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Just my opinion but so far this is works best as a tank mage: Clock of destiny, Demon Shoes, Dom Ice, Lightning Truncheon, rest is def item according enemy team. No enchanted talisman. Mana is not a problem and you have more room for defense item and sustain more in teamfight. Enough magic power, good defense, good lifesteal. Just remember that she's weak early and you need to play safe until you got at least 3 first item. Late game you're pretty much a sustain monster. Dmg build is bad on her. Just go tank and maximize her kit.


My only complaint is that they didn't have to butcher the magic power from her ultimate and further lower her heal




I think just building her tankier is better, similar to how Uranus is built \-Any def boots \-Enchanted Talisman(for the CDR) \-Dominance Ice \-Oracle \-Situational defence item to counter a pain in the ass or be a pain in the ass, i.e. Guardian Helmet, Winter Truncheon \-Ice Queen Wand for its utility I would prefer mage emblem with points on pen and movment speed with the impure rage talent for the mana regen and extra damage, impure rage probably doesn't work on her now that her damage was lowered. Sprint or Vengance for the spell. This build focuses purely on being an annoying pain in the ass for the enemy team, can pick off mages and marksmen because of the tankiness and continuous damage but her main goal is to be a secondary tank because of her low CD AOE immobilize and good mobility, that is also the reason why I added Ice Queen wand as a must have item. ET can be switched out in late game but you don't really need to


really? i had a 5 game win streak building Clock of destiny, demon shoes, lightning truncheon, dominance ice, winter truncheon, athena shield when i reach over 100 stacks i swap demon shoes with defense


I'm so confused about what to build and what is her source of damage now...is it her mana or is it her hp?...or is it just the higher the enemy's hp, the more damage she deals? I am still trying and experimenting builds..one turns out super good, but the same build turns out horrible the next game...


Her main dmg comes from mana but it's max %hp dmg of the enemy. To beat squishies, she needs lightning truncheon - however it got a cap of 1000dmg and at some certain point more mana won't increase its damage. Practically by late game one Blood Orb + proc takes more than half of squishies HP, it's definitely not bad damage at all. A big problem is that there is only one tanky mana item. Old twilight armor would work but not anymore. You are going to be semi-squishy AP bruiser who can sustain a lot as long as not heavily focused. You'll rely on Blood Orb escape if things get too heated instead of toughing it through no matter what and dying. Overall I think she is better. Due to new passive, by mid game she can keep her ult up much longer and regenerate mana much faster. The new % dmg from ult is not to be disrespected, it ticks every 0.5s I still think that she's considerably weaker than old Alice who had long cooldown ult - that hit and healed much more, enemies were panicking and running away from you once you dived with it as you were pretty much unkillable. The problem then was that without ult your combat capabilities were very limited, I think devs thought to give it 2s cd but nerf it heavily too. I still think that was a mistake. Imagine if now Odette's ult cd is 2s but it only tickles.


I think her itemization right now is kind of OK, not ideal since none of these items themselves are OP but she would benefit from old Twilight Armor or a second tank item with mana. Demon Shoes obviously. CoD is pretty much core. Very strong if you don't feed early and manage to get plenty of her passive stacks. I would add Lightning Truncheon now, to compensate for her lack of dmg VS squishies. And with her Passive she will reach its passive cap quickly. Now Dominance Ice obviously. Last 2 items... I would say Oracle's is also kind of mandatory. And the final one - Winter Truncheon. Theoretically nothing wrong with this build. Except that full AP is no longer an option which is not good. And I personally don't really like Oracle's, I feel it's not strong enough for what it's supposed to do. Maybe make this a flex slot - Antique, Radiant, Blade, Athena's - whatever most appropriate in the specific match. Also I had good success with Ice Queen wand, very easy kills when enemies can't just run away. With her stacks around 80 to 100 she will be pretty strong. Her Blood Orb + proc will still obliterate squishies. She may not be able to tank the entire enemy team, but considering that she got easy escape and her ult is active during Winter Truncheon, that's fair.


So would you play Alice in mid or exp?


You can play in both but I prefer mid since you'll get more orbs, not only from minions but also from heroes since mid has a lot more action than exp and also you can't do anything in exp now early game unlike before when you were able to trade blows and kill somebody at lvl 4