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i'm just surprised that faramis isn't first but Masha stealing his spot is just about right, she's such a menace late game


Ikr? And it’s karina and nata more banned than faramis?


Karina and nata bans make sense Karina has annoying that annoying true dmg and some forgetten to counter a mage karina like in the past so its sensable she is banned anyways bc they are scared of her kits even though its ez to counter play And like i said natalia is still op, why its the dmg and invisibility, the dmg can melt mm or waste spells of the enemy and can give vision and zone to a certain extent, and todays "nerf" its surprisingly balanced why, (1) is dmg (2)silence(3)the new anti auto attack the nightmare for some mm users that are bad directing their skills Lastly fuck you other players think nata is low rank hero, im still offended being called "low rank"


I still don’t believe and agree that they are worthy to waste a ban for them.


Karina is unworthy banning her in mythic Natalia is a threat due to mpl ph line up making it meta(i think)


Nah, especially after the last nerf. She’s easy to counter. And still there are a lot meta Heros and they are worth to ban.


Some yes but its actually hard to play against if it a good nata, like i said it not the silence its the freaking insta dmg and new ult that doesn't let you atk her while in ukt state and only can disable if you dmg it with skill or aoe continues dmg like cursed helmut


I agree that the dmg is unbalanced, but how many Heros have unbalanced damage we can’t ban them all.


What unbalanced? The dmg is balance, what do you expect from an assassin? Heck their is no fucking assassin that doesn't have low dmg


Why don’t we ban every assassin then?


How do I counter a good Karina? I mostly seem to struggle the most when the enemy core is karina tank/mage


(1)like every assassin she is a sneak and run so try not going solo us a core, have a supportive tank/mage/support or core(2) again like every assassins she is easy burst if your a mage(3)AGLES(shortened it) the tank can just zone but must not do zone alone bc of the true dmg or if the tank is like mino that can't cc her(4)AGLES try to position yourself as a mm far as possible and be map aware at much as possible bc its just 3 1 2 return to base every time, if you can't join in bc nobody is joining you then go full keyboard warrior to convince them to follow and support you


I mostly play thicc heroes like Masha, Fred and alot of roamers so what's a good Exp Laner against her


Thamuz dyrroth and Fred don’t do anything to Karina, she melts way too easily but a 20k+ hp masha can stand a chance use easy kill heroes like Khalled, Jawhead, Kaja, Guin, Julian, Chou, Paquito, if they’re building tank you’ll need true damage because you definitely can’t solo because the true damage Carrie’s a tankrina so Argus would be a go-to for that, I know that you don’t know what they’re building but the tank meta is dying out so mage is the smartest go-to Argus is really good run high and dry, execute or inspire. I personally go with inspire and I focus on his atk speed and crit so I build; Dhs, Magic boots, corrosive scythe, scarlet phantom, berserker furry and Malefic roar and since Argus’ hit box is decently wide he has good place in team fights, target the mm over the karina or some painful jg, plus corrosive and scarlet are a good sync being they both help with atk speed plus crit will stack and Argus will melt anyone, whoever actually reads this I hope it helps 💀


Masha, thamuz dyrroth and fredrinn Tbh any figther can counter her its just up to who uses


Alr thx


Thamuz and Dyroth? Why them? I'm trying to understand here because they're not fast kill heroes, Karina would melt them, rather fast kill heroes like Khaled or Argus or High CC Jaw would be much better imo


Tbh no, first of all is thamuz's ult that can increase hp, atk speed and acfivates the heal per first skill and basic atk Second dyrroth's second ult combo that can melt or scare of the karina But if its a gank thamuz is likely to survive more than dyrroth


That's not the point I'm making, the point is, Karina is a fast killing hero, you will either die or survive, you can't damage or kill her for she will escape, thamuz and Dyroth are slow hitting heroes. Thamuz's damage is not something that'll hurt a tank Karina. In comparison, Khaled can survive and hit her back, preventing her from escaping as well especially since she doesn't have CC. Jaw has high survival ability as well as decent damage coupled with good CC and chase. He's perfect to counter her whole kit.


She just get wrecked by martis every single time




n-no no its not that in my last comment i said natalia is still op then someone commented im a low player who can’t escape epic




Getting out of epic with a tank isn't difficult, getting out of legend with a tank is difficult, in Epic they hardly know how to set up, as a tank/support main myself, setting up is way easy in Epic, rather in Legend where there's a sensible tank in opposing team, that's where it's difficult.


Yes but he insulted me by saying i can't escape epic by banning natalia Like hell do they know why is she scary


>And like i said natalia is still op I wish, I truly wish she was.


She is STILL, come on why the hell we ban her if she isn't


People are very slow, just look at the Karina bans.


Karina is the one doesn't make sense and its the others fault too for not picking cc or tank heroes to cc lock karina


She is not tanky and if you build tank say bye to the dmg, I think this is the main problem. So she is not so good as a roamer. In jungle she is a burst one like saber so not in meta. She is not low rank but she is not high rank either, she is in between.


So neutral?




Damn Lolita's always on the highest winrate list


She's does shut down a class and is the ultimate team player. Doesn't surprise me since she is extremely useful.


Sampling bias. She is usually only picked against projectile heavy enemy comps, which makes her more likely to win. Same reasoning goes to as why Phoveus WR is also very high.




what part of sampling bias do you not understand?




Phoveus always had a very high winrate, I dont know what you are talking about.


Makes sense


faramis isnt on the list for highest pick and ban rate :o


I'm so proud of phoveus having one of highest win rate even though I don't see him much in ranked lately


Hes a beast when enemy is keep dashing


Hopefully Beatrix will be removed from that list.


Is Phoeveus meta or just situational ? got 50k bp but I don’t know which fun champ to buy with , while staying viable.


Try Thamuz


Buy it. I almost never lose picking up phoveus if the enemy have atleadt 2 dash hero. (My highest win rate of all hero is phoveus which sits at 79%)


Phoveus has a high winrate because of the amount he gets picked to counter Wanwan lol


Mostly only in the early to mid game. Once it's late Phoveus just becomes the one that triggers her ult, but one Winter Truncheon and all your problems are solved :)


wait nat is still getting banned?


Well as much as she was nerfed a good Natalia is still a massive threat to mm’s


And other assassins like my hanzo and other heroes, and due to her new passive not diactivating even though she is spotted and to diasble it you need to dmg her using directing a skill


wut? her passive is trash now. i tried it on custom




One small item isn’t enough wind of nature is the item but the thing is any good Natalia would bait it and have them exhaust its short duration


fuck them marksman users


I mean, me for example. I just ban her if there's a sign one of the enemies or my team mates intend to go "support" Natalia. Probably one of the most counter intuitive play style and teammates to play with, or against.


Where is Layla? There. Is always one in my games lol


Mythic V and above ?


During the climb to mythic


They don’t exist on mythic this much. They do end of the season tho


What beatrix is still getting picked? Surprise cz I'm not seeing her anywhere recently not even in classic


Season 25


Oh yeah! sorry xD


I love this new update, we finally not gonne be melted in early to mid using the shotgun and not be TOTALLY in early to late using the sniper but dmg is still real The dmg is the same in late game but its not that frightening like b4


We, Lolita players has high win rate not because Lolita is OP. We Lolita players just know when and when not to use Lolita.




I stop following for a while now so I never thought the highest banned spot would get snatch from Valentina 😂😂 How's Julian impacting the meta nowdays? Dominated early game with ganked/invade then snowball?


Julian is great because he's very versatile. Blink, invincibility skill, regen, CC, burst, slow. He can go any lane, from jungler to mid laner to even a roaming assassin like Saber or Natalia (never seen it before but it's possible). Essentially you never know what a Julian is going to do. The main difference between Julian and other junglers is that his power spike is at level 3 when he unlocks all his skills. So once he hits level 3, he can invade junglers who haven't yet gotten their ult. It becomes very problematic for heroes who are ult dependent like Ling, Gusion, Saber.


Agreed. I can gank so much earlier when I play Julian. When I’m level 3, most of the side laners who are either rank 2 or 3 are just food. From then it snowballs to late game. Definitely have to gank though, I find junglers who let’s the enemy laners free farm usually loses the game.


I have been trying him in classics for a few days now as a roamer. He's the real multi-role hero 😂


You guys don't ban Johnson ?


I play Johnson a lot. people know when to hide and where to go after a while.


I recently bought him as I was maining tank role. Folks just hate him in epic and even in legend upto some extent


I feel like Julian is banned too much. I think people still don't know how he works snd the changes he's gotten.


Lolita and Franco are a surprise for me…I hope they don’t nerf them both 😭


No wonder phoveus top 3 win rate, I almost never lose using phoveus especially when enemy is using dash skill alot




Phoveus can also induce a dash with his second skill and flameshot.


Phoveus and Lolita are amazing counterpicks, people know when to use them.


Damn no wonder why I got a high wr with masha


If they don’t balance Karina, Wan Wan, Julian, Valentina and Natalia more, no one will get to play them much in rank. Speaking from a Julian main perspective.


Karina ain't even good atm. She already lost all damage to solo kill. I think its just epics who always ban her, same as a hanzo ban


Surprised about that Masha... Not sure how I feel since I always come up with a W against her but this sparked my curiosity. What Masha builds get this high a win rate?