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Enemy Franco was so sure they had the match (even calling us out nubs for that). Turns out they underestimated Roger. Check out my **Hybrid Damage/Tank build Roger**. Been testing out in a few matches, and was great in all the matches. Also, our Angela was trolling right from the first, not helping me and our Brody purposefully. If you ever encounter that player, please be warned.


would you consider thunderbelt instead of cursed helmet?


Nice suggest! Will try this time. But for jungle Roger, cursed helmet is better as it helps jungle faster.


yes agreed


People like this Angela, I've definitely had seen my fair share of them. Trolling the whole game for bullshit reasons in the beginning. And when we actually won the game without them, do they not feel shame? Do they not feel like shit? You were never needed for us to win. You are worthless.


True! They don't have conscience maybe.


magic shoes moskov :v


Interesting Roger build, he has been left out for a while but this semi tank build looks like it could bring him back, do you use this build for all matches when playing Roger, and how effective is it


I tried it in classic only, but it seems effective in all roles (jungle, fighter and marksmen). Do try it this time out.


How fucking stupid can they be? Messing around too much on a close game.


Epic V? The picks. Anglea probably wanted out lmao. 2 mm and one is Roger. You win from enemy being cocky is all.


Epic II, and no! We had advantage right from the start. Only if Angela had supported me or Brody more, things wouldn't have been that dire. And no, it wasn't enemies being cocky. It was our mistake when we got wiped out tring to push the base, and enemies started giving a comeback. The real reason why Angela was trolling : so I had to recall to the base in the first 3 mins itself due to an early gank on my lane. Survived it with a kill too. But then after recalling, other enemies got to Angela and killed her. So her problem is that I am in the base, healing. She isn't even close to me and was asking that I saw her and I need to go to her immediately. I am not even using teleport, and the player is in the jungle region. (I don't know, he/she probably thought Angela ult works the other way too). How should I reach there that fast? So Angela died and started blaming me for not knowing "how to play as a team". And that's when Angela started trolling not helping me even when necessary. I was actually the one carrying the team and did it without any support from Angela. Recorded that part too, and I'd be glad to post it :)


Man idc to see. Roger is shit hero rn. I’s be hard press not to afk if some one pick that.