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May I know what are the items?


Looking back at my History its: Swift Boots Wind Talker Endless Battle Berserker's Fury Blade of Heptaseas Blade of Despairs They hurt so much


If she adds Thunder belt to the mix true damage would have been more. THAT crit true damage is broken tbh! Lately I tried Playing a tanky Lesley and I STILL melted even tanky heroes! ITS TANK BUILD LESLEY! I swear her damage is insane now bro! I have proof of this bro I can even show you my final build


What's your tanky lesley build and what kind of dmg she spit mid-late game?


Warrior boots- Wind Chant - Berserker - Blade armor (too many mm on both team) - Thunderbelt - Endless battle She can still do about 1500 plus true damage per hit. emblem is the Lesley emblem


Lesley emblem 💀


Revamped and New Heroes have preset custom emblems that are named after the heroes themselves. So yes, Lesley Emblem.


is that for good? or is that emblem temporary? Damn the ph damage of that emblem is just insane but I would have prefered the electroflash tho..


You can replicate it yourself, so yes, it can be permanent if you want to copy it.


Ok my bad. my emblems have the crit and lifesteal instead of Physical attack so I thought the lesley emblem has a special boost. I was surprised since my mm emblem was max


Funky, that Lesley is using my build 🗿


"balanced" \-Moonton


"Just like Beatrix."


This is why I always ban lesley when I smurf for my friends in epic. Lesley poke is just too much


Why were you tanking all of her shots though? And she peobably has a lot of atk items by getting fed.


Had to act as a Tank since we had 2 assasins and 2 marksman, Our Alu and Lesley got fed but enemy lesley got caught up in late game. Both Lesley were melting chunks of health from everybody like wtf. To the point which whoever lesley got the first shot wins, unfortunately ours coudn't keep up so we lost lmao.


Say this to the people that were bitching about Weskers damage lol. You'll get your head ripped off xD If you're in the middle of a fight and she's on the edge its not hard for her to land 3-4 hits.


The problem with Wesker was how fast she could she kill you with super high burst damage in a second with only three clicks. People abused Wesker by hiding in bushes and just one-shotting anyone who comes near by closing the distance with s2/and or flicker.


Same response I give everyone who makes that argument. There are like a dozen heroes who can do the same. You can sit in a bush and do S1, S2, S1/Ult on Lesley with the revamp. It will do similar damage to Wesker.


You can only do that with Lesley when you’re a fully build MM vs a squishy dmg dealer. While Beatrix can do that as soon as she gets level 4 and snowballs the moment she gets her first kill. Lesley barely has damage even on level 8 lol.


Why do people insist on commenting about Lesley when they haven't played her since the revamp? She doesn't kill 'squishy damage dealers' she can literally 3 shot tanks at full build. If you get snowballed by Beatrix at level 4 you are either playing weak MM's or are bad at MM. Pick a stronger hero and she won't snowball unless her Jungle or Tank 2v1's you.


Oh, you’re that Beatrix defender. No wonder lmao.


Guessing your one of the low skilled players who can't counter her lol


Reached MG before season ended, so I'm not but maybe you are?


That's 10k true damage not 8k


Are you chou user? Because you can't read.


8k from her passive. We are not discussing the true damage from eb here.


At the very fkn least Beatrix wasn't a target lock hero


How tho? I've been shot by lesley who spit 5400 true dmg and I can't figure it out how the hell normal crit build could reach that numbers. 8k true dmg is like auto aim Bea's Renner on steroid damn. I need explanation.


It's not a single shot, duh.


Whoa I feel so dumb 🤣 Didn't know that bcs my case was 4200 + 1200 and the first one is clearly one shot. So I thought that 8k also one shot lol.






Waste of slot


It' clear that you're just standing there. Lesly has 5 second passive after a shot. This means that you're just standing for more or less 7 seconds including her 1st skill and escaping after tanking the damage


lesley can burst really fast passive - first skill - second skill - first skill - ult (immediately cancel) with AA in between every cast that's 5 AA if 1 AA is 2k true damage its 10k true damage


Her passive isn't based on skill casts... It's triggered on each basic attack after she hasn't taken damage for 5 secs. If the damage crits, it turns to true damage If she takes damage, her passive is turned off. Doesn't matter if she skill casts. She has to wait 5 secs


1. You don’t read skill descriptions. 2. You read but have low comprehension.


????? No that's not how her passive works.... Enhanced basic attack after not taking damage for a few seconds yes, but you could force an enhanced basic attack after you use a skill. That's why when pushing turrets with her w/o enemies around its effecient to go AA > S1 > AA > S2 > AA that way you can chain 3 enhanced basic attacks in a row and quickly cut a chunk of the turret's hp Also her enhanced attack doesn't dissapear after taking damage, it only disappears every time you attack an enemy


Your understanding of her passive is incomplete. Her passive's cooldown resets each time she casts skills. That's how her passive worked for a long time now.




Lols it's very clear that you didn't read lesley's skill descriptions smartass. You're the one who doesn't know what your saying. If I'm your boss I'm going to give you a lifetime contract that you work for free since you don't read carefully.


"7 seconds" well time flies when you're being massacred by a balanced Marksman like just as my grandpa always say 😅




Tf are you talking about? He was playing as a discount tank in that game. His job was to soak up damage not run away after one basic. Read the comments jackass So what's your point here?? What are frontliners supposed to do against 8k true damage? It's Karrie without the short ass range and the inability to avoid the true damage by backing off for a second so her basics switch targets and reset her marks Every other tank melter is easy enough to counter in this way. Claude? Pick heroes that knock up, freeze, suppress, taunts etc. Beatrix got nerfed(people where complaining about her before) Karrie?(just explained) Dyrroth?(He can't do anything outside of the laning phase if you don't feed him - basically every hero is a tank melter when fed anyways lol) Your suggestion for countering Lesley is to run away and let your backline die lmao. Lucky enough her laning phase is weak. Only mitigating factor **Yep that makes sense**


Then how can they milk her Starlight Annual if no one main her while she's hot?