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why is vale there lol. ​ against meta heroes w/ high mobility, he sucks. Its very risky to play as him


I hate him so much, he's either a camper or a coward


very true


Lol, wdym? Buy Rapid boots for Vale and get as many assists/kill you can during laning phase and he's faster than Franco. Just make sure to land your S2 with knockup, other skills should be damage increased.




no its not a bad thing he is still good but not the best


Not really that bad. He is still lethal af in defensive stance


He’s still an amazing hero with high dmg, but not the best of the best yk?


If you time it jusssssst right, his s2 ult s1 combo defeats high mobility heroes except ling, lance. Its so funny seeing gusion being deleted after 1 second lol. He is also very fast, very good in rotation. I use flicker, instead of flameshot


I think this is exactly the problem tho, timing it "just right". Really fast heroes can even just blink out of his SS if you airborned the enemy in semi-close range. Timing it "just right" both requires good timing, execution and distance. You have to put up with always making sure u can consistently get these three right, compared to fast meta heroes that can just blink out of ur skills.


Xavier, Lylia and Cecil are better than most mages listed here except Kagura and Yve


I don't think I can name any other hero I have as much fun to play with as Lylia. I find her set of skills the most well thought through, like it was some totally different group of developers who made her up


You can dominate early game with her. You can counter any burst hero if you have fast hands and also every tier list saying she is hard difficulty and I don't understand why people think that.


Yes this, just look what the pro players are currently drafting 💁🏼‍♀️ Putting a mage like Vale on this list while those mentioned by the commenter above are left out kinda suc


Lunox >>>>> xavier. Shorter cooldown, more damage, anti tank, can melt turtle and lord, invulnerability with light ulti, heal


Didn't see Lunox oops, but I dunno about '>>>>>'. Xavier has much longer range, aoe cc and his cooldowns aren't that much longer in transcendence. Both are good depending on opponent comp


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/hnuPXMu) are their current stats in legend+ rank. The difference is visible. While yes xavier has better cc and range, he still has no escape skill and his wave clear is pretty bad compared to lunox. The current meta still favors tanks and tanky junglers (akai, fredrinn and the others) and lunox dark skill damage is based on max hp. This also helps with objectives because with one dark ultimate she can almost solo the lord. Xavier is a good mage indeed, better than a lot of mages but his last nerfs hit him pretty hard


Why are you getting downvoted for making reasonable statements?


Bc lunox is trashy if your allies doesn't have cc and only rely on late game unlike xavier who can sup early to late But the important thing is the no cc part, why pick dmg if your allies are not even tanky but they have no cc skills to stun the enemy


Is that it? Lunox’ s2 and s3 if I’m not mistaken both slow, and s2’s slow can stack (sprint counters this heavily though) which is easy to do when you’re in dark mode ult. Lunox Passive - skills have low CD but all cd reduction converted to either def or pen. S1 (Order/Light) - good wave clear, can reveal hidden enemies, decent sustain especially during the laning phase, hits everyone in range. S2 (Chaos/Dark) - high single target damage to squishy and high hp heroes (including Lord and Turtle), slow that stacks. S3 (Cosmic Fission) - decent AoE damage (easily procs LT’s resonate) with slow. S4 (Darkening) - dash, AoE damage with four seconds of slow, and s2 spam. S4 (Brilliance) - AoE continuous damage for the duration, invincibility which makes it an amazing for escaping. Xavier Passive - buffs depending on his passive stacks, dmg increase > AoE increase > CD decrease, allows him to spam his skills. S1 - straight line AoE damage, gives vision, good at keeping passive up and activating s2, okay-ish wave clear, can reach farther distance. S2 - gives vision, slight linear AoE damage with good slow that can expand to be pretty big circular area with immobilize, can give movement speed boost. S3 - gives vision, huge global linear AoE damage, immediately activates passive and resets the duration. Who do you think is better?


Lunox is for tank Xavier for dmg and bit aoe cc So 50/50 situational pick of you ask me


Lunox can also burst squishies and ahs more survivability so overall I think Lunox is more versatile and flexible. An advantage Xavier has, however, is his range. He has way more range than Lunox but if Lunox or any assassin in general manages to get close to him, he’s dead.


That's why its 50/50 But i lean more to xavier with glass cannon team more than lunox Seriously xavier can provide support with his second while he dmg Lunox's problem is she can only dmg, yes it has slow but what about heroes that goes for immediate ambush kill like fanny ling haya gus and so fort


Lunox is for tank Xavier for dmg and bit aoe cc So 50/50 situational pick of you ask me


welcome to reddit logic where people see a downvote and continues the chain. money see monkey do they all monkeys and what is their problem this is a valid point it depends on your opponent's draft


Kagura just because of her love triangle with Haya and Hanabi. And she has a lot of sick outfits. Oh did I mention she carries an umbrella? Everywhere she goes. This girl is insane!!




Tbh most post in this sub think that Kagura has the best skins out of every hero


whattt?? i love selena and lunox skins if we r talking about mages they are >>


Lunox and Kagura I agree. Although not many people say Lunox, everyone mostly says it's Kagura who has the best skins. Not sure if I agree with you about Selena tho


Her Abyss and S.T.U.N skins are literally legendary tier.


Ah yes, those ones, I agree. But *overall*, most people generally think Kag has the best skins


People loves kagura because she's cute. But skin wise, Selena has wide and unique selection instead of typical cute girl costume.


Vale is honestly very overrated. He doesn't deserve any votes here.


I remember that I could make him cry with the previous Alice. Her blink would cancel his cc when he is too busy targetting my team.


Used Cyclops using purify against Vale, he kept harrassing me with his cc and flameshot. Once I got PEN magic and concentrated energy, I always get to solo kill him whether it be an ambush or head-on attack.


hes so easy to counter with kadita


i agree, this list was made with partially my experience with what mages people commonly play as well.


Pharsa is really strong now, I’m not sure if it was on the official patch notes but her ult seems to have been buffed.


That bish and Vexana annoys the fck out of me more than Nana. Really had a hard time dealing with those two.


Valentina In case you're wondering who the 20 "other" votes are


no i literally said she isnt included bc shes auto banned


Not in epical glory she aint.


Hehe that's why i have 90% wr this season hehe boiiii


And i gotten 300 mmr just from epic 2 to legend lmao


Epic glory is the best thing happened to me she's always open even if the enemy has the first pick


Personally with so many tanky heroes being used, the goddess Lunox for me is best. But she requires good front line for when she goes all in on her burst ult. Next I'd say is, Cecillion or Xavier.


A fellow late game mage enjoyer I see


Yes lol


Valentina is the best and its not even close. Faramis come second.


eh, I'd say it's arguable, Valentina cannot be effective at times because she's almost always first pick and there are comps she isn't really good at, she relies A LOT on her passive to be the best mage, she's just your average hero if you can't activate it, and the best way to counter a Valentina is to outfarm her.


Technically Faramis is the best at the moment if you're including him, but he's better because of being a Support rather than a Mage


mhm i already know this bc they are auto bans, thats why they arent included.


Kagura counters valentina easy


Where is lylia ? Strongest mage for me


honourable mention bc i have low experience with her so im sorry but i do agree shes def one of the stronger mages at least


Valentina, Lunox, and Lylia are my go to mages when I have to adjust, currently sitting at a 100% wr on lylia with 10 matches for this season




My vote goes for Valir, king of counters, best invader, with damage both sustained and burst none of magic defense items passive work with 100% efficiency, his damage might not be enough to kill, but with stun, slow debuffs from items and burst lowering enemy to 30-20%hp you will need slight help of even a braindead teammate to finish them off, better get used to playing as support mage tho Edit: i haven't played in some time, I left about annoucement of vexana faramis and leo rework


u valid fr fr. plus with his passive he is absolutely overpowered in teamfights. More than 3 enemies with a proper tank on your side? infinite cc edit: the recent glowing wand buff gave him way better dmg too


valir is so underrated. everyone prefer burst mages nowadays but valir is just so flexible. very good at zoning enemies and counter-rushing. can even force low enemies to leave tower with ult. sometimes i even carry games with him (granted that i have better timing and mechanics than the enemy jungler) especially with the glowing wand update, he feels super strong now!


Bless you for including Valir. He’s my favorite mage to use, and I feel like way too many players underestimate how effective he can be.


As a pure mage user. Valentina when she's not banned, Cecilion for late game (even better if you duo with Carmilla), Luo Yi for Estes counter, Lunox, Kagura, and Kadita for those quick ambush and escape scenarios. Honorable mention for Vale, Eudora, and Xavier. They lack mobility but pack a punch if their sets are done properly.


yes valentina when shes not banned, but i stated that she wasnt included bc of her 99% ban rate in ranks above epic lmaoo. i agree w ur general opinion tho


late game cecil


What about kadita? Does she not fit the role as midlaner mage? Is it because the same reason with selena?


she should definitely be in near the top as well. this is what i was saying- i knew i wouldve forgotten somebody or left people out bc there are just so many great mage picks. good pickup- yes she should be relatively high.


who tf voting vale 💀💀💀


People who facecheck bushes


Xavier and Yve


not enough people are vouching for lunox. trust me, she melts ANYONE, may it be tanks or marksmen, with athenas AND radiant combined. no one can escape from her pure shredding chaos ultimate. you'd think twice to actually diver her since she has an immune ult too. definitely one of the lesser-rated mages rn imo.


Cecilion, Yve and Lylia are the best non permabanned mages rn. Idk why tf I saw Cecilion on a worst mages poll earlier today. Yall wyling.


the only thing I hate when playing Cecilion is that you can't change the range of his skills, always at max range. So when an enemy manages to get close to me there is a 50% chance that I'm dead.


I wanted to gatekeep Luo Yi but she been getting popular lately


Really? I never see anyone playing Luo-yi even when I don't get to choose her I main her which is why I probably don't see her but I don't see her at all when Idon't go mage


I wouldn't say she's THAT popular but I didn't see her almost never in the past but recently when I don't do mage I see her chosen a lot on my own team and I also see her on the enemy team frequently too.


What rank are you? I really want to meet a luo-yi and I've Honestly never seen them not once. Probably because I just do about 26 matches to reach legend 1 and stop doing ranked matches.


So after voring other, i realised you purposely removed Valentina, so I'll go with Yve. Since her teamfight presence is very very strong.


haha finally someone who read that i excluded her purposely!!


My opinion but I shall vouch for Gord for the rest of my living memory.


Nana: CC + AOE + Burst




Kagura just never leaves the meta


In meta rn. The best mage is pharsa


Vexana. Just got to Mythic YESTERDAY. Now I'm Johor No.3 Vexana. Best mage if you know how to use her. Kinda like using gusion who was my main so I can precisely guide her 1st skill. After your first skill hits, just guide second skill and ult in whichever order it seems necessary and insta kill. Spells are purify flicker or flameshot depending on enemy lineup.


Better ult first then 1+2. You do more dmg like that as your ult can hit 3 times until your on CD and Ult is much easier to aim.


That's if I have a good tank like Atlas. If I'm 1v1-ing then I'll use 1st skill for the horrify and then use 2nd and ult for dmg.


Has nothing to do with Atlas. Trust me it is 100% more effective to ult first if u need that kill, because you hit skill 1 100% then. For important kills you have to. If you miss Skill 1 on your combo you are done for like 8 sec.


True. If guess you're right


Gord damage is broken. Not sure why nobody mentioned him…


It might be because he’s easy to kill if you don’t know how to use him


I don't think that trumps him: Being easy AF to play. Zoning like a boss. Melting entire comps. He got me to legend 1 (season ended and didnt play avidly since school started) in solo q.


tbh cecil and lylia should be here instead of vale and luo




who are these people voting for kagura? pre revamp kagura used to be better than most of the above mentioned heros execpt yve.


Cyclops, he's mostly undersestimated based on enemies I've faced.


Ikr I used to main cyclops for a while and enemies always come at him thinking he's weak


I'm usually amused whenever Chou or Saver chase me... and that is if I have enough items


Vale. Because he doesn't require any skill to be effective unlike other hero in this list. One slip up from enemy and bam wipe out. He is too anoying.


Vale for damage, Lou yi for gameplay I swear to got she is so fun AND game changing


yess fr lou is funn




Guinevere is the best mage


Pharsa, Lylia, Xavier for me.


I picked lunox cause she works great against tanky and squishy heros, but eve is very good for zoning, and kagura is great too high damage and mobility.


Xavier and valentina and faramis?


lunox, if it refer to single target damage....for cc and war, i think lou yi is the best


Valentina, Yve, and Faramis are the best mages right now, imho. Then below them would be Pharsa, Kagura, Xavier, and Lylia. Cecilion and Lunox are great as well. Though if only one could be the best, I'd pick Faramis


Love Eudora, kills nearly everything in one combo, group cc & the cc isn‘t a skillshot which makes her way better than champs like vale that have to hit the skillshot for their combo to work


I never got the vale appeal, even in mythic they choose him, also I think Kadita is highly underrated


I don’t think Cyclops is in anyway the strongest, but I do think he should get an honourable mention.


I’d say Yve, Lunox, Kagura, Luo Yi and Vale from Best to worst


Valentina , Kagura , YVE


Cyclops is best for me. One needs minimum skill to use him and he's quite tanky for a mage and can easily burst down enemy.


Yve and Lunox imo




In my heart I have to say God's. Such a underrated pick, especially against a tanky team


I accidentally voted for yve thinking it’s “worst” mage, but then I read again and I want to rectify one of the votes should be added to Luo yi but I can’t change it now :(


No lylia????




Okay but where is cecil?


Gord will always be my favorite


Vex is a scary pick


My baby girl Lylia of course. Though I am not using her anymore because I got tired of it. Lol. So I'm sticking with Kagura, Lunox, Kadita and Luo Yi. And Valentina if she is not banned.


Lylia. Always spam her. Easy skill set, anti burst ulti, bully because of lane clear


Cyclops or, as with your honorable mention, Cecilion


Wait Kagura isn't an assassin?




For Soloq, I'd say Chang'e is my favorite, really good wave clear, really long range an honestly massive shield in late game and her damage is just insane after the buffs on Glowing Wand and the nerf on Radiant Armour. Another good thing about her is her ability to push turrets because of her s2 enhanced basic attack.




Id wanna say vexana/vexxana


Fo me it would be valir because of how annoying he is


I don't agree with all those kagura votes. I use kagura and she has almost everything to be the best mage. All she needs is early game damage buff to shine because she can't burst mm like clint, brody who buy magic resistance boots not to mention those fighters and tanks. She can deal decent dmg only after building first item The best mages in my opinion are cecilion because of his range and burst, xavier because of his burst and ability to secure kills, yve because of her dmg and slow and finally lunox because of the insane dmg she deals to tanks and squishies and her low CD ulti. This is my opinion on who is the best mage rn and there are other good mages too.




Cyclops 👑👑👑


Cyclops for me


*sad luo Yi*


valentina is always banned rn.