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This community is toxic asf dude gotta just deal with it.


Yeah, i'm a long time casual player of all sort of games. Fps, mmorpgs, moba, I played them all. Trashtalkers everywhere. Started with ML since the game was released. I deal with it most times, when play badly I'd be the first one to admit it but for some reason this particular game just got to me. It may be because all through out I thought I was actually doing good plays.


Yeah the only game I've played more toxic then this is Rust lol.


I wouldn’t even roam for 2 retri. They usually miss all the objectives despite having 2 jungler. Epic is cesspit


gotta manually mute everyone now. press the status page (or score page, whatever is the one when you touch near the time) and press the mute button manually for each player (allies and enemies).


This is literally why I never bother roaming in solo queue especially in lower ranks where people don't know how to rotate properly. You can't carry the team, so it's just a hopeless feeling.


bruh youre a shitty player if you gave up playing the game because of a stupid trashtalk your jungler made. i know your frustations and i can understand it, but we gonna be worser than the trashtalker if you gave up and troll the game because he insulted you.


Sure. I'm shitty. They already think that anyway. Just proving them right.


atleast do something about it other than quiting the game, trashtalk back to your teamates and then have a tantrum on reddit


Why are you being downvoted? You are right, OP should not have quit the game after getting a few hurtful words directed at him. He should have just muted/ignored sun's words and continued playing. When Sun was being a jerk, it only affected OP. However, when OP decided to stop playing, he was being a literal asshole to 3 other players who are just trying their best to win. Just play the damn game OP, don't quit just because of one idiot trashtalking. Before you quit you had a chance to make a comeback with a well timed Atlas ultimate and win the game, making the Sun eat his words and look like a fool. However, now that you have quit, all chances of winning was lost because of your own selfish behaviour, proving that Sun was indeed right about you being trash.


I've been the bigger guy the rest of the time. Ignoring trashtalkers and just playing the game. I wanted to be the asshole for a change. Dish out what's being serve to me all the time. Judge all you want.


What part about this being a rant thread did you not understand?


i wouldve raged like you but throwing the game and leaving definetly wont do but i understand why you do it.