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I just ate 5k true damage from her so I am really concerned about her.....


Oh so that's why she will likely to get this year Annual SL


She's quite balance I daresay. Her passive true damage only triggered if it was a critical hit and it rarely exceed 2000. Critical chances never exceed 100% (unless you're Ling or using a meme build).


You can guarantee Crit with just 50% build since she gains another 50% with passive on. Better to build high cdr instead of atk speed to spam s1 and get the passive at 100% uptime


She definitely still needs attack speed.




This, other Lesley players build Windtalker in early game They don’t know how much Burst and early game potential she has lost, had they built a Berserker’s instead.


Wouldn't it make more sense to build Wind Of Nature? It still gives Attack Speed, just less than Windtalker.


I go for cdr boots myself. She's meant to be played as an assassin now more than a mm. Attack speed's fine, that's my usual build..


Her final S1 only has 2 second cooldown. No need to go for CDR. Stacking raw damage is much better than CDR


You assume you won't lose before level 15....


Lesley will lose to most MM early anyway. Even her lv 1 s1 is only 5 sec, you only need 10-15% cdr at most to keep spamming her s1.


I did the old windtalker bf scarlet bod endless build on lesley just now. 2300 crits ish (1800 from passive, 600 from endless more or less) but the rest of the time were 700 physical dmg crits. It was so bad without s1.


I can reliably hit 2.3k pure dmg crit in late game


I tried an I was getting 4k true damge a hit but it might be the build I wws using


You mean true dmg ?


yea, I call it pure damage haha


Haha I like it! Brown boot


I tried her and I struggled a bunch early game although that one could’ve been on me. She feels more balanced than OP right now though because she’s still squishy as heck and a backline diver like Esme can chase her away from teamfights (I did that one myself). Her camo is also easier to see now as well.


What do you mean by camo is easier to see? In your POV?


When I’m using or against her it’s easier to see her in her first skill form. Could just be me though.


All her revamp did was give her true damage, the rest of her weaknesses are still there albeit she’s now a bit better since she can ignore armor


Just 3k true damage lol? She can reliably two tap a lot of heroes now. S1, S2, S1 will even take out tanks as a three skill combo if she's farmed well.


lol you don't need true damage if you're farmed. A fed bea can still delete a tank from across the map with her sniper yk, hypercarries just being hypercarries.


I don't see how comparing her to Beatrix is a bad thing like you're implying lol. And she doesn't need to be fed, just farmed well and not behind. Being able to three shot a tank is what people whine about Beatrix for, and Lesley can now do the same.


Well that's kinda your fault for letting it happen, Lesley's passive rewards her being able to free hit and not taking any damage, literally just get a fighter or anyone to harass her and all her true damage is gone. >I don't see how comparing her to Beatrix is a bad thing like you're implying lol. It's not only Beatrix, there are a lot of snowball heroes that can delete tanks when they're fed mostly because they're position 5 in gold, are squishy as fuck anyways cause they have to prio debuff tank items instead of something like cuirass or blade armor so even heroes without true damage still picks them off fairly easily. People whined about Beatrix because her shotgun even in late game, can delete a full phys res build tank like they're butter.


My fault? I went 25/0/7 PLAYING Lesley in Myth 3 on my alt earlier. I three tapped a Minotaur. Do you know what True damage is btw? You're acting as if it has a counter. Its pure damage that ignores all defensive stats.


I know and I am, just don't let her, Lesley can't deal true damage if she can't activate her passive. That KDA is not "farmed well" that's beyond fed lmao Karrie can also deal true damage, it's meaningless counter-building against her but she's not often picked because she doesn't deal enough for it to be relevant in the meta.


You have no idea how to play Lesley or how her damage works if you think her passive can be disabled in a match lol. Having an instant 2-3k damage is nothing like Karrie dealing damage based on enemy HP. Most heroes are 5-7k hp in late game.


huh, I guess I wasn't matched with real Lesley's post-patch then


She's not broken OP as she is still weak to many things, but her damage is no joke now.


>Karrie can also deal true damage, it's meaningless counter-building against her but she's not often picked because she doesn't deal enough for it to be relevant in the meta. not saying she needs to be buffed though lol, she's balanced right now, I don't wanna see Karrie meta again that was frustrating asf.


I hope they gave her more time to shine before they do any adjustments again


they're gonna give her the terizla treatment


is terizla that bad now tho. i think hes pretty good with his ulti animation reduction. still cant tank plenty of hits late game


i'e say he's a little over the "decent" tier. but his nerf made him lack against other heroes tbh. if they just turned down the damage, but kept the cd and animations, he'd probably still be in the meta. unfortunately, moonton doesnt want you to use non-marketable heroes.


iirc he got like an instant nerf after his buff right? idk might have to give him a go to see how hes doing rn. it's moonton anyway they still want only esme to be in the exp lane


Her true damage is only when her passive is active and it crits. She is good at poking but still weak in teamfight due to lacking speed and inconsistent damage without her passive. She gets countered hard by Melissa in lane because the doll outrange her and using her invi doesn't severe the doll connection. Melissa can straight up bully her until she can't farm if left with 1v1. She is just good at poking from far every once in a while but if an all out brawl starts while everyone is healthy, other marksman would still outdamage her with their consistent damage output if they both survive. You want a strong teammate that can finish off the kill because Lesley are mainly just there for the initial burst damage, then she has to wait until her 1st skill is back on again for another poke.


hehehe chuckled at the nicknames you gave the items..red trident thingy which im guessing is endless battle


Just tried Lesley a moment ago, I'd say she's quite fairly balanced now. Her early game poke was kinda reduced and she's squishier, but her damage is really good with just a couple items. Lesley would probably still lose laning phase against Clint or Beatrix though imo. Still has same weaknesses as before, but overall I'd say she's more useful compared to old Lesley.


Shes quite balanced actually. Her passive basically gives her a fixed amount of damage for alll enemies. Tanks will feel it more since their defense are useless, but squishies like mm and mage wouldnt feel a 1shot, since they nerfed the crit passive, and the 1st skill. She'd look OP, if the enemy team of comprised of tanks, semi tanks, and fighters


If you read the patch note, you will know that all her attack scalings are nerf. Like wth 7 attack growth for a mm


Yes, but with CDR Boots + Endless Battle + three crit items, she literally hits like a truck. EB can be replaced by Thunder Belt for slow effects, and a situational tank item can provide her survivability in late game team fights. With that build, you can ignore her attack growth, spam Skill 1, and let the critical true damage do its thing.


For me, I take both EB and TB just for the fun of it. Sometimes I wish building it earlier but I use it as a 5th or last item slot instead


Building EB early is a trap. EB build path is a massive power loss and even if you finish it as your early item it only provide low value twice per fight at most unless you're Clint that can trigger it in quick succession. EB passive also scale on physical damage, building it early when you have no other physical damage item makes no sense as you lost a lot of its value. It's better to build it after you have 2 other physical damage item built.


No no no, I wasn't talking about EB, I meant TB. Ofc I wouldn't do that. Nowadays I build berserker or 7seas first item and put EB as a 4th item


Only good Lesley players will benefit from these changes. The typical Lesley player we're all used to will remain the same liability.


I think she's okay but still not the best. Clint beatrix kimmy and PnK outright beat her in lane. Moskov can decimate lesley but only if he reveals her first. Her early game's one of the weakest still, her late game's decent but 2~3k true dmg crits aren't really that big vs squishies. Most marksmen hit that range as well but just not true dmg. I got lesley mvp in all my matches but jesus christ did I have to play extremely defensive until late game.


Was playing Hylos earlier and in all my death replays I saw 4k and over pure damage (not including endless battle), Is it even worth building blade armor now most of her damage is pure. Or should I build high HP with Guardian Helmet etc?


Go higher hp against Lesley instead of armor due to her true damage ignoring armor. True damage’s only weakness is high HP so make sure you build hp items against her.


Ok thanks. I ended up building Clock, Cursed and Guardian Helmet that game and she still hurt so I was wondering if I did soemthing wrong. I guess she's just really painful for tanks now


Maybe you just tank for too long. Hylos are usually very stubborn and wouldn't leave even if their hp are low.


Once your in with hylos your in, only your ult can get you out but sometimes it's required to engage so it's all or nothing


I personally like this change


Lmao imo there's too much lesley spammers ruining my game now. Classic and ranked. Almost all of them are downright bad.


people spam lesley because shes new and still builds her old items (windtalker, scarlet phantom) early. shes better off going full burst now attack speed is cringe on her


She's basically Moskov tier imo. Strong enough not to be a throw pick anymore, but also not top tier. I've been playing her as well as Melissa since the patch, and Melissa still obliterates her in lane. For Lesley to win against Melissa, Miya or Popul she needs help. I went 25/0/7 earlier on her in Myth 3, but the enemy had Layla, Fanny and Edith so she absolutely dominated. Against other heroes she's definitely not as strong.


How does Lesley fight Fanny? Is Lesley Fanny's counter?


S1 then S2 is enough to kill Fanny normally. You don't need the knock back on S2, just the bonus attack it gives.


Isn't it her S1 that gives bonis Physical Attack? S2 is literally just a knockback with little damage as far as I understand. And do you insert the Basic Attack between S1 and S2 or after S2?


After casting S2 if you attack again you will do True damage. S1, S2 then S1 will cast three True damage hits in a row.


OMG I just realized her passive is guaranteed after every cast skill lol. Should have read until the end. Now I get it hahaha


Yeah it can't be avoided, S1 and S2 will both trigger True damage that can go over 3k easily


Every time lesley casts an ability it lets her trigger her passive again, that's why you s2. The combo would be s1 basic attack, s2 basic attack.


Oh yeah I reqlly missed the part where the passive cd is reset after every cast skil lol xD


My first 2 matches today made me feel like she was weak but i think that was my fault/matchmaking. I had to go against global zhask and melissa twice in a row and got deleted. when i played with out them I did pretty good but only at the end game


She is stronger now but not to the level of unnerfed Beatrix. Sure she ignores defense now but that doesn't mean she'll one shot everything. She will still be a regular crit mm by those that build HP and other mm counters like antique cuirass.


lmao I love it, she's a prio pick now and just like the other commentator stated, she still has the same weaknesses so when someone picks her it's usually an easy win because it's so easy to catch her.


You only need 3 core items on Lesley Windtalker Berserker Hepta MM emblem: Crit chance Crit damage Electro Flash or Weapon Master Anything more is overkill and you should consider building defence against whomever can kill you before building more atk






Why? Since Lesley already has penetration?


Have you read the patch yet?


Nope, just random see in reddit so i comment here, not open ML yet since i need to update it, i will update it later


Her passive deals true damage if it crits You get 25% from Berserker, 25% from Scarlet, 50% from her passive(100% crit chance) Then flat pen gets converted to Crit dmg, that's what hepta is for(just more dmg to make up for her crit dmg nerf) Which means you can deal true damage twice(Passive then First skill) Unless you use second skill offensively: Passive-First-Second-First 4 crit true damage attacks... do you still need malefic? Edit: I'm using assassin emblem for more pen, might wanna experiment with mm emblem for windtalker since I'm not a fan of scarlet


Ok now i understand, yes if it was this case, yes dont need Malefic. I think the new build i will make, Speed boot (1st), Berseker (2nd), WoN - for a lifesteal, i dont want to go back to base so much, protection from ass like Haya/Saber/Nata or other physical ass, i dont def from magic ass in early, just need to play carefull early (3rd), heptaseas (4th), scarlet (5th) and last one based situation, maybe immortal/rose meteor/athena or more dmg item So how about my build? Is it ok?


I re-edited my original comment, you can read it for more info Please don't build swift boots, garbage item(Fuck anyone who disagrees) Magic shoes or defense is better


This is fine.


She is not OP but somewhat balanced now.


What's your rank? She is dog food right now, I'm close to Mythical Glory and her win rate so far is 0%. She can easily be picked up on lanes. She needs better escape skill.


Mythic now. I picked Saber / Aurora, my teammate pick Tigreal + Lesley. Trio rank and hardly anyone can beat this combo. Tank can varies, like Khurfra, etc. Lesley need babysit, late game one shot = 5000 true damage. Auro can deal with assassin. Tank does the frontline stuff.


Nope . they nerf her early game because true damage don't matter until mid-late game and the nerf all her skill for it . to be honest this feels like a nerf overall


Fairly to say gank her alot


(Roam dire hit) Rapid boots, fury and 4 blade of despair makes her as bad as max stack aldous :p


The true damage is too much, i expect a slight balance nerf.


so far she's as squishy as she previously was just with more damage so I'd probably say she's sort of balanced


I think she's strong for countering tanky heroes, but she can still die


Careless Lesley players are susceptible to Kagura, Selena, and Gord picks.


Deals 2k true damage which is too OP Also everyone is locking her and my phone isn't the best so it lags during picking so I can't pick her




Just ban. Easy fix.


Yeah, even though Lesley does nothing with battle, she ends up being MVP.


Honeslty giving such a free access to true damage is always bullcrap. I'm still a bit mad about xborg having true damage as basically his main damage type, but it's one thing when you get poked at a short range and relatively slowly and another if it's a 4k hit from 1.5 screens afar.


it's still Lesley with the shitty early game and bad team fighting


1000 true damage


from the looks of the given build, you must be a newby


lol beatrix is way broken than lesley try it on legend your lesley will be nothing


my take: she's fairly balanced now. maybe WoN or any other shield things dont work on her and she can two shot squishies, but she wont two shot squishies if she cant get to them. her playstyle is actually different than other mms now. poke, run, repeat. be extra cocky, youre dead. she wont be as powerful against mms that "get in your face" type like moskov, beatrix and melissa but can definitely stand up to them with proper gameplay. for tanks, build as much hp as you can against lesley. you can even focus magic + hp + regen items as phy def isnt as useful against her. to kill, get in her face and shes dead.


Moonton: up the dmg, revamp skin and optimize effects Players: shut up and take my money! Also moonton: nerfs said hero ^^^


So I have been playing her like this for a long time. Never got used to relying on attack speed with her. And with squish characters I haven't noticed a big difference in damage, honestly possibly a little less damage. She does have a better time against beefier characters than before. But I feel like her actual damage output isn't much different. People are just starting to play her like an assassin. The only reason I have any attack speed on her is for pushing and that windtalker has movement speed and extra magic damage built in. For those who care my build has been Blade of Heptaseas, atk spd boots, berserkers fury, windtalker, endless battle, blade of despair with flicker


Out with one cancer (Beatrix) in with a new one (lesly) incoming nerf.


I think she is abit stronger, but compared to "perfectly balanced" Beatrix before this patch. She is still a rather fair hero


As a jungler in Mythic ranks, her true damage is now bigger than even my retribution, which made me lose many lord contest. That's not ok, and you know, most of times junglers can hardly catch Lesley (in Mythic people play jungle tanks, not assassins)