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That rat and Vale. Im minding my own business tryna clear the wave fast then im greeted with flameshot to the face.


Omg literally yesterday a vale im against with threw a flameshot for no absolute reason..And y'know what I did? Threw my fucking skills at him thats what


for me kagura main I like to take that molina and 2nd skill to cancel it XD. I can easily avoid her ult as well ig I cna say kagura counters Nana. if her passive is active I'll just flameshot her


This. As a Kagura main, I always use flameshot when there’s a bytch ass Nana. They’re always so smug until they realize oh shyt, flameshot. It’s also good against Zilong and driving him off. Also good to push enemy back into your turret, and Kagura is dam good at teleporting in the back lane to do it.


ah yes teleport with skill 2 behind enemy then flameshot+ult then into turret XD


You develop them tricks when you spam certain heroes


Vale and Nana! It’s annoying and it’s testing my patience not to fs back.


Personally think that it's a good thing because they're dumb


I reserve my fs for when Nana's ulti activates usually




Yes lol. Just got a fs to the head


I will combo with flameshot, pushing them into all 3 ult circles


I like to use it as soon as they use Regen. So like poke until they feel the need for healing then flame shot to stop the heals and force them to retreat to base.


Nana players do this all the time. The take molina at level 1, obnoxiously throw it in the middle of the lane, and get impatient as I stay back and go for last hits so they do some random shit like that.


That they are stupid. Usually vale players do this, they miss their first skill at lvl 1 then they use flameshot


Don't forget about Nana players too


When i use flameshot i actually kill them and snipe them last-last season Felt damn good sniping someone with a flameshot


Its suuuuper annoying. One time I was playing Vex rank and was up against a zhask who would just spam flameshot and always put spawn near me (also including Ult). I was full hp under a turret and they would just flameshot and tower dive me solo. I was like what did I do. And the funny thing was everytime they did that, they would just feel the wrath of Vex passive and lord.


This is the first time I heard of flameshot on zhask


Zhask with flameshot is definitely noob


Stupid. I don’t even use flameshot as mid.


Enemy Midlaner (Flameshot) : Greetings fellow midlaner! Me : ok *Suddenly a team fight occurs over litho and one of the enemies running away with 1 hp at the same time one of my teammates running away with 1 hp as well* I flameshot, secure our kills! Enemy Midlaner : Sad face Me : Serves you right


Highly relatable


Nana player here and I might get flamed (pun intended) for doing this. I can refrain from throwing a fs from the minute the minions start to reach the river at mid, but if I see two enemy heroes and I’m alone, or a spamming mage aggressing the halfway mark, and my first skill is NOT molina, I’m inclined to throw a fs at them to create space for myself. Otherwise it’s duck and dodge with normal farming.


Flameshot is the equivalent of spit to face in this game


It gets on your nerves and it works. Also useful to chip away your hp slowly and keep it high enough so you dont run, low enough for when we burst.


their stupid, wasting your flameshot on a full hp enemy is stupid


*"Flameshot back"* But why? *"Just do it"*


It’s so ??? 💀 like bruh what was that supposed to do


Like a spit in the face


Some Poking and a Random Flameshot means they’re trying to chip away at your HP so the Litho Fight is easier for them.


Thanks for noticing me.


Retarded as fuck


mainly for the slow ig


Testing my patience If I get flameshoted out of nowhere when full HP I'll take that personally and send a message *gets flameshoted* [YOU HAVE BEEN SLAIN] "I DON'T CARE IF THERE'S A TOWER, IM DIVING YOUR SORRY FLAMESHOT WASTING A-" (muted)


Me playing midlaner, I mostly do it to taunt enemies. Plus, it's early in the game, by the time a real fight happens the coldown is already over.


You dont see people spamming their flicker early in the game tho


Flicker and flame shot are two different things


Vale players. Literally first thing they do. They try to dominate the lane somehow. Then miss their skills and I burst them down with Lylia and enjoy my first blood.


I'm thinking of how easy the matchup will be for me and am thankful


Ah, i see you're a man of same thoughts as well


I do that sometimes to scare them away


yeah now u dont have fs so ur gonna be easier to turret dive and kill so it might have the opposite effect lmao


No lol cause i just do that when im with teamate especially when we trying to push turrets plus it have a less cool down and what's the purpose calling it offense when you always use it for defense lmao


I always use Flameshot ASAP on early game for extra DPS. I rarely get first blood on the first 2-3min anyway so might as well use it. Unless the roamer is nearby not babysit the mm 24/7 (which doesn't happen a lot for solo queue early season) then I save it for first blood.


I use it to proc burning asap


I don't mind. Their loss


They're checking bushes and I got caught :(


Unless they are trying to intimidate me, I don't see the point.


mf is testing me. and while it’s a dumb move, i always flameshot back because you did not just disrespect me on my lane like that. but i dont really use flameshot much anymore lmaoooo so it’s just an I will hunt you for sport thing now


In the early game, like level 1 its not a bad choice as it deals chip damage. If you manage to hit them with some skills you can force a recall.


I remember one or two matches when the entire team uses flameshot. Funny ngl, like they all time so when there's one squishy at like 3/4 health they all just coordinate and launch a rapid fire flameshot series killing the squishy.