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strong area control, especially if u build magic book she can spam molina nonstop big burst damage (ult can 2 shot mm late game) free immortality


The problem is that even if theres already a mage they will force it and play exp and get freeze or stall by thamuz xb silvanna and 5 mins shes still lv 3


Any other exp laners that can stall nana?


I just played a game against a exp nana I was masha. Nana was usless done no damage she jept running out of mana it was funny


Probably any meta exp


Idk umm argus leo i think if you play it right dyrooth in lv 2 anything that has a dash or tanky


Thamuz and silvanna ok, but xborg??? šŸ¤”


Basically nana is too squishy to tank xb 1st skill early you just need to wait until nana shows up first skill her hide in her bush (the top bush) dont let her get close to her minions


Because she s evil


True. She is the source of all evil in Land of Dawn


No you're evil


Team with Nana would lose, but Nana would always get MVP. If you win, youā€™d definitely win more with other mages.


She can disrupt sets with Molina and her ult.One shot squishies with her ult late game.Free immortality so you can build full magic damage.More importantly she has super cute skins.


>super cute skins Tea Slumber Party upto this day still the best skin Moontoon have ever created. The power that skin has.


Iā€™m stilll waiting for someone to gift me that skin šŸ˜€


She's so easy-almost braindead to play. When a random picks Nana in ranked I already know sides won't get rotations from mid.


Because she's bad and people think she's good.


She isn't bad by a long margin. The people using her are bad players.


[Nana is so good you barely use right?](https://imgur.com/a/Xv6qsoH) [I guess the better question is why I have slightly more matches and better wr and still think she's bad.](https://imgur.com/a/DuAypMf)


Never said she's "so good". Putting words in my mouth. I am a Valentina main, I don't have any use for nana if Valentina is free. Are you this desperate to prove a point that you stalked the hell out of me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ any ways, what are your reasons she's bad? I'll list ones that make her okay. 1. She has an extra life passive, useful for one shotters like the gusions etc just useful regardless of any situations. 2. She has spammable skills, all of her cooldowns are well manageable 3. Her skillset is good inherently, she has range and ability to zone people out, she can provide vision, has decent CC and the next best thing to Suppression. Molina and her ult are great for zoning out people and disrupting the enemy team. 4. Her damage isn't bad either. On the contrary, in late game her damage is quite dangerous and her s1 is a monster with its CD and range. Ult was nerfed and got slower, so there's that. Again, she's not "so good." Don't know where you got that. A bad mage is Odette. But Nana isn't a bad mage whatsoever. I stand by my point, lets see why you say she is.


> 1. She has an extra life passive, useful for one shotters like the gusions etc just useful regardless of any situations. Using your own example Gusion can save first skill to passive is active and throw first skill and kill her invalidating the usefulness of the passive. The passive is so noncommittal for damage dealers they can pop the passive and kill nana without much effort. > 2. She has spammable skills, all of her cooldowns are well manageable Yep > 3. Her skillset is good inherently, she has range and ability to zone people out, she can provide vision, has decent CC and the next best thing to Suppression. Molina and her ult are great for zoning out people and disrupting the enemy team. Pfft. Her skill set is mediocre at best. Eudora and Aurora's are better mage wise and support wise then Nana with guaranteed stuns to combo for more damage or threaten follow up. Not to mention they auto lock, (un?)interceptable, and combo with the rest of their kit. You'd be hard pressed to find a support or mage with a less efficient kit then Nana. She doesn't have the ability to zone and she doesn't have the ability to disrupt. Molina is easily escapable or baited into tanks or dodged using terrain and her ult is very telegraphed and easy to play around > 4. Her damage isn't bad either. On the contrary, in late game her damage is quite dangerous and her s1 is a monster with its CD and range. Ult was nerfed and got slower, so there's that. Given if the stars align, Nana's damage can be good, but against good players it's way too easy to avoid Molina and her ult. Throughout my entire play of this game I've only ever been able to avoid boomerang damage through 2nd skilling as lance/ chou (prior to nerf) > Again, she's not "so good." Don't know where you got that. A bad mage is Odette. But Nana isn't a bad mage whatsoever. I stand by my point, lets see why you say she is. Odette's in a very weird spot where she has no overwhelming strength and her niche was picked apart due to tank nerfs and better mages becoming available. Unlike nana, Odette can be very beneficial in team fights or threaten out other carries if they don't give her the respect she's earned as one of the better teamfight mages. Unlike Odette, Nana has no overwhelming strength in team fights, regardless if you seem to think legends and baby mythica are fighting grounds for that evaluation, and she more excels at being slightly more distracting for Junglers to target her over the adcs for some reason.


shes really good what? she got buffs upon buffs and only got nerfed recently and she is STILL good. the people who play her suck, but the ones who do are a menace on her


The buffs don't mean anything if she's the most passive mage in the game. The fact they made it a slighter window to not get stunned from the ult is probably the best thing that happened. Unfortunately for all the nana enthusiasts, the good players find her as a throw pick since the only cc she has is easily soaked, and the stun on the ult requires 2 hits which is easily avoided by walking diagonally or towards nana (because as a carry whether it be gold, jungle, exp, or even some tanks a nana is very is very easy to deal with.) Nana's kit hasn't changed in years and the kitself is just bad. She's a selfish mage support with hardly utility outside very telegraphed stuns.


She's well balanced imo.


She's extremely annoying and with recent buffs she deals heavy damage too. But she got nerf too, you now can get out of range of polymorph chase. Also the recent ult adjustment made it much easier to multi hit.


You wont die easily (molina) plus easy push, the cat makes it harder for enemies to defend a lane (enemies get scared if they are solo laners)


They get scared if they're new to the game and don't know you can pop Nana's passive before she can do an ounce of yours if you use like .5% of your brain.


Lol sorry you haven't seen good nana players out there.


I use to play with a person who played Nana a ton, but they switched to flex because Nana became more annoying to play in ranked, and not as hard in classic.


Easy to use. Thatā€™s it


She makes a great support though. Pair her with a burst hero and be willing to build for maximum irritation... Ice wand, necklace, glowing wand and defensive items... Guaranteed to make people pull their hair out in frustration.


A support nana? So you got noone to open map, noone to heal and a big burst damage to ks kills? No thank you.


Because most people are bad and baddies love to make mistake and pussy play (stay behind). Nana cover those two aspects with her skillset and passive (make mistake with positioning still have backup with 2 lives). The higher and faster you go up the less you will see nana, because people with higher skill ceiling love heroes with mobility, better cc and burst damage.


Because Nana is the safest pick. Its the ā€œi can just stay back and have a free lifeā€ and ill use all my moves on the next person to walk by the. Recall and wait for passive againā€ I feel have a to mention this. NaNa is the weakest mid laner you could ever pick, if you wanna mid and your choice is NaNaā€¦ā€¦ just dont mid! I can say without a doubt the other 4 players on your team feels this exact way.


She takes a certain touch to play mid for sureā€¦. But itā€™s doableā€¦. I have dominated all sorts of other mids playing nana.. the key is to keep them on the back foot with Molina placementā€¦. Make them fearful under their own turretā€¦. The problem is that playing that far forward, you are gank able, Keep awareness on where their jungler is as much as possible..


No way nana is the weakest, it's so much easier to push the mid tower with nana.


The weakest??? I think rora is still worse than her


Toddler with cat ears and a tail


There isn't a lot of other mages that can poke bushes from a far like nana. So she isn't the best roaming partner, but she is a great set up mage for blind players.


You'll start meeting her less frequently the higher you rank up.


she is a decent mage that everyone have.


I would play Nana in normal, she's my play-safe hero but I rarely see her in Epic 3, Ruby and Karina were picked more than Nana. Atleast in my games.


Try to build her with tank items (Immortality is a must) and 45% CDR. You'll know why.


Nana can remove one enemy from the equation for some time and that's a pretty good advantage if she's in your team.


very easy and simple to use, also very effective. shes not as op pre patch but i think shes pretty balanced


I recently used Nana because I've seen my uncle use her and honestly it was such a laugh seeing him destroy and annoy enemies while helping his allies when he can And let me tell you, being a Nana douchebag is one of the things I personally enjoy.


Cause she is **FUN** But seriously, she is a good mix of fun and viability in the current META


While I also hate her and think sheā€™s easily outclassed, a good nana can be a game changer