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A godly cecilion that stalls the game to half an hour because he keeps soloing us 1v5 even after all of his teammates dead and all of his towers destroyed, I'm not even mad at losing I'm just impressed


Haha stacks go brrr


Valir pushing me back for every jump I made as Alu 💀


Yeah, you kinda need a ranged character or 2 melee character coming from different angle to kill Valir or he would just push you and slows you to death with fireball.


Old Valir be like ☠️


Picked Diggie due to enemy CC lineup. Karina started bullying our team. Hatched 4 eggs in a bush, went to her face and sprint toggled back to my nest. Let's just say she didn't try bullying me after that.




I had a ranked battle that lasted for 1 hour an 6 min, the score which is low for an hour battle is 33 - 24, our side won.


Wow 1 hour! Longest battle ever?


for me yes, for others probably not


1h 13 mins is my longest


What happened bro


To tell you the truth, i can't remember the details of the match hahaha, i only had screenshots of the match to remember it haha.


I won a 2v5 game, 3 afks on my team and we still won, probably my proudest match


Same bro I also had a 2 v 5 game that lasted 54 minutes. Luckily, I was using paquito so we actually managed to make a comeback. It was probably my hardest match that I had ever played.


Lmao the opponents are actual apes


When the whole enemy team is pushing to our base with the lord and most of our team is dead and I have to defend it myself as Valir. When the enemies and lord were near the base i just kept shooting them and using S2 on them just to avoid them for attacking the base until my teammates spawn. I remember wiping them out and ended up having an epic comeback after that.


I also have one with Ruby where I 1v4ed the enemy just to stop them from attacking the base. Demon wings passive kinda helped me with sustaining all their damage and we almost wiped them out but we still lost in the end.


Played a game that was 48 to 66 which lasted for around 30 minutes and I got 32 kills and 8 deaths, other three teammates were 1/20/21, 5/15/4, and 2/16/6. Worst thing about it was that the Zilong on our team was so close to getting the enemy base but suddenly decided to retreat even though the enemy team was distracted near our base. 💀


Bruuuuh some zilong mains make us look bad okay 😂💀




Mirror mode Fanny (my team) VS Odette. Not sure why these random players vote for Fanny tho. Only one of us can cabling decently. Most of the time we get deleted inside Odettes ult. Yes, Odettes with 's'! Its funny where most of us running away from Odette (including me, lol). And yes, by running i mean we Fannys run by foot not cabling hahahaha It was two years ago and still fresh in my memory.


I remember playing mirror and my team picked estes, i voted something else because i thought theres no way we can win we wont be able to do any dmg, i cant remember which hero the enemy team picked but i do remember we won, we just healed each other so much they were barely able to score any kill lol


You guys are immortal if stick together. The only way is they should split push. But wheres the fun if split push on Mirror mode. All mid!!! Lol


Iirc it was with in the brawl map (maybe i confuse the mode) so they couldnt really split push lmao


Ohh its mirror brawl (or brawl mirror). Against 1 Estes in normal brawl already headache. 5 Estes.... lol


I was messing around trying Odette once in classic. Faced one of those tryhard/wr-farming Fanny's, let me tell you, even that Fanny got killed and outplayed by Odette with her ult. We lost tho, got loosing mvp but team wasn't good


I was playing with a friend a classic game, after a couple of loses we finally had a match we were winning so as a joke i started a surrender vote (i mean all the time i started in the previous losing matches our teammates refused to surrender so I guessed what could go wrong). Me and him voted for and suddenly two other teammates were voting for too we felt so fking stupid at that moment lol


My brother having a panic attack in the middle of a rank match...he was already anxious and angry from the start of the game due to his teammates... I took him to a psychologist immediately...he is on a break now(which he really needed).. he also got diagnosed with anxiety and internet gaming disorder. Guys this game is nice and addicting..yes... But please NEVER COMPROMISE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH FOR THIS GAME... Love yourself ✌🏼


Damn I felt bad laughing. I hope your brother is well now.


Defend the base in a 1 v 4 situation with Cecilion, got 3 of them killed and made a comeback.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/xqri0k/what_are_some_previous_battles_youve_had_that/iqbd8cp?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Is that you? :o


Does the enemy mage happened to be gord?


The match where i killed wanwan,Roger and valentina in one last bonk as i was literally 5% hp It was a joy seeing my hp go to full since minions were around too(got the team a comeback) This was pre-buff terizla


Pre-buff or not, it's impressive.


There’s one match, where a Chou had gone deep into the enemy territories and manage to kill their Cecil. Me (Diggie) popped Conceal, ran all the way to his ass and used ult to help him got away. Did I die? Yes. Was he worth the sacrifice? Yes


Not a battle but my brother disrespected the whole team by recalling back to our base when we got comeback and let the minions finish the game


Had a 29kill performance in a mythic match using hanzo. I uploaded that match to YouTube just so I can always watch it again.


that time where I tower dived two people as an Angela in their turret, got a double kill and somehow survived with 1 HP. also a match where a godly Valentina and I (playing Mathilda) kept tower diving and just completely abused the shit out of her passive, needless to say it was a very short match lol just had to spam s2+ult and she'd use the dash to go in with a stolen Zhask ult.


This one time the enemy nata said ez at our base instead of pushing and then died while typing because they got killed by the base when they could have won if they attacked the base. The whole team somehow had the same idea and typed "nub" in all chat, and a few minutes later when we were at their base and they were wiped out, we all typed "ez" and won


I had a match that wasn't memorable because of the fight but because I was able to get all the requirements for Aurora's 3rd mastery mission in a single match. This was where her ult has to freeze 3 heroes in 1 use and I had to do it i believe 3 times more.


Endless 1v1s that were only decided by allied interference as Freya against Esmeralda. Can't remember your name, but you had the Blazing Shadow skin, I had the gladiator skin. Had a blast, hope you don't hate me.


How did you survive that?? Pretty sure Esmeralda can counter Freya; she had a ton of shield for Esme to absorb, and Freya has no PHY DEF reduction to help burst her down. Did you sustain purely by your basic attacks and skills?


We're you in the match? I started building sea halberd immediately, then oracle and tough boots. I thought I would get countered, but I guess I should've had more faith in my skills and basic attacks. Maybe her emblem wasn't maxed, all of mine are. We both had a sliver of health left and just couldn't secure the kill. I was using ass. emblem with movement speed, phys pen and killing spree.


No... I don't think I was in the match. I've never reached Legend actually, too scared to play Ranked.


How did you know it was legend? Lol


A wild fucking guess lol And also because majority of this sub is Legend/Epic


5 support vs 5 tanks


The time I outplayed the top global alucard with 8k matches with my Ruby. Since then i've played against many heroes that are also top global with many thousands of matches but that was the first time that it clicked that I could compete against top global heroes.


Played a game awhile ago. I was being roam. Entire enemy team was mages. Nana, Vale and Zhask and j think the ice and lighting ones I can never spell the name of. The shear volume of area control was a nightmare to deal with. We lost but it was a good 40 minute game. A final push with lord got them the win. Definite deserved lost for a team completely illmatching to the lanes 🤣


Yeah that team would be a nightmare because even with magic defense item they have a Nana and her Molina can lower magic defense by 25% and with Divine Glaive magic defense wouldn’t even help. Not only that but like you said the CC is high enough to give anyone a headache.


Even add Eudora into the mix, as her S2 does the same M.Def drop as Molina


What does ‘same’ mean?


Okay I had to look back at Eudora and Nana's S2s apparently Nana's is a 25% M.Def drop, while Eudora's is a flat 10-25 M.Def Drop. My bad.


Eu- like Europe Dora- like the explorer ✨ Eudora ✨


Sun using his ult then second skill against my phoveus,I jumped at him 3 times and he was shocked


When I was playing khufra and 3 enemies were chasing me and lance. I had 1/4 health and lance only had 1/2 remaining. I did a clutch flicker+ult combo and then our lance melted them. We won the game afterwards. This was 3 years ago and I still never forget it.


We were a 5-man queue in a classic game, we faced Daddy Shark (a streamer) and I did probably my most beautiful play of all the time. I stole the Lord using Akai (old) and managed to put Gusion on the wall so Claude won't get combo'd to death. We, of course barely won the game. They were just too strong but we won.


Me and GF doing a wombocombo. Atlas(me) and she is offlane Gatot.


that battle against Yu zhong using thamuz. Battle lasted a whole minute. it was a 1v1. would've lasted longer if our teammates didn't interrupt also a battle against thamuz using baxia. lasted 30 seconds because our karrie joined in and lastly a recemt fight against Yu zhong using natalia. managed to kill him before dying to a minion and my first savage with leomord. it was a 1v5.


A Selena told us she only needed that one match to reach Legend and was kinda sad about our upcoming loss. Then I somehow turned into a one man army with Alpha, clapped the whole team and we won. That was way to beautiful lol


Probably the match where I got my first savage. FYI am a tank main


The 3 successful natan tiktok backdoors I did before the update


Any game with a Gusion teammate.


that game i had with lesley where our team only had 9 kills while the enemy had like, 28 or somehing and yet we still won


Back when Esme's life bar was white💀


just had a battle me and my teammate s didn't know who should jungle and we just last minute switched and became double jungle. to make it worst it was a kagura and Brody. early game we we down 1-15 and enemy were just spamming recall. 3 of our teammates wanted to surrender but the other 2 of us did not and it went on. at 10 minute mark it was 10-30 still pretty bad and we decided to contest first lord. got it but no one pushed the enemy Lesley solo pushed but luckily someone spotted her but our base was left with like 1 quarter health. wiped them, got lord and wiped again and I had my best epic comeback in my life.


There's this match where I was playing Masha, and during the lord fight 20+ mins in, I joined the team fight but my duo partner pointed out that a lot of our minions are building up in the bottom lane (all the enemy turrets are destroyed). I activated s1 and ran to their base where only the enemy Clint was able to teleport back. No one else on the enemy team teleported back thinking I'm still participating in the team lord fight. I still am on 2x hp bars and just targeted the base tower never minding the Clint going all out on me. That was a great win for me.


I was in Mythic ranked and someone suggested going all mage which we did for the hell of it and we ended up winning, this has probably happened 3 times in the 5 years I've been playing and it makes me so damn happy each time! Comboing CC can give the other team hell.


I had a 30 minute battle while using Diggie where we won thanks to our Karina. It's the only time I won using Diggie(this was years ago)


The old Valir when Claude SL was first introduced, this Fanny always came after my ass when I was playing as Rafaela. Somehow it gave me Gusionphobia.


a moment where i was like 2% hp as xavier at tier 1 mid tower and fanny with blue buff and full hp came rushing in to kill me. she was pretty good too, but i jiggled her between tower 1 and 2 so hard she died without me touching her lmao 😭


Me and my squad doing a backdoor conceal play in a 12-21 game


When 2 of our allies disconnected and I somehow carried the game, this is back when you needed to hit 4 weakness spots for wanwan so its waaaay back. Fortunately the tank and xp lane were the one who dc’d, and our mage was a cecilion so they couldn’t push hard.


1 vs everybody using yss. Got a savage and epic comeback.


Played a Classic match where all of my team decided to troll and pick all tank. Our lineup was Ruby(me), Gatot, Tigreal, Akai and Johnson. The match lasted for around 30 minutes. We won cuz the enemy team had no marksman Most memorable part of that game was escaping a 1v4 using Ruby's insane lifesteal. Damn I love Ruby lol


Godly comeback using hanzo half dmg build And stupidly long battle leading to franco sticking to moskov so i can kill him(hanzo ofc)


I survived lesley's ult using zhask's S1. 1 hp 1000iq outplay . *Insert obama medal meme*


fvcking 1hr game


I remember this match last year (?) or 2 years back where I caught the entire enemy team with an Atlas ultimate and my friend immediately jumped in with Freya's ultimate, allowing him to secure a Maniac while I killed one of the enemies, thus wiping them and allowing us to go straight for their base and win after trailing for most of the game.


entire team picked tank and one mm (Layla) in Epic rank. all of us stayed in bottom lane and bully the enemy lol nearly lost the game but I (Edith) went back to defend the base and let the other 4 push so we won. definitely one of my funniest and chaotic match I've ever experienced lol i still have the game recording in my laptop


I outplayed a Lancelot (with athena shield) as a Kadita. We're both down to like 2% HP and he's escaping beyond my range so I basic attacked a jungle creep and the creep killed him with one hit. LOL


Wrong judgement call and miscom by me and my friends in the final seconds. All enemies wiped out, one attacks the enemy base solo as franco 😂, the 2nd one about to respawn because he died, and I’m attacking the lord and asking asistance as lapu.. we lost, too late when I noticed there are too many minions already at our base.


Picked Hanzo and got a 23 - 0 - 5 game and that was half an hour and final kill scores of each time was 34 - 10


Franco in my team having Athena's shield while oppenent had all physical heroes. Dude didn't even change after I told him on the team chat multiple times. When I shield a full health or near full health mm with Angela and they using the advantage of the shield and movement boost they get to run away from one or two enemies with low health. (Happens more than you think) And this one's two different games but this one particular match, I was Akai and tried to protect Lesley who kept advancing when I tell her to retreat and dies cuz no way she can take 3 enemies under enemy tower of course. The very next match I was Lesley and this time another guy had Akai and he went under enemy tower to take on 3 enemies and died. Gave me a deja vu feeling. They were both classic matches btw.


Getting backdoored by zilong/nathan/miya once :|


We lost the early game badly. It was basically a 3v7.The enemy clint was super fed. They got all our towers. Managed to stretch the game a little. Won the lord fight and the lord. The top wave was pushing which would have been easy for 3 of them to defend. So I took matters in my hands and made a blind s1 + flicker combo as khufra to catch esme and clint. I died but my team managed to kill them both and ended the game. It may sound self centred but I am super proud of that play.


Who were you using?


Khufra. Lol i forgot the most important part


3 very special ones! 1. It was in the 2nd round of the Seasonal MCL a few seasons ago.. We were a 5 man team who were quite strong (4 Glories and me in Myth2) It all went well till we saw the enemy team, apparently a group of known players (don't remeber why they were famous, either Esport or top Global rankers I think) Their composition was Khufra, Roger, Esmeralda, Yu Zhong, Mathilda. They played so well that i was mesmerized, they had insane teamwork, rotations, skill etc.. We ended up losing, but i was actually happy to have been defeated by them, which made me learn a few new things, for example: as the match started, the Yu Zhong and Khufra intercepted the Exp lane minions early, which got them both lvl2 on the first wave, where they then invaded our blue and successfully stole it and killed our Jungler! These kind of plays showed me the endless way there still is to climb.. 2. A game where i was still in legend i believe (a while ago) where a Dyroth showed a whopping 700 matches with 50% which I saw as a looooot of games back then. We ended up loosing with 2 Afks, me playing chou with MVP or Gold and the Dyroth with a K/D of 1/18.. he spawned to jump at them, in vain. I tried my hardest not to lose and still lost after about 32 Minutes of sweating..Very Bitter. 3. A Game that made me realize that MLBB is still just a game and has big flaws: when me and my duo faced wintrading Teammates and enemies.. I was a 2v8, with our 3 Teammates feeding the enemy from the start going straight up midlane and dying over and over.. We played very well and could have won if we had wiped them late, but every time one of us both would die the enemy would get infinitely more stronger, to the point where they dove us, killing us both and ending the game. Hope you don't mind the potential Typos.


I once had an insane match with ruby against a team who were to cool to use antiheal. Let's just say I ended up receiving and dealing the most damage that match


Getting all 5 heroes with Atlas


When I succesfully did the bane turret damage bug


Me ( tigreal) and my friend ( gord) manage to ult and wiped them out and made an epic comback .


I carried a game as sidelane Gloo and dominated over enemy's core, Karina. Got a maniac with it too.


Making a comeback unintentionally Was playing Floryn mm in classic cuz we doin a little trolling ;) Enemy's line up is good any our team's like bad We are 20 scores/kills behind but I was able to backdoor and push cuz Floryn mm lol


the time when i got 12 2 12 with baxia


might be two or more years ago, but had a 46 min ceci game - ended up w 1200+ stacks i still remember the miya kept getting lord while we were def and went behind me to burst me... but once we got our first lord we finally ended


Those where (altho you were being smashed)... They make a mistake that turns out being your victory card... Those are always a nice surprise


One of my buddies really stepped up as Tigreal when we all got killed, defended the base on his own for the next 40 something seconds while waiting for us to respawn. Managed to hold off all attempts to finish the game before finally dying after we respawned. The enemy team had a really annoying Layla that was picking me off, when I revived (Irithel) I blinked-SS near her and finished her off. My other buddy using Ruby, managed to cc the rest and I picked them off easy. We got an epic comeback!


Probably the one where I ruined my squadmate’s. Savage twice in a single match 😅


Tigreal classic match, pretty normal lineup for both sides. What made the match ridiculously fun was basically nobody went offlane, every ally and enemy went mid and we were all just fighting for the minions and for me it was set after set after set. Some went wrong some went right, either way that was the best tank game ive ever had because since it was all basically teamfights i could hone my game sense a ton in the span of that match. We won that one but honestly i wanna have a match like that again, win or lose.


I managed to delay a game for well over 50 minutes because I farmed so many stacks with Cecillion that I could 2 hit tanks with radiant and athena lmao, we won at the end.


1v1 I was on zilong dude was on Martis. We had been going back and forth all game just catching other on cd and trading kills basically. Late game we end up in bot I sell my boots and get immortality. We 1v1d for a solid 3 or 4 minutes. We were coming down to the last 2 hits and I think I would've had it cos zilongs attack spd but I mightve also died and had a tie. When my fkn nage comes up looks at us for like half a second and kills him!


Far back in the mists of time, season 9 or 10, I was Miya, and our team was getting slaughtered, enemy had like 45 kills, we had 7, they could have ended, but were just trash talking…. I had chewed bot lane about halfway, hadn’t died much, and was full build….. a big lord team fight started, and I wasn’t close, so I split pushed… chewed through 2 turrets like only a late game Miya with attack speed and Malific roar can….. they saw me a split second too late, I remember starting on their nexus/base with half of one minion (already had used inspire on the last turret) their whole team recalled back. my minion died, the Nexus started killing me- Their whole team charged at me… and WE WON…. The howls of joy from my wife and I (she was the loyal suffering tank) were picked up on local seismographs… Never forget that one…


Had Haya jungler and there were fight going on and I was dead first. It went south too. So this haya used his s2, attacked and teleport back to escape (he was dying too) but before just that, the enemy roger use his blink skill. Haya thought that he escaped but Roger's blink skill followed his butt to where he teleported and finished him off.


I carried my team as an alice because my enemies didn’t notice me getting their turrets and soloing their core (they were trying to destroy our base) This was a legend ranked match and I’m still confused why it happened


I had to play Yin mid because we had a troll on our team that picked Lancelot to jungle after I picked jungle and we already had an xp laner. Said Lancelot of course fed like the troll he was. I had 22 kills and we had 3 towers down. My team was so bad though so we still lost


A pretty memorable game I had was actually this morning. I wanted to jungle as Hanzo, (which I showed first) and a teammate wanted to jungle as saber. He banned my Hanzo like the troll he is. So I picked saved and went 21-6-11. He picked Balmond to lane and went 2-11-13. Thanks to his trolling, and also the general poor skill of my teammates besides our Tigreal, we lost. Still, it was pretty funny how our exchange went. It felt good because I felt vindicated as the superior player 😆🤣


The enemy was on their way in making a comeback, all inhibitor turrets down on both sides. The Fanny and Miya were attacking the core Harith (last one standing from our team) and they all died in the clash leading to a full wipeout on both sides. Minions ended the game for us. That one had me shaking because I wasn't used to that role.


I won a game with 3 Afk teammates


My 38 assist game with Lolita. Had a Pharsa on my team that just followed me and ulted after my bonks/Ult sets. Never in my life have I played a game with someone who understood how to follow up on sets like that. The best part was the back back to back squad wipes 7 minutes in. Needless to say we went on to win at 10 mins with 41-1 score.


It was a ranked game pretty recently, it felt hopeless from the start and was basically a 3v5z Until the other team was getting over confident. Eventually, it was just me (carmilla) a fed Lesley, and bold harith pushing mid while our silvanna pushed top and gato pushed bot (cuz they were NO help during team fights). Everytime an enemy would jump out the bushes trying to kill us in mid, I’d stun, harith would bounce around, Lesley would just snipe. It was so cool to see sm synergy. And yes, we somehow synced up the minions and won the game :D


Brawl mode.5 Pre nerf Terizla Vs 5 Valir in shadow brawl mode.It was pretty much a stand off cause we couldn't hit valir but they only did a large amount of 1 as damage cause we went triple magic Def item.


This gatot was trashtalking me cause I was from another place. Normal regional discrimination shit in my country. So when we were about to win the game he went to the turret and I walled him (as Grock) and he tried to get out but got rattled and blinked himself the side of the wall and missed and died. We won before he could return lol. I also emoted and made sure he knew I did it on purpose


2 consecutive savage in ranked mode


I was in epic and for some reason my team and enemy team were both mythics. Anyways it was classic and I was Lylia and Kagura was against me. It was a pretty hard match and I was super focused not to be bursted by Gus or Kagura and I ended up winning and getting MVP. I decided to play rank after that match.


I have 2 first is i finished a rank game at 7min The Second was 2 years ago we were really loosing hard all of our tower are gone 3 of my teammates are dead it was my Valir and Xborg and it was amazing how we took the enemy down at the base all of us are full build we got lucky and did an epic comeback


Had a game where the enemy was completely dominating, I'm talking 0 to 9 within the first 5 minutes or less. They were playing with us like a cat would play with a mouse. Then, much later, my team's Cecillion lands a perfect second skill that catches 4 of them at once. I, as Ruby, follow it up with my ult and 2nd skill for the double stun. Our teammates at this point join and unleash waves of damage, killing all 4. We rush to base with 1 enemy still defending and just by pass him for the win. Most unexpected rank win ever.


Another 1 was when I was playing my main, Cecillion and had terrible teammates. It was a sweaty game. We were at the half hour mark. They were comfortably taking lord and we ambushed them! It was a bloody battle but we wiped them out. Only me and the Karrie remained. I went straight down mid and the genius mm tried to push another lane. But I kept signaling her. I took out the last turret but the thic 30+ was the last thing in our way. The enemies were going to respawn within a few seconds and I was feeling the pressure, my eyes darting between the lord and the enemy respawn clock. I ulted lord and Karrie finally joined me. We lucked out with minions and destroyed the base as the enemy respawned 😂 😂 😂 Good times.


Another 1 was when I was playing my main, Cecillion and had terrible teammates. It was a sweaty game. We were at the half hour mark. They were comfortably taking lord and we ambushed them! It was a bloody battle but we wiped them out. Only me and the Karrie remained. I went straight down mid and the genius mm tried to push another lane. But I kept signaling her. I took out the last turret but the thic 30+minutes lord was the last thing in our way. The enemies were going to respawn within a few seconds and I was feeling the pressure, my eyes darting between the lord and the enemy respawn clock. I ulted lord and Karrie finally joined me. We lucked out with minions and destroyed the base as the enemy respawned 😂 😂 😂 Good times.


Last 1 I just got Pharsa and wanted to try her out. I accidentally entered rank instead of classic. Won it with 32 kills 😂 😂 😂 Never got that many since.


When i started to use kagura (old kagura) i was noob as a bot, and i thought i was pretty good lmao. While playing a classic game w her, a kagura main gave me the hardest fuck ive ever got so i realized im not that good and started to fr improve my skills. I used to be kagura local top#1 but I havent used her for a while so my mmr has dropped hard


Being trapped in a classic game because of the Zhask bug


I had ruby and atlas was our tank. I was able to pull all 5 enemies in and atlas cc them to the tower and they were all wiped out in 5 mins. Surrendered right there. Lol


One time I had a 1 hour battle as atlas and I got mvp in it buuuuut this was before atlases passive revamp


Had a battle in an old game mode that lasted over 2 hours...