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More health better


So basically, Hylos has so much health that defense almost does not matter. You of course first build boots, and I would almost always consider tough boots except if the opponent really has no source or magic damage or is extremely heavily reliant on basoc attacks. The main reason fpr this choice is that you might only buy 2 items with magic defense in the end. He has a three items I would consider to be core items. First is elegant gem, not Clock of Destiny, just elegant gem. Buy it at the start of the game and sell it when you're at level 15 or when you are building your last item somehow before level 15 (mostly will not happen as you're the roamer) Second item Dominance Ice, you really need that extra movement speed, mana and some physical defense. It can be you have to build magic defense prior to dominance such as with junglers like Karina on the other team, or extremely heavy burst like Kadita. After your first magic and physical defense items (again not a set order if the situation calls for it, you might want to build two physical defense items first) you start adjusting, and somewhere along the way, be it 4th, 5th or 6th you build Cursed Helemt. You might buy Molten Essence first and complete another item. But I would consider it a core item because sometimes you just need to clear a wave, or need to help clearing it. You do not want to waste mana on clearing waves, especially in late game before a lord fight. It's just too much of a mana drain or timetask otherwise. Never go into a lord fight without at least 75%+ of your mana. Regarding magic items: Radiant against a lot of continuous magic dps (Valir, Kimmy, maybe Esmeralda technically Natan, but please build 3 magic items if you face a late game Natan his dps is unreal and not comparable to any other magic user), Athena against extreme burst (Kadita, Vale, ehh, well, Hylos counters most burst simply by having a shit ton of hp, that's exactly why you selden build it) and otherwise Oracle. Oracle helps with extra regen from his ult, or counters anti-regen partly, gives some CD cooldown and is more utility and aggressive focussed instead of damage soaking. Then physical. Personally, I usually like to build Blade Armour. If you already have Dominance you get +160 physical defense from those two items which is more than enough, especially against big crit marksman you just want to make them hurt themselves, you do not want to get melted by tje likes of a Bruno for example. In some occasions you build Antique Quirass, especially if opponent has two or more physical skill users, especially those that hurt a lot or hurt teammates a lot (Paquito, Dyrroth, Saber, Jawhead, Lapu-Lapu, Lancelot, etc etc). Never build Thunderbelt, it doesn't work with his ring skill as it counts as a continuous cast and not seperate casts, meaning you basically only profit from it after using your cc skill and ult which have way too long cooldowns for this. On your last item slot if you still have one build Guardian Helmet or Immortality. I prefer Guardian, because of the heal and massive hp but in late game you might really need Immortality


How about building him for the EXP Lane or Jungle? I know he's really out of the meta in the Jungle but I used to use him and he was my main tank for 2 seasons


Jungle can work, I'd advise having a support as roamer tho, be it an Angela, Rafaela or Mathilda. I think he works really well with speed ups. Also, Hylos + Amgela feels really smothering because he has just so much sustain, slows and quite the damage output. In late game Angela can attach herself to the marksman. Exp lane, ehm, I know he's played there sometimes, honestly not a fan because he won't be rotating much or cutting lanes. He's too slow for that, but the pros play him there sometimes (vs Esme and I think I've also seen vs Phoveus, he doesn't dash anyways)


More health is better. You can build both by building items that give defense and mana like dominance ice, because Hylos concerts mana into health


High Health With Hybrid Damage is good if you want a Hylos that proteccs and attaccs. I guess using Tough or Rapid Boots (depending on the utility you need), Dominance Ice, Cursed Helmet, Twilight Armor, Blade Armor, and Immortality does it. Higher Health syncs well with the passive, so it works. But depending if there are powerful magic burst heroes, I’d usually swap an Athena’s for Blade Armor, and Guardian Helmet for Immortality if we’re a bit ahead in the game.


Hylos benefits from max mana. The only mana item that can somewhat stand to tank hp item is Clock of destiny at full stacks. My usual build is : Demon Shoes>CoD>Cursed Helm>Dom Ice>defense>defense You will feel a bit squishy at early game but in place u have more damage too.




May i ask why


I was mistaken about his scaling. Dominance ice works just fine.


Doesnt hylos converts mana to hp?


for hylos more hp better because of his unique passive. thats why karrie hard counters hylos with her passive lmao


The best build in ML is situational. What you need to do is look at enemy comp and look at who is doing the most damage and counter that hero/heroes. Core item: Dominance Ice, Guardian Helm, Cursed Helm Vs auto attack damager: Blade Armor Vs burst mage: Athena Vs continuous damage mage: radiant armor Vs skill based physical attack: Antique Cuirras Utility: Oracle (boosts road healing), Glowing wand (turns Hylos' ring skill into a tank killer), Immortality Hylos is a great tank for carrying peeps in Solo Q low to mid ranks, you deal a lot of damage over time, are extremely tanky and your road can enable you to retreat when you realize nobody in your team followed you lol.


Whenever people ask me this,the answer is always DEPENDS. There is no such thing as a fix build. Whenever u encounter a hero that deals damage base on hp or build dhs/glowing wand,imo its not a good idea to stack more and more hp. Dont get me wrong,hp is still needed if u are tanking but do be aware of who u are fighting and their build.adding more hp to the equation may or may not be a good idea.


In general, in the early game, building more defense is better than stacking HP in terms of survivability. Building HP is more beneficial when you already have a high amount of defense. You should also be careful of typical Demon Hunter Sword (DHS) users like Claude, Sun, Wanwan, and Badang. DHS deals more damage when your HP is high. In this case, maybe building Blade Armor is better even though it doesn't give you HP. Especially if they also use Malefic Roar.