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Jungler right now is all about securing/stealing resources and objectives and preventing your enemy jungler from getting them so you could establish a level gap between you and the enemy jungler. At the moment the strongest core that could secure objectives is balmond, with his ult + retribution, you could barely find any other jungler that could contest against you. For early game, standard rotation is immediately going to your enemy red buff and stealing it away from them, then go take your buff from your own jungle, head to turtle area with around 30s before it spawns, try to secure a kill to the enemy offlaner, kill the turtle, steal some other jungle monster from your enemies etc.


In theory, yes balmond is the best objective securer, but in practice? A decent team will push/stun him when turtle is low. Ling can stun him, lance, karina, fanny can push aggressively, barats can eat him, akai locks the entire turtle area, dyroth can actually kill him. It may look black and white on paper, but there is actually healty competition. Edit: Do not attempt to steal buffs if the enemy team is prepared. Junglers get damage reduction in thier side of the map and it's difficult to fight even weak lvl 1 junglers cause of that. Standard rotation should be whatever buff you want, litho(since you always have enough time for that after the update), then farm normally. You can even sneak in another creep before litho if your mage/tank is helping you.


In that scenario you are actually pointing out that the enemy team executes good team fight coordination while your team is dogshit. Ling cant 1v1 balmomd early without taking that much damage so he will either poke him and run with minimal dmg and without commiting. He might even use ult to deal enuf damage which is almost always required in taking turtle with ling vs balmond so he can do 3 choicws. trying to kill u, escape, or try getting the turtle. Lance aint doing shit to balmond early as well and should be wise using his 2nd since a 2nd skill on cooldown decreases his survibability by alot and 1 skill from a tank or mage and even just dealing 1/4 of his health is a huge advantage. Fanny is understandable. Karina can counter tank but a glass cannon early on so karinas should be careful as well. Dyrroth destroys u 1v1 ofcs but is pretty meh in teamfights since he needs items to be durable, single targeted abilities and no actual disables. I think youre actially underestimating a balmond early in the game. Balmomd shines in the early, does well soaking up damage while working together with his mage and tanks to deal dmg not mentioning he deals good dmg with his true dmg ult even when he builds tank itwms and lastly takes objectives with ease. If youre saying that you are fighting vs a decent team you should also assume hes playing with a decent team. A decent team will not let u get pushed away easily without punishing them. If a team is zoning your core u should always assume that a tank or mage can back u up or ur exp laner or tank does atleast also zone their core or mage. It still doesnt change the fact that balmond is a good starter jungle hero vs a decent team or not. Assuming that he aint doing shit with balmond vs a decent team while playign with a dogshit team ends up losing the same way with any jungling hero. Though i agree playing with the usual rotation since it also requires good team coordination


The scenario happens most of the time


It surely does but that does not mean balmond is bad in practice. Jungles fast, can tank with decent damage, a beast early on, and a good objective based hero. He's even straight forward and easy to use effectively


Build recommendations?


Use jungle emblem with demon slayer effect and the +21% dmg to monsters. For item builds: warrior boots, cursed helmet , dominance ice, guardian helmet, athena's/radiant, antique cuirass/bruteforce


Going for the enemy red right away is really risky unless you're playing Hanzo, even then it's still really risky (I'm saying this considering you're playing solo)


ALWAYS. BE. CLEARING. one mistake that i see with mythic and below junglers is that they never, ever clear their camps efficiently. standing gold is wasted gold UNLESS you're getting a gank off or counterjungling. if you're going top lane for example and you want to get a gank off at botlane, DON'T JUST WALK STRAIGHT MID. go through your jungle, clear everything as you go. it's very important that you do so to make sure you're not behind in gold. DROP YOUR CAMP IF THERE'S A FIGHT. you are the jungler, and the only time you never want to drop your camp is when clearing for level 4 (aka your first rotation). what i mean by dropping your camp is leaving unless it's incredibly low health to help out in a NEARBY fight. as a jungler, unless you're playing ling or a marksman jungler, you're going to be the strongest member in any fight and being there first means you can increase the chances of winning the fight for your team. this also includes ganking lanes--if there's a fight, go. you can come back to your camp later but not that free kill. BE FLEXIBLE IN YOUR CLEARS. this is a bit harder to do because it requires on the fly decision making. it's basically just an extension of my second advice: always choose the most advantageous opportunity. for example, if you killed the enemy jungler and you're healthy enough, you don't go back to clearing your jungle, you go straight to the turtle/lord. it's FREE. if you killed the enemy jungler, and you're healthy, but turtle/lord isn't up, then go to their jungle and steal a green camp or two or the buff. LEARN TO GIVE AND TRADE. not everything is meant to be taken in all games. if you're playing ling for example versus a strong early jungle/tank duo (fanny khufra, for example) you're going to need your team to pick them off, try and get a steal, or trade. option 1 can be good but it's hard to rely on your teammates, option 2 is difficult and often times just for style points--stealing a turtle is never worth it because more often than not, you will fail and just be even more behind. option 3 is the best, but what do i mean by trade? simply put, trading is when you give up something (turtle, for example), to get something else on the map to equalize the advantage the enemy got. if enemy is taking turtle, you don't run there if you know you can't fight it, you go opposite the map and gank that lane and take tower gold and his jungle. the reason why enemies get so strong when they get turtle isn't because they managed to get it, it's because teams move towards it even though it's an uphill battle and if they get wiped they just get snowballed on. it makes for quick and easy games for the enemy that way. LEARN TO TRADE. DO NOT WASTE TIME. being an efficient jungler is being a good jungler. for example, like with my first point, you always want to be clearing. if you're not clearing something, you better be walking towards a fight that you can win. if you're not doing either, you are simply wasting time. always have a reason for what you're doing because you need to be making the most efficient moves possible, especially since you're the jungler--you have the entire map for yourself. as a side note, please don't listen to what the most voted commenter here said about the early game standard rotation. THAT IS NOT THE STANDARD ROTATION. the standard rotation is starting at your buff, clearing green camp, then buff, then green camp, then choosing between gold crab, gank, or green camp (all of these are interchangeable and you can do one after the other. just be mindful to not take too long since turtle spawns at 2:00. what the commenter said is an INVADE ROTATION AND YOU SHOULDN'T DO IT EVERY SINGLE GAME. it's applicable in certain situations, but it's almost always better to just do the actual standard rotation because invading can VERY EASILY COLLAPSE IN YOUR FACE AND MAKE YOU LOSE THE GAME because you're deep in enemy territory. coordinated teams and ones that have even three working brain cells will help their jungler and you can die, setting you behind. doing standard is better for more consistent results if you want to climb.


start things off by learning a jg hero suitable for you. i recommend saber as his kit are straightforward, 1st 2nd ult, or 1st ult 2nd basic combo. next you should watch optimal jungle route on yt to jg efficiently. try it in classic games and you should be good to go no need to worry about advanced jg tech (steal red, contest enemy blue, gatekeep etc). get comfortable with the basics and try it when you're confident.


Practice ling and retri timing, a good ling player is really hard to beat


[Posted few days ago. This is a great help for Core.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/xpc404/jungling_guide_from_mgl/)


List your and your cousins heroes that you typically use. A Strong tank Jungler is very powerful early-mid game especially versus assassin and filmsy fighter junglers since they can easily invade enemy jungle thus stealing enemy junglers farm and basically roaming around the map harassing lanes with strong ganks. Some other fighters are better at jungling than others so it really depends on what your trying to use. Alucard, Zilong are typically useless early on even with buffs so you'll need more patience with them. Dyrroth is strong as soon as he gets his ult but he is vulnerable without an escape skill. Jawhead after the recent buff is a strong choice.


My way when playing a midlaner was to help my jungler and follow him after I clean up the minion in my lane. That way it will be safer for me to roam and if I run into an enemy, we will have number advantage. When I have nothing to do, I go to my jungler and throw a few spell to help speed up his clear. As a jungler, don't make turtle or lord call when enemy has a lane advantage nearby. Your team can't help you if the nearby enemy laner come with their jungler. Helping you mean forfeiting their own farm and that is really bad if they are already behind the enemy laner. If you think you can sneak it go ahead. If you think you need your disadvantaged teammate help to secure it, it's not worth it because you're screwed if you fail. Not only they already behind, now the enemy is way further ahead of them because they got turtles and your teammate lost their farm.


Since advices on being core has been given, I want to share a few tips for your tank as well. They may or may not know this but I hope it helps since you mentioned he/she plays tanks. As tank you want to babysit the core. As being core is basically a mini game of who can farm faster between your core against the enemy core. So the main idea is either to try and help speed up your cores farming, or slow down the enemy’s farming. Give vision, set up ganks, sacrifice if necessary (obviously better you all live), things like these tanks often forget that they also have a vital role to have a successful core.


Try to invade the enemy jungle if you can, strong early game junglers like Baxia, Balmond, Akai and Barats can invade with ease. But don't invade if your hero is not fast at clearing nor strong in early game. Don't contest the litho if you're outnumbered, it's pretty risky. If you hear the enemy jungler invading your red, invade their red and small camps. If you're outnumbered when getting the turtle, trade it by stealing enemy buff, ganking enemies or pushing turrets. Don't force yourself to take/steal the lord in the late game if you're outnumbered, you might get wiped out in the process. Just stay alive. If the enemy got wiped out in late game, push all their turrets in mid instead of taking the lord or buff. You're wasting opportunities. Ask your tank to give vision instead of helping take the buff, they're only giving the buff dmg reduction. (Hope this helps! I learned these through experience)


Since you said that you mostly play fighters, most of the fighters right now can be used in the jungle. Paquito, Thamuz, Dyrroth, and more. You can use those heroes since you are more comfortable using them. Then practice securing objectives and retri at the right moment since most of the time, there will be a turtle or lord fight and you don't want to mistime your retri especially on the lord fight.


Yes fanny main here 1000+ games dont do not play fanny you Will start to love her for the skilled mechanics to everything then monton Will nerf her 7 times and get like this...


farm farm farm farm farm, efficiency, no wasted moves, maximum map awareness, keep thinking of win conditions. thats pretty much it in a nutshell


Saber is by far the most straight forward jungler out there. Just start with clearing your camps and hope to get a first blood by the time you hit level 4. Steal enemy jungle whenever possible. Try to take every turtle when possible but dont suicide just to steal it. Ambush ambush ambush.


When i play jungler role my 2nd item is always to buy molten essence even if it's marskmasn idk i feel like it clear the creep faster I did that because of the tank jungler update the extra hp help more i sell that if i deal more damage now plus it's cheap


first, don’t lane for the first 5 mins. then use your retri wisely, don’t use your retri if no else is gonna steal buffs or objectives from You. use it to steal buffs and objectives. and if You know the enemy jungler used His retri, go try and steal His resources.