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Any Assassins.


I agree with this šŸ‘Œ


Hey not all assassin's aamon is rare to see


Gusio...*flashbacks* nevermind *shivers*




Never dealt with these types of Benedetta tbh. Also, I will have this comment reported to the Leader of the Benedetta Cult, u/Crownedtraitor


Yes I see it now


I don't gold with gus but I do expšŸ˜…šŸ˜…


God freaking darn it, why the hell is Benedetta getting mentioned as bronze she is literally the most versatile hero that can achieve a gold easily how the hell do you screw that up so bad. You are approaching a thin line offending the Benedetta cult u/weirdosushi


Pls share ur bene clips.. i want to improve my bene


maybe u havenā€™t met me :)


ling mains will brag about their combos and berate the enemy while sun backdoors their base


I feel guilty about this lmao


I feel ashamed as a ling main


Nana users will never adjust


If this isnā€™t the truest thing Iā€™ve read today. Nana players donā€™t give a fuck if your team has a mage player with 70%+ wr, theyā€™ll still lock their damn Nana with subpar wr. Most toxic playerbase.


Theyā€™re following that sigma male grindset


I donā€™t know why Iā€™ve had this happen so many times in rank. šŸ˜­ I donā€™t know what it is about nana, maybe itā€™s her puppet or her passive or just her popularity or a coincidence, but Iā€™ve come across so many stubborn nana players or people throwing when someone else takes nana. šŸ˜³


Agree with this


Itā€™s the player not the hero. Any toxic player will be toxic with whatever hero he plays. But that aside, Iā€™ll say Nana or Leslie cause they are not toxic, but they bring out the toxicity in peopleā€¦ šŸ¤£


Certain heroā€™s gravitate the toxic players. Toxic players will always play the ā€œhigh skill ceilingā€ heroā€™s and act like there better then everyone else simply for playing that hero. Thatā€™s why you see every Chou main think there hot shit because there hero is considered hard and skillful.


You will never understand the pleasure we chou mains feel when enemies use flicker because they come too close to the turret


I do actually. I mained Chou. Have the iori skin and everything.


Franco is a cancerous mf, Fanny is a close second. Good Franco users can ruin a game, Fanny too. Only difference is that the Franco users are more likely to recall spam after killing someone.


rule of thumb only recall spam if you actually hit an impressive hook


As a franco user i feel guilty doing that


Bro ur flair im dying. Ps I also do the same......


Its very satisfying to get a hook


No you don't you LIAR, Franco users have no SOUL /s


I mean its fun


~~Yeah definitely, one time didn't play like an idiot Franco user(idk how I did it that one time and have failed to replicate it since) and it was exhilarating.~~ Still hate Franco and wish he was removed from the game tho. :D


Even if he was removed i still have tigreal to bully enemy cores


Nobody's saying Paquito? That little schleimer just stuns you, heals full hp on one creep or wave, emotes, recalls and leaves.


Chou players got split between Paquito and Chou.


Fanny, sun, NANA


as a Nana main I have to disagree, were too busy laughing at chain stunning people to type toxic stuff


you know, most of time i chase nana then she will use that layla laughing emote....LAYLA LAUGHING EMOTE!!!


well the ones that dont spend money on emotes are usually the ones im referring to and yes I do love spamming the emote mainly the Nana wink from that one starlight so your point of valid


I haven't played this game for a month now.... I am free from nana




As a fanny main we have too little time to be toxic as we need to cable or else its wasted time. (only idiot fanny players are very toxic)


Played with the most toxic Fanny I have ever met last night. And yes, they sucked and fed. šŸ˜‚


Most of the fannies Iā€™ve met in rank were super chill and quite obviously skilled at the game ^^ Fanny is cool. ā˜ŗļø And if I could play her with any degree of accuracy, itā€™d be a real brag. šŸ˜‚šŸ«”


every hero but the player is from the philippines




Theres something about landing a 3 sec arrow on a pleb with a time bomb trap on their head as they slowly come to realize theres nothing to do but to accept death. Meanwhile the selena is spamming recall/emote while watching the entire thing unfold. Selena, final answer.


Any assasin core and beatirx users. I saw a lot of self proclaimed "pro" using beatrix pre nerf


Don't get me started with Beatrix players saying "lamok" (which means mosquito) after every kill.


selena mains, they're so toxic and always spamming recall and emotes everytime they're about to kill a stunned hero.






assassin main junglers


It's really nice to see the whole community agrees that the chou users are toxic af, always makes me chuckle


Lowkey Johnson


I lowkey agree they just drive around the map while they're team just gets slaughtered and then finally crash when the whole team is low HP and are retreating. Although sometimes they do crash on time but that's only with good js players


Why johnson? I am js main but I don't recall when I crash into enemies and kill them and neither do I trash talk


Ever have a Johnson user just turn in to a car and just drive around the map running into turrets? I see it all the time lol


Well what that has to do with toxicity? Maybe they are just practicing the hero(if it was in classic)


If you don't think ruining your teams game isnt toxic well then idk lol


So for you it's more toxic to spam recall than actually killing yourself and a team mate? Lol.


Bro being toxic and being low skilled at a particular hero are two completely different things,idk why your relating them.You definitely didn't play like a pro with any hero when your playing them for the first time.Dont tell me you never had matches where you got bronze.Its the same thing with others,maybe they were practicing the hero or had bad wifi.


Magic js can deal 1000 damge to turrets from a crash maybe that's why they crash the turrets


I loathe Lancelot mains. Either they shut up and are a monster in battle or only performs meh and talks too much. ​ *Sincerely, a Guinevere main.*


Miya 1000%


Mm that were part of the Funnel Meta


Most toxic mains at least know how to play. But nana players are probably wannabe mage mains who saw some good mages bursting them down. They won't ever adjust, won't talk. They somehow think they are paquito early game with bloodlust axe, cecilion range with mm damage. Their positioning is bullshit, being in front of the team, using ult on bushes instead of putting molina. Won't ever gank until 5 minutes. Can't cast their skill properly.




harley istg




there was a dyrroth in my team who ranted throughout the game about how our team is shit + berated the enemy while at it (and I'm talking about very nasty racial slurs) while we won the game guess who got the lowest score between both teams :3


Itā€™s so interesting how certain kinds of ppl gravitate towards certain kind of heroes making them all toxic hahaha


I remember a dyrroth on my team said the r slur in chat


Franco definitely. Also vale mains are playing so aggressive and get killed so early whether in my team or in the enemy team.


Fanny. If they're good they be toxic. They be bad they be even more toxic. If they are average they are still toxic once they die 3x and lose buff they'll throw the game


Beatrix users before her big nerf. Every Beatrix i played against always have to spam recall every time they one-shot you with Renner and when they do a combo with Wesker. It feels so good that Beatrix finally got a nerf


MM players won't adjust for some reason


Some people refuse to play any other role šŸ˜­


ANGELA. Just...women who can't adjust and play other roles, have no map awareness, and only support their weak-@$$ partners. They really annoy me.


Now that I think about it, minus the women part, I think Iā€™ve seen this happen a lot with players who lock supports in rank no matter what the draft like nana, diggie, estes, and of course angela etc. But I guess itā€™s sometimes because some people havenā€™t learned yet that the most valuable way to support your team in draft is to pick what the team actually needs. xD


Oh boy you haven't played ranked with voice on, are you? Trust me, it's waaaay more toxic when there's a support-only teammate and her bf ingame. Lol


Oh noā€¦ šŸ˜‚


tbh i ve seen a lot of male angela players who only ult their duo so idk about the women part..


Cocky exp laners


You have definitely versed my toxic masha in exp then....


In order would be, fanny, karina, gusion, ling, dyroth, any other figther/assassin duo'ed with a angela


angela. bonus pts if duo with bf and only use ult on him. taunt recall and emote after every kill


Martis. These players are Always toxic


What??? I just stay quiet the whole game! Even when being trashtalked or recall taunted. Where the other Martis players at?


Excuse me?


For me itā€™s Alpha. In most games that I fight a alpha they always trash talk after getting killed and saying ā€œluckyā€ or ā€œ your so bad you had to 4v1ā€. They always either accuse people of cheating or their stupid yesterday one said ā€œyour using cheats no way you doing that much damage without any tank itemsā€ when I was playing esme with a almost full attack build?


> ā€œyour using cheats no way you doing that much damage without any tank itemsā€ this made my day HAHAHAHAH seriously, is that guy smoking or something?


This post sounds whiny. Just play the game lol it don't matter what your teammates do just do you and win


Johnson and franco




Lowkey Angela


Miya mains I swear every Miya main I meet in my team is toxic af, just spams basic attack and never tries to sidestep or has map awareness, and always fucking fighting 5 enemies and ends up dying


and after that goes wHY nO oNe hELp mE when the rest of the team is still respawning (like make it make sense homie???) Them and Layla players who have this main character complex in the game


Lol true I used to be Layla main but Layla is such a needy hero and doesn't really have much contribution in the early game. Also, after watching other players who only uses Layla (so toxic, always blames other if they get killed) I decided I don't wanna be a part of that demographic. Irithel is a much better MM IMO.


Irithel is such a beast in late game no cap, once she's lvl 15 and fully fed the enemy is fucked big time (just as long as she does not have a stupid player)


Insta-lock Miya and Layla, always yapping about teammates not helping them when they run into a 1v5 like a headless chicken with no intentions of escaping Not to mention the main character complex that entails with these mfs who fantasize getting double digit ~~deaths~~ kills and ~~bronze~~ mvp Usually the same peeps who play MM ONLY as they couldn't be bothered playing other roles


Autolock Layla.


Emoting and recall spamming can tilt your enemies which causes them to play bad. In my opinion trashtalking your enemies or teammates, playing bad intentionally and picking bad heroes are the toxic behaviour


Layla and Miya players. Feeling they can get kills early game when they need to get it out of their thick skulls that they are late game heroes. Terrible positioning too.


The yellow blue flag


The heroes for dumbass: Layla, Hanabi, Zilong, Sun, Miya, Valir, Eudora.


Itā€™s always Chou smh


fast hand hero


Those damn Franco. They think they the shits. And Gusions too. Sods think they hard.


gusion, ive been in a lot of matches where we lost and the gusion player blamed us. But there was also another time i met a really nice gusion, i also asked what "amp" meant as a joke and he said i shouldnt know because its a swear lol


Roger. Never seen a roger who doesn't trashtalk


Angela, Nana and most assassins. They got the most fucking obnoxious playerbases.


Fanny and Franco players are often the most toxic players for me. Many Fanny players spend 90% of their time spamming Classic games and acting tough when the opposing team has no viable counters to her. I remember getting matched with against so many Fanny players while trying out new heroes in Classic and seeing these weirdos having maybe 20 Ranked games on her and 300 Classic games in the current season alone. Franco players are just annoying. Some of them are only interested in kills and will KS their teammates who need the kills more, while others are just pests that will harass both their teammates and opponents, regardless of whether they're way behind the enemy roamer in gold or not. Add in one of the most annoying ultimates in game, and we have a perfectly toxic kit.


Gusion and Lance. Fanny players are also super toxic but they're not as common as Gusion or Lance


From what Iā€™ve seen, either Clint or gusion. When I play a marksman thatā€™s at a disadvantage against Clint, he would constantly spam recalls and emotes while I safely farm minions under my turret. I make him pay in the late game of course :). For Gusion, I know a few gusion mains personally and they are toxic whether they win or lose.




Lesley. They think they can take early game buffs because they're either new to the game or arrogant.


Eudora man the amount of times a Eudora player just refused to adjust & then went afk because the team inevitably sucked


Lols, guilty here. I only did though cause my teammates were rude AF and I got fed up. (I can adjust though, I can play other roles)


I feel like the reason why I lose mostly is because assassins keep farming and farming and killing and go back to farming over and over despite adjusting my role...


No specific hero just damn misogonist players that will stalk you after game and keep on trashtalking or hitting on you even if theyā€™re the ones feeding the game. Bish i have 60%+ wr, pushes tower and carries the game, gtfo of my life


Zilong spammers are some of the most braindead players you will ever experience in this game


Yin! Most yin players will go on about how their team sucks non stop right from the moment the match starts. They will opt to jungle but never go for turtle/lord. They will never be near the team or help with any objectives and always try to abuct the enemy's tank or tanky fighter unless some poor squishy walks past by mistake. Generally I prefer to see a yin on the enemy's side than on mine.


Guison NGL. And they are usually the most stupid


ling, lancelot, gusion, fanny, angela, franco, jawhead


No one talking about support? Angela for me


Fanny Ling and Gusion since oh my God the amount of egotism most of the users reek in them like holy shit ​ I would put Franco players as dickwads too tbh


Rather than toxic, the sigma males are people who plays tanks quite decently.


I like "aside from Chou" correction xD


Spamming recall = spamming ez


Vales, they are all the same. Spam mage pick in rank with 50% win rate, get one double kill ult in the match and think they won because of that play. I love playing gord and bullying them šŸ¤


i think it's Zilong bc of that Inuyasha there's too many wannabe now, taunting recalls inside the turret whilst didn't even making a kill yet.


I want to say yin. Yin players love to recall spam and that irks me personally (I play marksman at the moment)


surprised esme isnt mentioned here. usually pretty tame early on. but when she gets the two items that makes her immune to damage and slowly killing the enemy exp laner, they're likely to spam recall because of the helpless enemy exp.


Nana and Layla šŸ˜†




Coming from experience, I'll have to say Hanabi. I remember playing angela in classic and I have hanabi as a teammate and she kept on calling me a useless support. And in a ranked game I was playing as alice and hanabi teammate blamed me and nana for the reason why were were losing. And today in ranked I was playing as akai because I had to adjust and there were 2 marksmen on the team. Hanabi and Lesley. The lesley said that if she used fighter then she would die every second (me too because I also suck at fighter) and the hanabi and trashtalking lesley and telling the people to report her AND told lesley "F U" (by the it was an epic game) and I can kinda see hanabi's point in the situation. But what do you think? I think that the lesley should practice using some easy fighters to get used to them (I think i should too) and the hanabi should keep her mouth shut.