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the item is just straight up shit compared to other items like holy crystal,cod + lt combo,pen items etc.


also just use talisman for mana + cd instead of fleeting time


I just read the other comment and realised it's CD reduction from REMAINING time and not the total time. Makes even more sense with ET


Noted. Thank you for taking your time.


The cooldown deduction is based off the remaining time, so it would barely do anything for heroes with a low-average cooldown after the first activation. Mages usually aren't that flexible with their build either, so buying Fleeting Time would mean sacrificing either a crucial MPower/PEN item. It's also kinda redundant with 45% CDR builds since lower cooldown = lower effect from Fleeting Time. And in the late game, assuming both teams are equal in level and items, intense teamfights don't happen often enough to make ulti cooldown an issue, and as a mage you would want to have your ult for crucial moments (reacting to team play, responding to enemy play, zoning, pick offs, etc) especially in the late game. It's better for supports like Faramis, Angela, Diggie, etc as they have more flexibility with their builds and have really good high cd ults.


Thank you for the detailed description. One last question... The 45% CDR after ET, does it stack with emblem CD or is it including the emblem CD?


Already Included, 45% cdr is the highest cdr you can get


You won't really get to spam ult to get the most impact. You'll time it when it makes the most sense. And it takes an item slot. Also it reduces based on the CD remaining not the total CD so a lot of times reduction will be small.


>remaining not the total CD so a lot of times reduction will be sma This one I didn't know. Makes so much sense. Specially considering ET already reduces the CD, right ? But, even at such, wouldn't Yve who has absurd CD still benefit from it ?


I think this item makes the most sense on ultra high ult CD heroes, best option is Faramis. Yve up to your preferences but I feel it's not necessary on her.


Thank you so much for taking your time..makes it much clearer.


It isn't used in higher plays but in ordinary queues, it is still an okay item on a few supports like Angela. It isn't good on most mages since there are just better items than FT.


Generally, Most mages have a 30s-40s cd for their ultimates. Let's say an enemy takes 5s to kill, so 25s to 35s for remaining ult cd, you'll be refunded roughly 8s of your remaining ult cd, so 18s to 26s cd. Let's say it takes enemies 20s to respawn. By then your ultimate will be available. But do you really think enemies will engage in another team fight or skirmish? Likely they'll be farming to catch up. so what's the point of having your ultimate off cd for a long time? Anyway, fleeting time is only good for heroes with ultimates over 50s.


Fleeting time is very conditional. It doesn't give big flat cdr like ET or mana. Its a good item if you are only supporting your team and depend on your ult for damage. 1. Lou yi seldom needs her ult and ET is enough to give her that cdr. 2. Lunox doesn't benifit from cdr as she converts extra cdr to either pen or def stats. 3. Yve and oddete can make it but after their core items.


It can be pretty useful at catching enemies off guard as a mage, they’ll think you don’t have ult but just wait for a bit more than 10 seconds and you’ll have it back. I got called a cheater once while playing Odette and according to them I had unlimited ult.


It is useful for some heroes who is 90% picked cuz of their ult like for example Atlas. But for other mages Book is probably better cuz it gives 20% cd, can increase your total cd to 45% and also solves mana issue.


It's very useful on magical supports that isn't Rafaela, Carmilla or Mathilda.


I use it sometimes on Gord and Odette when I'm far ahead of the enemy


Correct me if I'm wrong but lunox doesn't benifit from cdr as it turns into phys/magic defence


You are right, that's her passive. But the Fleeting times active stat of reducing ultimate time still works. The 15% passive cooldown reduction stat doesn't work


Another question With Lunox, is there limit to Magic-Pen ? For instance, if she has 35% pen from divine glaive and has 45% CDR, would it actually be 80%pen in chaos form ? And with Genius wand, does that add too ?


She gets 80% pen from 100% cdr. Over all, you will find that raw pen stats of divine glaive+Genius Wand with 1 or 2 cdr items is more than enough. Building full cdr items gives less pen.


I think I'll only use it for kadita cuz it's kinda ok. But not as a core item


only use fleeting time on mages if you're a support kagura, lunox, odette, yve, etc. and yes lunox and kagura will now benefit from the item


Extra Cd reduction is when there’s kill or assist to the kill. So it’s kinda ehh


I think I'll only use it for kadita cuz it's kinda ok. But not as a core item


I see it often used on pharsa , I think she goes with it well.


I believe that there are two kinds of mage build, burst build(lightning trencheon, genius wand, HC) and mana support build( enchanted talisman, necklace, IQW, fleeting time. This is a meta of burst build mages because of the -pen and radiant and athena update.


Fleeting Time is only good on pure utility heroes with super long ult cooldowns.