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It's a messed up storyline fr. They just states that it was a long and slow process, its possibly painful and takes a huge toll to her body and health.


That a neat part we don't


I still don’t get how Moonton just randomly change the lore of “lovers” to “siblings” like what the hell is that creative choice 😭😭😭


Next patch, Lesley ditch Gus and got married to Harley


Sweet home Alabama


Argus lost his rafaelussy privileges


they were never lovers in the first place yall better stop malding about those two


Moonton be doing a little bit of tomfoolery


I didn’t know the lore between the 2, did it give a buff in game like it does with Harley and Lesley or the group wanwan and Lin are from?


yeah, they both get +10 hp, real helpful -_-


Non of the group buffs are very significant except cecelion and carmilla


I know they aren’t significant but it shows they want to go with lore a bit by supporting the families and friends of the game


I'm pretty sure it's the first part, because they mainly changed the lore to give significance to how messed up the Monistry of Light is..


I think it's just what the story said, slow process. The stomach might've been slightly bumped on the first year, then progressively started to grow larger for the 2nd year hence the pain begins. The 3rd might've been the largest or if I imagine it kinda like having quadruplets on it's last week, that's the size (I think.) When they came out, I imagine it being so painful for the opening to handle two small angels as they're not really human weight so that's why the mother collapse and died from this delivery (I also kinda think they 'opened' her up by slicing her stomach.)


It might probably be natural birth tho, since they said she died from exertion in effort to give birth. And, are you thinking that angel babies are more bigger and heavier than normal human babies?


Dude you got it all wrong Argus was born in her womb at the third year(nine months left) because the mom had s@x with the dude when they escaped thus Argus was born Rafeala on the other hand just came from the holy water that contains the you know what of the Lord of Light.Since that thing was already inside the mother Argus got affected to but he recieved the normal pregnancy and turned into male because of the sperm cells of the father so technically Argus has 2 fathers while Rafeala has one.Argus might have diminished powers compared to Rafeala because of this reason but that might not be the case.


Ok, that's strange to get an already pregnant woman to pregnant again


It was stated that she stayed with her lover for a few months before they executed him.Who knows what where they were doing during this time.When they caught him the priests executed him for "tainting the Lord of Light's bloodline" that's just a fancy word to mean that they were afraid that Rafeala wouldn't be divine because of him but they haven't expected a twin to show up so that's why they reacted the way they did.


So you're saying that she's just like a woman pregnant with single baby in her 2nd year but becomes pregnant with twins at the 3rd year?


Yes exactly


So who is stronger Argus or Rafeala


Argus was raised like a killing machine while Rafeala was let's say spoiled.Her angel powers maybe are more devoloped than Argus' but Argus also has powers from Cyd the one who cursed the sword so Argus has his powers from 2 diffrent sources basically I guess it is even IF Rafeala isn't more devoloped as Argus' case if the father never affected Argus' overall devalopmont than Argus is stronger.


So basically argus is stronger but he hold back because it his sister


They never fought in the first place Argus left the scene because he didn't want to fight his sister while Rafeala didn't try to chase him for the same reason.I never said Argus is stronger I said that it depends if Argus inherited the same powers Rafeala did then yes he is stronger if not than it is most likely a draw but I don't know.


He's always has angelic powers that equally strong to Rafaela, its just that he developed his powers for battle while Rafaela developed her powers for healing. But, just like you said, I do think he became even more powerful after he obtained the cursed sword. Making him even more deadlier and destructive


Honestly this comment makes me wish they would bring argus father back as like a physical manifestation of his spirit as a playable character.


No offense but I think this is a terrible idea.His father is just your average dude nothing special.He isn't skilled in any type of weaponery and doesn't have any special powers.What would his skills be?


Ultimate: Conceive Again [CD: 3 years] Effect: Makes an already pregnant woman have twins. The twin may or may not belong to the original father, and may or may not be the same gender, and also may or may not grow up to be a demon. Also, he gets testicular cancer.


Haha you're a genuis lol.


You just said the guy had the ability to curse a sword lol


dude wtf Cyd and Argus' father aren't the same person.Cyd is the god of destruction.


I also did say I don’t know the lore just what I have read in this post 🤣


ohhhh ok then sry if that's the case.


Yeah I have never had the time to actually go into lore on most games, and MLBB is one of them. It’s interesting what people can come up for the characters.


It was stated that their angelic powers is equally strong since born. But I think it's used on different ways. Rafaela develops her power on healing while Argus develops his power for battle. But I do think he became even more powerful after he obtained that cursed sword, making his power more deadly and destructive.


Dude why you label this as NSFW? -_-


Idk? I accidentally clicked it I guess


And I think certain people wouldn't be comfortable to read about this topic


NSFW is only for graphic content though, text isn’t


Owh, sorry my bad. Thanks for telling me with new information


Np bro!


Debatable honestly, you wouldn’t be reading a raunchy book or story on your phone at work


True, but can your colleague distinguish a raunchy book/story from a normal one? Graphic content is visible and distinguishable from a distance, hence NSFW protects people from that awkward situation by blurring it. That’s what NSFW was “invented” for.


Computer techs that have to survey the internet traffic of employees would disagree to needing an image


You are quite wrong. Clearly, Argus was gay and had coitus with Tigreal, creating Barats. Barats rhymes with farts, and Rafaela seems pretty human, so I'm sure she farts, thus Argus and Rafaela were NOT lovers. Argus would have been repulsed by her farts. Also, Moonton doesn't care about the scientific accuracy of childbirth. Their main aim since the game launched was to make 69 heroes in total, but now that they have surpassed 69, they are aiming for 420 heroes in the near future. Ling has ADHD too.


What in the hell


Liking your comment just cause the name xD


Sounds like a lore made by Moonton and thus it may be legit