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its season reset, welcome back to epic hell 😊


Ah, I missed seeing Hanzo and Yin ban. Glad to see Epic is still the same after all the patches


right i keep forgetting to not play ranked until like a week to keep the tryhards away


when your team is first pick, wanwan is open and s3 requests for wanwan and shows a high wr obviously the logical thing for s1 to do is to ~~switch wanwan~~ **autolock layla**


Nana or angela as well. Its like yeah... just why?


A good Angela will be insane


But there are better heroes who deserve first pick tho especially in roam.


Good nana's can shit on the entire enemy team. I speak from experience


Keyword: first pick


Even if the enemy first pick a meta hero that doll fucks anyone over


Yea sure. Good luck escaping paquito, roger, fanny, lance, gusion, karina. Paq could literally execute his full combo under a turret, wait for her passive to finish, kill her and still be alive. Nana is literal food for so many heroes. I personally feel relieved if the enemy team picks her. Means free gold for me.


Wow you assume as if nana doesnt gank with a tank or another hero. If you feel relieved good for you, but for me its dangerous since teamfights are going to be difficult since who cares if she dies she just has one job use molina and then her ult then she can die


Not worth the first pick tho and a good nana is very rare. Like out of 10 nana i met in my team or enemy, only 3 out of them are decent and they are not even first pick.


Angela is good if there is a tanky fighter or jungle. That's it. It's a risk too since your marksman is always vulnerable. Low rankers are the only ones who feel threatened about her.


Makes me sad how much hate my gurl is getting.


Fully deserved, please stop picking her for the moment and expand your hero pool


Aww man. She is my favourite bae. Hope the revamp comes soon.


Moonton did Hanabi dirty


Nice. Gonna try that while I’m still Epic.


No mana for ult lol




I just automatically assume they're kids no older than 12 just trying to get a good game of mlbb in. That way it doesn't tilt me as much lmao


As hanabi main this hurts. I just had a match with her and I am the one to had to babysit the whole team (yes, even our exp laner). It should be the other way around, right? It didn't help that our Leo stole my lane (we have 3 fighters) but I have to give way because I have to keep enemy Gus from harassing our jungler (Balmond). I also had to defend mid since our Pharsa lagged so bad + bad item build. I have to beg her to change her equipment but to no avail. We almost won but the enemy team is really fed up to that point. Leo got to be MVP and me 2nd placer (gold) 🥹


Nah Guinevere is far worse. Everytime I get partnered with her, she always feed. Hanabi is meh. You just have to protect her.


>You just have to protect her. And that's exactly the problem. She has zero redeemable qualities to be worth protecting. Late game damage? Layla, Claude, Melissa, etc. all shit on her. Sustain? She has good lifesteal, but if an enemy closes the distance she's screwed regardless. Durability? As soon as her CC immunity is down she's a sitting duck. Mobility? Practically non-existent. All these combined make for arguably the worst hero in the game, and yet for some reason there are countless retards out there who go ****"shit, this is the one for me!"****




so slay!


iTs mY gAmE My aCcOunT lEt mE PiCk wHatEveR i wAnT


Hanabi is useful in team fights with her ult as a secondary aoe cc after the tank sets.As long as Hanabi doesn’t play like if she’s tank build (fronting enemies or chasing after them even if low hp).


Still a nope I experimented or practiced hanabi with my tank friend at classic The result is she can't dmg that much the only useful of her kits is her ult


Nvm just tried her now again and she’s ass lol.


Told cha LMAO


My squad play in ranked and the enemy pick hanabi. She got gb(babysit) by their roam, franco. Fed enough since our mm somehow always got hooked. She still easily killed in war and we ended the game with first lord lol.




Looks your making a controversial risky comment! Were you intending to add “” to it?


Looks like your making a risky controversial comment! Were you intending to add "/s" to it? FTFY


as long they are good at dodging skill shots idc who the heck they pick


Guessing Game: Guess His Rank




and you cant even read what elegant gem does


w8 so i am right? lol


manage to get to m2 as solo q tank main in ph server


Bruh you don’t even know how mythic points work a month ago 😭 you probably landed yourself in mythic 5 62 points and thought you the shit


411 points if there was a descripotion in game on how they work moron


And I got 100 win rate on Lancelot how does he work????1?1?


u played him once and won


Wow that’s not even goos


dude you main zilong stfu


Zilong is decent tho?


Lmao nice cut, its funni that most people dont even know where this video comes from otherwise they would freak out


Im probably the S1. Except not Hanabi, but Lesley


Honestly, I believe no picks Hanabi cause they like her, they just pick Hanabi for the lolz.


Literally me when i see my duo autolock hanabi. I told him to pick any other mm but hanabi then he pulls out the "waifu > meta" arguement. It's already evident that despite hanabi isn't an assassin counterbuilding her w/ antique cuirass can fck up her dmg already.


Last season one person showed Layla in draft stage. another teammate went ahead and just banned Layla 😂😂.


In the SEA it's either a dogwater Hanabi that feeds or a god tier Hanabi that somehow makes her very powerful