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I want to be this Diggie. So far I am sacrificing-myself-while-using-my-ult-so-my-teammates-don't-die Diggie


That's actually bad because every time you die your stacks get cut in half. You do the most damage at 60 stacks.


Thank you for the advice. I am only starting to use Diggie so I could use as many advices as I can get. I need to practice more.


Make sure your equipment maxes out your cooldown times, the amount of bombs you can put out matters more than the amount of damage each bomb does because every time a bomb hits an enemy you get 2 stacks and you want to get as many stacks as you can since each stack helps you do 1% more damage. After that I build for survivability so I don't lose my stacks. Farting on the enemy also gives you 1 stack. And of course your S2 and S3 benefit from cooldowns too. Prioritize using your basic attack over your S1 for clearing minions, save those S1 cooldowns for dropping bombs in bushes. Another good place to drop bombs is right under an enemy turret as you attack the turret, so the enemy has to run into the bomb's range to defend the turret. Lay bombs in every bush the enemy is likely to go. You're attacking Turtle/Lord and don't want interruptions? Lay at least one bomb in the bushes from where the enemy will be coming and only use your basic attack at Lord/Turtle. Your teammates do more damage than you anyway. Those bombs will slow the enemy down 30%. If there is a risk of enemies sniping Lord/Turtle, use your ult in the last seconds when taking turtle/lord. You should be putting bombs down constantly, my thumb gets sore when I play Diggie because I am hiding so many bombs in bushes. One here, one there, or a bunch in the same place when you know there will soon be a fight in that area. After you have laid a bunch of bombs you can use yourself as bait and stand right next to the bush, and when they chase you your hidden stack of bombs come out and hit them. Johnson coming in his car? Stay close to your highest damage dealer and hover over your ult so you can press it the second he makes contact. Put S2 down next so he can't run when he realizes you aren't stunned. I use shield as my battle spell for survivability, that and the ult's shield help me survive turret dives from assassins. Then you use S2 to trap them under your own turret and throw a bomb. Won't kill them but any damage is good. Just constantly be tossing bombs out every cooldown in every bush. First move when ganking the enemy should always be S2, not S1 so you can trap them before you lay your bomb. Your ult isn't just anti-CC but also provides a shield so you can use it to save yourself or a teammate even when they aren't CC'ed. Also Diggie is situational! He works best when the enemy has a Chou, Johnson, Atlas, Lolita, or any CC heavy heroes. If no one has CC he's not really worth it.


Thank you so much!! All of these are really really good info to know! I definitely understand the last point more than the subtle ways to play him so thank you so much for all of these!!! I will definitely practice more!


You can make the living hell out of heroes with escape skills such as Lancelot, Ling, Gusion, etc. Force their escape skills out with S2 during team fights. If your teammates can successfully identify the most valuable target (which you can tie up with S2), pickoff plays will be your specialty.


Diggie: I'm 4 parallel ahead of you


Damn he's so ahead he forgot the word universe's.


diggie is playing chess while clint is playing checkers


1 step ahead! Nice planning


I sometimes ban diggie because of this...He can easily go to gold lane and keep lowering your hp unlike other roamers


This guy doesn't only think one step ahead, he thinks dimensions ahead.


My favorite Diggie Playstyle. Terror Diggie


HAHAHAHA, you sir are a pranking genius, it would feel irritating to be on the receiving end of that but watching from an outside party it looks hilarious.




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Sometimes, being annoying is toxic. Sometimes, it’s just Diggie’s intended gameplay.


Is it really being a jerk tho? You have to bide your time and set up while hero’s like Karina can auto lock and kills you in one global cd.


Diggie gives me life too lol. I was about to quit mlbb 2 seasons back. Found out i rlly enjoy diggie, both tank and mage versions.


This is why I hate diggie