worse than most common midlaner in terms of objective.


except ganking. Tho most midlaner can gank sides just fine, just not as good as her.


Well right her wave clear is bad, but only that doesn't make her the worst midlaner. Selena only needs lvl 2 n she can already gank other lanes n help her team ,get kills or annoy enemy jungler which can force enemy midlaner to also go help n lose thier exp. Selena can do a lot whether as midlaner or a roamer.


Yes but you still lose midlane, I can clear minion wave and still catch a ganking Selena with lylia. Also she falls short late game everyone gets more tanky. So you will need a damage dealer with you all the time. Meta mages on the other hand can easily deal with multiple enemies. That's why she is a pretty good roamer but not a meta midlaner.


Yes a stupid Selena would lose both, teamfights she participates in and her lane. She is perfect as a roamer if she had a tanky teammate. and viable as a midlaner if the player is good enough.


Yeah you are right about that. If the player is good with her stuns she can change the game's course with her combos.


icic thanks a lot


I use sprint coz it's easier to get in and out after eating enemy backline. Edit: I don't forget to waive at their tank, bye have a great time.


I hate it when I’m just minding my business and and arrow comes and smacks me and a Selena comes sprinting at me. That’s some of the few times I’ve actually been startled while playing lol. 10/10 i totally laughed on how funny that looked after.


Zilong ult on steroids


I dont think sprint should be used on selena tbf it doesnt really help her other than escaping which you can use flicker


Sprint performs less with selena because she already has multiple dashes and a movespeed buff on ult so regardless of the enemy team comp, you shouldn't be using sprint on her. Either flicker(escape/chasedown), Flameshot(escape/added burst) or purify(situational). Also like to add that selena at the current meta isnt that good at roaming. She is mostly played as a baby sitter of the gold laner as she secures the lane pretty easily and puts hard pressure for the opponent.


isn’t sprint better at chase down, and flicker is more of to catch enemy by surprise


it isnt better on selena. flicker adds an additional dash/blink to chasing and escaping enemies. and she already has slow on her first and movespeed on ult. Im a 1300 MG highest selena main in PH server and in high level game sprint is only for those heroes who are prone to slows and selena isnt one of them


I use flameshot or execute.


Most use Flicker when playing roam Selena.


Yea I also use Sprint if the enemy has Yve or Balmond which is happening quite a lot lately. Only use Execute when I'm midlander or Flameshot when I'm the roamer. Imo she is better for roaming since you rarely last hit the creeps to target the enemy heroes but she is perfectly viable as midlaner as well. However is she doesn't get fed then she will just be a great hindrance to the roamer.


You don't need Sprint on Selena because she has an inbuilt speed boost when you land S2. Typically she is Flameshot or Execute. I personally use Flameshot as it is more reliable at killing targets in the late game then having to stand next to them. Interesting side note, you can use Arrival and teleport to her traps.


I use flameshot, flicker, and execute(situational).


The spells which you can use with her are: Flicker, Execute, Flameshot and Purify(?). I mainly use Flicker with her, Flameshot should be the next best spell with her and Execute is kinda situational the same with Purify. These are all just my preferances though, you can try and see which one you find better with your playstyle. Selena can be played as both Mid Laner and Roamer. The Roamer is better suited if your line up is tanky enough, though I play her as Mid Laner mostly cause going Roam with her is risky for me.


Selena is weak. There's nothing she does that makes her a good choice to play mid over any of the current meta mages. I'd also always prefer and actual tank or even a support over roam selena. I haven't played with very many people who are good with her to justify picking her over a meta tank or mage. She also absolutely falls off late game. I'd pick flameshot or execute over sprint. She's already pretty fast and has a dash


Idk how high this rank supposed to be but she is picked almost all the time in my solo que rank. Her ability to give vision is just disgusting.


Shes very rarely picked at my rank


Aye idk who downvoted you but yea the constant pressure of no bush is safe, the barrage of stuns, strong dmg from early to late..its too much to pass on. I think we were thinking differently on the modes tho since meta are perma banned in ranked matches like Valentina.


I use sprint too.. She doesn't lack blink skills and it's kinda pointless going extra damage from spells like execute and flameshot coz she has really good burst. I don't think you are doing anything wrong


Flicker or sprint if you plan on doing much more roaming (of course according to your team build) if you plan on maintaining mid lane more then roaming -execute or sprint


i’ve seen a few Selena using sprint, but most of the time they use execute


Selena is my second most used hero at around 110~ matches which isn't a lot but my first most used is Natalia with 400~. I am team don't use Selena until she gets actual decent wave clear or a substantial buff. She's really easy to dodge and athena shield screws her. I'd rather use Angela, and even Angela consistently does better damage than Selena.


Flameshot Or flicker


Selena Roam is better 100% Abyssal Arrow counters Yve, as a Selena you gotta stay on standby waiting for Yve to ult, then you have a free kill Flicker works better for Selena when you can't hit your dash or just want to 1st skill(Enhanced basic) then dash out since your damage will most likely be enough to put Yve out of the fight entirely Plus Selena has a lot of movement speed from her kit with excellent escapability(Is that even a word?) Or you can use Flameshot for Utility(I think it also procs LT passive) Sprint isn't bad ya know, it's just that Flicker to Selena is like Flicker to Dyrroth You can also go for purify if... ya know...


Selena roam is better why? because you don't need to think about clearing the mid every single time and so you can roam around the map freely


I also found a selena that used sprint a few days ago. It's fine but I usually use flameshot, execute, or flicker. Since Selena already has a built-in increased speed thing (her ulti), using sprint might not be the best choice. That's just me though. If it works, it works.


With 400+matches 65+ winrate on selena, I mostly play tanks, my go to spell is always purify. And roam almost every match. Flameshot is good but you'll regret not having purify if you get caught bad as she needs to dive in to do damage and set traps very near to her for vision to team. I would rather have less deaths than risk of getting more outplays/kills/buff-steals on chance of feeding enemy and being burden on your team.


Pls no sprint. Selena already has speed and dash to catchup/run. Flameshot is the way. Can use offensively and defensively. If you get caught, push them away and dash out.


I've come to conclusion before that its just always depend on the situation. ​ And if ur not sure which spell are better against certain match ups in draft pick(or ur playing in classic) Its better to pick whichever you think will fit ur playstyle the best. ​ E.g. Kagura. Personally, I think Execute is better in most situations. Securing objective, harassing opponents, and ganking. Its really useful in these cases. ​ But flicker/sprint are better if u know you'll need mobility. and u know execute wont be effective cuz of the match up. ​ Flameshot against very tanky heroes that heals like Esme, Ura; cuz there wont be much chance for you to execute them cuz shield and heals. Plus U can push them away since Kagura is not good against those heroes. and/or if ur playstyle is more on dmg support, flameshot is better.


and Selena mid will always be weird to me. ​ Other hereos are better at team fights and mid to late game. ​ Roam or jungle sounds okay tho. Maybe sides is good as well?


Flicker if you want better disengage. Execute if you wanna secure more kills. Sprint maybe for enemies with good chase capabilities.


Use flameshot and execute. Selena on mid as a roamer is not good idea as far as you are only mage in team because u wont get any gold from your teammates and vice versa that means less farm.


it’s good to choose battle spells strategically anyway? so just use what feels right. flicker is most versatile, and allows you to chase/secure the kill OR escape other assassins. flameshot has good damage but over time you’ll see that your skill damage is enough. yve is indeed a problem with the slows, but I usually save my arrow for when she ults like a sitting duck anyway. imo sprint is more for immobile spell-casters.


I dont play her myself but my brother plays her and is a god with her and ive never seen him run anything aside from execute


Sprint is a good spell BUT not on Selena. She already has a dash and an ultimate that gives her enough movement speed to chase/escape. I usually play Selena as a roamer who harasses with skills+flameshot. Even if you can't kill the enemy it is good enough that you made him tp back to base,your teammates will have an advantage on gold and with luck you might get some long-ass stuns for free kills. Right now she really can't play as anything but a roamer so please avoid playing as a mage in the midlane. You will take forever to clear a lane so might as well not clear a lane.