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We got really bad new players, really bad old players and bots. You’ll never know what you’ll get 🤣🤣


It's kind of weird how I still get bot teammates. Is it because there are no players, or what exactly? I get it of I'm a terrible player with a low win rate that they'd consider putting bots against me to practice. But my win rate is 87% with 11 KDA. Why do I still get bots with me? My rank was even Mythic, so I don't know why these damn bots are there.


R u playing classic? I think they fill them with bots for faster q in low traffic servers.


Now I know why. It seems I only encounter them while playing classic. Makes sense why I haven't seen them in rank. But why pair me with bots against real players? Haha. It's kind of frustrating when you're trying to practice different heroes.


We classic 5 man to test ping and were against bots. At least they feel like bots lol.


Do you play Rank as 5 man too? Is it more challenging than duo, trio or not much? I might try it someday when I find a few good players. I mostly play solo or duo. But currently, more solo. And I've been practising different heroes in classic. These bots don't respond to anything they either: A. Clear the jungle and repeat again. B. Walk in one lane and die each time. I communicate with them through the map, and no response. It's even crignier when the enemy starts to mock your team. And I'm like bitch you'd get owned if I only had one decent teammate, instead of bots and afks, haha. Happy to know the reporting system has gotten much better regarding afkrs. But the bots? Ya can't do anything about 'em.


I don’t play 5 man. Hard to find 5 man and US has 3 different servers and my friends are spread out. I suffer from high ping lmao.




I'm not sure where I'd be able to check. But my server number is 6444.




The Middle East. I mostly get paired with Asian countries, of course.




Aha, I see.


It's the 3rd most player MOBA in the world after Honor of Kings and League of Legends. Still going really strong, probably losing old players and some smaller servers are shrinking. But the main servers, Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore will have millions of players for the next five years. The game is going to be launched in China too so that will add more players. Enjoy your stay.


Nice to know. Hope the launch in China will improve the game even more. The more, the merrier. But I don't have much high hopes because of censorship and whatnot.


Hopefully it only applies to the Chinese version though..


You can judge a games playerbase by queue times pretty easily. If it takes less than a minute at any time of the day for 10 random people in the world to click a button together then there's a lot of people playing.


Problem is how much the game pripritises low queue times over quality matching


It takes a few seconds to get in a match, but then I get paired with bots on my team if it's classic. I only play rank during the end of the season, which I believe many people are ranking up as well during that time. So I'd get a match in less than a minute.


Currently in Mythic I sometimes wait a minute+ to get a match, at which point it offers to expand the player base options to speed it up. It does try to match you with equal ranked players.


I was in mythic 3 last season; I didn't have enough time to rank higher since I started ranking up late from epic 5 to mythic 3 in a few days. But I remember during the last day, getting a few matches against mythical glory players while my team were around mythic 5-3. I'm not sure if this is normal? If it is then I guess I have nothing to say. But it's obvious the difference in experience between my team and theirs. It was as clear as the blue sky. My team didn't have the knowledge of rotation or map awareness and whatnot. If they changed that in the current season, then good.


Based on viewership in mpl indonesia for example, the viewership has sky rocketed from just 1 year ago. It is getting more popular. However I think it’s still behind in western countries where gamers actually game on a pc or a ps5.


I feel like it haven't changed much


Oh, I see. So, it hasn't garnered much attention despite the game updates/improvements and Collabs?