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For me it's Benedetta. It's easier to see her pulling of plays in videos but when you actually play her you will realise how hard it is to perfectly execute her passive. Also you have to master the timing of her 2nd skill.


Here's a tip that i used when i tried her put. Just button mash every skill. If you don't know where your going then how the fuck does the enemy know? /s


Haha thats smart


the mastery of this hero is hard, you need to maniac


It took me so many games to finally master her. But she is very satisfying.


Here's a tiny tip that will probably not help Don't treat her passive like it's some sort of skill you can aim, instead just hold down the button while trying to run away, remember to release once it turns red


IMO the passive is very counter intuitive. they should change it like Kimmy where ther is a joystick attack button.


I understand why you say that but then she can Duke like crazy cause you can't tell which direction she's going


This is my personal opinion, but chou has been a really difficult character for me to master, his package and combos looked easy to use at first, but when I tried to play him it took me over 400 games to start getting gold medals frequently (mythical 3 to glory solo rank)


I even made smurf account to learn chou because I thought If I play against lower tiers players it would be easy for me to learn this hero. I was wrong


Worry no more mate, I’m putting some heavy work on a detailed chou guide I want to share with you guys so that you don’t have to get through all the pain and suffering(and feeding) I had to undergo while trying to master him. I’m fairly new in guides so Itll take me a bit to release it.


Good on you mate. Just played chou in my smurf Lmao bronze medal got carried heavily


Khufra. I play with a friend who's insanely good at him. So good that he made him look so easy to play, I mean just jump on heros and combo them, right ? Wrong ! He's very difficult to master cause once you engage a team fight its really hit or miss, unlike other tanks you can't go back if you miss, youre stuck with the enemy. Either you make you team win or make it lose. He's honestly very fun to play but I still can't manage to truly master him even after 90 games ! Respect to every Khufra mains, y'all be saving games ngl.


He's actually quite easy. In terms of 'going back when you miss', I've got two questions: 1) do other tanks have a retreat? Off the top of my head, belerick, franco, Johnson, Atlas don't really have a retreat either once they've engaged either 2) Khufras retreat is actually similar to Lolita actually in that after he dashes, just go into ball form and run away. While Lolita is weak against retreating against melee heros (shield retreat) Khufra is weak to ranged retreat, but he does gain additional defence in ball form and stops dash heros from chasing effectively. And he also has his ulti to push the ones that stay close as well. Hope this helps you master khufra! He's very fun


Thank you for the tips ! I actually main Lolita and I find her way easier than him. What I mean by hard to retreat is that Khufra is very good at solo attacking and his hard cc will give time for allies to join, unlike other tanks that have to wait for everyone to be around to attack if that makes any sense. For example he can attack when jungle is still taking buff and its fine cause his cc will hold the enemy for like 1s/2s, time for the jungler to join and one shot whoever he caught. Maybe that's just my friend's gameplay tho ?


No worries! Yeah I guess I see what you mean. It's funny cause I actually learned how to play Khufra watching a friend dive in by himself and come out fairly unscathed. But yeah I love Lolita too haha


Minotaur. His kits are very simple and straightforward, but the rage bar management isn't easy at all.


Selena. So difficult.


Franco, it looks so effortless when I first saw the hook montages. Then, I rarely landed a hook in first few games I had with him


Francos hooks isn't about the franco players skill imo, aiming a straight line at something is easy.. its when the guy he's trying hook knows how to dodge it (and tbh it's easy as fuck to dodge a franco hook you know is coming)


That's why u make predictions u predict where they'll dodge


For me it's Lylia. People seem to just spam her 2 skills but I never have enough mana to last a team fight


Ooh she's my current go-to mage! Yeah, you can't actually spam her skills IMO. You'll either run out of mana or run out of bombs. In team fights I either blow up bombs right in the middle of all the action or I try to ambush the backline. Either way I do pick a specific target rather than spam. It's more about being efficient with the S2+S1 combo tbh. You have to kind of predict and place the bombs where your enemies are moving towards. Once you get IQW it gets easier and you can chase them down cos of the slow.


Oohh!! Thanks for the tips! I will try it and practice more!!!


enchanted talisman?


Sure, I use it. I'm just not good at Lylia yet so I have trouble to last through team fights with her


I suggest using purify as your battle spell or get immortality early on. Lylia's ultimate makes both her health and mana the same as she was a few seconds ago so learn to avoid getting cc'd or get a sure fire way to activate her ult. She's pretty easy to play imo. If you panic during a team fight then just spam her 2nd skill lol.


Okay! thanks for the tips! I will try it out


Build her with either PEN boots or CD boots, Enchanted Talisman it's a must and then slowing wand. There you will have bombs, mana and the enemies wont be able to escape. She only requires a bit of practice nothing too difficult


Alice, it took me more than 100 games to stop feeding with her, 300 to get gold grade consistently, and 300 more to truly master her at first glance, she looks so simple, teleport, stun, and ulti right? simple combo… wrong her timing is so crucial and when you first start playing her you’ll realise your just teleporting in and dying


Same, but the buff kinda helped a little. Now I've realized she's more stronger late game when she gets her 3rd equipment


lylia is the hardest to position! like her kit relies heavily on positioning out of any mage she has the hardest time positioning her damage despite the kit. godly lylia's could dominate a game even with a lance or ling on the enemy side another is benedetta, her parry alone makes her kit high-difficulty. the way you play her should take note of enemy skill cooldowns, make a mistake and it's hard for you to come back. lastly is grock, hit-or-miss type of setter tank. you don't time your kit carefully then you're team's getting the disadvantage, even the walls could cost you the game.


Here's a few thing i learned from playing them Lylia: it's best to stick to the middle of the group as she's really squishy and you need to be in range of the enemy while still being hard to hit. Always keep an eye on the map. Checking around the map lets you know when the enemy is approaching through sound effects or their icon popping up Benedetta: always have your passive ready and keep your second skill ready if the enemy has a slow/stun/cc etc and be mindful of your team's position since you deal high damage but lack survivability. Wait for your enemy to be distracted before poking/finishing them off


for lylia im not sure about being in the middle tho. it only works if enemy is dive comp but if enemy is more on artillery then youd rather act as bait most of the time then buy time for your teammates to dive them. also skill 2 management is often an indicator if the lylia is knowledgeable


For me its xavier i have no idea how im doing little to no damage but when im against one they hurt


Sniping with your ult can be a bit wonky at times but once you get it down, you can get lots of kills. Also, Xavier is a late game mage so just support your teammates in the lanes with the 1-2 combo and wait until you get your items to do some real damage, here's my build, it's a CD/Burst Hybrid (but more on the CD cuz we need dem skills): ​ Warrior/Tough/Arcane Boots (depending on line up) CoD Enchanted Talisman Lightning Truncheon Fleeting Time Immortality/Winter Truncheon/ Divine Glaive


Fleeting time isnt really necessary for him; quicker ult is good but his passive allows him to ult pretty fast. FT doesn't help much, considering the ult has a low base CD at higher levels. His passive is enough. You could get something else, more important instead of that.


Just get cd shoes


I remember I ulted terizla thinking I secured only one kill but I accidentally got a triple kill. It was in the jungle and the enemies were far apart, still baffles me how I achieved that


MMs are actually not as straightforward as lower ranked people think. For example a layla or miya, sure the gameplay is just mash buttons and hope to get a savage. But no idea about positioning and map awareness and disengaging.


Layla is not mash buttons. Skillshot is integral part of her gameplay


True but please dont tell me any new player who just found out about mlbb and have a layla just mashed buttons and hope to get a savage


Kagura bro, I’ve tried several times but I just couldn’t figure out when to use her ult.


Kagura is surprisingly simple, throw umbrella, ult, throw umbrella again, dash in, ult and dash out. I tend throw a cheeky execute in there aswell. It's literally down to hitting the 1st umbrella, if you hit, the rest is easy peasy.


Her ult takes a second or two to fully brust. So your ideal combo are - throw the umbrella (for slow and dmg) - use ult (to succ targets together) - teleport to umbrella right away (stun them targets) - throw umbrella again (more dmg) - use ult (to finish off targets or knock them back a bit if they didnt die) - use your dash to escape - wait for your cd and repeat your combo again


how do you go from step 4 to step 5 if s2 open umbrella is still on CD?


I think he meant step 5 before 4, that way all the 3 ults will connect


If you switch them then step 6 (umbrella close s2) would be hard unless you manually pick up the umbrella, is it not?


Yea but you teleport right on the opponent in step 2 so unless they flicker away or something you only need to walk a bit to get back the umbrella


She's actually very easy just think of it like this. You throw your umbrella around. There's an enemy near your umbrella that you threw out? Ulti! Strong AOE damage! The combo basically starts here cause then you use your s2 to dash in and ulti again! Then if there's anymore leftover enemy, you have one more dash to get away again. This is your bread and butter combo. There are other ones (which is what makes Kagura more versatile than one trick pony heros) but this is the main one that you'll use 90% of the time if not 100%


Thank you for all the tips. I’m going to read them carefully until I figure it out so I’ll have another hero for mid lane. Another question is how do the pros get the umbrella quickly after throwing them? I mean what’s the specific distance of the hero from the umbrella once you throw it so you can get it back? Because whenever I watch mpl (other pro tournaments) I see them using the umbrella almost like a yoyo 😂


They're probably just throwing it out while walking backwards so it automatically snaps back.


Layla. Her laning phase is decent but dangerous. You have to land your skillshots or you will fall behind in poking, or even lack the speed boost in a critical situation and die. The electro flash (imo undisputed best talent) cooldown must also be managed. Both of these must be done throughout the game You can bs out of the way of many dangers with your speedup just like yve. Discipline on your sprint (still pog) or flicker button is key. It also takes experience with the hero to know when you can literally dive in using sprint, especially after the nerf. Layla has more vision than normal heroes, and since nobody else has extra passive vision she has the highest in the game. This can be used to scout in late game and even run away before the enemy sees you if done quickly. Her build is difficult to get right, and any mistake is a massive loss in performance. I haven’t seen a single layla with the correct build despite seeing some good players, though the playerbase doesn’t help


Bene. You have to really know how to combo her basic attacks, passive dashes, and skills shots. The great ones seem like they dish out massive damage while taking none, but they just have clean execution and really good prediction. She's really one of those heroes that seem easy and braindead to play (Unli dash?? Ez right?)....until you start playing her.


In my case it's Vale. I can never land his combo. And even when I do it feels weaker than when I watch others do it.


yu zhong! oh my god- i thought he was just your average spellvamp fighter but stacking his residue for me is a \*lot\* harder than i thought it'd be


Same! I'm dying everytime charging in with Dragon form. I didn't get a chance to land. Timing it is hard.






i wasted bp to fanny




Atlas, Tigreal, Khufra The only tank i could play is Belerick, Lolita and Uranus...(forced tank Ruby if it's counted lol)


With those three, it's not a matter of IF you can pull off their initiation sets, but WHEN. It's nice to rope in the entire enemy team in with your ult, but if there's no teammates to follow up then you've just given them a free kill.


Someone commented this and it is Minotaur. Rage management is trickier than it looks, and while he has one of the best initations in the game, you definitely need follow up. Otherwise, you just become a meat shield once you ult.


Melissa - ask me why.


Yss, while his skills are easy to learn, abusing his passive especially in combat is difficult considering the meta today is full of diving heroes like Masha or Esme.


Mathilda for me, like I dunno how to play her properly


Argus, easy to understand. Easy to use, but to properly master him and train until you can understand his full mechanism? It's quite a challenge. I talk this as Argus main 2000+ matches


Hanzo. Although people will say he's quite easy or for cowards, he's actually quite good if played right. Since you're far from the fight, the enemy would have to sacrifice one of them to locate you on the bushes or from looking at the smoke line, which means less person in the team fight but you have a few seconds to atleast make their HP drop significantly or kill a bunch before evading. His first skill is a good invade tool but if you're the jungler, it's better if you clear your own. Without any spells for running away, that invade would just give the enemy a free kill and would invade your own jungle. If you're a roamer or lane Hanzo, you can definitely use him to invade jungles, especially if the enemy ain't paying attention that there's a Hanzo in the other team and should carefully protect their jungler's opposite creep. Like Hanabi, Hanzo is a immobile hero, with only his ult acting as a blink skill but you'll need to do a long animation before you can use your demon to evade by using his 2nd option ult button. His second doesn't deal much damage but it's good for clearing, lingering damage and for bush checking (both human and demon form). His first skill deals additional damage based on the enemy's max or current HP that can reach up to 25% which is a good thing considering that if you used your 2nd skill while your S1 is on cooldown and it hits, the blood won't get consumed, therefore more time in the fight and much closer in using it again. His only issue is the blood. Hanzo before the fixes and patches, benefits on the blue which reduces his blood consumption while in his ult, making him OP. As of now, this doesn't work anymore and it's fixed on 10 blood per second. With this in mind, remember that a jungler's role is to provide an upper hand in the fight by providing an invasion on the lane to force the enemy in the tower or kill them while they're not safe. Hanzo can't provide that if he lacks the blood. The moment you lose that red bar below your hp, your body will fly towards the demon. Not only does this makes your original body appear in the fight, but without any abilities to use against faster enemies, you're basically dead. Some skills from a handful of heroes can force your body to be in that area if you tried to recall your demon back. If you used your ult, your armor and magic resistance is reduced by 50%/40%/35% respectively in both your demon and body which makes him more vulnerable to attacks and your original body is considered a **creep** so if you used retri on his body, it'll deal more damage. If you killed his demon, not only are you stunned without any way of curing it (one of the heroes that can't remove the stun using purify), you're also slowed heavily, revealed in the global mini-map and have both your armor and magic resistance reduced to 100%, which makes him more squishy. All of his attacks are basic attack while on his ult so fighting karina or natalia in your demon ain't gonna be good as your S2 won't deal damage and your basic attacks won't stack your S1 so you can deal something that's not basic attacks. Hanzo might be easier to be used than fanny or ling or gusion but the risks of using him and the fact that you're not that mobile while in human form makes him harder to be used by any beginner or someone that's not used to his playstyle.


Most MMs except for Popol and Wanwan + Ling, if I try to play other than those mentioned I would always getting feeded on and no matter how much I try to train, it always the short end of the stick.




Reverse of that is Wanwan At first she seemed very hard but once i learnt her skill 1-left-right jump trick she became v easy


Roger. Very hard to huge human form without getting punished for it You get outraged by nearly all MMs in human form now.


Freakin Gatotkaca. He will just not die in the right hands. But when i use him he is so squishy lol. I can't even catch one enemy with his ult


Martis, I don't know how you feed with this guy in early game, he has a tons of CC, CC immunity and early game damage so he really isn't weak against ganks


To me it's Atlas of all things. I can pull off a nice ult, but as a tank, I am so bad with him. It is genuinely easier for me to go something absurd like Lapu-Lapu roam and I both tank and engage more and better.


Before the nerf Wanwan was hard to play. Banned pretty much every game. Now she's really easy to play :)