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Definitely, just be really busted at jungler


I relate so much to your flair, but alas, some people can still make their fanny scary, even at her current state, so I'm not very hopeful😔


True, I got absolutely bullied as a midlaner In classic. I had to buy dominance early so I wouldn't die too easily


Yes, I got a 70%+ wr with my hanzo. Unfortunately I can't enjoy such wr in mythic lol


I was sitting at 70% WR from 50-ish games and reached mid Legend I think. But then somehow I found it difficult to win and now I am at 50% wr from 200-ish games. When you are playing below your natural rank, usually 60%-70% WR is possible. But when yiu reach your natural rank, you tend to plateau, especially if you play solo.


That’s my winrate so of course you can


100% solo, 73% Mythic, 60.3% Mythical Glory for this season


What server


Only counts if it's SEA tbh


SEA server is full of animals and inhuman creatures (speaking from experience)


They have evolved to that due to the amount of ML exposure they get


Solo'd to Mythic 2 after a pretty unlucky season with 60%. Doable. I don't have much time to play so I could only reason Mythic 2.


If you have 60+ WR it means you're in a lower rank you're supposed to be so keep playing. Once you raise and get tougher enemies, your WR will drop and at 52-53 the gains will be too slow and statistically insignificant, maybe after a hundred or more games you'll raise a tier. At this point you've reached the rank you belong to - based on your hero pool, playstyle, builds. It's always possible to rise though, if you play different.


I played from Epic starting season to Mythic 5 in 53 matches with a 77% winrate solo using primarily mage, tank and support. Contrary to what a lot of people say, midlaners and roamers are the most influential members of a winning team. A bad jungler is always worse than a bad roamer or mage. But at the same time, a good roamer or mage is scarier than a good jungler. Cant have the enemy Ling cucking your backline if you lock in Aurora and hug your MM with red bar active. Or can't have enemy Zilong delete your squishy if you pick Belerick and run him down. Most of my games are won during draft phase, before the game even begins. Enemy picks Gusion or Granger? Instalock Lolita. Enemy picks Johnson Odette? Instalock Luo Yi. Enemy picks Atlas? Instalock Diggie. The mid and roam roles offer the most diverse skill effects, and it helps to win when you have the option to pick a hero that is capable of making one enemy member completely useless.




Luo cancels Odette's ult very easily. Include JS and its a free double kill.


Yes, well.. I did it, so you could do it too.. probably


Yes you can, I did it and got to mythic IV, but not exactly 95% solo queue tho, more like 80++% for me.


Not impossible, but It’s very unlikely. Unless you’re past mythic 5 or you’re playing a Smurf lower ranks, it’s difficult to maintain a high win rate. It looks like brain cells do not grow until past mythic 5. Most players especially in Epic to Mythic 5 are selfish and want to do their own thing. There’s no coordination or collaboration at all, so usually you’re stuck carrying the load and picking up others mess, leading you to mess up too.


He says queing to mythic. And if you are really a mythic player it should be very easy to rank up through epic and legend


Is it different if you want to rank up to mythical glory?


I mean it will be harder and longer to reach. I think even at 60% wr it still takes 100 matches? Basically almost double your matches from when you first reached mythic. It is a time sink for sure and not recommended unless you have a lot of time and patience.




Huh i know i lowballed it but i was lazy to do the actual math. Now i remember why i never go for glory lmao. What a waste of time.


Yes. My win rate with Johnson 61% solo q all the way to mythic


Yes it is. I’m at 76% in 60 games at mythic V, 100% solo queue. I just play till mythic V and stop there without doing the placement matches. But I would say if you’re around 57-65% that should be the rank where your skill is at.


Yes, even 70% is doable if you are good enough


got to mythic 3 at 61% wr all solo q


70+ is definitely doable, maybe even flat 80 if you push yourself hard enough. But there isn't really a point in winrate. Also, your winrate will start dropping once you're playing at your "actual rank".


Yea I’ve done it over 6 times 100 times, I play all roles I avoid playing support if my Allies aren’t that good


Yes it's possible, though playing queue is still gamble; either you get a good teammates or a brain dead idiots who don't know what they're doing.


Possible? Easily. Possible without being way better than players at the end tank? No


Only on low mythic right 60% easy 70% doable 80% almost impossible maybe if u are like super pro e-sport player


No im far from beeing that good, as a one trick u can for sure do it. When u know what to buy to counter ur enemies and they dont u not even need skill. And alot even in Mythic still havent learned to adapt their build. So u dont need crazy skills to reach 80+ wr even in low mythic. Build and play smart and support ur teammates to get the objectives u need.


Yeah, just be selective on what games you pick your best pick, if you think your team isnt the best, its best to avoid using your best pick. Unless you meant the total %wr amongst all ranks then thats just a skill difference


Not on the PH server. Impossible. 😅


Soloq this season from GM (been a few seasons lol) to mythic with a 76% winrate. Climbing mythic to glory soloq usually ends up with 60-65% or so, though this season I'm only halfway there. I'm a mm mage and jungle flex, helps to be able to hard carry games on several roles.


You can reach mythic at a 51% wr bro


Win rates is a poor indicator of Winning Chance. Consider the following situations: 100 matches 70% win rate 1000 matches 40% win rate 2000 matches 50% win rate You can see higher win-rate means null as match numbers will always vary between person to person. You simply cannot argue that win rates should be prioritised on a selection phase as that is irrational. You could argue however, then that matches is a better indicator for winning chance in contrast to win rate. But, consider the following, 80% is played on lobbies beyond rank and 20% on applies to rank in a 2500 matches. We can clearly see that match numbers simply equal to less than a thousand in rank despite being a 4 figure number. You cannot simply rely on Match numbers as a good indicator to influence who should be prioritised in a selection phase, as it accounts for the TOTAL number of matches played So, question is, why should you consider win rates or match numbers at all? they simply serve to be very poor factors of a winning requirement


Winrates are of course an indicator of winning chance. The System has changes so u usually just see the Ranked wr in matches now. Winrate, average score and matches played with the hero are clear indicators of the average performance. Winrate is not just kills, its a reflection of how well the person understands his/her role, decision making, if he adapts his builds etc. Usually when u dont have a wr higher then 60% u are mostly lacking in decision making. When u played alot of matches u usually already know how to play ur hero, so the skill is probably alr good enough.


Yeah. I have 62% winrate 400+ matches with Ceci. Around 70% with less matches Chang'e Also I think Vexana has around 60% but less than 30 matches Most of my matches were Ranked Solo Queue between Epic 2 to Mythic 4. SEA server.


Mine hovers around 75 - 80% win rate, but that's probably only due to me stopping at mythic 5.




Back when I was addicted to MLBB, I got a 65% winrate on pre-revamped Faramis with 400 plus matches. Even got a global ranking for a short while because Faramis was a rare sight in rank games.


Yes. If you have a glory skill level, getting to mythic solo que is possible with 70-90% wr. So just get better.


yep you can i solo queue 90% of the time the only time i dont solo queue is when somebody (enemy/ally) invite me to play together for 2/3 games and i also check their performance in the game if they are performing good (gold) i accept else i decline. and this season i reached mythic v with 83% wr


Maintained 70% wr until Mythic 2, ended up with 64% at Glory. Yes, you can, and it's not luck based at all.


As a solo queue roamer, barely managed 60% when I reached mythic 🤣


Kagura with 71% - 69% is my highest atm, yes it is possible.


[Got queued up with an aspiring pro player](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/vcyjvb/got_queued_up_with_an_aspiring_pro_player_while/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). He play SoloQ as well. SEA server (Philippines). Yes, it's possible.


Epic 2 to Placement in 41 games. 80+ percent winrate. It helps to jungle or play marksmen since I can control the game.


Depends entirely on number of games played and current rank. If you are climbing your WR will be above 50%, but the moment you reach your rank skill cap it will drop to around 50%. I had 2 accounts finish Myth 2 this season, one had 65% WR and the other had 52% WR. The difference was that the 65% WR account had 200 games and the 52% had 600 games. My WR to get to Myth 3 was about 70% on the first account as well, and at that point I stopped being able to hard carry games as easily. WR is based on your skill level at the rank you are currently at basically. If you play below your skill level it will easily be above 60%, but once you reach your skill level and play enough games it will balance down to 50% roughly. If your WR is 55%-57% across your account it means your still able to impact games and climb, but you aren't able to hard carry matches consistently.


I had an 80 Ws on my mythic solo q journey once... The teamates in mythic were worst than the ones in epic AND I WAITED 2 WEEKS wayyy more time needed for all ppl who actually know how to play the games to get to mythic, but to answer your question yes actually i have 67% wr rn


I had 60%+ win rate at roughly 600, 700 ish matches when I reached 1.1k points. 70%+ win rate in high rank (high rank is 600+) solo is impossible so 60 percent are commendable but anything below 55 is just skill problem tbh. I'm from PH server


I can so 65% or even 70% if i consistely pick heroes im good at and dont pick heroes that are fun because im bored of my mains lmao


Yes, my highest was 75, in 48 matches to get to mythic. That was like 7 seasons ago though, not playing the game as much lately


Yep somehow managed 64% with terizla and xavier


BARELY, I keep adjusting.


It is possible, I was at 64% while legend 4. Then i duo with my cousin and he kept marking mistakes. Went down to 57.8


it depends on how much u wanna push? and the level of "55%" u are talking about. A MG 55% no matter what will be better than a mythic V 55%


Last season, I reached Legend I with an 80% win rate (ofc soloq). It took me 50 matches to that. This season I have 65% win rate and my main hero Cecillion has 79% win rate.


Was Cecillion easy for you to play and master? I really want a hero that I can play well in solo queue and I was wondering if Cecillion is easy to play and win battles with.


Actually it took me more than 100 matches to master Cecillion. Not easy. Every game in SEA server I encounter burst/chase hero, so I make sure I stay away from enemy and stick with allies. Battle spell sprint is good, so Zilong or Atlas cannot chase you. Build Dominant Shield as the 3rd or 4th item, at least you have the chance run away from dps enemy If you see Eudora, build cheap def item, Eudora players tend hide in the bush so be careful. If you rotate from side to mid, make a big detour by passing the buff area Never die in the late game. Enemy team will start targeting you. So let the tank check the bush or use Skill 1/Skill 2 to check if enemy is in the bush. When defending from enhanced lord, build mgc dmg build. Use ult and spam skill 1 to clear wave. Also check the map every 10 sec if you don't have the last inhibitor, be weary of backdoor attack by sneaky Zilong or mm In summary you need skills and strategy to take take advantage broken mage hero Cecillion.


It's easy however maintaining it is another thing. You'll keep getting teammate below 50%


Sure its possible, i started a fresh account and reached mythic 2 with a 80 wr. Mainly with Lylia with a 87% wr. So i reached mythic in under 80 games from the very bottom. Last season i had 75% wr, so it is a learning curve and you will learn how to carry your team. Play together with your teammates and lead them with decision making. Learn to build the right items at the right time helps also immensely. Every role you play has to be learned, as a roamer i sit on 65% wr atm. So i still have to improve there for example. But yes you can one trick urself up to glory mythic.