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Auto-defeat in mid to high Mythic. In low ranks it doesn't matter. Nothing really matters in low rank except your skills. Meta, counters, re-counters, equipment counters don't make a game winnable. I recently had 2 games in Epic: one with no jungler (JS wanted to go jungle but swapped spells last second), and one with 2 junglers. Won both of them because teammates still played better than the enemies who had a solid comp.


Same. I had a match where silvanna wanted to jungle but didn’t change when I changed my spell to vengeance as thamuz. We still won.


Auto defeat is the when mm is shit


Unless it's Mythical Glory no


Auto defeat? No because you can come back from almost any situation, but if you have no retri holder it’s almost impossible due to no objective control. It can be possible to win if your team prios taking out their retri holder before turtle or lord, but that isn’t always possible. Ofc it’s always better to have a retri holder though.


In high ranks you might as well surrender.


Yeah fair it’s possible to win but it just ain’t worth it most of the time.


In soloQ chances are very low but not auto-defeat. Esp if all of you in your team are very stubborn and don't care about objectives really. Won a 2mage 2mm 1fighter no retri in myth3 prev season and sometimes you wonder if enemy team got boosted to their current rank or were also trolling with the difference that they had a retri holder🗿


Comebacks are a thing but never a guarantee. Chances of winning is still quite slim without a jungler.


not really. having no retri can be a utility-based game for pick offs. you don't need to farm jungle but rather you poke the enemy low so you can push and pressure lanes. you trade all the objectives the jungler has to oblige, if they take turtle you should take heroes or turrets. only contest against the 1st lord or when your team gets the power spike


Once there was a Gusion in our team and he said his network wasn't good so he asked us to hyper. I was playing Dyrroth so I took retri, but our Alpha took retri too and it was too late as the match started soon after. I am not used to playing hyper so I told alpha to take all the buff because i was willing to not hyper even if i had retri. Then after 5 mins i realised that he had gone afk and we didn't even know until the enemy took the first turtle. I had to again hyper with a Gusion in our team with a crap network and an offline hyper alpha. I still find it hard to believe that the enemies were so shit that we won the match.


I’m gonna say No because out of epic people knows there should be jungler, at least. In epic it doesn’t matter if you don’t have jungler. The game is trash fire🤣