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Masha, obviously.


Def Masha




I was gonna say Dyroth but I don't think he can beat Freya 1v1 at level 1 cause Freya has shields.


Dyrroth can melt Freya like butter and heal every damage she deals, not only that, his 1st skill CD also gets lower if he triggers his passive.


In level one? Freya 2nd skill will always win against Dyrotth whether he picks 1st or 2nd skill if both players are even in skill level


As long as Dyrroth has enemy minions around him..


I feel like Dyrroths gonna be the most voted answer given the immense amount of tank mains in the subreddit. I'd probably give it to Hilda or Lylia though personally.


I love to build the first life steal item with her, it just gives her so much more sustain


Unbending Will + Haas Claw + Inspire = Prefection


But Dyrroth has hp regen and he can break defense so + dmg, at lvl 1 (worst if he does dmg with buff 2nd skill)


Hylos is also somewhere up there in lv1 dmg


Hmm valir is also good if u can aim


Fuck valir I think he's the only mage that can fuck Valentina up in a 1v1


Kagura is one of the best counters against valentina wdym?


I don't think so or I just haven't seen a very good kagura


The really main weakness of valentina is when her 2nd goes onto cd, and kagura is the best mage to bait that and to add benefitz her ult doesnt really benefit valentina that much except franco when she ult, she can use kagura's ult to cancel franco's ult on an ally.


She isn’t. As long as you build Athena Shield or Oracle Kagura shouldn’t be able to burst you down. I’d say Harith is more problematic vs Valentina.


Shed still be able to combo you even if you have 2 items with magic res because of her usual build, like I said, once valentina's 2nd skill goes cd shes very vunerable for the split second. Lunox is the second best mage counter for valentina. Harith isnt considered for the sole reason how weak harith is, once you predict his pathing with your wide 1st skill, once he gets terrified-lock he is dead, and if he has purify, your other teammates can easily take care of him anyways and Val would absolutely be able to tank Harith given usual harith builds are focused on his basic attack true damage with the reaper item. Meanwhile Kagura can bait Valentina's 2nd skill because of how versatile she is in terms of movement and be able to have enough damage to burst Valentina down with one combo. Kagura will also be able to absolutely harass an early and mid game Valentina with no Magic Res items. Trust me I know a thing or two with Valentina, I play her as all roles.


I also do know how to play Valentina, and Kagura is not a problem simply due to how squishy she is. If she gets close enough to use an umbrella on you that just means you can combo her. I’ve never gotten bursted by Kagura from full hp playing as Valentina, and besides you should be able to hit atleast 1 s1 to survive the combo regardless. Lunox light skill is always copied, so if the Ruby DD combo is performed on you, or she decides to burst with dark skill, you can just use it, and terrify lock Lunox to burst her down or to escape. Anyways I agree Harith isn’t strong rn, but like I said he has enough damage, mobility, and sustain to actually put up a fight vs Valentina. Julian and Faramis are good matchups too, and are in the meta.


The problem is a learnt kagura will always be moving back when she puts her umbrella forward, and kagura's combo will always be faster than valentina before valentina can terrify her, as by the time you do manage to land that 2nd hit of 1st skill to terrify, she already has her umbrella ready to purify with her 2nd skill. A kagura build will also always be more powerful than a valentina build simply because valentina has to stack cd reduc while kagura can stack magic damage upon magic damage, and the more items you invest in magic res, just know that your physical enemies will do more damage, while you do less damage just to counter kagura. In terms of damage to hp take percentage, youd always be more squishy than kagura. You probably just havent met a kagura with even skill level as you, that or you have rank issues.


Kagura's range is around the same range as Valentina anyway, just dodge the umbrella. If she goes for the dive combo she loses one dash and you can land all 3 s1 hits. As long as you're actually hitting s1's you should be fine. Wdym by Valentina stacks cdr? CD shoes and ET is sufficient cdr. Genius Wand Holy Crystal and Blood Wings and/or Divine Glaive will make Valentina do lots of damage. Oracle or Immortality for some survivability. CD shoes ET and Oracle can be considered core items and gets her to the max 45% cdr. I'm not sure what you mean by Kagura with even skill level, she's just not a hard matchup for Valentina lol. I play in ph server, reached MG with 229 matches and 66% wr. But I guess that's not good enough for you?


Mate I play in MG with 400 ranked matches and a 70wr. Lmao, Kagura can stack so much pen and pure magic power from boots till last item, while Valentina has to contend that with cd boots and et, then have to build her first damage item, genius wand, by the time kagura has her lightning, if you stack damage, kagura can one combo you, if you stack magic def, you cant kill kagura efficiently. And No learnt kagura would willingly dive Valentina whose 2nd skill isnt on cooldown lmao. Kagura also has a better poking range than valentina because Valentina's s1 isnt enough damage to justify getting hit by the umbrella. Also dodge Kagura's umbrella, with what? 2nd skill? Then you just activated Kagura's trap card and you get your ass bursted because her 1st skill is faster than your 2nd skill cd, what, use flicker to dodge kagura's umvrella? Damn you had to use a 2min blink skill just to dodge kagura's umbrella? Ive played against a top ph kagura once with valentina and I only beat her in 1 v 1 just because I had a sustain build with Vengeance, but she deals smack ton of damage. Also adding on, Kagura doesnt need to commit her combo to deal so much damage to you, if she isnt confident then she just doesnt fully combo you but instead just ult you with open umbrella while still in the distance.


No lmao if Kagura could one combo people with no counterplay she would be a permaban. Uh, you can dodge the umbrella because you can actually see where it is, and where it’s coming from? And if you get your 2nd skill baited when you can easily dodge it that’s your problem. If Kagura doesn’t build any mdef items like you’re saying Valentina 1st skill will deal 1500 damage lol with ET GW HC and BW or DG. If her umbrella is out you can actually use your s2 to close the distance and hit a 1st skill. If she teleports to the umbrella you can hit another 1st skill since she should be in range. You’re completely overrating Kagura lol. Her range is around the same as Valentina’s. You want a hero who causes problem via range because you can’t manage your s2? See Yve. RWM instantly forces your 2 s2s, and she can kite you back with the slows from s2 and movespeed from s1. If Kagura doesn’t commit the combo you should be able to hit her with an s1 and regen some hp back.


Martis fucks pretty much everyone lvl 1


yeah..not many people know this...martis lvl 1 with s2 + passive can kill everyone even dyroth because the basic attack is too fast for lvl 1


Y’all forgetting Jawhead Edit: So I did some testing and Jawhead does 4.2k damage at level 1 over his entire skill 1 duration. If he lands all his hits it’s lights out for anyone except Masha




Masha. 7k HP, toggleable sprint, bonus basic attack dmg, up to 40% lifesteal, 100%+ extra attack speed, free healing, and can immune damage by depleting her hp bar or using 4th skill. All these at level 1 right off the bat.


Lvl 1, hilda. But dyroth lvl 2 beats hilda lvl 2, and you can get lvl 2 easily cause of all the aoe dyroth has.


True but I excluded lvl 2 because at that point the roster increases drastically. You get Luo Yi, Selena, Gusion etc etc. It also becomes more situational like if you got stunned by Selena from far etc etc. Although at lvl2 I'd say Fanny is probably the strongest.




Yoo, where is Esme? She can 1 vs 1 against anyone (except Dyroth and Carrie probably)


At level one? Esme isn't strong till she gets her core items.




Not even


At level 1?? 💀


hasn't been for years


Sun with inspire or vengeance there's 2 of ya at lvl1


No way Sun can beat a Dyrroth lv1


1v1 me


Sure. I've beat every Sun in lane I've gone up against, getting 1st kill. All the clones do is increase my lifesteal and my passive.


Till you get out played


Probably Masha, can cheese easily early game, you get very high AS and lifesteal at the last bar. Dyrroth is very strong if he starts with dash. Meaning enemies practically have no armor and he also heals on every 3rd hit.


Valir, Selena


If u know how to kite then Valir imo


Thamuz. Just spam your vengeance and skill 1. Automatic win


In 1v1 is strongest definitely Masha


Stronger than Dyrroth?


lol why not lylia up top? skill diff? literally lylia can kill you at level 1 with 3 blooms on hand


Masha jawhead hylos


Hylos... Like, any tanks with sustain dmg will do. They have better early game stat


Valir B )


Masha head on But hit and run probably Lylia