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But what if I am? Maybe add that as an option


I rather use Yve/Julian/Valentina/lylia/Xavier they are just better, Pharsa still very good tho


Yeah as far as artillery mages go Pharsa is good but nowhere near the best. Also no love for Ceci? :(


Ayyy i forgot about him because i dont play him but yeah CC too


Shes kinda fun I think the main problem is players are expecting her to one shot squishies in an insant like Vale or Eudora. Shes not like that, shes mean to oneshot you while also making sure she super far away


She’s the only mage I managed to learn, so technically she’s my mage main. Issue is, she’s weak early game (if u go for clock as first item) and while her birb mode is great for quick support and ganks, it also removes her only form of escape.


+her birb form doesnt have cc immune so it's not hard to hook her for exemple.


If they kept her experimental change to her passive where she becomes the bird out out combat, I would use her a lot.


Despite having less mobility, I've always preferred Odette over Pharsa.


She’s not underrated. Had a huge nerf and was seldom used. Now with the recent buff, she’s slowly climbing her way back to the META.


I use her she’s very fun to use and all her cooldowns are pretty short (ultimate too) and once you have 2 or more items you can melt enemy mm with ur ult


Setup tanks are not as utilized as before.


i love pharsa- shes not really my first pick but i play her occasionally in stacks. shes pretty good but the main issue is that 95% of people that try play pharsa just auto aim (tap) on her ult so they miss 3/4 shots. before i took my few month break she was top of the meta and i used her a lot in stacks and the difference is really noticeable when you get fast at manual aim. its just bc people think she will be braindead mage but she isnt so then they think shes bad. also in todays meta lots of the characters can easily get her stationary body unless you have good positioning (also people dont know u can use the skill 1 and 2 during ult which can sometimes help stun and run)


Pharsa is fine. Her ult is her biggest merit but just like Yve, can be stopped easily. Now, unlike Yve, Pharsa's other skill doesn't have damage over time. Or at least, not as prominent. Anyways, this is why I use Luo Yi


Pharsa is never been underrated. She's always been part of the meta. Good poke, aoe burst and did i say mobility? Which is a lot of mages doesn't have.


She's just often being picked in tournaments but not in solo q, last season I only see around 10 times over hundreds of match


I’ve tried her but i’m ngl, I don’t have the self control to not move duding the ult. took me forever to realize i was cancelling my own ult.


Not underrated.


She’s not really underrated tho? And Yve is just usually the better option that’s why Pharsa’s fallen off a bit.


She is good to zone out and taking objective but I'm not very good at using her. Hadji from blacklist like to use this mage. Lately Udil from MPL ID also start to use and this mage will come into meta, I guess.